The Spy in the Capital (Akame...

De Littletrouble2k

39.5K 575 139

A young general in charge of protecting the capital is now in questioned by the prime minister as Night raid... Mai multe

Bio/ Prologue
Epilogue PT 1
Epilogue PT 2
The Awaited Reward/ AU ending


2.6K 37 4
De Littletrouble2k

"Remind me again why am I going to meet the Prime minister's cousin this late at night?" (Y/N) asked inspecting his helmet as his carriage made its way to Iokal's palace.
"Well the Prime minister wanted to see his cousin and wanted us to go fetch him and escort him to the minister's residence. You know General (Y/N) I feel the same way I don't like this Iokal guy especially what he does if you like I can kill him myself." A solider with Death's hand uniform on with an Oni mask said as he was sharpening his sword.
"It's Tempting Jet however we need to play our cards right and besides Iokal is already on NightRaid's list so if anyone will kill him it'll be them."
"Speaking of NightRaid has Tsuki joined their squad just yet?"
"That I'm unsure of it's been a week and I'm going to our usual spot tomorrow where I'll ask. How are the rest of our soldiers commander?
"After our successful recruitment of the Western tribe our soldiers are standing by ready to attack the Empire's army to assist the Revolutionary Army. Though I do have to say your influence on them is a major help especially with the fact that they know that General Esdeath considers you her equal."
"Strategy and intelligence wise yes however she is far too powerful for me. I feel bad for that Prince hero in the North. With her you can't focus your strategy on defense she'll just power on through without any hesitation." Resiting his head on his hand he looks at the window looking at the palace that annoys him for some reason.
"Forgive my Arrogance General but why don't you have an Imperial arms?"
"I'm not compatible with any of them. Besides I like the idea of the man who is skilled enough that imperial arm users are afraid to fight him speaking which did you get the reports of that one imperial guard?"
"Seryu? Oh yea that bitch creeps me the he'll out especially with her imperial arms. She has Black and White views of the world, is completely sadistic, and has a whole "justice is everything" act going on."
Looking at his commander visibly whinching at the information.
"Keep tabs on her I'm still not sure if that fool Orge pass on the order I told him to and something tells me she won't care about the specifics of my orders."
"General (Y/N), Commander Jet we're here." The driver said pulling up next to the palace.
"A carriage pulled up looks to have come from the imperial palace what are the chances its the minister?" Mine asked looking through the scope of her weapon.
"Well whoever it is they could also be a target were after."
"Maybe one of the corrupt officials let's see." Looking through her scope she sees a man step out of the Carriage with a helmet on and another with an Oni mask.
"That's General (Y/N)! What is he doing here?"
"Who's General (Y/N)?"
"He's one of the Empire's greatest strategist he recently defeated a rebellion to the West and now he's here."
"Should we also take him out?"
"If I can get a him and Iokal in one shot I will."
"Ugh what's that smell? I can smell it through my helmet that's disgusting!"
Blocking the air vents of his helmet as he smelt something he never smelled before at the entrance of the palace.
"I guess your pure general.... That smell is quite foul its as if drugs and many special....... Fluids were left out too long....... Not as bad as being in a room filled with drugged induced incense."
"Yea..... I hate those too....... Lets get this shit over with. And what do you mean by special fluids?"
"You know what Jet explain to me later." As they walk in the palace they see five guards stood outside of a door with sounds of a woman wailing in pain.
"Oh..... He's one of these types of Bastards." Proud he has his helmet on for they couldn't see his disgusted face as he is confronted by one of the guards.
"Who are you supposed to be."
"The Prime minister's errand boy I've come to escort Iokal to the Imperial palace."
"I see wait for him in the front.... He doesn't like to be disturbed when he is having his "fun" time."
Sighing the general and his commander nod as they return to the front entrance.
"By the way how's the wife?" (Y/N) asked turning to his commander.
"She's good she successfully made it to the coastal front the you know who occupies. Nice house, great view of the beach, away from the capital all that good stuff."
"That's awesome. Glad to hear one of my soldiers are doi-" (Y/N) looks at the forrest in front of them and the mountain it hides as he swore he saw what looked like a sniper flicker.
"General what's wrong?"
"Signal the Agents to kill any imperial witness who saw us arrive here except for the driver as he's one of us, Iokal and I believe his guards are dying tonight."
"Even the guards why?"
"Because if they don't find the one who killed Iokal we would have to kill them."
"I understand I'll get them ready."
"What's wrong Mine?"
"N-nothing I thought the general saw me but its unsure if he did with that helmet..... I see Iokal right now...... The General is not moving and he's surrounded by civies ah well I guess they are getting caught in the cross fire."
"Wait you can't just fire and hit inn-"
In a split second when he saw a ray of light he saw Iokal fall dead as his guards looks shocked at what happened.
"WHY ARE YOU IDIOTS STANDING THERE GO FIND THE KILLER OR ELSE I'LL DELIVER YOUR HEADS TO THE PRIME MINISTER!" The General yelled at the guards as they panick and head into the trees most likely walking into a trap.
"Sir the agents are making quick work."
"Good let's get out of here."
After killing all of the guards NightRaid makes their way home when they encounter a young girl with light blue hair with most of it being covered by her hood that looks like a bird of prey from the side however they were cautious because she wore the imperial uniform of black coloring with blue lining they all get ready to fight if it wasn't for Akame who put them at ease.
"Everyone wait she's not a threat...... Hey Tsuki."
"Hey Akame. Hello NightRaid I'm Tsuki an Assassin trained by (Y/N)."
"Is that so then your an enemy!" Mine said pointing pumpkin at her only for Akame and Leone to step in the way.
"Sorry Mine but that's not it. (Y/N) is a close friend of mine who helped me escape the Empire before I joined NightRaid he's also our biggest informant we have on targets in the capital." Akame said putting her hand on her chest as Leone nodded in agreement.
"Uh.... Oh my god and I almost shot him........"
"Wait you almost shot Master (Y/N)!"
Tsuki angrily said clenching her fist only to calm down as Akame put her hand on her shoulder.
"S-sorry I didn't know!"
"Me and the Boss thought it'd be best to keep his secret in case of anything that's why we haven't told you guys..... And Leone tailed me so that's how she knew."
"Yup I have to say he's quite a cu-" Leone gets cut off as she's bonked by both Akame and Tsuki.
"This is nice n all so how about we head back to base." Bulat said as the gang started to head out.
"Did they find the bodies?"
"Yes sir and per your instruction we cut their heads off in order for you to present to the minister."
"Good...... Tonight is going to be a pain in the ass."
"Cause you'll be dealing with fatso and the incompetent child?"
"Yep......... I would kill them however I'm not sure how it would go especially with Budo still alive."
"Not only that we need Tsuki with NightRaid to coordinate better. I mean who else knows your a spy general?"
"Other than Akame..... I think Narjenda, and that blonde chick I met. Honestly that was close if I was in front of Iokal then that would've been my head."
"Yea hopefully Tsuki joins up with them. Oh by the way I heard word the..... Executioner is making his way in town."
"Is that so?..... Looks like I'm going on a hunt soon when the story of him start appearing in town inform me at once."
"Yes sir."
"Tsuki what a surprise." Narjenda said as the group entered the room with the blue hair girl in front as she pulled her hood back to reveal a bun at the back of her head.
"Hello again Na- I guess I should say boss now." Tsuki bowed.
"So why did (Y/N) want you to join us?"
"Coordination after the death of Orge by the way heck of a mess one of y'all left behind. Anyways General (Y/N) when he returned to the capital was tasked on stopping you guys however he is to use the resources the capital has to offer. He sent me to collect data on every single scumbag that'll be marked as a potential target not only that he's putting more stress to every guard in the capital which I've seen is making them sloppy. And that's not the only problem." As her tone lowered the group looked at the girl in confusion of the situation.
"Despite all he proved to be "loyal" to the Thorne the Minister is starting to gain suspension over him for reasons I'm not sure of."
"It is the minister after all from what I understand about (Y/N) from everything Akame told me is that he cannot be easily swayed by the temptation of corruption and that he also recognizes what the Empire is doing to the innocence. He is indeed a valuable ally but he is in a tough position."
"Its as I said Prime minister the minute I arrived to your cousin's palace I saw he was already dead and his five guards came to me saying they couldn't find the killer so I had their heads removed for their failures...... Jet." In a calm tone he signals his commander to throw a bag next to him as it opened up revealing five severed heads showing the minister it was the guards that protected his cousin leading him to be further more agitated.
"It would've been a waste of effort as I deduced they had been long gone. Its as I warned you before; our men are proving to be too naive against the threat of these Assassins because of we will continue to lose key players to the Empire. This will also mean I'll need a group of my own Eli-"
"NO! General your to continue your investigating our guards will capture these NightRaid Bastards and we will be done with this nightmare."
"Your taking me off the search only after a few days?"
"That's not it at all. You see you'll still be in charge of the Imperial guards and police until we can settle this matter however General Esdeath will be due back soon to help capture or better yet destroy these groups of assassins." Hearing the name of his fellow general genuinely shock him however no one could tell thanks to his helmet.
"Lady Esdeath is coming back..... To the Capital?!"
"Indeed she is..... Is there a problem?"
"N-no sir in fact I'm quite relieve for I have another companion besides Budo to play chess with."
"I see well General your dismissed and take those heads with you." The minister said before angrily tearing into a large piece of meat as (Y/N) and Jet picked up the heads of the guards and exiting the palace back to their carriage.
"Well..... That went better than I thought." (Y/N) joked taking his helmet off.
"Surprisingly it did....... So General....."
"Yes I know things are going to be a lot more complicated once Esdeath returns I was hoping that Prince of the North would a greater threat so that the revolutionary army would take the capital in one fatal strike....." Hold the bridge of his nose he starts to think of all the different options presented to him.
"Wouldn't it be simpler if you assassinated Esdeath yourself?"
"Wouldn't happen despite how good I am. Her and Budo are the one's I fear the most Budo I have more confidence against but Esdeath....... I doubt I could get close enough to kill her especially with her imperial arms. There are just too many outcomes where she comes out on top and soaks in my blood." Holding his chin looking out the window he doesn't see the head movement of his commander as he surprise him with his insight.
"I knew General Esdeath was powerful but its to see how you think of her."
"I have to especially if were caught. I know other generals are defecting to the rebels which puts me in a good position however the cards are being stacked against me and I have to wait just a bit longer before I could play my hand."
The next night
"Damn this is a problem twelve guards dead all beheaded and many more innocence dead in the same manner...... That bastard Zanku is proving to be a real pain in the ass. I should be cautious NightRaid Is most likely after Zanku as well..... What are the chances that I'll........ Is that the sounds of swords clashing?" Following the sounds of battle (Y/N) sees his Assassin friend duel the one he was hoping to fight as they both appear to be evenly matched slowly making his way to then as to not be noticed.
"Aww man..... Might as well enjoy the show...... Why is she just standing there?..... Oh no!" Grabbing his throwing knifes from his belt he takes aim swiftly throwing them as they hit his elbows and knees as the same time of him blocking Akame's strike as she saw through his illusion.
"Where did these knifes come from..... It came from Him?!"
"Where do your focus go Headhunter?!" Akame yelled as she severed his arms and slashed his neck.
"Your voices will no longer haunt you Zanku." Akame said with sympathy in her voice when she noticed her friend and gave him a smile before she helped Tatsumi up.
"You took my target Akame you really are a criminal." (Y/N) joked as he took spectator off Zanku's corpse.
"You were just too slow (Y/N).... Hey Tatsumi are you ok?"
"Y-yea I'm fine Akame thanks for the save.... You must General (Y/N)." Tatsumi stands himself up looking at the general.
"The one and only here this is yours. I have to ask did Tsuki join you guys yet?" He asked as he gave Akame and Tatsumi Spectator.
"Yes she did. She wasn't apart of this mission however..... (Y/N) is everything ok?" Akame asked with a worried look on her face as she grabbed his helmet on for him to grab her wrist to prevent her from taking it off.
"Yea..... Just a lot of stress but since Tsuki is with y'all it'll be better from here on out..... You two might want to get going before the rest of the guards get here.... Oh here for Narjenda." Taking a note from his wrist he gives it to Akame as she looks at it with a smile.
"Thanky you....... (Y/N) please be safe." Akame said blushing a bit as she sees her reflection from his visor unable to see he was blushing as well.
"Same goes for you after all you guys have it toug-" Interrupting Akame gives him a hug before she left with Tatsumi waving goodbye to the general.
"Yes General." Jet appears next to him in a similar fashion Tsuki vanishes.
"Kill any spies who might have seen me and be extra thorough."
"Yes sir me and men are on it." Jet vanishes into thin air leaving (Y/N) to his thoughts.
"Now what should be my next Play?"

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