{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {...

By xoxUndeadlovexox

266K 6.7K 1.8K


{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake}
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 2~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 3~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 4~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 5~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 6~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 7~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 8~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 9~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 10~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 11~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 12~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 13~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 14~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 15~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 16~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 17~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 18~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 19~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 20~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 21~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 22~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 23~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 24~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 25~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 26~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 27~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 28~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 29~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 30~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 31~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 33~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 34~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 35~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 36~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 37~
{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 38~

{Kakashi} Opposites Attract {Hatake} ~Chapter 32~

3.6K 93 65
By xoxUndeadlovexox

Ai’s POV:

I looked him up and down with my Sharingan. Despite the intense chakra training today, he was still full of energy. I shook my head, realizing that me leaving had drained him, but coming back had gotten his spirits lifted this much. I promptly sat down and leaned against the posts, hating myself. Kakashi sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I leaned against him, and he rubbed my shoulder.

“You ok?”

“Yeah…So. For the Mangekyo, we’re going to do the exact thing we did before, ok?” I said, standing.

He nodded and took off his shirt and mask, then raised his headband to show his Sharingan. I crouched into a fighting position, as did he. We fought for a while, and he ended up exhausted, on his knees.

Kakashi’s POV:

“Kakashi, you ok? You look tired, ready to give up?” she asked me.

“Yeah right. I’m fighting to the end.”

She smiled. “That’s my Kakashi,” she said. I felt a strange rush when she said I was hers. “Well done. Now come on, again!”

She looked at me with her Mangekyo that looked like hearts in her eyes, and I looked at her with my regular Sharingan. She started drawing a seal on my bare chest, and I felt a new power rush through me. Suddenly, a small vortex type thing appeared behind her. She looked at it for a second, covered my eye, and nodded as the vortex disappeared.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Kakashi Hatake, you are one of the, now four, people who can use the Mangekyo Sharingan. Of course, you wouldn’t have been able to do it without me. It’s because I’m so wonderful and amazing like that.”

“Yeah, and you have the smallest ego in the world, too,” I muttered under my breath.

“Aw, you know you love me,” she said jokingly.

Now was my chance to tell her how I felt. “You’re right, I do,” I said, completely serious.

She paused and looked at me, and I wondered if I had screwed up. Until, that is, she smiled for the first time in ages. That lopsided grin I absolutely loved. “I love you too, Copy Ninja,” she said.

I smiled and pushed her against a tree. I kissed her gently, holding her close to me. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. I smiled into the kiss as well, and she slowly pulled away. I rested my forehead against hers.

“Ai, I love you. I have for a while now.” I wanted her to say my name when she said she loved me. My mind craved it.

She smiled. “I love you, too, Kakashi,” she whispered, and tucked her head under my chin as she rested her head against my chest. I held her tighter. Hearing her say those five words alone made everything better. “Kakashi?”


“You don’t feel it, but you’re about to pass out. Go home and sleep, ok?”

“Too comfortable.”

She chuckled. “I know you are, but I don’t want you to pass out, either. Go home and get some sleep. For me?”

“Ok, ok,” I said, smiling.

I kissed her gently and started walking home after putting my vest, shirt, and mask back on. She started walking to the K.I.A. stone and sat on her knees in front of it, her hands resting in her lap. I took one of her soldier pills that she had given us to replenish chakra and walked to the edge of the clearing.

“All of you on here…you deserve your name on this stone. All I’ve done is cause the man I love pain, and he fought to have my name on this stone. Please, forgive me for all I’ve done. Perhaps when I next fight my family, I can redeem myself,” she said quietly. “I thought I said you needed to sleep.”

I walked over to her and sat down as well. “I took one of those pills you gave us.” She nodded. “Ai?”

“Yes, Kakashi?”

“What’s bothering you?”

She chuckled. “Do you realize how weird it is to see your own name on a stone for people who were killed? It’s like seeing your own death before it happens.” I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. I wanted to say I knew what it was like, but I couldn’t even begin to imagine. “You want to come over for dinner?” she asked.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Sure.”

We walked back to her apartment. Kai and Sora were in their room, working on mission reports, having been promoted to chuunin during the last exam without a single scratch. Ai started dinner, and I hung out in the kitchen.

“Did you know Tsunade’s planning some sort of ball for the anniversary of Konoha’s founding?”

“Really?” I asked. She nodded. “When?”

“I think tomorrow, but it’s also some festival.”

I smiled. “Sounds like fun. Would you be my date?” I asked.

She chuckled. “I’d be honored. Well, dinner will be ready, and we have some time to kill,” she said.

I pulled down my mask without her noticing. I took both of her hands in mine and turned her to me, and she smiled and stepped closer to me. I kissed her softly and ran my tongue against her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She denied me, however, and I growled. I ground into her, yet she still denied me. She tried to wrap her arms around my neck, but I held them over her hand with only a single hand, and slammed her gently against the wall with a small thud. She chuckled quietly and pulled me closer with chakra strings. If she had wanted to, she could’ve removed my hands from hers at any time. With that thought in mind, I pressed my hips into hers, and had one hand against the wall next to her head. She moaned, and I took that opportunity to slip my tongue in. We battled for dominance, and she let me win after a long battle. As we broke the kiss for air, I moved my hungry kisses to her neck, immediately finding her hotspot. I gave her another hickey, and she moaned.

“See, Kai? I told you they would get together soon!” Sora whispered.

“Yeah, yeah. But it still didn’t happen in two weeks, so you don’t get your money,” he replied.

We didn’t stop our kiss, however, and I kissed back to her lips. But she kissed to my neck, and gave me a hickey as well. I moaned, and pulled away. She smiled at me, and I smiled in return.

“Kai, Sora. Why don’t you get your plates? Dinner’s ready. And get Kakashi one as well, ok?”

They nodded, and handed me a plate. The three of us ate, while Ai lay on the couch as Hitomi, looking completely relaxed.

“Do you ever eat?” I asked her.

“Very rarely. I just never get hungry,” she replied, closing her eyes.

“Hey, kind of random, but do you see in black and white or in color?”

She chuckled. “Color. Bright and vivid color.”

She jumped down, landing as Ai again, and cleaned our plates after we had finished eating, then looked through her desk and pulled out a movie. I walked over and sat on the couch as she put the movie in. She walked to me and sat down in my arms, resting her head on my chest.

“Nightmare Before Christmas?” I asked.

“Yeah. Do you mind?”

I shook my head. “It’s one of my favorites.”

She smiled and snuggled closer to me, and I held her. Kai and Sora sat down in front of us, watching the movie. “You know…this…this is nice,” she said.


“This. Sitting here in your arms, with the kids sitting in front of us, and watching a movie, like…”

“Like a family.”

She smiled. “Yeah. Like a family.”

I smiled as well and stroked the back of her hand with my thumb. “It is nice,” I said. We watched the movie, and she started singing quietly along with the songs. “I didn’t know you sang.”

“Not usually, but I sing along with my iPod a lot.”

The movie ended, and I looked down to see Ai asleep. Kai and Sora had gone to bed long ago. Smiling, I moved slightly and got comfortable, and Ai moved with me. I kissed her gently and slowly fell asleep, holding her.

I woke up hearing the shower running. “Woah, what are you still doing here?” Kai asked.


“Kakashi sensei, did you spend the night here?” Sora asked me.

I sat up. “Yeah, I guess we fell asleep watching the movie…”

“Well…we’re going out on a mission. Can you tell mother we won’t be back until it’s late tonight?” I nodded, and they left the apartment.

I stood and picked up an apple for breakfast. A few footsteps sounded behind me. The footsteps stopped, and I turned slowly. Ai was holding her towel around her middle with one hand, had her other hand on her hip, and was leaning on one leg. Her hair was wet against her shoulders, and she was smiling her lopsided grin with her head tilted slightly to the side.

“What?” I asked.

She shook her head. “Nothing, nothing,” she said, and walked over. She reached behind me and picked up a pear. “Sleep well?” she asked.

“Excellently. I think that’s the first time I’ve gotten a full night’s sleep in a couple of years.” She tensed, ever so slightly, but I still caught it. “What about you?”

She chuckled. “Nah, I never sleep well. Though I must admit, I was very comfortable.” I chuckled. “Well, I’m going to get dressed. It’s freezing in here.”

She walked into her room and I pulled out my book to read. A few minutes later, she came out wearing jeans, a tank top, her boots, gloves, headband, and her jacket over it. All black, of course. She put on her eye scope/range finder, her weapons pouch, belted on her sword, and looked at me.

“Ready for training?” she asked.

I walked over to her. “Not quite yet,” I said, and kissed her gently. She smiled and returned the kiss, and I pulled away. “Ok, let’s go.”

She nodded and we walked to the training grounds. “So, here’s the deal for today, guys. Tonight is the Konoha’s Foundation Day Ball and the start of the Festival, so there’s not going to be any training during the Festival. Sound good?”

“Sounds great!” Inoichi said. “Just one question.”

“What’s that?”

Everyone looked at each other, then at her. “Why are you being nice?”

“That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?” I asked them.

Ai shook her head. “Harsh, but true. All I’m going to say is that I’m in a good mood today. So go enjoy yourselves during the festival. Afterwards, instead of everyday training, we’ll have meetings once a week, ok?”

They all left, and Ai started walking off. I followed, concerned. She walked to Tsunade’s office and knocked on the door. “Ai? What brings you here?” Tsunade asked. I pressed my ear against the door to listen. “Is…is that a hickey?!”

“I’ve given up, Tsunade. I’m not going to distance myself from him anymore. Not only because I don’t want to, but because I physically can’t. I love him too much.”

“You…love him?”

“I do.” My stomach did a back flip and my heart skipped a beat.

I heard a chair being pushed back, and a few footsteps. “If you hurt him again…”

“I know, Lady Tsunade. Though I can assure you, it won’t happen.”

“It better not. Now go enjoy the festival.”

Ai appeared next to me. “Eavesdropping, Kakashi?” I jumped and scratched the back of my neck with a closed eye smile. She chuckled. “Come on, let’s go enjoy the festival, ok?”

We started walking to the festival, and I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder, and took my hand. We walked around the festival, talking to the various people we say. While she got us some food, I looked at a necklace at one of the stands.

“This for your lady friend?” the shop owner asked.


She smiled. “Why don’t you get it engraved? I’ll throw the engraving in for free, just for you.”

“Thanks,” I said with a smile.

I told her the engraving, and as she said, she engraved it for free. I bought a black velvet box to put it in as well, and stuck the box in my pocket a second before Ai came back.

“You’ve got a nice man here, ma’am,” she said.

Ai smiled. “Yeah, he’s pretty great,” she replied.

I wrapped an arm around her waist, and we walked through the festival again, each eating our lunch. I looked at her. “I’m going to go get something from one of the other shops. We’ll meet up again in a bit, ok?” I asked.

She smiled and kissed my cheek, and I walked back to one of the shops. An hour later, I found Ai walking down the road, eating a Popsicle, and carrying about fifty different giant stuffed animals. She saw me and waved, smiling that lopsided grin of hers. It was the happiest I had seen her…ever, really.

“Hey! Look what I found!” she said, rummaging through a bag on her shoulder. I thought I saw a few more stuffed animals in there. She pulled out a stuffed figure and did a closed eye smile. “It’s you! I didn’t know you had a stuffed figure!”

“Neither did I,” I said, looking at it. She smiled and we started walking down the road.

“Hey, another game!” she yelled, running over to another carnival game.

I shook my head, smiling, as she paid the man to play. She picked up twelve play kunai and hit each balloon right on the mark. The man raised his eyebrows. “Pick your prize, miss.”

She looked at all of the prizes, then smiled hugely and pointed. “That one!” He and I both blinked a few times, just staring at her. “What?” He handed her her prize…a yellow moose with orange antlers and pink hooves. It had a lavender nose, a blue tail, and green polka dots. “Perfect! You shall be named…Quail the moose!” she said, tossing it over her back.

I blinked a few times. “Quail?”

“Aw, come on! It’s adorable!” I put my hand on her forehead. “What?”

“Who are you and what have you done with Ai?”

She laughed, and we started walking around again. “Hey, what time is it?” she asked.

“Uh…almost five thirty.” Her jaw dropped. “What?”

“I only have a half hour to get ready for a ball?! Are you insane?! I have to go change!” she yelled.

I sweat dropped. “Ok, then…I’ll pick you up in a half hour?”

She nodded, kissed my cheek, and ran to her apartment. I blinked a few times. “Hey, Kakashi!” I turned and saw Iruka.

“Hello, Iruka. How are you?”

“Fine. How are you doing?” he asked.

I smiled. “Pretty good.”

“So was that Ai who ran off?” I nodded. “Where’s she going?”

“To get ready for the ball tonight. Actually, I’d better get ready, too…”

He smirked. “You’re gonna need some help if you want to impress her, then.”

I shrugged. We walked back to my house, and he tossed me my black tuxedo and dress shoes, followed by my black mask, headband, and gloves after waiting very impatiently for me to take a shower. I put the tux, mask, and dress shoes on, but decided against my gloves. He looked at me critically.

“We need to do something about your hair,” he said, coming at me with a comb.

My eyes widened and I moved so there was empty space behind me in case I had to run. “Keep away from the hair, Iruka,” I warned.

“Well you always have your hair like that. Surprise her!”

I sighed, then came up with an idea. I untied my headband and stuck it in my pocket. My hair fell like I used to have it in ANBU. “Happy now? What time is it?”

“You’ve got about two minutes.”

I nodded and put Ai’s necklace in my pocket. “Thanks for your help, Iruka,” I said, and teleported myself to Ai’s apartment. I knocked on the door.

“Come in!” Ai said, and the door opened.

I shook my head and smiled as I walked in. “That puppetry thing sure is help-…Oh, wow…” I said, blushing slightly.

Ai walked out of her room wearing a long, flowing black tube dress that went to her ankles, but had a split up her right leg to her thigh. She had shoulder length black gloves on, her headband tied her hair away from her face so it cascaded down her back, but her bangs still covered her left eye. Her makeup was perfect, hardly noticeable, and she was wearing black strapped high heels. She smiled, and I melted.

“You ok there, Kakashi? Hey, are you blushing?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.

I shook my head. “Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. You look amazing!”

“You look excellent yourself,” she said with a smile.

I remembered the necklace I had bought her. “I got you something at the festival,” I said, and handed her the box.

She opened it, and brought her hand to her chest, her jaw dropped slightly. “It’s beautiful!” she gasped, picking up the silver heart shaped locket.

I walked over and helped her put it on, then wrapped my arms around her middle from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder. “Read the engraving on the back,” I whispered.

She looked at the back. “I love you, Ai. –Kakashi,” she said quietly, with a small smile. “I love you, too, Kakashi,” she whispered, turning her head to kiss me.

I smiled into the kiss, but pulled away all too soon. “We’re going to be late,” I said quietly.

“Hold on. A locket needs pictures,” she said with a smile. She rummaged through her desk and pulled out a picture, then cut it to the right size and put it in her locket. “There we go.”

I walked over to her and picked up the locket. Inside was a picture of me smiling and holding her. We had gotten someone to take the picture on our way to Jiraiya; it was one of my best memories with her. I smiled and ran my fingers across her jaw.

“Just make sure no one looks at it. That was the only time I took my mask off in front of someone,” I said jokingly.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Come on, let’s get to the ball, huh?” I chuckled, and we walked towards the Hokage’s mansion. I checked my pocket for the other thing I had gotten Ai, and stopped. She looked at me. “Everything ok?”

“Yeah. I just left something at home.”

She smiled. “Well let’s go get it, then,” she said.

We walked back to my house, and while I searched my bookshelf for the gift, Ai walked into my room and I heard her sit on the bed. I heard what sounded like pebbles moving around in a box, but didn’t think much of it. I found the small box and put it in my jacket pocket, then walked to my room to get Ai. She smiled and stood, and we walked to the Hokage’s Mansion and entered the ball.

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