Variables | Joshaya ✔︎

By lexsau

8.3K 103 24

It's hard enough to take care of your 6 year old sister after a major loss, but what happens when you throw i... More

Topanga to the Rescue
Truth Serum
Baby Steps
What Has She Done?
Happy and Healthy
For Dillon
If It Makes You Happy
Movie Day
The Kissing Booth
The List
Uh Oh
If Only
Let's Go
What to do...
Reasons Why I Love You
Do It For Me
For Forever
Panic Vol 2
Every Hour, Every Minute

Shopping, Smiling and Sleeping

130 3 1
By lexsau


The rest of the day was absolutely perfect. Josh held Dillon as I finished my lunch, and we all went back to the playground, letting out our inner kids as Topanga held Dillon for Josh and I. He was up for a little bit and we took the opportunity for Josh to push him down his first slide and into my arms. He also got the chance to go in one of those baby swings, and long story short, he's obsessed with both. He got tired again pretty quickly, so we put him back in his stroller with his blanky and binky and he was out cold.

Riley and I then dragged everyone on the long walk to the nearest subway so we could take it to Manhatten Mall. To our great surprise, the kids had fun, along with the boys. But, I wouldn't really know since Cory and Josh split up pretty early on, they said something about getting Dillon his first Phillies jersey

Whatever; I honestly don't trust the two by themselves, but Topanga did, and I trust her.

After about 2 hours of shopping without the boys, I get a text from the Boing himself.

𝙱𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 ⚾💙: 𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚍 😘 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚛 𝚞 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜?
𝙶𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚜 🐦: 😘 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷, 𝚍𝚞𝚑 😒
𝙱𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 ⚾💙: 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚍𝚒𝚍 𝙸 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝?
𝙶𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚜 🐦: 𝚌𝚞𝚣 𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚞𝚖𝚋 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜, 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚜
𝙱𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 ⚾💙: 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎́ ❤

I laugh softly, making Riley look at me expectantly, "It's just Josh, they're looking for us."

She smiles as I show her the texts, then it turns into a smirk, "Hummingbird?"

I blush and shake my head at her as I quickly place my phone in my back pocket, "Long story."

"Oh you are so telling me that story later," she says, laughing lightly at my reaction. I sigh, knowing I won't win this fight.

About 15 minutes later, I'm about to go in the dressing room where I feel some all-too-familiar arms wrap around my waist.

I lean against his chest and sigh in comfort, "Boing," I greet.

"Gorgeous," he replies, pecking me on the lips quickly before saying, "That black dress for anyone special?"

I blush and look down at him seeing a black dress that I was planning to get for a possible date night to surprise him, and also Riley literally forced me to at least try it on.

"Nope," I whisper, "No one that you know, so I suggest that you go and wait outside, there's no point in you seeing it."

"Bu-" he says, but Topanga links her arm with his, leading him out of the store.

"You heard her," she says as she is facing towards the exit and he's still facing me, since that was the way he was facing when she started to take him away. I have to stifle a laugh as Josh pouts and Topanga leaves him outside the store with Cory, who clearly knew to wait outside. She turns around as she unlinks her arm from his and struts right back into the store casually, and then taking it one step further and saying, "Carry on," to the people in the store who were staring at the interaction.

Now, I can't hold in my laughter.

"I know, you're welcome; now please, try it on," she says, ushering me into one of the dressing rooms while I still haven't stopped laughing.

After a solid minute of laughing, I finally am able to control my breathing, and I start to try on the things that I picked out.

After putting on my first outfit (a/n: we're going left to right here with the picture on top), I come out to see Riley already in her's.

"You look amazing Maya," she says, smiling.

"I feel amazing," I say honestly, this nude two-piece dress makes me feel confident, "You also look amazing."

She smiles and nods, "I really like it."

She's wearing a romper that is obviously her style, a white top part and a patterned high-waisted pants part that's flared at the bottom.

"Okay, great, two yesses off the bat," Topanga says, "Next!"

We laugh lightly as we go back into the dressing room and change into our next outfit and come out.

"Amazing," Topanga says, "Yet again."

We agree and go through the rest of the clothes that we picked out. There was some that we chose not to get, but most of them were perfect, and I ended up with a bill that I didn't realize was so big.

"$134.11," the cashier says, and my eyes widen.

"Uhh I'm gonna need to return these, I can't afford it all," I say, holding up the pajamas (a/n: the 3rd and 4th ones on her row are the pajamas ;)).

"Sure you can," Topanga says, quickly handing the lady her card before I have enough time to grab it.

"Seriously? It's so much..." I say.

"Of course, you're a teenager. You deserve to have options; even when you're forced to live alone, that doesn't mean that you can't get help," she says.

"Thank you," I say, and she nods as she places all of Riley's stuff on the counter and the cashier lady hands me the bag of my folded clothes. Riley motions her head to the door and smiles, letting me know that I can go, and I nod in thanks as I leave the store.

"Long time no see Boing," I joke, "Oh wait, wasn't the last time I saw you was when you were kicked out of a store by your own sister-in-law?"

Cory laughs and I laugh along with him as Josh just pouts, "Struggle is real," I pout back.

"You're lucky I love you," he mutters.

"Oh am I?" I press, "What if you didn't?"

"You'd be dead," he says.

"So what do I get?" I ask, "Since I'm doing something so bad that I'd be dead otherwise?"

"I'll think of something," he smirks, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer, making me flinch and push him away.

"Please don't," I state sternly, causing Josh's demeanor to completely change, but he notices that it's a serious subject, so he shakes it off for now, but I know that it'll come up later.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Gabi asks, grabbing ahold of my hand and looking up at me with her adorable worried eyes.

"Of course sweetie, I'm fine," I reassure her, but I quickly realize that I'm more assuring myself than her as I squeeze her hand lightly.

"Okay mommy," she smiles, leaning into me with our hands still intertwined.

"You tired Gabs?" I ask, and she nods against my side as she moves herself to hug my leg. Wow, she really is tired, she never actually admits that she is.

"She's been playing a whole lot, I'm honestly surprised she's lasted this long," Topanga says, which makes me realize that she hasn't taken a nap yet today.

"I'm tired mommy," she mumbles/lightly whines into my leg and then looks up to me, her adorable puppy eyes in full effect as she puts her arm up for me to pick her up.

"Sorry sweets, you're getting too big," I frown, shaking my head, "I can't pick you up anymore."

"Aww," she says, tears threatening to form. Shit.

"Here Gabs, come here," Josh immediately says when he sees the tears. He opens his arms and Gabi looks up for me, making sure I'm okay with it. I nod at her and she gives me a weak smile as I wipe her tears before she trods over to Josh. Josh hands Cory the shopping bag he was holding and picks her up right as she gets there, her head immediately resting on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around him.

"Dad goals," Riley whispers into my ear, and I feel my cheeks heat up and I immediately nod, not thinking.

"You actually agree?" she says, clearly surprised. My eyes widen and I turn to her.

"I don't know," I say immediately, "What if this doesn't last? What if the relationship goes up in flames? What if-"

"Peaches, calm down," she says, pulling me away from the family so we can talk, "You love him, right?"

"Of course I do," I say, looking back over to Josh and Gabi.

"Then why are you so worked up?" she asks.

I shrug, "Maybe he was lying when he said it."

Her eyes go wide in surprise, "Seriously Maya? Have you seen the way he looks at you, along with Dillon and Gabi?"

I shake my head, "No...."

If she could have a more surprised look on her face, that would be it, "He looks at you like you're the most important thing in the world."

Now, my eyes widen, "You think so?"

"I know so," Riley nods, "You should've heard him that day where you seemed to 'disappear,' he literally said that the only reason why he wasn't completely freaking out and having a panic attack was because he called my dad."

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah," she breathes out, "He was so worried."

A wave of guilt rushes over me, but it's soon replaced by adoration for the man with my new daughter in his arms. This guy is it for me.

"Now, let's get back to everyone, so we don't nearly give your boyfriend yet another heart attack," she says, making me laugh lightly as we go back over to the group.

When Josh and I make eye contact, I see the hint of worry in those dark blue eyes, 'you okay?' he mouths, making my heart melt at how much he cares for me. I simply nod and send him a smile, which he returns gladly.

"How about we head back to the loft? We can still talk and all that but Gabi can also get her much needed nap," Topanga suggests, making us all nod and talk in agreement.

I grab Dillon from the stroller when he starts to get a bit fussy and motion to Josh. He nods, walking over and gently placing Gabi in it. Thank god this girl is small so she can fit in it.

"You sure you okay?" Josh asks as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Yeah," I nod, "But can we talk later? It's important."

"Of course Maya," he says, kissing the top of my head gently, making my insides warm up and I know that I'm blushing.

We make our way back to the loft, Josh and I dropping off our shopping bags at the apartment on the way.



I get a little worried when Maya tells me that we need to talk, but when she smiles, all of my worries diminish as I realize that it's probably nothing to worry about.



The second we get in the loft, Riley grabs my free arm that isn't holding Dillon against my hip and dragging me to her room. I laugh lightly at her antics as we enter her room and we sit on the classic bay window.

"Now, explain to me," she says sternly, and I laugh.

"Explain what?" I ask, placing Dillon in my lap and handing him Fuzz so he's occupied.

"The nickname," she says further, "Bird?"

"Hummingbird," I correct.

"Right, Hummingbird," she says, "So, what's the story behind it?"

"Well, you know that I call Josh Boing, cause just look at him," I start, and Riley nods as she laughs lightly, "So, he wanted to give me a nickname, and since it's pretty hard to make a nickname for the name Maya, he had to get creative."

"Okay," Riley nods, showing me that she understands, "Go on."

"Well, he got one of those ads that show those quizzes asking like 'what spirit animal are you?' or something, so he took the test as me," I say, and Riley nods for me to go on, "And he got a hummingbird, since I'm independent, light, playful, quick, and resilient. So he calls me his little hummingbird."

Riley's mouth then forms an 'oh' shape and she nods, smiling, "That's so cuteeee."

"I thought so," I say, feeling myself blush.

"Well I'm incredibly happy for you," she says as Dillon reaches out and grabs her finger.

I laugh lightly, "Thanks Riles, you're the best."

"Oh stop it," we both say, as I know that she was going to do it so I did it with her, flipping my hair.

Just then, the window behind me opens revealing the all-too-farmiliar face of my other best friend.

"Ladies," Farkle says.

"Farkle," we greet as he climbs in, me scooching over on the bay window and closer to Riley so that Farkle can sit.

"It's been a while," I say.

"Yea it has," he replies, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, and I look at him as he sees Dillon in my lap, still holding onto Riley's finger tightly, and Farkle's eyes widen.

"Wh-" he studders, pointing to Dillon, "Who's t-this?"

"Oh shoot," I say, realizing he probably doesn't have a clue, "Farkle, this is Dillon, he's the baby that I'm guessing Riley told you about?"

His mouth forms an 'oh' shape, and he relaxes, "Ohhhh, okay. And yeah, she said something about it, it just completely slipped my mind."

"It's okay," I say, turning my body completely towards him, "Do you wanna say hi?"

His face immediately lights up when he sees Dillon's adorable face look up to him in confusion. Dillon's face then breaks into a smile as he finally lets go of her finger and reaches out for Farkle.

"Oh my god," he says, and I pick Dillon up, placing him on Farkle's lap, "He's so cute."

"Yeah," I breathe out, smiling at Dillon who's sitting on Farkle's lap, facing Farkle and reaching up to his face. Farkle, being mesmorized by Dillon's cuteness, was leaning closer to him. Rookie move.

Dillon then grabs his face, and he has an insane grasp on things. He pulls Farkle even closer, and then grabs his hair, pulling at it.

"Ow!" Farkle exclaims, pulling away from him and grabbing Dillon's hand from his hair and making Dillon grip Farkle's fingers.

"Jeez, he's got a grip," he admits, sighing.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, I forgot to tell you," I say, stifling a laugh, "But also, I thought that it was common knowledge that babies around his age have a hell of a grip."

"I still love him though," he says, still looking at Dillon will a loving gaze.

I smile, but that is quickly ended by a knock on the door. Riley quickly tells them to come in and in walks the love of my life.

"Everything okay? It sounded like someone was dying in here," Josh says, making us laugh and I shake my head.

"No Boing, Farkle here just got assaulted by my son, no biggie," I joke and motion to Farkle and he waves to Josh, making my Boing laugh.

"Oh yeah, that guy may be adorable, but he's strong. Talk about small but mighty," he jokes back, and we all laugh, Josh laughing along with us as he still stands against the door frame, arms crossed, and a smirk on his face. God he's good looking.

"I learned that the hard way," Farkle says, nudging me lightly to kick me out of my trance, which he does successfully.

"Hey, Farkle, you want to go and play with Gabi?" Riley asks Farkle, and I can tell this is not going to happen with the look on her face.

"Oh yeah! That'll be fun! We can bring Dillon too," he suggests, and I know that Farkle knows what Riley is trying to do, so I just stay out of it, knowing that there's no point to try to argue. Riley's on a mission at this point.

"But Gabi's-" Josh starts, but he gets cut off by Riley, who is already up from the bay window, Farkle in tow and Riley holding Dillon against her hip.

"Move Uncle Josh, we're going to watch the kids, deal with it," Riley says, holding up her hand to Josh's face for him to stop, and he looks at me, still confused. I shrug, but nod, telling him to just stop; there's no use to argue against her.

He walks further into the room just as Farkle and Riley pass him, turning around and giving me a smile and a thumbs up, making me roll my eyes. But, I'm still smiling at them as they leave the room and close the door behind them, Josh then taking a seat next to me at the bay window soon after.


Word Count: 2782

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