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"Here's the end of the tunnel all we have to do is blow right through this wall and it'll be complete, we have the equipment for it so It'll take som-"

"No need let me take care of it." Tatsumi said equipping incursio as he signaled the others to stand back.

"Akame, Master will be fine." Tsuki said putting her hand on Akame's shoulder.

"I know he will... I just don't want anything bad to happen to him."

"The hell your biting me are those fangs? Wait is that the Teigu Absorbdex?" (Y/N) asked as his brace blocked the bite from Dorothea while she jumped back and smiled at him.

"Someone knows their stuff; so does that mean you know these two's Teigus?" Dorothea pointed to Cosmina and Champ as they surrounded the General.

"The microphone Heavy Pressure, and Chaos Throw: Big Leaguer; both Teigus are very dangerous but perfect considering one is a clown and the other a witch." (Y/N) said not leaving himself open to an attack from behind.

"Oohh that's what makes you even more desirable (Y/N)." Cosmina said squirming in place.

"Well enough talk Champ if you may."

"Of course." Grabbing one of the six orbs he throws it at the general making him put his shield up for he is unsure with orb he threw.

"Shit which orb is this one." As soon as the orb came into contact with his shield an explosion erupted sending the general flying back.

"Explosion.... Got it... I now know the symbol of it I just need to know what the symbols for Ice, Fire, Thunder, and rot is.... Woah woah!" Catching his breath a sudden whirlwind took place in front of (Y/N) as he saw an orb fly towards him pushing him back even more with a gust of wind.

"And that's storm I know the symbols for those two so the other orbs I should just avoid... Good thing I told the black rhinos to go into the tunnel... I'm not sure if I'll be able to win this fight especially since it is three verses one."

"(Y/N) I'll make you mines!" Cosmina sings into her mic creating a shockwave as (Y/N) put up a barrier protecting himself from it however the manor didn't fair better from it.

"C'mon you two let's keep the pressure."

"These two have an advantage against me one range and I can't use my blade beams without leaving myself open to an attack... And I'm not sure if my knifes will ever reach them... Wait Champ is sending the explosion orb again I have a chance there just got to deflect it down..... Now!" As (Y/N) saw the explosion orb incoming he push it down to the ground causing an explosion beneath him also creating a dust cloud to hide his presence.

"Quick Cosmina get ri-" stopping Dorothea from speaking (Y/N) threw multiple knifes at the three members five of them landing inside Dorothea's neck two on Cosmina's arms, and three on one of Champ's legs.

"Unlike you three I don't rely solely on my Teigu After all I've done plenty of fighting without them." (Y/N) said walking to them with his hidden blades out.

"C'mon (Y/N) you won't kill me would you?" Cosmina said with worry in her voice.

"Without a seco- a-a-ah." Looking at his hip he sees blood start pouring from it as he knew what it was.

"A gunshot.... B-b-but where did it come from?..."

"Those knifes really hurt general... Luckily I've had some leftover blood to heal myself." Dorothea said holding a gun pointing it at (Y/N) licking her lips.

The Spy in the Capital (Akame X M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now