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Age: 13
Blood Type: B
Eye color: Amber yellow
Hair color: Light Blue (Baby Blue)
Height: 5'04"
Appearance: Hair goes down to the top half of her back however she keeps it in a single Bun in order for her hair to not get in the way. Despite being young she had mature figure that at first glance confuses most people about her actual age.
Weapons of choice: Knifes coated with poison.
The Hidden Blades she now has.
Personality: Often Quiet she has no trouble voicing her own opinion especially to the one who saved her life for he always listens for her insight and concerns. She tends to be observant of her surroundings and great at analyzing. Her loyalty to others close to her can often be considered sisterly or motherly especially with the soliders who are also loyal to (Y/N) and know about her.
BG: Tsuki originated in the West with no family, no friends, an orphan left to die. As the years went by she learned how to sneak around villages and markets in order for her to steal food. One day the village she happened to be in caught her a were ready to beat her to death if it was for a boy in armor along with his squadron of soliders he saw the girl and offered her his hand which she at first reluctantly took. After a couple of months she had stayed with the boy as he taught her how to fight and to improve her stealth skills she had became close to him pleading her loyalty to him.
(Y/N): a caring big brother despite not being related however her feelings for him grew past that.
Akame: even though they met a few times she respects her because she is a close friend of (Y/N) but believes they may be more and is a bit jealous of it.

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