Camp Camp X Counselor! Reader

By ItsyBittySpider01

360K 9K 16.6K

When (Y/n) gets hired as a camp counselor she wasn't expecting much. She just wanted a summer job to get away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Best Script Reading, Ft. (Y/n)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hey Guys
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
115 Follower Special
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
this will only be up until the next update!
Chapter 35

Chapter 23

7K 190 128
By ItsyBittySpider01

5:47 am.

It was an ungodly hour to still be awake. (Y/n) couldn't wrap her head around the fact some people wake up this early to work out. She was currently sitting down next to the lake, wearing her usual (fandom) PJs. Not giving a damn who saw her wearing them.

Her focus was on Spooky Island. (Y/n) was thinking back on the decision she and her coworkers had decided on. (Y/n) would admit, she wasn't 100% on board with the idea, but it was 2 against 1. She can't really fight those odds.

(Y/n)'s head dropped down, keeping her attention on her feet. She noticed her usual white sneakers, the ones she always wore since the beginning of summer, were now a faded white. With scratches and marks also with dirt everywhere. She made a mental note to actually buy shoes fitted for the camping environment. Not that her new white shoes weren't still new, it's just now you can see how faded they were.

She smiled. She got those shoes before she started to work on Camp Campbell. (Y/n) could still remember her life before then. (Y/n) looked up at the sky, enjoying the cool morning breeze.

It was hard to believe that summer was half way done. It was hard to believe what had happened during that time.

"You're still awake?"

(Y/n) recognized the voice, so she didn't bother turning over.

"Yes, I am Quartermaster,"

It was funny, she didn't believe she had a full conversation with the guy.

"You shouldn't be cause your under eyes are so bad enough,"

"Mine?" (Y/n) asked him in a offended tone. She was pretty sure he was missing an eye.

"Yup, it's bad," he only shrugged "not even your concelear can cover the lines,"

"Are you just here to insult me?" (Y/n) turned around defensively

Quartermaster only shrugged, "based on your reactions, I'm guessing your not having a good day. Normally your not this bitchy,"

(Y/n)'s face dropped from her anger to a defeated one. "yeah your right, I haven't been doing so great,"

Quartermaster hummed as he let her continued,

"I just wouldn't have guessed you out of all people would notice,"

"I'm not as out of touch from this camp as you think I am," he scratched his beard, only to leave a red stain behind.

(Y/n) prayed it was only ketchup.

"I knew both you and David since you two were annoying ass campers, so if anyone in this camp would notice it would be me,"

"Right," (Y/n) turned back around, not bothering to find words to talk to him.

"You're worried about your family not approving where you're at in life," Quartermaster huffed, "So you've been avoiding talking to both knowing how they react,"

(Y/n)'s (color) eyes widen as she turned around, ready to argue with him. But when she turned, there was nothing. She blinked a couple of times, trying to find Quartermaster, but he was no where to be seen.

She heard the beeping coming from her phone. (Y/n) looked down to see her phone beeping the time.


Now (Y/n)'s missed her sleep again. She turned off the alarm before opening the camera app and taking a good look at herself. Maybe she should get a better concelear.


"So the paperwork is in order," David packed up the rest of the papers before asking Gwen, "Should I also wear something nice?"

"One of us has gotta be wearing the official uniform," Gwen explained. She was in there bathroom fixing her hair up in a bun. "(Y/n) and I decided to wear the formal outfits, so you gotta wear your uniform,"

"Yeah but this is important," David looked down at his outfit. He still hasn't put on his accessories, just his shirt and shorts, "I don't want to leave a bad impression,"

"This isn't about the meeting then," Gwen sprayed down her edges, "this is about (Y/n)'s parents impression on you,"

David flushed from embarrassment, "N-no!"

"Then you shouldn't worry too much on it," She yelled out

He only sighed before grabbing his brown vest. David slipped it on and then tied the old yellow shirt on. Gwen walked out of the bathroom before looking around the cabin confused.

"Where's (Y/n)? She's supposed to be here and get ready with us!"

"I'm...not sure," David hadn't seen her all morning, he was slightly worried she ran off.

Luckily his worries didn't last long. (Y/n) opened the cabin door, although she was still wearing her pyjamas. She seemed tired, based on how bad her underbags were.

"There you are!" Gwen shouted in relief, "You still got plenty of time to get ready,"

(Y/n) closed her eyes, took a deep breath before opening her eyes. "Alright,"

She rushed over to the bathroom, closing the door. (Y/n) looked at her blue suit outfit she picked out. It was the same blue as her hoodie.

(Y/n) put on the shirt, skirt, leggings and formal shoes. The outfit was very similar to Gwen's, expect that Gwen's was purple. (Y/n) left the blazer hanging up, as she turned at the mirror.

The bathroom door open to reveal David. (Y/n) looked at him confused as he just opened the door with no worries.

"Damn Dave, don't you knock?" (Y/n) smiled playfully, "What if I was still changing,"

The expression David made was hilarious to (Y/n). She laughed as Gwen shouted in horror.

"God if you two are going to fuck I'll just leave!"

Both heard Gwen stomp out, slamming the door behind her. (Y/n) laughed and turned over to David,

"I'm kidding,"

"S-sure," David stuttered, not giving her eye contact.

"So why are you here?" (Y/n) began to wash her face

"G-gotta brush my hair," David looked to the side

(Y/n) patted dry her face with a towel and smiled up at him. David continued to avoid eye contact as (Y/n) giggled to herself. She grabbed her own hairbrush and left David to finish getting ready.


As the bus was driving, David decided it would be a good time to have a word with the campers. Him, Gwen and (Y/n) were all sharing a seat before he got up.

"Okay campers! We're aproching the big city now," David placed his hands on his hips, "According to TerrifiedMothers.Org you are 20 times more likely to die in the city than anywhere else! So just listen carefully to everything I say and you will nearly avoid getting stabbed, kidnapped or worse,"

(Y/n) turned over to David confused. She lived for most of her life in the city they were aproching and didn't understand his worries.

The bus cheered in excitement as they approached the city. Before they continued Gwen turned around to stop them,

"No, no, don't mistake this for some fun feild trip situation. Were just here because David, (Y/n) and I gotta meet up with some cooperate shmoes and we couldn't leave you alone with Quartermaster's Quartermaster,"

"Nobody wants that," Quartermaster agreed

(Y/n) stood up, "Let's go over some ground rules then,"

"Great idea (Y/n)!" David smiled, "first, try to breath as little as possible as the air in these forsaken parts is pallouted and poisonous,"

(Y/n) audibly groaned as the others smiled in excitement. She sat back down with Gwen as the bus continued to drive. She took a quick mental note that she didn't have her cellphone on her, so there was a chance that Max had it.

As the bus came closer to a stop, (Y/n) anxiously got up from her seat. She made her way over to the front of the building. As (Y/n) looked up, the fear she was trying to contain was finally released.

Camp Corp. Her family's business. 

(Y/n) cringed as the campers cheerfully left the bus, running past her. David walked off the bus, trying to talk to the campers.

"From now on don't touch anything, don't talk with anyone, and never make eye contact!" David's paranoia was clear and he tried to hide behind a brief case

David stood next to (Y/n) for comfort but just received a confused look. An elder man walked past the two and sneezed, which caused David to panic. He immediately pushed (Y/n) behind him and placed the brief case infornt of them.


(Y/n) gave a nervous smile to the passer-by, who only gave them a confused look. The two watched as he continued his walk. David laughed off his nervousness and walked over to the campers. Before (Y/n) could comprehend what's happening, Max walked off the bus.

"Mom I'm borrowing your phone," Max told her as he scrolled through the apps.

"Alright as long as you don't do anything stupid," (Y/n) crossed her arms. Max walked off with a smile,

"No promises!"

(Y/n) made her way to stand next to David who was standing proud while looking up at the building.

"Tsk. tsk. Those poor souls at Camp Corp. Locked away in their concrete prison, never knowing the joys of the outdoors," David placed his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders, "I hope they aren't too jealous meeting us,"

"I bet they think your a homeless Twink," (Y/n) smiled up at him

David gave her a playful glare that cause her to laugh silently. The moment was cut short as Gwen walked up to the two,

"C'mon be serious, meeting starts in fifteen and I'm going to need a nervous poop before," Gwen placed her hand on her stomach

(Y/n)'s face scrunched up, "too much information,"

"Alright buddy system!" David shouted in order to get Gwen to stop talking. Gwen noticed and glared at him.

Before everyone could react, Nerris raised her hand. "David, all of my buddies are gone,"

The three looked over to see Quartermaster holding space kid on a leash instead of Nikki. "This ain't the same kid?"

David sighed out in defeat, "We're Nerris buddies Max, Neil and-"

"Yup," Gwen finished. They both turned to (Y/n) who was pinching the bridge of her nose.

"David goes looking for the kids, Gwen and I'll go to the meeting?" (Y/n) asked

"Alright," David handed Gwen the briefcase

"This is excatly how I imagined my twenties going," Gwen said sarcastically before walking into the building

"I'll be on the lookout," Quartermaster also walked off into a strip club

(Y/n)'s nervousness finally caught up to her. She began to take deep breaths before turning back over to David, "Max has my cellphone, so just keep calling him over and over again,"

"Will you be okay?" David asked, grabbing her hand softly

(Y/n) forced a smile out, "It's a meeting with my parents! I'm sure it'll be fine,"


Gwen and (Y/n) sat in the meeting room, already slightly stressed out. (Y/n)'s impatient tapping could be heard from across the conference room. Gwen looked at her friend, slightly concerned.

The two weren't alone long as the door opened. It revealed an older couple, they walked inside the meeting when their eyes landed on (Y/n).

The three went silent. The room was so quiet that you could hear breathing. Gwen watched as (Y/n) stood up and made her way over to them.

"Mom," (Y/n) hugged her, before turning back to the older man, "Dad, how are you guys?"

"A bit surprised you actually arrived," Her father grabbed her by her shoulders. He took a good look at (Y/n)

"Yes, we were worried you were going to..." Her mom took a pause to rethink her words, "not show up,"

Gwen also stood up, "(Y/n) is always on time, she wouldn't miss something important,"

"I'm glad you have a friend who's defending you," her father glared down at (Y/n), "but that doesn't change the fact in what you did,"

"My past isn't reflecting on my current job," (Y/n) stood tall, "I'm a different person compared to a year ago,"

Both of her parents remained quiet. Her mother decided to speak up again, "Well we will talk more once the meeting starts,"

"Agreed," her father showed (Y/n) towards the table.

The four sat down again. Gwen opened the brief case to begin to pull out the papers.

"We never got a chance to introduce ourselves miss," (Y/n)'s dad smiled, "I'm Clark Campwell and this is my wife Myrtle,"

Gwen only smiled back, she didn't offer her hand because of how nervous she got, "I'm Gwen. Gwen Lucas,"

"Lucas! As in Lucky Louis?" Clark ask with a enthusiastic smile

Gwen laughed awkwardly, ignoring (Y/n)'s look of shock, "Ha yes, that's my dad,"

"Oh how we loved his music when we were younger!" Myrtle smiled, "you should've seen little (Y/n/n) dancing to his music when she was a flower scout,"

"Do you want to see pictures?" Clark asked but (Y/n) stopped him,

"No dad! She doesn't need pictures!"

"Oh alright Pumpkin," Clark smiled

(Y/n) internally groaned, no matter how much time has passed her parents are still embarrassing her.

"We have another co-worker, his name is David Forest," Gwen noticed (Y/n) not speaking. She lightly kicked her to say something,

(Y/n) cursed under her breath when she felt Gwen kick her. So (Y/n) kicked her back, "Yes, David couldn't make it today. He's with the campers right now,"

The four sat in an awkward silence. (Y/n)'s nervousness began to bubble up not knowing if David found Max and his friends yet. She decided to continue on, pushing her nervousness behind her.

"I guess we shouldn't sugar coat this," (Y/n) sighed as Gwen passed her the papers, "but we need help in keeping Camp Campbell,"

"Campbell?" Her mother asked in shock, "As in-"

"Yes as in Cameron," (Y/n) cut her off before continuing, "He was arrested after they found out about the camp scam and we offered to take over,"

"We always told Cam to not go down this path, but he never listened," her father shook his head in disappointed

"But the point is we need help in maintaining the camp," Gwen added, "With only three of us, it's hard to find the needs of each camper. Not to mention we don't have the fundings to even give them proper food or equipment,"

"So we're humbling asking for any assistance," (Y/n) closed her eyes, "We don't know what to do at this point. The money we raised in the fundraiser is already gone,"

When the Campwell's saw how distraught (Y/n) looked, they immediately felt something. They began to remember back in their youth when they first started the business and went through a similar situation.

"We'll help," Clark smiled, "Our motto is to never turn down a child who wants to go to camp,"

"However we aren't just going to fund your camp because your our daughter," Myrtle looked at (Y/n), "We must still follow protocol in these types of situations,"

"Then, what did you have in mind?" Gwen asked

The two smiled, "We'll buy Camp Campbell off your hands. We'll donate the land and send the children off into the summer camps they originally sighed up for,"

(Y/n) and Gwen's faces fell. They were suddenly upset but not surprised. A camp as ambitious as Campbell wasn't going to last long.

However, (Y/n)'s face quickly turned. She stayed locked onto her parents, "What about Gwen and David?"

"Pardon?" Myrtle was taken back

"Yeah, what about Gwen and David? We can't just leave them without a job!"

"(Y/n)-" Clark tried to step in

"Dad, you understand," (Y/n) turned back to her father, "Right?"

Myrtle and Clark looked at each other, before they laughed a bit to themselves. (Y/n) twisted into anger, "Why are you laughing I'm being serious!"

"We know hunny," Myrtle started

"It's just surprised us since we weren't used to you caring about others," Clark finished.

Gwen looked over at (Y/n), but she ingored her, "I don't want my friends without jobs,"

"We wouldn't put employees without jobs," Clark smiled, he enjoyed how much (Y/n) has matured "We would like to get to know them personally,"

Gwen smiled, this was a chance to finally get a respectable job. However her smile fell, "Wait...what about (Y/n)?"

Myrtle smiled, "(Y/n) always had two choices, between finding a job on her own or working at the family business,"

(Y/n) stayed quiet. "If I agree then I'm getting paid correct?"

"That's right," Clark smiled

"I get my apartment back?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrow

"Of course," Myrtle agreed

(Y/n) didn't hesitate, "Where do we sign?"


The meeting was surprising short. After (Y/n) agreed to working at the business again, her parents celebrated in glee. Not that (Y/n) wasn't excited. Having her old apartment back was better than likely living in the back of her car. Especially now that she had to think about Max.

"So in about a week I got a court hearing for the adoption with Max," (Y/n) told Gwen, "I'm going to take him to the apartment and hope he likes it,"

The two were waking out of the building and towards the park. David was able to find the missing trio and the three agreed to meet up there.

"So in a week we'll also probably be in our new living situations," Gwen rubbed her arm awkwardly

"Yeah," (Y/n) popped her neck, "one things for sure, I won't miss that awful bunk bed,"

The two finally arrived as they watched the campers run around. (Y/n) felt a sour taste in her mouth started to form before they walked over to David.

"(Y/n)! Gwen! How was the meeting!" David's enthusiastic personality left the two slightly worried.

They made eye contact before Gwen spoke up,"Well the good news is we don't have to worry about budgets anymore,"

"That's wonderful!"

"Because we sold the camp," (Y/n) rubbed her neck as she brought the news.

All of the campers looked at the two in shock. David didn't say a word but the campers all in sync shouted. "WHAT,"

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