Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

By Kakirihazuri

172K 3.7K 1.7K

Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... More

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial

Chaos and Class Rep

8.1K 145 45
By Kakirihazuri

Y/n's Pov

It has been a few weeks since Ms. Yukizoma took over as our homeroom teacher, and things have been very strange recently. Due to the chaotic nature of the class, my scapegoat powers only work on a few people in the class. Though some of them can't be saved from falling or having things fall on them due to their natural ability to be hated by gravity, so the best i can do is lessen the damage as much as I can. 'accidentally' dropping my bag filled with soft objects, tripping and having the bag soften the impact of falling objects, anything I can do to lessen it without putting myself in awkward situations or making the damage worse in some cases. This class has plenty of problems with danger so it is hard to protect everyone I can, however, thanks to the multiple disasters at a time, I was able to discover a new ability. Whenever multiple disasters occur in the same place at the same time, time seems to slow down for me and i can see what will happen in both disasters. Using this slowing of time, I can set up a way to save as many people as I can from taking damage, however I wont be able to avoid taking damage myself. 

Currently I am sitting in class, or what was left of it. Akane challenged Nekomaru to a fight and they are destroying the classroom, even more so now that Akane drank some weird soup from the cook guy. Most people are sitting off to the side out of the way but there are a few that are sitting at their desk. Chiaki, Nagito, and me. Nagito refuses to move so he can view their talents up close, Chiaki hasn't moved cause she was too busy playing her game, and I'm at my desk because one of my visions told me to be here. Speaking of the vision, now it is telling me to stand and walk to the door, going in front of Chiaki's desk. I followed the instructions, and right as i was in front of the desk, a large group of items were launched in the direction of Chiaki's desk, all of which hit me instead of Chiaki. Nothing hit her, but the noise distracted her enough to make her lose her game. After that, Chiaki got up and started walking out of the classroom. I frowned and went over to the side of the class with the rest of the class. When I sat down I noticed something drip down past my eye, I looked up to see if a pipe or something was leaking and found nothing. I looked down to see what dripped to see a little bit of pinkish purple liquid on the ground. I noticed that more of the stuff dripped down, slowly forming a small puddle. Then I noticed the feeling of liquid running down my forehead and dripping off. I guess something hit me in the head that was sharp, but it didn't bother me since I'm used to pain as well as sometimes getting soaked. However, I guess some some people don't like seeing others ignore pain because my ears are soon tormented by the screech of the nurse and I suddenly find myself being forced to lay down while she treats whatever injury it was making me bleed. I mean really, hasn't she heard of getting consent before moving someone, wasn't that the first thing your supposed to be taught for medical training? 

After I was released from the forced nursing, I got up and left the classroom. I headed to my dorm, not interested in spending any more time in the chaos. Since Ms. Yukizoma was busy talking to Chiaki, it was much easier for me to sneak past her and try to get out of the school using the halls that aren't really traveled much. However, my luck of escaping ran out when I saw Ms. Yukizoma in the hall. I hid behind the corner, listening to the conversation going on between her and someone on the other end of her phone call . Something strange about the reserve course, funding that they need to figure out where it was going, and asking the other person to call her Chisa. After she ended her call she started walking in my direction so I tried to leave quickly, bumping into Mahiru which gave me the perfect distraction. While Mahiru talked to Ms. Yukizoma, I walked outside and headed to the gate to leave. Suddenly my vision started telling me to go to the fountain again. Deciding to listen to it instead of going home, I start walking to the fountain following the path set out to me. I ended up hiding in a bush again as I watched Ms. Yukizoma approach Hajime. She started asking him a bunch of questions about the reserve course and such. Eventually she left, saying she had to get back to the class. I was going to leave as well when an old man approached Hajime and asked to sit by him. He talked to Hajime about some project that Hajime didn't have to take a part in. I'm sure that has something to do with the vision I've been having. Their conversation ended quickly, and I got the chance to slip away from the area. I would have to talk to the principal about this if I wanted to know more, and something told me that I had to ask as soon as I could. 

I started walking towards the exit of the school, deciding to ask him tomorrow. However, before I could make it to the gate, I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder and a very chilling presence behind me. I knew that it was most likely the teacher. "Nice weather we are having today." I said nervously as I felt the grip tighten. "yes, very nice weather, weather that is better when enjoyed with friends" her voice was cold and threatening. "a-ah, such a shame that I don't have any friends" I stuttered, now she knows that I'm nervous. I wont be able to come up with any excuses now. "Then why don't you come back to the class and make friends, your classmates are waiting for you!" she  spoke in her overly enthusiastic voice. I nervously chuckle "really? why would they be waiting on me, none of them really know me."  She gives me a disappointed look "they want to get to know you." I frowned at her "what is there to get to know? I'm not an interesting person." Her grip on my shoulder tightens more as she begins scolding me "Don't say that young man! there are many interesting thing about you." I remain quiet for a while before looking at her hand on my shoulder "can you let go now." She shook her head "Not until you go back to class!"

skidable skippodle, bending time like a noddle

And so here I am again, back at the classroom door. Ms. Yukizoma finally let go of my shoulder as we walk into the class. The whole class is crowded in front of a TV as a few of them are finishing up a game of Clash bros. Ms. Yukizoma is pulled to the TV by one of the students and she plays a racing game with a group students. As expected, none of them even noticed me being there. I sat in the back of the class, away from the group and watched the screen. The class took turns playing the games, while I sat in the back and watched. It was peaceful and chaotic at the same time, until Chiaki looked back at me and smiled "Y/n, why don't you come and play a game with me." suddenly, the entire class looked back at me, as if they just noticed i was there. I was going to refuse, however Ms. Yukizoma had other ideas when she grabbed me and forced me up to the TV. It was only me and Chiaki there since the game was only 2 player and a pvp game so no one else wanted to be destroyed by Chiaki with no chance of winning. Since I used to play games in my spare time, I didn't immediately lose; Chiaki was good but she couldn't insta kill me. While we played I heard Chiaki speak to me "thank you for earlier." I focused on the game as I responded "what do you mean, I didn't do anything that you should thank me for" She tried to do a power move but I blocked it "you protected me from getting hit with rubble earlier" she she knocks my character down and tried to do a combo but I did a feint move to stop her and then kept her blocking "I just happened to be there when it happened, I was in the wrong place at the right time, nothing to thank me for" She pouted and did a shin kick on my character, causing me to back up "I know you knew what you were doing, your talent is protecting people like that after all" she preformed a combo on me and defeated my character "Its not much of a talent. I just tend to be in places where I get hit where someone else should have." the screen displayed that Chiaki won "I know there is more to it than that. Cause if you didn't want to protect someone, you would have gone to the side with everyone else instead of sitting at your desk."  I looked at her "I don't know what you are talking about" She looks at me and pouts "you do know. and so you should accept my gratitude" I shrugged it off and returned to the back of the class as the next group prepared to get on, but there were interrupted by the cook coming into the class with food. 

The class is sat in a circle with a dish in front of everyone. I am sat next to Chiaki because she wanted to sit next to me for some reason. Ms. Yukizoma had us all say thanks for the food and then Akane scarfed down her food and went for seconds. Suddenly, time slowed down around me I looked around, noticing what was going on. Something was wrong with the food and I should probably stop people from eating it. But if i stop multiple people then they will know something is wrong. I looked over at Chiaki who is going to take a bite, I saw the steam coming off her food and thought that would be the perfect cover. I moved my hand quickly in front of her mouth to stop her from taking a bite, causing the hot food to hit my hand and burn the skin. Time started moving normally again and Chiaki looked at me "why did you do that?" I quickly used my excuse "the food is a little too hot for you to take a bite that quickly, maybe you should wait for it to cool off a bit" She looks at my hand and notices the burn "oh, it would be better to let it cool off so I don't burn my tongue. I think." I nod as she sets the spoon back into the dish. Suddenly Akane falls to the floor and Nekomaru went over and tried to see what was wrong. One after another, other people started falling and saying weird things. I looked over at the cook, who was also being affected by it. Hiyoko giggled showing an empty bottle and Teruteru exclaimed that it was an aphrodisiac soup. Hiyoko giggled at how 'pathetic' he was and then he got up and started walking towards her, most likely trying to rape her. However, before he could do anything, Chiaki got in front of Hiyoko and punched Teruteru "don't touch  my classmate." as Teruteru slowly passed out he weakly said "but I'm your classmate too" I walked over and caught Chiaki, who started falling over after the punch. I guess it took a little too much out of her to imitate that attack, she smiled up at me and passed out. I sighed and looked at Hiyoko "get up shorty. Since you caused this, you have to help take these people to the Nurse's office."

Another time skip

I am sitting in a chair by the bed Chiaki is laying on. Most people are already up, some left while others stayed to look after Chiaki while she slept. When Chiaki woke the others started talking to her and asking questions. I was pushed out of the way as they kept talking, not that I really cared. I didn't want to be a part of the conversation as it was getting rather loud and annoying. Eventually they left, leaving just me and Chiaki in the room. Chiaki looks at me and smiles "thank you Y/n." I look out the window "don't thank me, I didn't do anything." Chiaki grabbed my hand "that's not true. You stopped me from eating the food so that I wouldn't be affected by it." I shook my head "no, I only stopped you from burning your tongue. there is no way I could have known that there was something in it." Chiaki pouted but then smiled again "you still stopped me from eating it. and you were the one who caught me when I fell down." I went to talk again but she squeezed my hand tightly and spoke again "stop acting like everything you do is just a coincidence. You do things because you care about others. even if you say that you don't mean to help, I know that isn't true." I frowned and kept quiet as she smiles and hugged me "Thank you Y/n"  I nodded quietly she let go of me "I know that you purposely avoid people, but please, lets be friends" She smiled, a smile filled with hope and happiness. "fine. we can be friends.." She got up and smiles "Come on, I want to introduce you to my friend" she grabs my wrist and drags me with her to the fountain where Hajime is standing. 

"Hajime! I brought a friend with me today" Hajime looks over at us and smiles, it seems that hi has something on his mind "hey Chiaki..um who is this?" Chiaki sits down on the bench by Hajime and pulls out her gamegirl advanced "This is Y/n, he is one of my classmates" Hajime looks at me "so he is another ultimate..." I frowned as I understood how he was feeling "yeah, but my 'talent' isn't one that is grand. I'm known as the ultimate scapegoat, pretty stupid right?" Chiaki looks at us and frowns "talent isn't everything. What matters is the memories you make and the hope you get from them" Hajime looks at her, thinking about something "hope huh.." he sat down by Chiaki and pulled out his own gamegirl advanced and they played together "this is what you guys do after school? you just play games with each other" Chiaki nods and smiles as she plays "Yeah, its more fun to play with friends than it is to play alone" I nodded slowly, watching them play. Visions started playing in my head suddenly, 2 separate events that I could prevent. The first being of Hajime disappearing and being replace by someone else, and the second being of someone with blond hair and a bloodied baseball bat. I frowned and got up, getting a concerned look from Chiaki "are you okay Y/n?" i nodded "I'm fine, but I have to go do something... I will see you tomorrow, okay?" Chiaki frowned but nodded, focusing back onto the game she was playing with Hajime as I left. Something was going to happen soon, and I needed to stop it. 

Next dayo

Everyone is sitting in class as Ms. Yukizoma walks in with her usual enthusiasm "Good morning everyone!" Souda groans "hey teach, how can you be so energetic after what happened yesterday" She smiles "I guess you can say that wasn't Yukizoma's  first rodeo" Sonia spoke up "I guess that is why I feel so energetic as well" Souda seemed to panic "what does that mean miss Sonia?" Before anything else could be said, Ms. Yukizoma spoke up again "Anyways! today we are doing something exciting! We are choosing Class Rep, and I think Nanami would be perfect for the position" Chiaki didn't even look of from her game as she responded "Don't wanna" Yukizoma frowned "That isn't the attitude you should have Missy, you should at least try it out. I'm sure your classmates agree with this decision." The class started voicing their approval in the matter and Chiaki looked up at them "I guess I could at least try it out.." The classroom was filled with clapping from a certain hope addict "I'm sorry, but I can't help it, with Nanami as our rep, our hope will shine even brighter!" Class started soon after that, everyone seeming more excited than usual. 



oh boy, another chapter has been released. The jazz I'm listening to sure helped me type this up faster than I expected. I'm surprised seeing myself type so many words. Anyways, next chapter shall begin what should be the spark that starts all the bad stuff to happen in the show. I'm gonna have to flip a few coins to see how I should handle this. Hope or despair shall be left up to luck. oh boy I can't wait for the sore fingers I'm going to have. 

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