Eres Academy :School of The R...

By cassiopp3ia

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HEIRS SERIES #1 ~Eres Academy~ Paige Bennet is a commoner. Wealth i... More

Author's note
Heir's series #2 book trailer


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By cassiopp3ia


"Paige try this." Aicko's fashion designer Francine, called me to try on my dress, it was still unfinished but I could see that it's going to have a beautiful outcome.

I wore the silk over my sleeves and looked at the full length mirror infront of me. The color of the silk complemented my skin tone and eyes.

"Perfect." Francine exclaimed while looking at me through the mirror. I gave her a small smile. I appreciate that she agreed to make me a dress even if she doesn't work for me.

"Hmm can you turn around?" She asked. I did as she said and faced her again. I felt awkward as I watched her eye me. "Is there a problem?"

"Oh no deary." She laughed. "I was just wondering, have you ever thought about being a model?"

Model? "No I've never thought about that." I laughed. "Plus I'm too short and I'm not into those things."

"I see." Francine stood up and started helping me out of the silk. "But it'll be great if you give it a try."

Heck no! I shook my head politely. "I don't have time for that." All I want is to graduate and to become a professional when I grow up. Maybe an Architect, a Doctor or a Lawyer, I'm honestly not sure yet. The students in my year here at Campus have this school year as the year for general learning but come next year, the Heir's to the throne will be focusing on learning how to lead and the business men and women will be learning about their finances and business. While the commoners gets to pick our own course of profession, they all have it here.

I took off the silk and changed back into my loose white t-shirt and pajamas. Francine fixed the silk and measured my arms for a secondary measurement.

"You sure you don't want to be a model?" She asked again as she measured my shoulder.

"I'm sorry but I really don't." I tied my hair in a bun when she finished measuring me.

"Oh too bad." She placed her measuring tape back inside her bag. "It would really suit you." I kept silent not knowing how to answer to that.

"Here." She handed me a card. "If it ever crosses your mind, I've got a lot of modeling agencies that will have you." She winked at me.

I didn't want to look rude so I just took the card and placed it inside my pocket. I don't have to keep it safely, It's not like I'll be needing it.

Suddenly the door of my dorm opened and in came Aicko. "Sorry I'm late Francine." She apologized and took her uniform off.

Just like me, Francine chit chatted with Aicko while letting her try on her silk."Did you here that Khrysie and her girls are on their way back here." Aicko said while she was holding her hair up as Francine did some fixing on her silk.

I frowned. "So they cut their trip short?"

"Everyone's cutting their trip short dear." Francine said as she cut a few loose threads on Aicko's silk. "They're all contacting their designers." She chuckled. "That's what you call the Christmas ball rush."

The Christmas Ball is a week from now and everyone is so busy with their dresses. When Francine finished Aicko, she left afterwards leaving Aicko and I.

My eyes widened when Aicko immediately held my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye.

"He's here."

I frowned. "Who?"

She rolled her eyes. "Blake."

"So?" I tried to maintain my poker face.

She frowned. "He didn't ask you to the ball?"

"No he didn't." He did have a paper but he didn't ask me at all and what if the paper's for someone else. My confusion from a while ago's incident returned. Why is he here in the first place? And why is he so mad? It's not like I've done anything wrong. Or I didn't make him wait for any movie didn't I?

"Really?!" Aicko let go of my shoulders. "I thought he did."

"And why would he?" I rolled my eyes. "There're a lot of girls that he'd like to be going to the ball with than me."

"Then why would he come all the way here earlier than the others if all the pretty girls are back at Egypt?" She crossed her arms.

"Maybe he's homesick?" I suggested and laughed at what I was thinking.

"Whatever." Aicko went to the fridge and pulled out a juice box.

"How bout you?" I lay down on the couch and she handed me a juice box and sat on the couch. "Do you have a date yet?"

"Yeah." She said. "Daniel asked me a while ago." She said like it wasn't a big deal. I laughed, she'd always wave it off but I know that that Croatian Prince is head over heels for her and although she doesn't act like it, I know she likes him too.

"How did your date with Ethan go?" She wondered. "Did you say yes?"

I shook my head.

"Paige!" She frowned. "You might end up without a date to the ball."

"So be it." I leaned my back on the couch. "Why do I have to desperately find a date?"

"I'm surprised that you still need to find a date and that no one's asking you." Aicko sipped from her juice box.

 I rested my back on the couch and hugged a pillow. "Is it my fault that no one likes me? "I frowned at the way Aicko stared at me. "What's wrong?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Aren't you using your eyes?"

"Of course I am." I frowned. "I'm not blind you know."

She raised an eyebrow at me then chuckled. "You have no idea Paige." She stood up from the couch. "You have exactly no idea."


"I'm back!" a high pitched voice said.

I blinked twice to make sure I'm not seeing things. Khrysie and her girls entered the school main doors making everyone surprised.

"They're back already?" Aicko frowned.

I watched as Khrysie strode through halls, Nile walked beside her. If Nile's back then does that mean so is Ram? I then noticed that Bellona wasn't with them.

"Aicko, Paige!" A female voice called.

Aicko and I faced the main doors and in came Shari rushing towards us with Eloise walking behind her maintaining her poise. Shari greeted us with a huge hug.

"I missed you!" Aicko exclaimed.

Shari laughed. "I missed you guys more."

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

Eloise chuckled. "We need to prepare for the ball silly."

After our reunion we proceeded to our classrooms.

Eloise went to section 1, Aicko went to section 2 and Shari and I proceed to our section 3. There are 3 sections in our grade level. Section one is Bellona's section with Khrysie and their girls with their other classmates. Section two is Aicko and Aiden's section together with their classmates and my section is section three, with Shari, Blake, Kile and our other classmates. Our sections mostly merge in classes but those are our divisions.

I entered my classroom and walked towards my seat I automatically glanced at Blake's seat but he wasn't there. I was hoping to talk to him to know what his problem was. I sat on my seat and realized that almost all of the royals in our section are present. That's funny guess they all came back to start planning for the ball.


Break time came and Aicko and the girls decided that we have our break out in the gardens. The gardens have many trees, ponds, bridges, flowers of different kinds , sculpted bushes and patio sets. We walked through the stone pathwalk and sat down on one of the patio sets.

Eloise crossed her legs and I did the same.

"What do you want?" Aicko asked. "Shari and I will get our food in the cafeteria, we'll bring it here while you two." She pointed to me and Eloise. "Will stay here and guard our seat."

Eloise and I told Aicko what we want, and we handed our name plates for the cafeteria to scan. When they left, it was just me and Eloise. Eloise seemed sleepy so I told her to sleep. She nodded and rested her head a bit and fell asleep instantly. She maybe jetlag from her flight.

I silently flipped through the pages of my book and worked on my answer sheet. I kept myself deeply focused so that I could make the most of my time.I scratched out some numbers from my paper and rubbed my forehead. God math is giving me a headache.


I raised my head to see the one who spoke.

"Yeah, got a ton of paper works." I pointed to my stack of papers. "So... when did you arrive?" I asked curiously.

"This morning" Kile eyed my papers.

"Did everyone come back?"

He nodded. "Blake went first then everyone followed."

"Oh." I nodded and brought my head back to my papers. I'm really having a hard time on my math equation and this guy keeps on bugging me.

"Isn't that due next year?" His low voice asked.

"Yeah." I looked up at him and smiled then looked back at it.

"Why are you finishing it now?"

This guy has a lot of questions. "Because I want to."

"Are you that excited for the Christmas ball?" He chuckled.

I frowned and looked at him. "I'm not excited for the ball. I'm excited for the Christmas break."

"Oh so you wanna go home?" A small smile was formed on the side of his lips. "Now that's what you want."

I raised an eyebrow. "Of course I wanna go home, I've been away from my mom for a long time."

"You're not the only one away from your family." He said in a low voice.

Only then did I remember. He's right, all along I thought I was the only one away from Mom, I forgot that we all are away from our families, my Mom is just at the other side of the country, other student's families are at the other side of the globe.

"Oh." Was all I could muster. "I'll get back to this then." I pointed at my math questionnaire and went back to computing. The numbers just makes my head dizzy.

Kile didn't say anything else so from the looks of it, he's left. I stayed focused on my paper. "Ugh!" I scratched my solution again. Why can't I get it right?!

"It's like this." My eyes widened when my pen was suddenly taken out of my hands.

I frowned when I realized that Kile was already sitting beside me, writing a solution on my paper. "Hey!" I complained. "Give it back." I tried to get my pen back. "I could answer it myself."

Kile arched his brow. "Oh really?"

I looked at my paper and saw the many corrections that he's made. "Ugh! Fine!" I leaned my back on the couch and crossed my arms.

I watched as he showed me how to solve the equations. I never knew that he was good in math.

"Got it?" He asked when he finished solving the last equation.

"Uh..yeah." I nodded. He's good in teaching, gentle and patient. I thought he only taught horse riding, well now he teaches math too. "I never knew that you were good in math."

"I have a good teacher."

I nodded, I suddenly spotted Aicko and Shari returning with trays of food from the cafeteria.

"I'll be going then." Kile stood up and smiled at Aicko and Shari before walking away.

I turned to Aicko who gave me a questioning look. "What?" I raised my brow.

"What was he doing here?" She asked. Shari placed the tray on the patio table and I reached for a cheese sandwich.

"Teaching me Math." I answered before taking a bite on my sandwich.

After we ate, we stood up to head back to our classes. I suddenly spotted Blake leaning his back on the hallway wall with his eyes on his phone and his bag slung to his shoulder. The way he's acting is really bugging me. We were fine before he left for Egypt, why would he come back and act like that.

"Uh guys." I turned to the girls. "Go on without me, I'll just handle something."

Aicko raised her brow at me but they nodded and left.

I slowly approached Blake. I don't know if he sensed me approaching him or not coz he's still focused on his phone.

"Hey." I snapped my fingers infront of him.

He didn't look up. Wow! Is he back to this attitude again?!

"Hey!" I snapped my fingers again.

He still ignored me.

"Hey!" I clapped my hands infront of him.

He finally looked up and raised his brow. "What?"

"What is your problem?" I frowned. That was the question that I've been wanting to ask.

He kept his eyes avoided mine, while I like an idiot kept on catching them. "I don't know what you're talking about?"

I frowned when he suddenly slung his bag on his shoulder again and turned his back on me, walking away.

What the hell? I gripped my fists. He's not walking away this time. "Hey!" I raced after him and went infront of him blocking his walk way. Finally he stopped. "What is wrong with you?!"

He leaned his left shoulder to the corridor wall and crossed his arms.

"Why are you acting like I've done something horrible to you?" I crossed my arms. "What did I do wrong?" He annoys me by making me feel guilty for no apparent reason.

He bit his lip and locked his eyes on mine. I sensed the anger in there.

He seemd like he wasn't going to talk, fine so I'll talk. "You show up and see me with Ethan and now you're acting like that?" I glared at him. "Last time I checked, I haven't done anything wrong to you, we were good before you left." I stomped my foot. "Are you mad coz you caught me with Ethan?" 

He didn't answer.

I rolled my eyes. "What are you? Jealous?" My eyes widened. Why did I just say that?!

He locked his eyes on me. "If yes so what?"

My jaw dropped. I didn't expect him to say that. Why do I always end up surprised with everything that's happening to me?!

I was speechless. Blake turned his back on me again, I thought he was gonna leave when Khrysie suddenly appeared beside us and suddenly clung to his arm.

"Hi Blake!" She said in a sweet tone. "Can I ask a question."

Blake took her arm off his and annoying looked at her. "What?"

"Do you have a date to the ball yet?" She played with her fingers acting shy and trying to be cute but to be honest it doesn't suit you missy!

"I don't. Are you done?" Blake said, he held on the strap of his bag as if he was ready to leave. He was about to leave when Khrysie spoke.

"Wait." She held on his arm. "Can you atleast go with me?" She pouted. Eww!

"Ok." Blake aggressively took his arm away from hers once again and walked away leaving me shocked.

"Hmp." Khrysie had the smile of victory on her face. "See you at the ball Paige." She eyed me and left walking away.

I couldn't tell what I'm feeling, I also have no explanation. All I know is that, I'm not happy.


"Ok smile!" Francine ordered.

Aicko and I smiled at Francine's camera. Tonight's the ball and I don't know what I'm feeling at the moment.

"You both look stunning." Francine complemented us.

I looked myself in the mirror. My dress was rose gold, strapless, and a backless. My dress was flowy and it somewhat touched the ground. Francine surely out did herself.

My blonde hair was in a braid crown and tied in a low ponytail. I paired my outfit with a pair of silver stilettos. Goodluck to me.To be honest, I've never worn anything this fancy, which makes me feel a bit different but it's surely something to get used to.

Aicko wore a royal blue dress which looked elegant on her, together we walked going out the dorm room. We both had matching silver purses, friendship goals, what can I say?

Cameras flashing greeted us the second we got out of the dorm building. Aicko prepared me for this. The both of us stroke poses for the cameras. Before, I'd watch this very event on tv while munching banana chips and sipping on a mug of chocolate. I'd watch these Elite and Royals in their fancy dresses and gowns and I'd just fall asleep. Like I once said, I've never paid much attention to these people, not that I don't like them, I just don't pay much attention to them, I used to think that their lives are like fairytales, and mines reality. But now here I am.

"Ms. Aicko who are you wearing?" One of the camera men asked.

Aicko gave a bright smile. "I'm wearing Francine Le France." She posed for the camera. She seemed used to this, well I guess she does this every year.

"Excuse me? You must be Ms. Paige Bennet?" One of the camera men called me. I smiled at them. "Yes I am."

"How's your life here at the Eres Academy?" One of the reporters asked.

"It's pretty amazing actually." I smiled, following Aicko's lead.

Another reporter called. "Are you a model?"

I faced her and looked at Aicko, making sure that I was the one she was talking to. "Uhm no I'm not."

"For a second there I thought you were one." A reporter said.

I gave a small smile before entering a limo which Aicko owns. I sat down and took a sip from a non alcoholic cocktail that Aicko handed me. We clinked our glasses and the limo drove to our ball's venue. The Palace.

It's going to be my first time at the palace so I don't have any clue of how it looks like, I mean I see it once in a while in the tv, but never in person.

I watched as the limousine drove through the campus. The Elite square was filled with many Christmas decorations, bells hung from the windows, lights were everywhere, wreaths hung on the dorm doors. A huge Christmas tree stood at the middle of the Square. The Christmas spirit here was alive. 

The limo drove out of the Campus gates and through the Californian highway.

"I got you a last minute date." Aicko winked at me.

I frowned. "And who is that?"

She just smiled at me. "You'll see." Something about the look on her face made me worried.

We talked and she kept scolding me from picking on the tarts but what can I say, when a girl's hungry, she's hungry.

We talked some more until an hour passed by and the sky was all dark now. Soon the road tightened as many cameras flashed our way. And then the Palace gates appeared, it was gold and magnificent. The limo entered the gates and formed a line with other fancy cars. A red carpet was there at the entrance of the palace and most of the cameras and press were positioned there.

I watched as the cars infront of us stopped by the red carpet and out came our schoolmates, in their ravishing attires. They'd pose for the cameras and walk going inside. Before I knew it, it was our turn.

I felt my heart beat fast as Aicko's driver opened the door for us. I was shaking.

"Hey." Aicko held my hand. "Just smile, it'll be ok." She assured me.

I took a deep breathe and nodded, I followed her outside the limo and many cameras greeted us. Aicko did some poses and I did the same, I saw Eloise step outside her car behind us, she looked so pretty in her emerald green dress.

"Greetings." She greeted us as fine as ever. Shari then came afterwards in her elegant black dress. Together the four of us did some poses and we all walked through the red carpet . When we got inside, a huge indoor fountain greeted us. I stared at it in awe.

I need a coin so I tried to check my pockets but then I realized that I didn't have one.

Shari and Eloise started taking pictures with their personal photographers while Aicko dug for something in her pouch, and here I am admiring the fountain.


I jumped from where I was standing when Aiden jumped out from no where. I eyed his outfit, he was wearing a black tux with a white polo inside partnered with black slacks. It's the first time I've seen him so dressed up, I mean I'm used to see him like this when we were little but now he just seems so grown up.

"Are you that surprised to see me?" He laughed. 

I scoffed.

"You look great." He complimented me. I smiled at him. "You look like a waiter." I joked.

His brows furrowed, probably taking what I said to heart. I laughed at his serious face. "Kidding don't take things so seriously." I lightly punched his shoulder.

"Hey," He flicked my forehead using his finger. "We're going to dance later." He reminded me.

"Of course we will." Duh he's my bestfriend. 

He chuckled then suddenly made me position beside him. "Smile." He pointed to a photographer. I smiled and so did he. 

I did a wacky pose and he followed, well we're taking lots of pictures for Mom. After we took pictures, he left me and the girls so that we could take pictures too. After many camera clicks, we were all called to enter the ball room. This time, with your date. 

Eloise and Aicko's dates approached us, Eloise had one of the Princes from their section and Aicko had Daniel.

"Psst." Aicko nudged me while looking at her phone. "Your date's here." 

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Hi Carter!" Aicko waved to someone behind me.

My eyes widened. I glared at Aicko. What's he doing here. I wanted to keep my glare at Aicko but to be polite, I turned around to greet him, just like all the boys, he was in a tux, as handsome as ever but somehow it didn't affect me as it did before.

"Hi Paige nice seeing you again." He gave a genuine smile. "Aicko said you needed a date?"

I gave him a forced smile. Why does it sound that I desperately need a date? "Hi Carter." 

Suddenly, trumpets sounded signaling us to enter the ballroom. Aicko and Eloise clung their arms to their dates and they walked towards the last red carpet that leads to the ball room doors. Shari says, she's going solo. She says that since she couldn't muster the courage to ask Ram then she'd not go with anyone. What a committed soldier that girl is.

Like everyone else, I clung my arm on Carter's and together we walked down the red carpet. As usual, Cameras clicked and we posed for a bit before entering the ball room. My eyes widened as the huge ballroom stood before me.

There was a huge dancefloor, there were disco lights, grand carpeted floors, banquet tables and the best part,  waiters serving food everywhere. Carter and I sat on the table the Aicko saved, together with Eloise, Shari and their dates. Waiters served us appetizers while we watched our other schoolmates enter the ballroom.

I saw Aiden enter the ballroom by himself. Aww his crush probably rejected him, or maybe he didn't get to ask her out since he's a scardy car.

Nile came in with a long golden dress, what else would you expect from the princess of Egypt. With her is the Prince of Denmark, I think? I spotted Ram enter in solo, maybe he got rejected as well? 

I watched as Kile and Bellona entered, by looking at the two of them, all elegant and regal, you would think that they're the King and Queen. Bellona was in a long satin violet dress with one sleeve and a slit exposing her long thigh, she looks like a Goddess. My eyes went to Khrysie who was in a hot red dress, I expected her to come in with Blake but from the looks of it, she was alone. Where could that jerk be?

When everyone entered, the waiters started giving out food. I smiled when a waiter approached me but it was changed into a frown when she placed the plate in front me and there it had some fancy squid dish, it looks appealing but I don't eat squid. 

"Is there a problem?" Carter asked me. He must've noticed my change in expression.

I smiled and shook my head. I need to atleast act poised, and maybe make my food choices more flexible? I sighed and poked my fork on the squid. I smelled it and I immediately felt like I wanted to gag. I suddenly felt a vibration in my pouch.

I opened it and found my phone buzz. I opened it and found a text from Aiden.

From: Ugly

Don't force yourself to eat it

You can have mine, I have beef lasagna

I smiled and typed.

To: Ugly

You're the best.

He suddenly appeared beside me and took my plate, exchanging it with his. "Eat well Peggy." He said before walking back to his table with his friends.

I started eating my lasagna. The waiter's kept on adding more and more food on our table, if it weren't for Aicko scolding me no to eat too much then maybe I would've finished it.

Suddenly, the ball room doors opened and in came Blake, walking in an all black tux, his hair was fixed making his face look clean. Then I remembered that this guy is unbelievably angry with me for an unknown reason. I rolled my eyes and focused on my food. I turned to Carter who was talking to Daniel.

"Uhm hey." I tapped his shoulder making him face me. "I just want to thank you for coming here." I smiled.

"No problem." He smiled back and took a sip on some fruit cocktail. 

"Did I disturb you from you Squire and Knightly training?" I asked. 

"What?" He chuckled. "No, it's perfectly fine, besides I have nothing to do this weekend."

I nodded and we talked some more. I don't know why but I feel absolutely nothing for him, is that a good sign or a bad one?

"Ok time to vote." Aicko handed Eloise a tablet.

I remembered that our King and Queen of the night depends on our student votes. After Eloise finished voting she passed it to Shari after then to me.

I checked the candidates. for the Queen of the night, Bellona was on top pick with the most votes, below her were her other friends. I voted for Bellona since she was the only one in the candidates who seemed to not glare at me.

On the male candidates, I noticed that Ram was in it and some other boys but Blake and Kile weren't listed. I just placed my vote on Ram since he was the only guy I was friends with in the list of candidates. Aicko said the both Blake and Kile didn't like joining this competition.

"Did you vote for Ram?" Shari eyed the tablet. I smiled at her teasingly. After comparing our votes, I handed the tablet to the other table. Since outsiders couldn't vote, Carter wasn't allowed but he didn't mind, he seemed enjoying himself just by talking with other guys. 

Everyone started to cheer when the DJ started playing music. The dance has started. 

"Oh my gosh let's go." Aicko stood up immediately, Daniel did the same. Eloise stood up aswell and so did Shari.

"You're all going to dance?" I asked.

They all nodded.

"We should dance too." Carter stood up and offered his hand. 

I gave a small smile and shook my head. "Maybe later? I still want to eat some food." I excused myself from our table and went to the food isle on the sides where waiters tended to them. 

It's not that I didn't want to dance with Carter, I just know that I can't at the moment.  I got some churros from the food isle. I looked at the others, they were all dancing on the dance floor. Seems fun. I badly want to join them but I  know I can't.

I finished my churros and slowly walked outside the ballroom. The guards guarding the doors eyed me before opening the door for me. I smiled at them casually before stepping out of the ballroom. 

The outside of the ballroom was silent, gone were the cameras and the press, now I have a long red carpet all to myself. I slowly walked through the palace corridors. The cream marble walls and the fancy chandeliers hung from the ceiling. I tried my best to speed up my pace to get to the palace main doors. I stepped out the palace and a black limo was parked by the side. 

Milton, Aicko's driver stepped out the car with a box in his hands. I smiled when he handed it to me.

"Thank you sir." I said cheerfully. "Sorry for the trouble."

"No problem ma'am."  He said kindly.

I turned my back on him and climbed up the palace steps and reentered the palace, The guards eyed me suspiciously but allowed me in. 

My footsteps echoed through the palace. I turned to one of the halls and went in, paintings of abstract and other artistic scenes hung on the walls. It felt quite ancient. I kept walking through intersections till I finally felt lost, I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I smiled when I finally saw a sign.

Palace Comfort Room

I entered the restroom and was greeted by a it's beautiful interior, what can I say, this is a palace.I locked the doors and checked if there were anyone inside the cubicles, after I checked I placed my box on the sink counter and opened it. My eyes lit up at what's inside the box.

I pulled out my pair of black sneakers from the box and knelt down to take off my heels and change it with my socks which I've kept in my pouch, afterwards I placed on my sneakers and tied the lays. 

I eyed my attire in the full length mirror. It's definitely not a style nor a girl trend but now I'm comfortable and that's what matters.

I headed to the door with a smile on my face. Now I can dance.

My smile immediately changed when I met Kile the second I got out of the restroom. He was probably just passing by when I got out.

I automatically bowed. "Your highness." I'm familiar with Royal protocol, if at school we treat each other like equals, but here in the outside world he's the Prince.

He was wearing a dark blue tux and and looked so prince like. Well he is a prince after all. He eyed me then his eyes went down to my feet. Darn it!

"Don't judge me." I folded my arms and glared at him. 

"I wasn't going to." He chuckled.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you going to ask why I'm wearing these?" 

"Nope." He gave a teasing look. "We should head back if you still want to dance."

I nodded and followed him through the hall. He fitted perfectly in a place like this.

As we walked, I eyed the Paintings that hung on the walls, I'm not a fan of art unlike Aiden but I somehow appreciate these paintings. I stopped walking when my eyes caught a huge painting, this time it wasn't an abstract nor landscape, it was a painting of the royal family. 

There was the King, beside his wife. I almost laughed when I saw a probably 12 year old version of Kile's beside his dad. He looks so serious. Beside him is Princess Kandice, she was like Kile's girl version. My focus landed on the other princess who was smaller than Kandice, she looked like around 6 years old in the painting. 

Although I wasn't that familiar with Kile and Kandice until I got to school. I'm very familiar with the youngest. The late Princess Katherine. Her tragic death shook the country hard. The Royal murder.

I looked at Kile who was looking at the painting quietly. I couldn't imagine how it felt like for him to loose a sister.

"Lets go." He said.

I nodded and together we walked back to the ballroom. I suddenly felt excited again. Finally I can dance. 

My excitement immediately faded when I realized that the song in the ballroom wasn't the fun one but a slow one. Instead of seeing my classmates dancing crazy on the dancefloor, they were all with their dates, dancing slowly. The slow dance had begun. 

What the heck?! 

"There you are." Carter approached me. "Let's dance." He offered his hand. 

I eyed Kile and found him walking away with Bellona. I turned to Carter. "Sure."

Together we walked to the dancefloor. Just like the other girls, I encircled my arms around Carter's neck and he encircled his around my waist. Leaving a small space between us. 

I silently swayed to the slow beat of the music. I spotted Aicko dancing with her partner. Kile was dancing with Bellona, Blake wasn't on the dancefloor. I subconsciously frowned by thinking of him. Just when we're finally getting along, he starts acting weird.

Now I'm praying that no one notices my sneakers. 

"How are you feeling?" Carter asked.

"Ok." I let out a small smile. "Sorry, I'm not a really good dancer."

"It's fine, atleast you're not drunk and falling on my chest just like the last time we danced." He chuckled.

My cheeks heated up in embarrassment of the memory. "Sorry about that." 

"No worries." He laughed. "I was about to bring you home until Carlisle snatched you."

Blake. My eyes subconsciously searched for him again in the dance floor. He's not here.

"Oh." I faked a laugh. I don't know what's wrong with me. Something felt wrong, other than my sneakers I had a feeling that I was missing something.

"You know Paige I-"

Carter was cut off when I felt a hand pull me away from Carter.

"Switch." Ram said. Everything happened so fast, the next thing I knew, Ram switched me and his dance partner, a girl from his section and now I have my arms around Ram's neck and his arms were around my waist.  Carter didn't have a time to argue so now he's dancing with Ram's dance partner.

"How are we doin Paige?" Ram asked jokingly. 

"Is it a habit in your friend circle to pull girls?" I eyed him. He just laughed.

"Sorry, I had to get you away from that squire." He said silently. "Blake's really jealous." He chuckled. "But don't tell him that I told you, it's our secret."

"What are you talking about?" I frowned.  

"Oh." Ram raised his eyebrows. "Blake was right, you definitely have no idea." He laughed. "I've also noticed that you two aren't in good terms?" He eyed me. "Did you guys break up?!" He acted shocked. What the hell?!

I hit his shoulder making him laugh. 

"Kidding." He chuckled. "Sorry about Blake, he can be really cranky." He laughed. "But don't worry he'll come around soon, I'll make sure of it."

I rolled my eyes at him. He maybe quite a piss off but I prefer dancing with him than Carter, maybe because Ram's funny.

"But you know Paige." Ram said. "Sometimes you have to open your eyes to see what's truly happening in front of you." He made a small smile.

I silently nodded. There wasn't anything wrong with what Ram said, it just hit me differently. Maybe he's right, maybe I'm not opening my eyes to what's really happening around me. 

"So." I looked up to him. "You don't have a date right?" 

He nodded with a smile. "Nope."

"Why is that?" I wondered. "Many girls would want to be your date." I know one in particular. 

"You see, I chose not to have a date so that I could dance with all the girls." He laughed.

I laughed at his strategy. What a playboy this one is. "Nice idea."

"I'm the best right?" 

"Whatever." I laughed.

"You seem down tonight." Ram eyed me. 

I arched a brow. "No I'm not."

"Well do you want to be happy?" 

I rolled my eyes. "I'm already happy."

"Then happier?" I looked up at him before he twirled me around and pushed me away. 

I thought I was about to trip until someone held my waist and I bumped my forehead on his chest. "Ram!" 

"Sorry Blake I didn't mean it." Ram said jokingly. "You caught her, so just do your thing." He laughed and walked away. "You can thank me later!" He called.

I suddenly became aware of our position, so I fixed my posture and looked up at Blake. He really looks different now, the color black really suits him. "Sorry." I apologized and turned around. I know that he doesn't like to be with me, for whatever reason he has. My eyes widened when he held my hand stopping me from walking away.

"Stay here." He said in a soft tone before pulling me back into his arms. He positioned his arms on my waist and I clung mine around his neck. Not sure of how I should react. Is he still upset? Or did he get over it?

"What's with the face?" He looked down on me. "Nice sneakers." 

I looked up at him and hit his chest. "I hate you."

"Ouch." He rubbed his chest acting as if it really hurt.  "Why would you hate a person like me?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're so immature."

"I find myself immature too." 

I raised my brow at him. Is he seriously acknowledging what I'm saying.

I continued. "One minute we're getting along, the next you're cranky." 

"I am cranky." He chuckled.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you agreeing to everything I say?"

"Because I don't want to fight with you, especially now when we'll be leaving for Christmas vacation."

"Wow." I said sarcastically. "So you're being nice because we won't be seeing eachother for 2 weeks?"


I rolled my eyes again. 

"I also came to a realization." He added.


"That I can't stay mad at you." He looked me straight in the eye. "Especially when that squire is tailing you everywhere."

"You mean Carter?" I laughed. "You're with Khrysie so what's wrong with being with Carter?"

He kept silent.

"And why were you late?" The question slipped my mouth. Darn it. Now he thinks that I'm stalking him or something.

"How did you know I was late?" He gave me a teasing smile.

"Coz our table's near the entrance." I defended myslef.

His look was still unconvinced. "What happened to your squire?" He asked without looking at me.

"Ram stole me from him, he's probably dancing with other girls or at our table." I said truthfully. I turned to Blake. "What about Khrysie?" 

"How should I know?" Blake frowned.

I rolled my eyes for about the 6th time tonight. "Because she's your date."

"I'm with my date right now." He stared into my eyes.

I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart hammering through my chest. There's just something about being here, with him, dancing on the dancefloor. I've danced with Carter and Ram, but being here in his arms just felt so right. I frowned at what I was thinking. This isn't normal.


After the dance, we all went back to our tables and the judges announced the King and Queen of the night. Ram was crowned King of the night and Bellona unsurprisingly won Queen of the night. Everyone says that no one else could beat Bellona. By the way she looks tonight, I could see why. 

After the ball, we all packed up ready to head back to the campus and pack since we'll be going back to our homes for the start of the Christmas break tomorrow. 

I followed Aicko going to her limo. She still chatted to our other school mates so I just leaned on the limo and looked at my phone. 

I frowned when Aiden popped out from nowhere and flicked my forehead using his fingers.

"Hey!" I glared at him and punched his shoulder.

"Geez Peggy." He rubbed his shoulder. "It's midnight already."

I laughed at him. My laugh faded when I realized something. "Oh God." I faced Aiden. "We didn't get to dance." How could I forget it?! 

"It's ok." He chuckled. "We always have next year."

"This is your fault." I crossed my arms. "You didn't approach me."

"Well you've been dancing with other guys the whole time." He pointed out.

I suddenly felt guilty. He's my bestfriend. Bestfriend comes first.

"I'm so sorry Ugly." I apologized.

"It's ok." He laughed. "As long as you've enjoyed, I'm happy." 

I smiled and hugged him. I'm so lucky to have him as my bestfriend. 

He hugged me aswell. My head was at the level of his chest . 

"We can just enjoy the vacation together." He said while hugging me.

"Yeah." I nodded on his chest. "We're going home tomorrow." I smiled at the thought. I really miss home. 


This chapter is two chapters which I've combined into one hehe.

Sorry for the late UD my laptop's having technical problems.

Next chapter would be out tomorrow or the day after.

Note: It'll be intense.

Hope y'all stay tuned!



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