Trap Queen

Par jamaica1204

26.1K 1.3K 520

Spin on one of my older stories. It's a RihYoncé story Read to find out 😘 Plus

Where It All Began
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24

Ch. 8

1.3K 77 43
Par jamaica1204


"G... wait." I push myself back and take a deep breath.


"First, there's a camera. I dun wanna lose dis job too ." I point to the camera and chuckle. "Second, we need tuh seriously talk. As much as all I wanna do is kiss you... And... Touch you..." I clear my throat and shake my head. "we can't." And as bad as I wanna just fuck her, I can't. I need her to hear me out.

"Aight. When's your next break?" God she's so beautiful. Her lips are perfectly plump and pink and her body... "Rihanna." She chuckles while she snaps her fingers. "when is your next break?" I feel myself blushing from getting caught staring.

"I can go on one now before mi next set. I just haffi tell Michelle." She nods her head as I step off her lap.

"Just meet me at one those tables on the second floor." I say okay and walk out to find Michelle.

After letting her know I'm going on break, I go to the bar and get 2 glasses and patron.

I get to the second floor and one of the girls is asking G if she wants a dance, I subtly roll my eyes before walking over. I mean the dancer, Bambi, isn't hard to look at but she ain't got shit on me or Lani.

G sees me and grabs for the glasses and the bottle.

"Hi cinnamon." I fucking hate the new stage name. So god damn unoriginal, but Michelle felt it suited me. The fuckery...

"What up Bambi." I sit next to G and down the first shot she poured as Bambi walks back downstairs

"You gon talk before your breaks over?"

"I dun even know whea tuh start, G. I really dun."

"You seein anyone who's actually good for you this time?" I arch my brow from her question.

"No. I'm not seeing anyone. I 'aven't been with anyone since Mia." Her whole demeanor changed after I said her name. "Shit. I'm sorry. Did you ever find ha?"

"Yuh. We got her a week after all that shit went down. Your girl wasn't too smart."

"Yeah.. Neither was I." I shrug my shoulders as I take the second shot. "And what did you mean someone who was actually good fah me?"

She chuckles softly before taking her shot. "Me, Mia, what was her name? Ashley? And then there was the irrelevant one that was with you and Ashley. And uh Ciara." My head shot up so fast when she said Ciaras name. I know I never told her about that part of my life. Fucking Lani!

"Why did you come hea G? Tuh judge me and make me feel like an idiot because I attract bitches like you?! Or was it tuh just fuck me before you ghost on me again?" I stand up and she grips my wrist tightly before slamming me back down.

"Watch how you talk to me, Rihanna. That wasn't what I was doing. I am not God, I have no room to judge." I scoff and chuckle at that.

"Who told you about Ciara and 'ow much do you know?" I snatch my wrist away from her and tilt my head to the side.

"Why does it matter that I know about that shit?" I down another shot before shaking my head at her.

"Because dat was something VERY private dat 'appened between me and Lani! I've never told anyone else about dat!"

"I made her tell me because I knew your stubborn ass wouldn't."

"Maybe I would 'ave when I was ready!"

"Aight so tell me this, you started doing coke last time because you and Lani-" I squint my eyes to cut her off. I don't want her saying what happened out loud. "Why'd you start it this time?"

Damn... I hadn't really thought of a way to respond to that question with her. I mean, I knew it was coming eventually, I just thought it would be with Lani and I'd be able to answer how I want to.

"I'm not ready tuh talk about dat. 'Ow you been?"

"Nah nah nah. Don't swerve on me. We still haven't talked about a lot of things babygirl."

"G please... I thought I would be ready tuh talk but I just can't. Thinking about what I'd say tuh you in mi head and then actually saying it to yuh face is completely different. I thought about you on a daily fucking basis and what I would say tuh you, and now-" she cuts me off before I can finish.

"You thought about me huh?" I start fidgeting with my fingers and feel blood rushing to my cheeks. "Don't do that."

"Do what?" I look up at her with a confused expression.

"You play with your fingers when you're nervous. Don't be nervous around me."

"Quit watching me so closely, Giselle." She chuckles and shrugs.

"Can't help it." There was a moment of silence before she lifted my head up with her finger. My heart begins pounding as she stares at me with her low eyes. The liquor and the way she's staring at me are not a good combination

"I miss you." I practically whisper it before I realize what I just said.

"I miss you too, Rih." I have to look back in her eyes to see if she's serious. "But I don't know if I can trust you..."

"You can trust me. I would've never done anything dat could affect you. I woulda neva done any of dat 'ad I known what was really going on."

"Was I one of the reasons you started doing coke again?"

"I dun like placing blame on mi addiction. It's no ones fault but mi own."

"But was I?" I bite my lip and slowly nod my head. "What did I do?" I chuckle softly before licking my lips and shaking my head.

"You.. Um. You treated me like shit, da same way mi ex did.. You would say da same disrespectful shit she did and it made me start thinking of shit I shouldn't think of."

"Tell me what I said so I won't again. I have no filter on my mouth and don't think about what I say after I say it.." She shrugged her shoulders. And the sad thing is, she was honestly this way.

"Da list goes on and on, G. But da tings dat stood out da most is you would constantly tell me I was nothing but some pussy tuh you. Or dat I wasn't special and tuh stop being so emotional. Dat shit fucked with me da most, G."

"Damn... You know why I said that shit to you?"

"Cause you're a bitch." We both chuckle and she shakes her head.

"I am. But that's not why I'd say that dumb shit. I said it to push you away. I've never done the relationship shit before and every time you started getting close I felt the need to push you away."

"Be 'onest with me fah once G. Do you like me? Like do you wanna be with me?"

"I can't answer that right now, Rih."

"Then I can't be around you. I can't just go back tuh being a booty call fah you. I'm in too deep with you and won't deny 'ow I feel. But I need you tuh let me go so I can move on if you don't feel da same fah me..."

G // Giselle

I damn sure don't want to let her go and I especially don't want her with someone else. That thought alone pisses me off.

"So if I'm not ready to be in a relationship with you, you're done?"

She started playing with her damn fingers again, so I slapped her hands.

"I dunno, but I do know I can't just be yuh booty call, G. I like you but I can't allow myself tuh feel like dat again..."

"I can understand that. If I say I wanna be with you too, like that, then you have to be patient with me. I'm not able to change in a heartbeat."

"And I will be." She looked so genuine.

I'm so fuckin terrified to hurt her...

"Aight. So you my girl now or what?"

"Um no. Ask me like a gentleman nigga." I sucked my teeth and playfully rolled my eyes.

"Rihanna will you be my girl?" She smiled way too damn big, her eyes were almost shut. I had to laugh a little at her reaction.

She leaned in and kissed me softly, so I placed my fingers under her chin to keep her in place.

"Yes I will be yuh girl, Giselle."

"Cool. I'll pick you up after your shift."

"We're not 'aving sex tonight." I snapped my head in her direction so fast I think I gave myself whiplash.

"What?! Are you bein for real?"

"Yes. We're not 'aving sex fah a month." She bites her lip and shrugs

"I can respect that. So do I call you in a month? Or a few days before to set it up?"

Rihanna's mouth dropped open but I was deadass. I'm not going a month without sex! The fuckery in that.

"Are you being serious?"

"Hell yeah I'm serious. It's already been over a month since we last had sex. I ain't waiting another one."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "You're ridiculous. I'll see you afta mi shift." She tried giving me a quick peck when she stood up so I grabbed her neck with one hand and her hip with the other before making her sit on my lap.

We sat there making out for a few minutes before we got interrupted by someone saying her name. I groaned in annoyance when she pulled away.

"Oh shit. Um Michelle dis is mi girlfriend, G. G dis is mi boss Michelle."

"As in Ms. Knowles?" Her bosses eyes widen slightly

"Yup." I shook her hand after I stood up.

"Oh! Its such an honor to have you in my club. Please enjoy yourself. Rihanna, you're up sweetie."

"I will never get used tuh da fact dat everyone knows you." She shook her head and started walking away. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back making her giggle again. "I haffi go." She pecks my lips three times before walking down the stairs.

Chris comes up a few seconds later with a stupid ass grin on his face.

"Shut up."

"I ain't even said nothing, G. Damn you need some pussy."

"That I do. And she's trying to say she ain't giving it up for a month." He busts out laughing to the point he literally gets tears in his eyes.

"I can't wait to see how you change her mind on that one."

"She's coming over after her shift. I guarantee by the end of the night her clothes will be on the floor."

"Shiiit. Iono. She seems like the type to stick to her word." I smirk at him.

"Aight. Bet. You know I get whatever I want, when I want." He nods his head and shakes my hand.

"What I get if I win?"

"Whatchu want?" I ask with a shrug. He rubs his chin for a sec before smirking.

"Whatever I want in the room for the next three times we have sex."

"No anal." I point my finger at him.


"Bet my nigga. You gon lose."

I hear Trey Songz, Slow Motion start playing and see Rihanna walking out onto the stage.

"Yo, you aight with her dancing?"

"Psh, I ain't her moms. She can do what she wants. As long as she doesn't let anyone touch her, we good." He nods his head and we throw back a few shots while we watch Rih perform.

Lani and Rih both came up at the same time a few minutes later.

"You coming over after you're done?" Lani shakes her head no. "Why?"

"I made plans before I knew you were coming." Oop.

I have Rih straddle my lap before I rub my hands on the skin that is showing on her body.

"How's school going?"

"Good. I 'ave finals coming up dis week and den I'm on Winter break."

"Good. So you can come to Columbia with me for my birthday."

"And when's dat?"

"December 4th. We going down for a few weeks." (AN: We all know her real birthday, but for the story it's gon be different so shut up 😁)

"I'll haffi look at da price of flights and stuff but I'm sure I could swing it." I squint my eyes at her and tilt my head

"Why would you need to look at flights? I'm inviting you. Don't worry about it."

"Exactly. Ya inviting me fah your birthday. I'm not letting you pay."

"You remember what happened last time you didn't listen when I said something about money?"

Rihanna rolled her eyes before pecking my lips. "I'm paying you back da tuition so dun even try dat."

"The fuck you are. Try it and see what happens." She smacks her lips before rolling her eyes again. I pull my hand back and smack her ass, causing her to shriek and jump slightly.

"Don't roll your eyes. Aye Lani, wanna go to Columbia in a few weeks?" Before Lani could answer Chris did for her.

"Nah she ain't goin."

Double oop.

"Boy, you are not my daddy. And hell yeah I'll go."

"We just gotta clear it with Michelle." I nod my head and run my hands up her thighs.

"Miss? Can I get a dance from one of you?" Some random ass nigga walked up. He was looking at Rihanna and this time I answered before she could.

"No. Can't you see she's busy?"

"I wasn't talking to you." I chuckle and pull my piece from behind my back, making his eyes widen.

"I'll give you a dance. Come on sweetie." Lani says quickly to deescalate the situation. He nodded his head slowly. Chris tried grabbing Lani's hand before she walked away, but she turned around and slapped his hand away while glaring at him.

"G, dis is mi job. Private dances are 'ow we make da most money."

"I don't give a fuck. When I'm here you don't do private dances. At least wait til I'm gone to do that shit." She huffed and tried standing up, but I grabbed her waist and yanked her back down. "Cut the attitude. You wouldn't appreciate it if I did that shit in front of you." She let out a sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair before nodding.

"Aight. You right. Mi bad." She re-straddled my lap and gave me a soft, slow kiss. I put my hand behind her neck and deepened it.

"Yo I'm ready to dip. You ready boss?" Chris said

"Don't call me that. And yeah I'm ready. I'll swing by and pick you up in a few, baby." She says a soft okay and gives me another quick kiss before retreating downstairs.

"What happened between you and Lani?"

"Nothin to worry about. She'll call me by the end of the night asking to come over." I highly doubt that, but I nod my head before we walk to the car.

Of course the minute we get in the door Nicki jumps up.

"You were gone for a while. So is it safe to assume it went well?"

"Yuh. G's got a girlfriend."  Chris says while he smirked at me so I punch his arm.

"Shut the fuck up! Seriously?! Aw I'm like a proud mom right now!" Nicki gushes

"Stop. I will cut you if you keep gushing."

"Awww!" I try to punch her this time, but she jumps out of the way.

"This is why I don't tell you fuckers anything."

"The fuckery in your lies, nigga. You tell us everything." Chris says cockily

"True." Nicki co-signs.

"Whatever. I'm going to shower before I have to go pick Rih up."

"Awww!" Nicki gushes again

"STOP!" I shake my head and walk into my room. I took like an hour long shower, letting all the stress release from my body before Nicki popped her head in

"G! Tio's on the phone."

"Fuck. Okay one sec!" I quickly hop out and wrap a towel around my body before running into the room and grabbing the phone from Nick.

"Hola tio."
"Hola princessa. ¿Cómo fue el trabajo de ir hoy?" (How did the job go today?"
"Bien. No problemas. Estaré allí en dos semanas. No se olvide" (I will be there in two weeks. Don't forget.)
"No lo haré. Te echo de menos mija." (I won't. I miss you daughter.)
"Yo también te echo de menos" (I miss you too.)
"Te veré pronto. Te amo princessa."
"Te amo tio."

I hang up and go to my dresser and grab a bra and thong. I decide to just wear sweats and a baggy sweatshirt to pick her up since we're coming here after anyways. I brush my hair and throw it into a sloppy bun.

"What'd tio want?" Nicki asks as she comes in and sits on the edge of my bed. I flop down next to her before putting my head on her lap.

"Just to ask how the shipment went today and that he missed me. I reminded him we'd be there in two weeks."

"I can't wait to get home."

"Me either. I miss Bogotá."

"All joking aside, I'm really proud of you for giving Rihanna a chance. You're 24 almost 25 and it's time you actually try a relationship."

"Yeah yeah mom." She laughs and begins scratching my scalp.

"I'm serious. You need something like your pops and moms had. I never grew up with parents, and Chris only had tio, we never got to see real love."

"Nicki I was four when my parents died. I don't even know what real love is."

"Yes you do. Your parents had it. It only comes by once in a lifetime and maybe Rihanna is yours. She's good for you. She's the complete opposite of you. Plus she's smart as hell. You got a girl with a brain who's actually going to college."

"I'm just afraid I'm gonna fuck it up ya know? Like I know I'm going to hurt her."

"You don't know that. And even if you do, you're supposed to work it out together. That's what a relationship is boo."

I nod my head and kiss her forehead as I sit up. "Thanks Nick." She wrinkles her nose and smiles at me before kissing my cheek and walking out.

I tuck my piece behind my back and go downstairs and grab my keys for the Audi. "I'll be back."

"We low on Patron. Wanna swing by and get some?" Chris asks, so I say okay and head out.

I pull up to the club 30 minutes later and see Rihanna talking to some chick. I turn the car off and hop out.

"Hi babe." I give her a kiss and see Lani walking out. "G dis is Lani's friend Rylie. Rylie dis is mi girlfriend G." She reaches her hand out so I shake it.

"Let's go, baby. We gotta stop at the store before we go back home." She nods her head and gives Lani a quick peck and says good night to everyone. When we get in the car she laces her fingers with mine, and it makes me almost pull away. it's still a little weird for me to be like this with someone. She must've sensed it because she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Get used to it." She lightly bit my earlobe before sitting back in her seat. I just chuckle and pull off.

"So that's who Lani blew Chris off for?"

"Um, yeah I guess. She's in a weird experimental faze right now." She shrugs and before leaning back a bit.

"You better not be helping her with this experiment." I look over and glare at her. She busts out laughing before shaking her head.

"God no! She's like mi sister. I couldn't do dat. Besides, even if I was, you don't 'ave any room tuh talk. You fuck yuh best friend all da time." She had a point. I don't even respond I just park the car before we both hop out and go into the store.

"Only you could make sweats and a sweatshirt sexy." She kisses my cheek before she goes over to the patron. I felt myself blush, so I quickly look away from her until my cheeks cool off.

The cashier looked at us as we set the alcohol down. He was super young and looked like he had jizzed his pants from just staring at us.

"Um. *clears throat* I'm sorry miss, but we can't sell alcohol now. Its 3:10."

"I'm sure you could make an exception." I slide him a hundred and he nods his head, ringing our stuff up with a different code. "Thanks." We grab it and walk back out to the car.

"You're ridiculous with money." I shrug my shoulders and stop walking when I see some little fuckers looking in my car. I hand Rihanna the stuff and push her behind me.

"Can I help you boys?"

"This you?" He points at my car.


"Damn baby, what's your name?" He walks to Rihanna, and I laugh lowly before shaking my head.

"Back up my nigga."

"Jace you can have that one, I want this one." He walks towards me, so I pull my glock out of the back of my sweats and place it under his chin.

I smile and lick my lips. "What was it you wanted?"

"N-nothing." I chuckle and cock it before pointing it at his friend next.

"still wanna know her name?" He quickly shakes his head while putting his hands up. "You lil boys need to get home. It's too late for you niggas to be out." They scurry off before I unlock my car and grab the stuff from Rihanna.

"What da fuck G?"

I look at her and nod my head towards her side, silently telling her to get in. She gets in and sinks into her seat.

"Listen Robyn, you need to get used to this shit if we gon be together. I ain't gon change how I was brought up. This is who I am. If you gon be my girl you will learn how to handle a gun and practice shooting." I place my finger under her chin and bring her lips to mine. "Okay?" She just simply nods her head before lacing our fingers back together.

The rest of the ride was silent besides the music playing. I pull up to the house and grab the stuff from the backseat.

"I can't wait tuh take a shower and sleep. I'm fucking exhausted."

"Don't even try getting dressed after your shower. I'm dead serious, Rihanna."

"Yeah we'll see." She smirks at me before walking in the door.

This is going to be interesting...

****my babygirl asked for this update for her birthday. You guys can thank her.

Happy birthday princess. I love you ❤️ QueenBeyBitch

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