Speechless- B*BARNES

By roguelc25

481K 11.1K 3.9K

"Does she talk?" "No. She's been mute since childhood." Gemini Destiny Braddock. A girl with a very unknown... More

Description and Cast
001. Home Sweet Home
002. Help Needed
003. First Night Back
004. Don't Worry
005. Gifts and Visits
006. Family Business
007. Sickness
008. Accidents
009. The Compound
010. Bets
011. Unnoticed Ghost
012. House Rules
013. Feeling Bad
014. Apologies
015. Tic-Tac and Disney Films
016. Welcome Home
017. Anxiety Sucks
018. Cameras and Pictures
019. Crazy Karaoke
020. More Disney and Tears
021. Insomnia
022. Little Get Away
023. The S.S. Stark
024. The D.R
025. Never Have I Ever
026. Wins
027. Welcome
028. Bar Night and Problems
029. Family and Planning
030. Struggling and Just Dance
031. Coping and Confessions
032. Help, Plans and Threats
033. Friends and Date
034. Aftermath, Fears and Comfort
035. Return
036. Memory Lane Home Movies
037. Halloween
038. Mother Figure
039. The Kid
040. Spontaneous Trips
041. Game Night
042. Childhood
043. Over Working
044. Family Surprise
045. Christmas
047. Lazy Day
048. Camping Trip
049. Archery and Campfire Songs
050. San Fran and Secrets
051. Emptiness
052. Starting the Aftermath
053. Dark Day
054. Friendship
055. Promises
056. Back to Work
057. Children
058. News

046. New Years

2.3K 46 61
By roguelc25


THE ENDING WEEK of 2018 had flown by in Gemini's eyes. She'd been working quite a lot in Braddock's as The Raven was closed until next year. 

Locking the front of Braddock's at closing time, Gemini threw the keys up in the air before turning off the open light facing outside. Suddenly she heard a loud thud in the back of the shop. The hair's on her arms shooting up in fear.

Picking up the nine millimetre from behind the register, she held it up to the back door, as a figure appeared. They quickly held both their hands in the air and a familiar voice rang out.

"Don't shoot, doll." Bucky's voice rang out. "Not unless you want a shot boyfriend on the floor of the shop." He joked as Gemini lowered the gun.

"Bucky, you bitch." She held her chest. "You scared the hell out of me." He apologised to her, holding out his arm with a bag in his hand. "This is for you." She took the bag from him, pulling out the McDonalds bag. "Joe snitched on you and said you hadn't eaten."

She smiled at him. "Josephine's a snitch, but thank you, bub." He nodded, sitting on the stool behind the register. "Fair warning, it's a goddamn mess behind there."

He nodded realising, pointing to a certain area. "I can see that. Do you all have your own shelf cause the mess varies?" Gemini nodded, taking a bite of her chicken. Bucky scoffed, returning his eyes to her's.

"What are we doing for New Years?" She asked him suddenly. Many people had been coming in to the store to buy fireworks and drinks for parties they were having.

Bucky shrugged. "No clue. Tony's probably gonna do something fucking stupid, like a big ass firework show." He assumed. Gemini tilted her head, offering her fries to him. He smirked. "I thought you didn't share food."

"You bought me them." She reminded him. "I'm feeling nice." He laughed, picking up a couple, placing them in his mouth. He thanked her. "So, when are we going back? If I don't turn the lights out all the last minute assholes will be banging on the door." She asked, a look of annoyance towards the door.

He stood up, nodding. "We can go now if you want." She smiled nodding. "I'll go get your jacket." Gemini picked up her bag, her phone and keys beside it before picking up her McDonalds.

Bucky held onto her jacket as he opened the door for her. She smiled, buckling her seat belt into the lock as Bucky started the ignition.


Bucky helped Gemini out of the car. She smirked before walking through the garage into the Compound. The couple made there way to the noise of Tony announcing something.

"Tony why can't we just do what we did for Christmas?" Wanda asked exasperated from the couch.

"Because Christmas was simple, I need at least one big party." Tony proclaimed.

Gemini cleared her throat. "Did you forget Halloween?" She questioned.

"Hush, Gemini." He told her. "We're having fireworks and I don't care." She shook her head at him, looking to Bucky.

"That answers your question." She nodded to his reply.

"Also, Gem. Invite your family." Gemini shook her head instantly. "Why not?"

"Toni's got a late shift because people are dumbasses with fireworks. Becky and Theo both hate fireworks with a burning fury." Tony raised an eyebrow of confusion. "Becky doesn't like really loud noises and Theo's PTSD he worries it'll get the better of him."

Tony snapped his fingers. "I can soundproof the windows." Gemini's eyes widened in surprised at the lengths Tony was willing to go to. "Your family deserve to be here for New Years. Now invite them." She smiled at him thankfully, before sending the message and explaining how it would be okay to Theo.  "You're all dressing nicely, no complaints." 

Gemini sighed, patting Bucky's back as she disappeared to her room. Searching through her closet, she pulled out the only formal dress she enjoyed wearing. She placed it on her bed for later as she turned to Dixon. He lay watching her from his bed, tilting his head at her. She blew him a kiss, before crouching beside him, giving the affection he deserved.

Her phone buzzing in her pocket caught her attention, laughing at a video Cyndie had sent of Toni and Nate arguing over something pointless. She was sad that her cousin was leaving soon but happy that she'd spent as much time as possible with her. She was looking forward to her visiting more next year.

A sudden commotion outside her room caught the woman's attention. Opening the door, she followed the sound of chastisement. Poking her head into the kitchen area she saw Taury and Tony arguing with each other.

"You invite me Tony, you deal with me appearing. Where's Gem?" She explained, looking around her. Knocking on the wall, Gemini leaned her arm against the wall. "There you are. Now, plan of actual."

"Absolutely fucking not, Victauria." She warned her, deadly serious.

"Why what's going on?" Bucky asked, appearing behind Gemini from his room.

"She wants to do my makeup." He snorted, kissing her cheek before looking Taury in the eyes.

"Good fucking luck to you." He turned around, returning to his room. It seemed he had only came out to see what the commotion was.

Taury then proceeded to beg, plead and even bargain until Gemini finally gave in. The loud cheer of the woman could probably be heard all around the house. "But I swear to God, if you make me looking like a goddamn clown, I will beat the ever loving hell out of you girl." She warned her. Taury nodded, knowing how serious she was before pulling her towards her room.

"I was meaning to ask you this, you know when you were ill?" Gemini nodded, facing her through the mirror. Taury had also decided she would be daring the mess of Gemini's hair. "Are you sure you're not pregnant?"

Gemini shook her head. "He used protection. And my time came around a week after Cali." She explained.

"If you were though, what would you have called it?" Taury wondered. The pair had always talked about being parents when they were older. "You'd make a fucking amazing mom, but what would you name them if you had them?"

Gemini smiled before shrugging. "I've always like Malakai for a boy. Maybe Dahlia or Ari, short for something similar to Aries for a girl." She explained.

Taury smirked at her. "Malakai Barnes. Dahlia or Ari Barnes. Sounds cute." Gemini looked down, biting her bottom lip. "You know what other girl's names would suit the name Barnes?"

"What?" Gemini asked curiously, meeting her eyes.

"Alessia or Remy." She replied. Gemini's eyes widened.

"They're actually really cute." She told her. "Isn't Remy that mouse from Ratatouille, though?"

Taury nodded. "Yeah, but Remy definitely suits a girl better than a boy, or in my eyes it does." She voiced her opinion. "Also, with your love for Disney, it makes sense. I've got plenty more names if you need any." Gemini thanked her best friend.

Gemini asked her the same question. Taury shrugged. "I'd probably not be married. Even if I was I'm not changing Easton, so maybe Sofia or Amelie for a girl. I've kinda always liked Leon and Flynn for boys." 

Gemini nodded her head. "Flynn or Leon Easton. Amelie or Sofia Easton. They're cute. For you I'd say Amelie and Leon." Taury thanked her for her 'expertise' of name calling.

"Gem, would you teach your kid sign language?" Gemini nodded. "What if they couldn't talk?"

"I'd have to teach them even if they did talk just so they could understand me." She reminded. Taury shrugged her shoulder in agreement, pulling the comb through the woman's hair.

"I can't imagine it, but how do you think Bucky would be as a dad?" Taury wondered, curiously.

"Good, I think." She didn't pause.

"How come?" 

"I've seen him around Becky, what he's like with her and she's not even his. He's great with Becky." Gemini explained. "He knows how much I care about Becky, so he cares about her too." Taury smiled at how Gemini spoke about Bucky. Changing the subject after a while. "So what are we gonna do tonight?"

"Get fucking platonic." Gemini laughed at her immediate answer. "The boys are picking up booze from The Raven." She nodded in understanding. "We're celebrating New Years, half Tony Stark way, half Braddock-Easton-Talken way." She laughed again. 

"That sounds like such a nightmare waiting to happen." She pointed out, Taury agreeing. "This is gonna be everyone's worst dream tomorrow morning." Again Taury agreed with her.

"But it'll be fun as hell, also I was smart and brought pyjamas, so it's all good." She danced lightly making Gemini laugh again. "So what're you wearing?" Gemini pointed to the bed at the dress. "Ooh, fuck yeah Gem. Bucky's gonna love you a lot more tonight." Gemini's eyes widened as her face went hot. "Okay. Turn around bitch."

Seeing all the makeup brushes laid out on her bed, Gemini's brain went haywire.

Hell had arrived in her room


Gemini was fairly impressed by the job Taury had managed with her hair and makeup. Looking herself up and down in the full length mirror she smiled at herself. She had never been an overly big fan of tight fitting clothing, however she loved this dress.

Taury stood behind her, in her own dress, admiring herself. "I'll say it for the both of us, we are some sexy motherfuckers." Gemini laughed before embracing her best friend. "See told you, you wouldn't look like a clown." Gemini nodded. "You're welcome beautiful."

Holding out her hand to the girl, Gemini and Taury both made their way into the kitchen. Bucky turned to the sound of the heels on the tile, her mouth opening slightly at the sight of his girlfriend. 

His eyes wandered up and down her body, the dress hugging her curves, tightly, the makeup was evident but subtle. It suited her beautifully. He felt himself become slightly flustered just at the sight of her. He made his way towards her, his hands grasping her waist when he reached her. 

"You look, stunning." He admitted, his eyes still trailing up and down her body. "Absolutely beautiful, doll."

She smiled, looking down. Her eyes wandered up and down him. His shirt had been rolled up, showing off his metal arm. The first three buttons were undone and his hair was sleeked back. She ran her hands up his shirt. "And you look very handsome, bub." He laced his lips to hers happily, smiling into it.

His hands continued to roam up and down the dress. He held a mischievous smirk on his face. "You and I both know, this dress won't last all night." Gemini blushed at his statement. She quickly regained herself, not breaking eye contact as her hand wandered down.

"Neither will these." Bucky cleared the sudden lump that formed in his throat at how smooth she had done that. She smirked, content with his reaction before moving over to the others, Bucky shortly behind her.

"You bullying him with that dress?" Joe asked her, directing his head to Bucky. They both nodded making him chuckle. "You'll like what Becky's wearing." He changed the subject.

Tilting her head curiously. "Is it the purple dress?" He nodded, earning a huge smile. Calling over his daughter who came running over. She looked up to Gemini. "You look absolutely astonishing, Becks. You look like a real life princess."

Becky smiled at her. "Auntie Gem, you must be a Goddess then." This made Gemini shocked. She was very overwhelmed by the young girl's compliment. "You look so beautiful." Bucky held a hand on her shoulder. "And you look very nice too, Bucky." She proceeded to pull the couple into a hug. Bucky smiled at Gemini, her returning it.

"You excited for the fireworks, Becky?" Bucky asked her, earning a head shake. "How come?"

Becky pointed to her ears. "I don't like the loud noise the bang makes." Bucky nodded understandingly. "Auntie Gem, can you stay in here with me when they go off?" Gemini nodded almost instantly.

"I was gonna stay inside anyway, kiddo. Dress is too short for the Winter weather." She explained. Becky smiled. "It'll be fun to see how Uncle Theo handles his alcohol as well." She giggled at Gemini's comment. "Go and play, now."

"I spot a little bitch." Gemini heard Nate announce from the other side of the room.

"And I spot an ugly prick." He gasped dramatically at that, Cyndie rolling her eyes.

"How am I related to him?" Cyndie asked Gemini.

She shrugged. "I ask myself that question everyday." She laughed, hugging her cousin. "You okay?" Cyndie shrugged. "You still stressing about going back to school?"

Cyndie scratched the back of her neck. "Will they be mean to me, still? Cause I'm different?"

Gemini clenched her fist. Bucky flashing his metal arm to the young girl. "Not if she can help it." He directed his comment to Gemini, her nodding. "Besides kid, being normal's boring." He assured, showing his arm. "I should know, being different's much more fun."

Gemini gave him a suggestive look. "Much more." He coughed out, knowing what she meant by it. And it wasn't towards his arm. Cyndie seemed oblivious to what she meant but Gemini turned to her. "Well, I can confirm being different is much more fun." She smiled, thanking the couple before going over to Becky and the Bartons.

Bucky looked at her, jokingly mad. "I swear to God, you keep coming out with shit like that, I'm gonna..." Gemini licked her lips, irritating him even more. "I'm about to pick you up and take you back there." He warned her. Gemini chuckled, hugging him. 

"I love you." She replied, kissing his cheek. The heels she wore helped her with height, not having to stand on her toes to reach his face.

Bucky sighed. "I love you too." His chin rested on her shoulder for a moment before pulling away and holding onto her hand. "Do you want something to drink?" She nodded, joining him at Tony's bar. 

Gemini pulled out two beers, handing one to Bucky. "No whiskey today?" 

She shook her head. "Not now, later probably." Bucky scoffed, swigging from his bottle. The pair moved their way to the others at the table.

Tony gasped, shocked. "Gemini, in a dress! It's a revelation." Gemini rolled her eyes, holding up her middle finger to the older man. "Now, that's just rude."

"So's saying it's shocking that I'm wearing a dress." She sassed back.

"Well most of your wardrobe is jeans, trackies and hoodies. Or Bucky's shirts." Joe defended Tony. Gemini narrowed her eyes at him. "Love you Zodiac."

She hummed in reply before smirking at him. She sat across from him. Tony looked to the beer bottle, confused. "And you're not drinking whiskey. Who the fuck are you and what have you done with Gemini Braddock."

She shook her head, rolling her eyes. "I'm starting light cause I already know what this asshole will do to me." She pointed to Theo who smiled innocently.

"I don't know what you speak of." Gemini looked at him with an unbelievable stare. He laughed at her. "It's only nine thirty, I'll start corrupting her by eleven." 

Bucky chuckled looking down. "Fucking hell." He muttered, chuckling lightly at Theo being his girlfriend's downfall. 

Taury suddenly appeared holding bottles of alcohol taken from the bar. "I hear by declare that we're celebrating New Years, Braddock-Easton-Talken style." Gemini laughed as Taury poured everyone a shot. Bucky went to decline his shot, but Taury wouldn't take it. "One won't hurt you Bucky, come on."

He kept the shot in front of him but didn't touch it, continuing to drink from his beer. Gemini held out her hand to him, he took it gladly. She continued to drink her beer. She pushed her shot to Joe when she noticed him eyeing it. He tilted his head, surprised but took it gladly. She also handed him Bucky's, knowing he wouldn't drink it.

Nate's phone brought Gemini out of her thoughts, the ringtone for their sister sounding loudly. "Elder one." He greeted Toni, putting her face in the middle of the screen.

"Immature one." He gasped dramatically as she caught Gemini's eyes. "Young one."

"Elder one." She saluted her. Toni broke at that, laughing. "We miss you."

"Please somebody tell me the drinking has begun because if not you're failing me." She laughed, holding up her beer. "Well done young grasshopper, you have done me proud."

"What time do you get off from your shift?" Toni grumbled at the question, turning her camera to face another person.

"When this prick stops sending me on goose chases." The man's head shot up at the mention of him.

"Who are you insulting me too?" He asked, pointing to the camera. Gemini could tell Toni was smiling behind the screen. "Is it Gemini? Hey Gem."

"Hey Stephen." Her phone voice sounded. "How's the late shift?"

Toni panned around the trauma room. "Currently, for me, empty." Gemini winced, knowing her sister had just sealed her fate. "And yes I know I've just fucked myself but, oh well." She laughed. Toni returned the camera to her. "What's everyone doing then?"

"Drinking away the last year." Bucky replied for everyone. Gemini nodded, taking a swig of her beer.

"Gem, did you finally let Taury do your makeup?" Toni realised. She nodded. "You look fucking breathtaking. You're wearing a dress too." She laughed, smirking at her sister. "Are you pacing yourself so you don't kill your braincells?" She directed to the beer.

"Sometimes it really concerns me how much you know about me." Toni laughed, placing her hand on her chin. 

"I'm just amazing. But yeah, hopefully I should be off work before midnight, that's the hope but probably not. I have a dress with me just in case. So fingers crossed." Gemini crossed her them on screen. "Good, well have fun, not too much. Be safe though you're at home. And please, I beg you Gemini, don't drink to no return and have the worst hangover of the end of year." Gemini laughed, agreeing not to do that. Handing the phone back to her brother, Gemini leaned back into her chair.

"Anyone got any resolutions?" Rhodey asked them suddenly.

Gemini though about it before knocking on the table. "I really wanna go to Greece during the summer." Many tilted their heads in surprise. "I wanna learn about their Gods and Goddess and visit different places and the islands." She shrugged.

"You've wanted to do that since you two came back from Thailand." Natasha pointed between the two girls. "It does sound like fun though." She smiled at the older woman.

Bucky watched the young woman, smirking. He remembered her love of travelling. He didn't have a resolution in a honesty, he couldn't think of a goal that he wanted. The only thing he wanted to do the following year was make more memories with the Avengers and his girlfriend.

Becky ran in soon, Dixon following behind her. "Auntie Gem. Cooper's hurt himself." Gemini rolled her eyes, looking to Clint before getting up, following Becky into the garden.

"What did you do?" Her phone asked. It was far too dark to be signing to them. 

"I think my arm's bleeding." He cried. "I fell off the ladder that's on the tree. I slashed my arm on the tree."

Gemini sighed, holding out her hand. "Come on." She guided the kids into the kitchen, where the others could see. Picking Cooper up onto the counter, she went to grab the first aid kit. Grabbing the alcohol wipe she warned the boy, placing it on his arm to clean the bleeding wound.

Cooper winced as the wipe stung his cut. Gemini smirked at him, sorrily. Grabbing a bandage out of the kit, she began to wrap up the wound that stretched over four inches. Closing it up and fixing it, she ruffled his hair. "Can you maybe not injure yourself for the rest of the night?" Cooper nodded, thanking her for fixing him, helping him get down. Pointing to the girls. "Keep an eye on him."

The girls laughed at his disgruntled look, nodding their heads. Nathaniel made his way to the woman, holding his arms up to her, she scooped him up, holding him on her hip. Pulling funny faces at him, he giggled loudly, placing his hands on her cheeks. She smiled at him, especially as he kissed her cheek.

She turned around to the others, looking at Nat. "I think he likes me more." She narrowed her eyes at her. Nat smiled at the woman holding the young boy, she knew how much Gemini wanted to have a child and seeing her with Nathaniel confirmed even more to her how good the younger woman would be.

Bucky turned to look at his girlfriend, seeing her holding the toddler in her arms. He felt himself smile as he watched her pull funny faces at him, making him laugh. He admired her more in that moment, the back of his mind travelling to things he never thought he would ever want, or ever have. He wanted to settle down with her. Marry her. Have a family with her. 

Bucky wanted a life with Gemini. That was the first time he'd ever fully thought about it. Seeing her hold Nathaniel and joke with him, like a mother does, he knew she'd make an amazing mother. 

She carried the small boy over to the table with her, sitting herself down. He soon became fussy, whining and whimpering for something. Gemini tilted her head, looking unsure. She lifted his little chin as he continued to whine. "Teddy." She smiled, looking to Laura for the gift she'd given him months ago. Catching it with one hand, she gave it to the toddler. "Thank you."

Nathaniel dropped his head onto the woman's shoulder, cuddling the teddy into him. Wrapping her arms around him, running her hand up and down his back soothingly. He slowly began to fall asleep on her shoulder, not minding. Bucky placed his hand on the small of her back, swigging from his beer. His thumb stroked her back, catching her attention. He smiled at her, returning it.

Laura offered to take the toddler from the woman's arms, but as he snuggled closer into Gemini's warmth she shook her head. Standing up she made her way towards the couch, sitting herself comfortably on the seat, wrapping herself and Nathaniel in a blanket.

Bucky continued to watch her settle herself, the young boy lay on her chest asleep. He hadn't realised how intoxicated some of Gemini's family had become until Theo spoke up to him. "Bucky loves her. He wants to kiss her. He wants to marry." He sang jokingly. Bucky chuckled at the drunken man. He nodded though, seeming to sober Theo almost immediately, though he knew that wasn't possible. "Wait seriously?" He nodded again. "Holy shit, I'm a psychic." Drunk Theo was back.

He chuckled, grabbing Gemini another beer from the middle of the table, bringing it to her. She thanked him as he sat on the other end of the couch. He watched as she continued to check if the toddler was safe and alright. Looking up, she tilted her head at him. "What?"

He smirked. "You'll make an amazing mom." He told her instantly. "One day, you'll make an amazing mom." She smiled at him.

"You know, if it's any help, you'd make a brilliant dad." He looked to her confused. "The way you are with Becky, it shows you'd make a great father." He thanked her. 

"I used to take care of my sister when we were growing up." He explained.

Gemini raised her eyebrows, surprised. "You remembered her?" He nodded, earning a happy smile from her. "What was her name?"

He chuckled lightly. "Ironically, Rebecca." She laughed lightly. "She was my baby sister. I loved her." He added sadly. Gemini nodded her head. "You know it means a lot. You saying I'd make a good dad."

She shrugged. "It's the truth. You really would make a good dad." He leaned over, missing Nathaniel as he kissed her lightly, smirking into it. "What time is it?" She asked him.

Looking at his watch. "Ten fifteen." She nodded in thanks, standing up. "You gonna put him down now?"

She nodded. "My arms going numb." He smirked helping her with the doors as she placed the young boy in his guest bed. Covering him with his blanket, she stroked his hair out of his face, turning to look at Bucky. He leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. He smirked at her as she walked out the room. She didn't close the door fully, allowing some light to still enter the room.

"Your arm still numb?" Bucky asked her, watching as she shook it around. Turning her wrist, she shook her head. They reentered the kitchen to see Taury holding up bottles of tequila and vodka. 

"Drinking game bitches." She announced. Gemini sighed, sitting at the end of the table. "Don't sound too enthusiastic Gem." She said sarcastically.

"Three words. Target car park." Joe chuckled at that. "Another three words." She pointed to Theo adding. "Naked in field." Joe laughed harder at this.

"Just give me the tequila. That's mine." Clint instructed Taury. She held onto the bottle.

"Clint I will cut you off from tequila for a week." Gemini's phone warned him.

He gasped insulted. "You wouldn't." He turned his eyes to Gem.

"Try my bitch." Taury slid the bottles down the table to Gemini, letting her pour the shots out. Handing them all out to the table, she decided to grab herself another beer, wanting to stay relatively sober for the night. Returning with two bottles, she handed one to Bucky. She glared towards Bruce when she realised he had stolen her seat. Luckily Bucky's chair wasn't close to the table and she sat herself on his lap.

His metal arm supported her back, stopping it from hitting the arm of the chair as he pushed themselves in. "So what are the rules of this game?"

"Kinda like Never Have I Ever, but it's things that you've done this past year instead. If other people have done also they take a drink." Taury explained. 

"Get ready for Theo and Nate to become platonic." Gemini smirked at Joe's statement.

"Wait, doesn't someone have to stay relatively sober to set the fireworks off?" Everyone nodded to the question. "Who is that then?

"Mr Capsicle Super Soldier." Tony replied, pointing to Steve. Gemini chuckled at the nickname nodding. "Who's starting?" 

Joe held up his hand. "I will." He offered. "Okay, um. I have broken a phone." Theo laughed at the statement, throwing the liquor down his neck, quickly. "Yeah, Theo how many phones have you broken this year, not just your own?"

Theo then began to count on his fingers. "Three of my own, one of Toni, Nate and Taury's." Gemini laughed.

"Yeah, how did you break three of your phones, Theo?" He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly

"I dropped them in the toilet." The others laughed.

"Oh you fucktard, how do you drop a phone, let alone more than one phone, in the toilet?" Taury asked her brother. He shrugged. "How many phones have you broken altogether?"

"Eight." He looked down ashamed. "That's not too bad."

"It's eight more than me." Gemini admitted.

"Yeah, but you break bones not phones." Theo fired.

"So do you." She sassed back. He gave up at that, laughing. 

"So I'm going next?" Theo assumed. "Okay...Um, going on with that conversation, I have broken a bone." The pair laughed, swigging from their drinks, along with a couple of others. "I broke my hand." Theo clarified.

"I broke my finger." Gemini replied. "Cause, he..." She pointed at her brother. "Slammed my hand in the car door." The ones that had broken bones started explaining how they broke them. "Alright, um...I have decorated a room." Joe drank with her one that.

"Becky's room." He explained, high-fiving the girl. "I will never forget me nearly falling into a paint bucket." Gemini snickered into Bucky's shoulder.

The next person went and the game began getting funnier.


As the game went on, Gemini noticed Taury and Theo starting to get even more drunk than already.

"I can hear colours, I can see sounds and I can smell feelings." Theo suddenly announced, looking around the room mesmerised.

"What the fuck Theo?" Her phone asked him. "Are you drunk?"

"No...Yes...Maybe, just a little bit." He admitted, laughing drunkenly. Gemini moved away any alcoholic drink from him. "Thank you."

Taury was looking around confused. "Does anyone hear that?" She asked confused.

"Oh shit, Joe. Help, Taury's hearing shit." Gemini warned the, relatively sober man.

"Again?" He asked concerned. Grabbing Taury's shoulders. "Taury, hello can you hear the accent?"

"I can hear the accent." She replied. "Thank you." 

Gemini shook her head at her friends' drunken states. "Fuck me."

Bucky tightened his arms that were wrapped around her. He brought his lips close to her ear. "Is that a request or an instruction?" He whispered, making her become flustered. He chuckled, kissing just under the back of her ear. "Sorry doll."

She turned to him. "So two can play that game?" She asked him. He nodded, smirking. "Fine, game on big guy." He laughed.

Looking down at her watch, Gemini tapped Joe. "It's eleven fifty-five."

"Shit, guys it's five to twelve." The others immediately shot up. Steve and Thor went to go sort out the fireworks as Gemini whistled for the kids to come to her.

"Toni's not here." Nate informed them, sadly. He was actually quite sad that his older sister wasn't here. "That's depressing." He mumbled.

"Who says I'm not?" Her voice was suddenly heard. The other five cheered loudly, running at the surgeon. "Was I missed?" They cheered again.

When the boys pulled away, the girls were left hugging. Taury went over to the kitchen. "Am I allowed to pour the champagne?" Gemini's eyes widened as she pulled her sister away from the counter before holding her thumb up.

She popped the cork out, letting it over spill as she cheered. Taury poured out all the drinks as Steve poked his head back inside, announcing the fireworks were ready.

Gemini clinked her flute against Toni's. "You look beautiful, Gemini." She smiled at her sister.

"So do you, Toni. Even after a shift." Toni flicked her hair dramatically before going outside to watch the fireworks. 

Gemini stood at the window with Theo, Becky and Joe. Theo and Joe held their flutes of champagne up, Becky holding her apple juice. "Happy New Year, mi familia." Joe replied. The nodded, clinking their drinks together. "To many more memories."

Sudden impact of hands on her waist caught Gemini's attention. Turning around she smirked at Bucky. Holding up a flute, he shook his head, holding his hands up. She shook her head, handing her drink to him. She quickly grabbed another glass, and made her way back. Swapping her drink for his, he took it thankfully. "Thank you." 

She smiled at him before looking down at her watch. it was one minute until midnight. Quickly turning on the TV, the ball had began to drop. Shortly the countdown began.

Everyone in the Compound began counting down. It reached the end and everyone yelled happily. "Happy New Year!" The fireworks went off shortly after, lighting up the sky. 

Gemini smiled, finishing her champagne, she watched the fireworks outside. Bucky wrapped his arms around the small woman. He watched as the fireworks burst in the sky. He smirked as he watched Gemini hug Becky into her. She kissed the young girl's head, wishing her a Happy New Year.

Becky's year had perked up in her second half of the year, after going to live with her father and see her family once again. She was thankful for the last months and she was happy to finally be able to be herself.

Becky soon ran to her dad, being picked up by him and held in his arms. Bucky finished his drink, placing it down on a small table as the fireworks ended. Gemini turned to him only to be picked up into his arms and held up by them. He laced his lips to hers without a second thought. 

Pulling away, she rested her forehead on his. "Happy New Year, doll."

"Happy New Year, bub." She replied, still being held up. "I love you."

"I love you too." He sighed, finally letting her back on the floor. 

She automatically wanted to mess with him. "You practicing for later?" Bucky nearly choked on his champagne making her laugh. She apologised to him, hugging herself into his side. He kissed her head.

"I wasn't expecting that." He admitted making her laugh more. "That was good timing though." She nodded, proud of herself. He suddenly went along with, clear that alcohol was in his system. "Is that what you?" He asked her huskily walking towards her. She backed away until she hit the counter in the kitchen. He placed his hands either side of her, leaning into her. "Is that what you want?"

Gemini bit her lip, looking Bucky up and down, before licking her lip. "Do you want to do it?" She shot back. Bucky cleared his throat, standing up straight but still close to Gemini. "What you gonna do, tough guy?" She antagonised. Bucky breathed in a sharp breath before picking her up, harshly. This knocked the wind out of her as he quiet carried her off to his room.

He dropped her onto the bed, towering over her small body. She bit her lip as he removed his shirt and trousers, shortly followed by her dress. What made the couple laugh later.

The others were so drunk they hadn't realised they'd disappeared.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

This is the longest chapter I have ever wrote

In this story it's set in Summer 2018- Summer 2019

I'm excited to write more about Gemini and Bucky (Buni by suggestion of  giftig)

Thank you for the suggestion, I do really like it

The next chapter will be out soon

Kayla Lou xxx

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