By Peckie_Joe

645 290 62

Every teen got their own experiences they face.Travelling through this teen age,what can this teen do?,Mira i... More

Authors Note
Chapter 2(Surprise)
Chapter 3( NewsFlash🗣️🗣️)
Chapter 4(Examination)
Chapter 5(Summer Lesson)
Chapter 6(Drenched+Flirty)
Chapter 8(New Boy)
Chapter 9(Elections)
Chapter 10(Excursion)
Chapter 11 (Truth or Dare)
Chapter 12(Camping)
Chapter 13(Clueless)
Chapter 14(Incoming)
Chapter 15(Birthday/Shocker)
Chapter 16(I'm falling)
Chapter 17(Be Mine)
Chapter 18(Wait)
Chapter 19(Urges)
Chapter 21(Complications)
Chapter 23(Mirage)
Chapter 24(Broken)
Chapter 25(Bitter Truth)
Chapter 26(Graduation)
Short Announcement
Chapter 27( Happily Ever...!! Don't Know?)

Chapter 1(Intro Moi?)

111 33 24
By Peckie_Joe

Urggh..I yawn as my alarm bell wake me up from sleep and I sprang up immediately when I remember that today is the first day of school. I walk up to my mirror after dressing up and I'm just loving what I can see. Before I forget,my name is Mira,I'm not really an interesting person and I'm fifteen years old presently".
My whole life is crazily full of ambition's and I'm out to enter my senior year.
            The morning is going smooth,my sister Riana is just seen around with her phone and my brother Derrick is definitely gonna stop getting on my nerves after this semester, he's gonna be leaving for an higher diploma.
         I get to the dining table and insist on not eating anything but have to force myself since my brother won't stop pushing my loss of appetite for me tryna look cool for boys. I shove few cheese and eggs in my mouth and trust me when I say its delicious,I put on my backpack, say my byes to my sister and walk carefully, following my brother. My dad travelled and so I guess my mom would take us to school.

"I'm gonna have to give you a ride to your school Mira"My mom says this and my bro just heave a sigh.I don't quite blame him cause we all know a drive from my mom feels like staying in hell and walking stealthily because she always have alot to say and places to drop by.
     The lecturing starts soon enough and she starts telling us what she expects from us in this new semester and now I regret why I'm seating at front seat,I can see my bro smiling broadly through the mirror.

" This is a new section and you will most likely meet new people as well as feel like having adventures but I must tell you both especially Derrick,don't forget your study and of course make mama proud,understand?".She smiles and then we give her the usual response

"Yes ma"I wave to mom immediately as I get off from the car and I'm just about to say something to my brother when I find out that he's no longer there. Gosh my bro never stops to amaze me.

     I'm searching for my besties and I guess they should be in class. I can see them laughing and I know the question this mirrors(as I call them) will ask.

" Hey...!!Mira"Analora and Analucia says it unism

"Hi...!!Mirrors"I say this with a smirk on my face.

" Hmm...the same old name,how did you know that we will be early?"Analora asks anxiously

"Well...its so easy to know that you perpetual late comers will come early since it's first day" I say this and run off because I know that I just called for trouble. Analora runs after me but I'm quick enough to get to my locker first and that shows that I already won. This is a usual thing we do right from our third grade and I can't believe I'm doing this even in my senior year.
                 Analucia is never really a lover of strenuous activity or maybe I'm just way too closer to the other twin. Analucia walks up to us and just giggle.

"Let's get to class"Analucia says this and then we go our separate ways since we are all having different course .I'm about entering into my economics class when the fat boy,Spence Kimberly who I hate so much asks why I came to school so late.

" How is it your business?" I say this and walk away. I don't really have a good reason for hating Spence,he just looks like a boy who shouldn't be my friend and I can see him shaking his head after I gave him my answer.  I get to my seat and of course expect the next scenero.

"That wasn't nice Mira"Perry Moore says this with a look of disappointment.

" I know Perry but I just cant seem to takk to Spence in a calm way"

"Hmm...I just hope you apologize"
Perry Moore isn't really close to me but she was a friend back in our third grade ,I guess some friendship just never last.
     She's the art queen of social activity and is always seen around her two buddies(Bastien and Layah)but Bastien relocated and she's now left with Layah. Perry unlike our science queen bie ain't a bully and she talks calmly to everyone. Just then our homeroom teacher steps in alongside with the economics teacher.
       The class is going smoothly except for the part that Spence Kimberly is always ready to answer all the questions and this makes my blood wanna spill.

"Gosh I hope this ain't jealousy"I say this aloud and everyone looks at me but I just give a grin.

Thankfully, it's time for lunch and I walk over to the lunch room heading for me and my besties usual seat.

" Heyo!!!"

"Gosh Mira,you scared the outra me"

(Gigling)"You never learn Analora"

"Whatever Mira,just seat your butt down and eat"

"Okay Mummy!!!Where is Analucia,you two are inseparable" I say this mockingly

"Oh come on,she's attending to something"

"Hmm okay,have you heard the latest hit?"

"No please,hit me on it"
I bring out my phone and play series of music for Analora. We both love music and the twins actually brings out my love for it .
     I leave Analora when its time for my next class and I receive a beep which signifies that a message has been sent to me. I open my bag to pick my phone and this is taking alot of my time. Gosh ...I hate when this happens to me and now I feel this new bag ain't so cool after all.

"Yes!!!"I gasp as soon as I see my phone and then I screw down to see it's a message from Spence. I'm so shocked right now because I never knew I had him on Facebook and now I have to reply his annoying message.

SPENCE:What's up Mi?

MIRA:Ehm..last time I checked, only my friend's are allowed to call me that fatso.

SPENCE:You should be happy that I'm saying hi


      I drop my phone,place my ear buds on and leave for the remaining class of the day and now its finally closing hours. I'm heading to the school gate to go home with my besties.  Just then,I can see Barks Dale walking up to me.

" Hey Mira,whatsup?"

"Not now Barks,I'm really in a hurry"

"Come on Barbie doll,dont tell me you didnt miss me"

"I did" I say this as I know it's the only way to get him off my shoulders

"I knew you would, so..meet me in this same spot tomorrow"


"I need to give you your gift,don't tell me you didn't bring anything from the holidays for me?"

"Oh right,we shall see tomorrow right,we will see tomorrow then"

"Okay bye,don't miss me too much okay"

"You wish"I say this and leave to meet my friends who seem to be already tired of waiting for moi.

" Hey...Mirrors"

"Jeeez...!Where have you been Mira?"Analucia says this in a loud tone

" My oh my,I've never seen you this fierce,I love it"

"You ain't serious girl".

" I'm so sorry babes,I got held on by Barks"

"Oh..the school play boy"

"You mean one of right,he's so bad at doing his work"Analora says this amidst laugh

" Wah do you mean"I ask inquisitively

"Nigga asked both of us out"Analucia replies immediately with a look of disgust

" Damn..this boy is a waste"

"Swears...like hes a hottie but.
the whole cassonva stuff is over dose"

"I think he needs tutorials from Derrick on how to play the game well"
I say this and then we all start laughing . I follow them home as I already have plans with them.
Hmm...I can say this is just my simple interesting life.

Slide down for next chapter, coming pretty soon. Hope you all likey 😋
I'm dedicating this chapter to mcjay234

Make sure to comment,follow the writer,lol moi
Please do not forget to share also
Thanks for the reads
Love you all😘😘

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