final round - lrh

By whiskeyluke

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the story of a boy and a girl who rely on each other to keep one another alive emotionally and physically. ... More



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By whiskeyluke

The decision to get out of bed and go back to training wasn't really one I thought out. However, I figured after eating and hydrating, I really had no excuse to continue laying in bed. Even though I know Lieutenant Hemmings is going to kill me for getting out, I'd rather show him determination and prove that I don't need the day in bed. If I stay in bed, it's going to seem as if I'm taking advantage of the downtime. Instead, I want to use it in order to prove myself further and show that I'm ready to put in work. 

I fear the repercussions I may face for choosing to do this but I can't find it in me to care. Instead, I'd love to see his reaction when he catches sight of me out of bed and ready to work just like everyone else here.

So with that, I don't hesitate to jump out of bed and eye the current attire I'm in and dig around for something to change into. I could wear this outside but I'd rather put on something fresh considering I had been wearing this when I was at the pole earlier. 

Luckily, I find a drawer of clothes and grab a pair of spandex with a tank top, the usual attire, and quickly change myself. I try not to take much time because the quicker I get out there the better. I have no reason to be laying around in here and doing nothing. 

Once I'm dressed, I throw my hair up into a high ponytail and take a second to observe the scene outside. As predicted, everyone is working their asses off as Lieutenant Hemmings stands off to the side unimpressed. He yells at things that he really doesn't need to yell about and makes everything a lot more miserable, as usual. 

I make a beeline towards the door, sucking in a deep breath as I know this probably is a terrible idea. However, it's a risk I'm willing to take in order to offer an idea that I think he may approve of. Even though I'm sure he goes out of his way to not listen to others, I'm hoping that maybe he'll give this thought a chance. 

Hell, I think it's a great idea.

So with that, I push open the door and strut my way out of the infirmary and towards the crowd of people. I'm certain I'm going to receive lash from Lieutenant Hemmings for coming out here, but if I can do something right, I'm going to do it. I have full confidence in my plan and know he's going to have to let go of his dignity for a moment in order to agree. 

So as I watch the group practically cry due to the training, I bite back a smile, feeling confident as ever and ready to witness Lieutenant Hemmings' reaction to my idea that I think is brilliant. 

I spot Michael in the crowd and we lock eyes as he seems to see me the second that I see him. Immediately, his eyes widen in horror at the sight of me and it's clear that he's silently begging me to go back in bed and stay far away from here. 

I ignore the plea in his eyes and turn my attention to Lieutenant Hemmings. 

"Come on, move faster!" Lieutenant Hemmings yells making me cringe at the boom of his voice.

Everyone picks up their pace as there's not a single person here who isn't terrified of the 6'4 blue-eyed man who could probably make even the toughest of people cry. 

"Move faster or we're starting over!" Lieutenant Hemmings screams once more.

I approach him slowly, eyeing his broad shoulders as I prepare for what's to come. I suck in a deep breath, reminding myself that this has the potential to go really well as I run over the words in my head.

Walking up behind him, I hold my wrist behind my back as I say, "Afternoon sir."

Lieutenant Hemmings snaps his head around, clearly recognizing the voice. I instantly notice his eyes are filled with fury as he eyes me with nothing but anger. 

He spots my attire and clearly isn't satisfied by it as he roars at me, "What the hell are you doing, Lila?"

"I'm ready to train, what does it look like?" I ask innocently, blinking my eyes at him.

"You're out of your mind, get back in bed," he says waving me off and turning around seeming to not even give me a second thought.

"I'm not going back in bed," I say adamantly, having no intention of going back in that room. I'm ready to train, and I'm going to train.

Lieutenant Hemmings faces me again, his eyebrow raised as if fantasizing of the punishment he's about to give me for disobeying him, "You will do as I say whether you like it or not, James. In bed, now."

"How do you expect me to get better, sir?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows as I tilt my head at him, preparing to challenge him. "If I'm so weak, why do you keep sending me off?"

"It's your own fault you haven't been eat-"

"My food's finished, you can go look," I say waving off to the room where I had eaten everything.

Lieutenant Hemmings narrows his eyes, as he crosses his arms over his chest and says in a low voice that's almost enough to scare me away, "I'm not going to tell you again Lila James, get back in that damn room."

I stand my ground, refusing to walk back and give up my fight. I don't care how much I piss him off at this point. I'm showing him my determination and refuse to look weak and take the easy way out.

"I know about Damien," I say simply making his jaw tighten. "I know he's coming and I know you're freaking out because of it."

"That's none of your business," he snaps. "You don't speak of his name, got it?"

I raise an eyebrow, not giving him what he wants. Instead, I continue as I  say, "I was just thinking, I don't know why you're out here working everyone's ass off so they'll do their best performance in front of him."

Lieutenant Hemmings seems to be confused by this as he asks with anger written across his face, as if mad that I'm wasting his time, "What the hell are you talking about, James?"

"I'm just saying," I say with a shrug. "It'd make a bit more sense to make your army look terrible so he doesn't feel a need to prepare as much and won't take it as seriously. If he comes out here and is threatened, he's going to work his army harder."

Lieutenant Hemmings shoots an eyebrow at this, clearly intrigued. He stares at me a little longer, seeming to contemplate the thought. I don't look away from him, wanting to show that I'm confident in my own idea and don't have any doubt in it. Nonetheless, I cross my fingers in a hidden manner, hoping more than anything he won't send me off once again.

However, I feel relief wash over me as I watch his lips soon curve up into a smirk and he seems pleased as he says, "You may be onto something for once, James."

I smile, feeling successful considering I did something right finally in his eyes. I'm just surprised he hadn't thought about it. I'd assume it's probably because he's too mighty high on his high horse; the possibility of looking bad certainly wasn't a thought to him.

I hold eyes with him a moment longer before he turns away from me and faces the crowd of people.

Lieutenant Hemmings clears his throat and address everyone as he says, "Everyone, we're starting stations for Damien's arrival. I'm going to have certain people representing each station, if I call your name, you'll be with me. The rest will be with Major Hood."

I stay by his side as everyone seems nervous, probably silently begging not to get chosen in fear that they'll let him down in front of Damien. In reality, their poor performance is going to do nothing but help Lieutenant Hemmings in the long run.

"Nichols, Peters, Smith, Clifford, Galloway, I want you guys in the strength section," Lieutenant Hemmings says calling out the names of all the people who lack a lot of skills when it comes to anything involving strength. I know this because Michael has had trouble keeping up with everyone else.

They all look panicked out of their mind as they eye one another, clearly having no idea why they had been chosen. Especially if they hadn't stood out performance-wise.

"Lila, Matthews, Jacobs, Lake, Clark, you're all going to be on the pole," Lieutenant Hemmings says, looking to me for a split second as my eyes widen. I understand why he chose me considering I'm terrible on the pole but considering what happened last time I was on it, I fear going back.

He continues to call out people's names and what it is they'll be doing. I listen and watch for everyone's terrified expressions, as they no idea they'll really just be helping us all out.

I notice he doesn't say Ashton's name but that's not shocking considering I'm sure Ashton is amazing at everything here. He's used to this and has had the proper training so I don't doubt he would be no help when it comes to Damien.

"Pole climbers, follow me," Lieutenant Hemmings says before locking eyes with me.

I see a proud look in his eyes and I bite back a smile because I know I'll receive hell if he saw me soaking up the moment. I need to keep my cool and pretend to be unphased in order to really impress him.

His eyes are torn away from me as Ashton runs up, his strong arms for show as he clearly has no idea what's going on, "What are you doing? None of those people are trained properly in those sections."

Lieutenant Hemmings looks to me before saying, "Your friend Lila may have done her first useful thing since being here."

Ashton looks to me, confused as ever as I just shrug with a small smile on my face. I can see Ashton silently begging me for answers as Lieutenant Hemmings clearly won't give them to him. He opens his mouth but Lieutenant Hemmings starts walking away so I quickly follow him, not wanting to walk too slow in fear of pissing him off. 

Right now I feel damn proud and I'm not letting anything ruin this moment. I know it's not much to be proud of but having finally done something right in Lieutenant Hemmings' eyes is enough for me. 

It isn't long before Major Hood runs up beside us clearly just as confused as he asks, "What's going on?"

"Work with our stronger competitors who weren't called, I'm taking the weak links," Lieutenant Hemmings says, keeping his gaze forward.

"But why? Damien's here, he's going to think we're pathetic," Major Hood says, sounding disgusted by the idea.

"Exactly," is all Lieutenant Hemmings says, making Major Hood stop in his footsteps.

Lieutenant Hemmings doesn't dwell in Major Hood pausing in his steps and instead walks off, not providing him any further of an explanation. Had I been Major Hood, I know I'd be confused as ever by this. I'm sure absolutely everyone is wondering if Lieutenant Hemmings is on drugs. 

"Lila, you're coming with me to meet Damien," Lieutenant Hemmings says simply making my eyes widen as we walk up to the pole. He turns to face the other crowd of people who have followed us, "Prepare at the pole, I want you doing your best performance, don't let me down."

I almost open my mouth to question this and wonder just why he isn't telling them the plan. However, I decide not to question it considering I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

Everyone looks confused and absolutely scared at the same time. I'm sure they're all terrified of letting him down as I know I'd be terrified out of mind if I didn't know what was going on. Letting Lieutenant Hemmings down is the last thing anyone wants to do here.

"Let's go," is all Lieutenant Hemmings says to me before once again taking off.

I follow him, attempting to keep up with his long strides as he doesn't wait on me for a moment. Deciding to ask the question I had been wondering, I open my mouth.

"Why aren't you telling anyone about our plan?"

"If I tell them, they'll look at it as a day off; a day to slack. Those who are weak, need to only improve at their stations. I don't want them to think they don't have to try," Lieutenant Hemmings says, making sense. 

Of course, he doesn't want to look at today as a free day to hang back. We're still in training and today is a good day for people to improve at their weak suits.

"Which means I expect your tip-top performance today in front of Damien," he says harshly to me. I gulp back, knowing I'm not going to be able to deliver well but nod my head nonetheless.

"Yes sir," I say quietly.

Lieutenant Hemmings leads us over to his office, which is where I'm assuming Damien is meeting him. I can't help but wonder why he didn't take Major Hood with him and took me.

Is there a plan to bringing me? God, I hope I don't do anything wrong.

We both take a seat, Lieutenant Hemmings taking one behind his desk and me taking one in front of it. My eyes wander off towards his as I can tell he's stressed and I know he'd never in a million years admit to it.

He speaks up, causing me to tear my gaze from him immediately. 

"You better not screw this up for me Lila, this is a big deal and if we fuck this up, we could screw up everything," Lieutenant Hemmings says to me sternly.

"Your confidence is flattering," I mutter mostly to myself.

"Be thankful I'm trusting you enough to speak to Damien with me. If you hadn't thought up this plan, no way in hell would you be here," Lieutenant Hemmings snaps making me cringe.

I'm still confused as to why he chose me but a part of me believes he thinks that I can help the situation further. Maybe he thinks I'll be a good resource in convincing Damien further and that I'm a good part of the plan in total.

"Yes sir," is all I say with a sigh, deciding it's not even worth it to fight.

He doesn't say anything further as he starts typing in his computer, leaving us to silence. I fold my hands on my lap and await Damien's arrival that's got me shaking on the inside.

I wonder what he's like, or even what he looks like. I'm guessing he's around Lieutenant Hemmings' age considering they used to be friends. Either way, the thought of him being in this room soon enough is one to send a shiver up my spine.

Obviously he's the enemy and we don't like him so I wonder if he'd do anything to injure one of us. Wouldn't it be easy for him to come here and kill someone? Is this safe having him come to our side of territory?

I want to ask Lieutenant Hemmings but he seems distracted as he looks at the computer angrily. Not only that but Lieutenant Hemmings' fingers type furiously on the keyboard causing the sound to echo throughout the room and I almost want to ask him what the procedure of this is going to be. How am I supposed to greet him? Why is it that he wants me here in the first place?

Before I can even open my mouth, I notice the door to the room open grabbing all attention. Lieutenant Hemmings' eyes look up and he stops typing as loud boots meet the ground. I fear looking over at him considering I feel like Lieutenant Hemmings may not want me to look at him. 

Unfortunately, my curiosity gets the best of me as I turn my head to take in the sight of the man that's been the discussion of today. My eyes are met with a pair of chunky black boots, black joggers, and a tight black tshirt.

His all-black look is matched with a chin lightly decorated with stubble, and hair that is spiked and messy up top. I almost gasp at the sight of the attractive face that is much more pleasing than the intimidating one I had in mind.

It looks as if his face was sculpted carefully as his big eyes emphasize the beauty of the rest of his face. His jawline looks to be sharp enough to cut a steak, and I can't help but be speechless just by looking at him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Luke Hemmings," Damien says speaking of Lieutenant's name, that I had been unfamiliar with up until now.

Luke. Sounds too sweet to be his name. 

"Wish I could say it's good to see you," Lieutenant Hemmings says sternly, standing up from his desk and offering him a hand regardless of the lack of friendship present.

Damien takes his hand and shakes it with a firm shake before retrieving his hand, "What? You didn't miss me?"

"You say that as if I enjoy your presence," Lieutenant Hemmings says crossing his arms over his broad chest, his muscles practically bulging through his shirt.

"Ouch, we used to be best buds," Damien says teasingly with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, and what happened there?" Lieutenant Hemmings snaps back rhetorically.

Damien puts his hands up in defense taking a step back as he says, "I mean no harm Luke, in fact, I'm pleased to see you."

"Fuck you, Damien. I don't have time for your useless talk. Let's get out there," Lieutenant Hemmings making me wonder why he needs me here in the first place. He never really said my purpose and now I'm sitting here having no idea what it is exactly he wants me to do.

"I just got here," Damien says with a chuckle. "You already are trying to get me gone?"

"Clearly. Now let's go," Lieutenant Hemmings says clearly not messing around and not in the mood for Damien's teasing behavior.

Damien looks around the room, eyes wandering before they land on me making my heart jump. His lips curve into a smile, clearly satisfied by the fact there's another presence in the room.

"Ah, who's the girl?" Damien asks keeping his eyes on me as he tilts his head to the side.

"Eyes off her. I told you I'd let you see my army, not give you the pleasure of knowing the names of my cadets," Lieutenant Hemmings says going to reach for the door.

"She's a sexy little one I'll say," Damien says stepping closer to me. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out in the big boy world?"

I open my mouth, ready to snap at him when Lieutenant Hemmings beats me to it, "The same purpose as any other woman that comes out here. She provides me pleasure after a long day-- something you probably couldn't get from a woman even if you paid for it."

My eyebrows shoot up at his response, wondering why he had told Damien that but I refrain from fighting against it. I know there's a reason he said it, I just wish I knew. Where is he going with this?

"Ah, I can only imagine what she's like in bed," Damien says, still keeping his eyes on me. I resist the urge to gag regardless of his looks. "I'll have to look out for this one on the battlefield; she'd be a great capture. We could put her to real use on our side."

"I don't give a fuck what you do with her once we're out there. Right now, you're fucking around and wasting my time."

I narrow my eyes at Lieutenant Hemmings at his way of saying he doesn't care about what happens to me in the war. Isn't he supposed to care about his cadets and want to keep as many as he can alive? Even the ones he can't stand?

Instead, he's flooding Damien's head with ideas and letting him letting stand here and taunt me.

"I'd like to speak with the girl."

"That's not an option," Lieutenant Hemmings spits.

"Don't speak for the girl," Damien says, making his way towards me. I remain silent, eyes narrowed as I watch him carefully stand in front of me. "What's your name?"

"I don't think that concerns you," I say simply.

Damien shoots his eyebrows up at me, amused by my response.

"I'd like to know the name of the beauty I'll be seeking out on the battlefield," Damien says, clearly trying to get to me as he smirks. "We'll show you a real good time on our side."

I clench my jaw, annoyed Lieutenant Hemmings didn't show any opposition to this. Does he not have any intentions of standing up for me?

"I'd like to see you try," I say, fully confident in myself.

Damien just chuckles, clearly not seeing me as a threat, "I can promise fucking your Lieutenant isn't going to save your life out there. Once you're out on the field, he won't give a fuck about you."

"He barely gives a 'fuck' about me now," I say to him, unamused. "Are we done here?"

I hear Lieutenant Hemmings snort at this, hopefully, satisfied with how I handled the situation.

"You've got a big mouth, pretty girl," Damien says lowly to me. "I hope Luke puts it to use."

I narrow my eyes, about to snap at him when Lieutenant Hemmings steps in and says, "Are you aware you're losing all of your time?"

"I'm just having a little fun while I'm here," Damien says, as I feel a strand of my hair lifted. I snap my head around, causing him to drop it and chuckle. "I'm ready when you are, Hemmings."

Lieutenant Hemmings keeps a blank look on his face as gestures for me to stand, causing me to get up as they head for the door. I stay behind Damien who hurries behind Lieutenant Hemmings as he opens the door.

He seems to give me one last look as if telling me to not fuck it up. I just look away, having felt I did an excellent job in the office and deserve no reprimanding. I even put up with all the things they had both said about me.

"Since when do you recruit women to your army? That's a side to Luke I've never seen," Damien says, crossing his arms over his chest as he matches Lieutenant Hemmings' pace.

"I need a distraction after putting up with these imbeciles and that's the only thing they're good for out here," Lieutenant Hemmings says, making me catch on the slightest.

Is he trying to make it seem that he has a lot of distractions and isn't fully into this? If he makes it seem like he's focusing on things other than war, then that will make Damien believe that his head's not in this fully. If Damien thinks he's distracted, then he'll think he isn't taking this seriously.

"I'd assume that's the only thing you'd use them for," Damien snorts before looking over his shoulder at me. "What the hell else could a woman possibly do in combat?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at his comments and really want nothing more than to prove him wrong. However, I know I have to keep my mouth shut and go along with the act.

"The fuck does it matter to you anyway?" Lieutenant Hemmings barks causing me to jump the slightest.

Damien shrugs, "Just trying to figure out the scheme of things around here."

"Well, you're giving me a headache so shut the fuck up," is all Lieutenant Hemmings says, making me raise my eyebrows and Damien snort, clearly not thinking anything of it.

"You've never been the patient one," Damien chuckles mostly to himself.

Lieutenant Hemmings doesn't respond any further and instead continues to guide us. I spot the pole and see everyone with nervous looks on their faces as they probably think it's crucial that they do well today. 

God, it really is torture that Lieutenant Hemmings is leaving out the fact that they don't actually need to do well.

 As we reach the pole, I see everyone practically sweating of nervousness and I find comfort in knowing that I know what's going on. Everyone stands lined up in form and they eye each other, terrified expressions on their face as they each clearly accept their fates.

"Cadets! You will be climbing the pole today, I expect nothing but your tip-top performance!" Lieutenant Hemmings bellows. "You don't complete the task, you will face consequences."

Everyone turns to each other, looking even more alarmed. I feel bad for everyone who looks as if they could pee their pants of fear right now as they listen to Lieutenant Hemmings.

"Jacobs, you're up first!"

Clearly Lieutenant Hemmings plans on wasting no time as he immediately instructs this of the first person. Instantly, Jacobs steps from the crowd, rubbing his hands together as everyone takes a step back, thankful as ever they're not the first one's up. 

I watch him carefully as he approaches the pole with a lack of confidence. He rubs his hands together, eyeing the tall pole that might as well be a death sentence.

"We don't have all day, let's go!" Lieutenant Hemmings yells.

Jacobs grabs onto the pole and quickly hoists himself up. I can practically hear his heart beat through his chest as he breaths heavily. No one speaks as it's absolutely dead silent, everyone in fear of what's to happen. Mostly, what's going to happen to Jacobs.

"Faster, let's go!"

Jacobs uses his strength to pull himself up easily. I furrow my eyebrows, confused as to how he did it without a problem, and watch him swiftly make his way up the pole not seeming to struggle to make his way up.

I turn to Lieutenant Hemmings who looks just as confused, and Damien stands beside him eyeing the scene carefully. My stomach drops as I begin to get nervous and hope that this was just a mistake and everyone else will do poorly.

I look away and turn back to the pole to see Jacobs at the top and a look of relief written across his face.

How did that just happen?

"I've seen better," Damien says slyly.

"Alright, Clark you're up!" Lieutenant Hemmings says not addressing Jacobs ability to quickly climb the pole.

Clark scrambles his way up to the pole, looking just as nervous as the last. I watch as he grips onto it with shaky hands, and goes to pull himself up and fails.

Damien snorts as he once again tries but doesn't get up. I almost let out a sigh of relief as I hear Lieutenant Hemmings yell at him to get his shit together and climb the damn pole.

Clark pulls himself up once more and then immediately falls to the ground. I can see his face is beat red as he's probably terrified of what's to come and how he's going to have to face the consequences for performing poorly in front of Damien.

"That's enough Clark!" Lieutenant Hemmings screams making me smirk in the slightest. Success. "Go find Major Hood."

Clark steps away from the pole and sulks off as Damien chuckles loudly seemingly pleased by the lack of ability to climb the pole. I try my best to seem and look worried, but I only feel triumphant at this.

"Lila, you're up."

"Oh this should be good," Damien says, crossing his arms over his chest, a smile evident on his face.

I walk up to the pole, knowing I have to at least try to climb it but I know damn well there's no way I'll be able to make my way up.

"Get moving, Lila!" Lieutenant Hemmings yells at me.

I eye the top, a place I have no intention of getting anywhere near, and grip onto the pole for the second time. Even though I know today won't be the day, I know one day I'm going to make it to the top and flaunt it in Lieutenant Hemmings' face.



long time no see!! i apologize but i hope u liked the chap! 

she be a fun one

lots is to come

so get ready and i shall see yall soon!

thank u love u!

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