Love, Life, And Lies- Regulus...

By gryffindor_934

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¤It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves. The love, life, and lies of Cassiopeia Vulpec... More

.the finding.
.important for your understanding.
.hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
.the stars.
.the letter.
.constant fear.
.the plot begins.
.death toll rising.
.forgiveness and promises.
.a world crashing down.
.the bitter aftermath.
.pine needles. rainstorms. cedarwood.
.to ruin a party.
.truth is pain.
.mutually beneficial arrangement.
.catastrophic longing.
.a soul torn apart.
.fidelite a la mort.
.to love fiercly.
.revealing truths.
.unwinding memories.
.a sluggish party.
.destructive detention.
.from what i've tasted of desire.
.fleeting happiness.
.the commandeering of the manor.
.in her likeness.
.the ministry ball.
.the ghosts that we knew.
.tumult of words and opinions.
.the discovery of alecto carrow.
.divulging to dubmledore.
.a protector.
.it's all very merry.
.wartime wedding.
.drinks dancing and dogs.
.tea and biscuits.
.blood and mud.
.into the void.
.salt and lemon.
.career day.
.books and buttons.
.finding the light.
.stardust and stories.
.return to innocence.
.blood of my blood.
.pomp and ceremony.
.weightless in water.
.an army whom all fear.
.a merciful lord.
.bombarda maxima.
.st. mungo's.
.the offering.
.the house elf's highest law.
.blood and salt.
.darkness claims all.
.there is only power.
.only what is right.
.until you see the light.
.a wounded animal.
.mudblood scum.
.torturous, agonizing, grief.
.white roses.
.the hog's head.
.we all bleed red.
.children of the prophecy.
.ignorance is bliss.
.the things that matter more.
.the fate of us all.
.gray as a stormy sea.

.to true love.

159 7 0
By gryffindor_934

.i can lose everything, but not you... oh god, not you.

Rosier manor was cold and dark in comparison to the bright cheerful atmosphere of the castle. I felt the oppressing gloom the second my feet hit the ground outside of the gates. The Dark Lord had placed wards over it so that one could not apparate inside of its walls. A precaution he told us. A prison was more like it.

I could see the windows of the entrance hall and the ballroom glowing as the house elves worked tirelessly to finish decorating for the party my mother and father insisted upon. They just wanted to show off their prized daughter.

I walked down the lane until I reached the massive iron doors and took a deep breath before pushing my way inside. My mother and father had beaten me back to the manor it appeared. There was no warmth in their eyes as they congratulated me. Achievement was never anything special in my family because it was an expectation. When you did well, you were merely meeting the standard rather than exceeding it.

In their eyes, that made them better than everyone else and they wanted to show off their Hogwarts graduate to all of their friends and coworkers. No doubt to try and push me into a Ministry career.

I was instantly whisked away by my mother to my dressing chamber where she redid my hair shoving pins into it until I could feel a headache forming behind my eyes.

"Beauty is pain." She hissed at me every time I winced, and then would rip my hair even harder.

Other than that, we sat in silence.

"Don't anger your father tonight." She said after long moments of nothing.

My eyes shot up to find hers in the mirror. The deep green of hers flashing against mine.

"I don't control what upsets him." I shrugged, not willing to engage, or make any promises.

"Cassiopeia, please." She pleaded. I saw a look of fear behind the mask she wore and that look unsettled me. "For all of our sakes."

I was surprised. My mother hardly every said please. She never needed to. I wondered why after all of these years she just now began to fear my father.

I never replied. I couldn't think of anything to say. Anything would be a lie. Instead, I just dropped her gaze and let her finish her work.

Finally she was finished with her beautification tasks. She started to depart with a lavish grace. But not before conjuring an evening gown I was to wear for the night. It was dark in the shadows. I almost thought it was black for a few moments until I slipped it on, the light from the fire bringing out the deep emerald color. It was always Slytherin green. Every dress I owned was in the shades of emerald, silver, or black. There were no variations.

As irritated as I was with the color, I couldn't deny the gown was stunning. The bodice was tight and covered in delicate lace and beadwork. Thin straps connected at my shoulders, crisscrossing over my back leaving the vast majority of it exposed. The skirt hugged my hips and thighs, only becoming looser at my feet, allowing me to walk easier.

I almost gasped as I took in my appearance in the full length mirror. I was pretty on a normal day. But tonight, I emanated a jaw dropping beauty. My green eyes appeared big and intense with the makeup my mother had applied. My curves accentuated by the fit of the gown. My hair was pinned up, but several tendrils floated loosely in my face, softening my features. It seemed they were pulling out all of the stops tonight.

A sudden knock sounded at my door. I frowned, not expecting anyone. My mother and father would both be mingling with their guests by now. And Evan...Evan was gone.

"Come in." I called, swallowing the lump in my throat that had arisen at the thought of my brother. I turned back to adjust the pins in my hair as the door swung open.

A figure I wasn't expecting appeared in the reflection of the mirror. The last person I had ever anticipated strolling into my dressing room. I instantly tensed up a little at the sight of him.

"Cassiopeia." He greeted, respectfully bowing his head. "You look beautiful." His eyes trailed down my body as he spoke.

"Good evening, Rabastan." I crooned, putting on the facade I always wore around those of his station. "Might I ask what you are doing in my dressing room?"

He looked as handsome as ever in his dark dress robes. His dark brown eyes shining like melted chocolate in the firelight.

"I was sent to escort you downstairs." He claimed, finally dragging his eyes up to meet my gaze.

"Ahh, I see." I leaned against the chair at the vanity. The picture of casual grace. "This is to be our first public appearance together."

My mother and father were very clever indeed.

"I would assume that was the thought behind this, yes." He moved further into the dressing room, standing before the mirror I had been looking in when he arrived. He straightened his robes, and picked a piece of lint from his collar.

"Conniving my parents are, aren't they." I observed trying to feel out his thoughts in the matter. Truthfully, I never knew where he stood on the idea of our arranged marriage.

"Indeed." He paused for a moment, his eyes flitting to mine. "Cassiopeia, I want you to know that I never said those things about you."

"What things?" I asked, knowing perfectly well what he was talking about.

"I never said that you were damaged goods. Or that you weren't good enough for me." There was almost a pleading to his voice that took my by surprise.

"You didn't?" I coked an eyebrow at him and placed my hands on my hips.

"No, that was my mother. She is a terrible woman." He swore, shaking his head vigorously.

And my sympathies went out to him in that moment. If there ever was a thing that garnered my compassion, it was having horrible parents.

"That I can understand. My mother and father are terrible as well." I confided, my gaze burning into him.

"I want you to know that while this isn't something either of us would choose. I intend to do my best to make you happy. I don't want you to live a life of misery. I care for you, and I want you to find some joy in your life with me." He claimed, and I could see the conviction in his eyes. He truly meant it.

I don't know why I had ever doubted it. Out of all the pureblood fanatics I had grown up with, Rabastan was one I actually enjoyed. He was mellower than his brother, Rudolphus. And though he believed very fervently in the pureblood supremacy ideals, he had always been kind to me. That had to count for something.

I suppose there were worse people to be forced to spent a lifetime with. Thankfully though, I had saved both of us from that unfortunate situation.

"Rabastan. I am not going to marry you." I confessed, watching his face for any sign of emotion.

His features twisted in confusion.

"I don't know that you have much choice in the matter."

At that, my lips quirked up into a a smug smile. "I have more power in this than you think."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Let me ask you this." I replied, ignoring his question. "Do you truly wish to marry me?"

He thought for a few moments, his eyebrows scrunched together in concentration. "I think that an arranged match with you could make me happy. You and I have always been friends. I can think of worse arrangements than being married to someone you enjoy being around."

A very political answer.

"Yes, but that was not my question." I shot back. "If you had your choice of who to marry, would it be me? Answer honestly. I won't be offended."

His answer wasn't immediate. Instead, I could see him thinking through the ramifications of his answer.

"No. It wouldn't." He finally admitted, a melancholic look in his eyes. It made me wonder who he would choose if he had that option.

"I thought not." I replied, letting the smile slink back on my face. "Then be happy that you are being let out of this arrangement."

"How will you manage it?" He leaned against the mirror, his arms folded across his chest.

I wondered for a moment whether I should tell him the truth or not.

"Regulus and I made the unbreakable vow." I admitted, feeling my cheeks heat. He must think I was crazy to do such a thing. "We will marry, or we will die. And my mother and father will just have to choose which of those is worse."

And then he did something I didn't expect. He tossed his head back and laughed. "Cassiopeia, you little minx." His hand clutched his chest as loud guffaws sounded around the room. "How terribly clever."

"It was Regulus's idea. He's the clever one." I professed, feeling a slight amount of relief at the fact that he didn't think I was insane. "I am sorry that this will bring scandal down on you."

"Don't be." He merely waved his hand as if he were already waving off the rumors. "If anything, it will make me more interesting."

"I hope you live the life you want to live, Rabastan."

"You are very kind. For what it's worth, I think we could have been very happy together. It might not have been the love you have with Regulus, but we could have grown fond of each other."

"I think so too." I confessed, sending him a small smile.

Then he bowed at the waist and departed my dressing room.

A small smile found its way to my lips. That was one less obstacle to worry about. I took a deep breath before braving the mob in the ballroom.

Gathering my patience, I turned on my heel and confidently strode out of my quarters.

I could hear the merriment grow nearer with every step I took. Loud boisterous laughs, delicate giggles, the clinging of champagne glasses.

The attendant opened the doors for me, nodding in respect. I carefully glided down the first flight of the grand staircase that opened into the chamber. Instantly a hush went over the room as people caught sight of me. And then on the first landing, my eyes met a pair of gray stormy ones.

He met me just before the second flight of stairs, bowed at the waist, and offered his arm, ever the gentleman. I curtsied and let my eyes dance up to his, a smile breaking through. I gently took the arm he offered, letting him support me as he guided me down the remainder of the steps.

All eyes had been turned to us. But I didn't let myself think about it. I kept my eyes on his. Let the tenderness of his touch seep deep into my soul.

As I reached the bottom of the steps my father was instantly at my side, hauling me away from Regulus as discreetly as he could. But it was no use. Everyone had already seen us together. Had seen the statement we made.

"There will be none of that this evening." He hissed in my ear as he steered me towards the German Minister for Magic. A large smile lit up his face as soon as he made eye contact with him. Instantly dispelling the fury that had been there not two seconds before. But I knew better. I knew it was still there, boiling below the surface.

My father forced me to socialize with person, after person, after person. Two Ministers for Magic. Several foreign diplomats. Quidditch players, Department Heads. It grew ridiculously tiresome after a while, and I grew quite bored of false pleasantries.

Finally, a pair of arms snaked around my torso, pulling me into a hug from behind. I recognized his hands, and his scent instantly. I turned sharply, forcing my lips to his. And I didn't care who saw.

When I broke away from him, I could see the displeased face of my father far off in the sea of people. Spitefully, I linked my fingers with Regulus's. It was a miracle that no one had seen the ring yet.

My father, clanged his glass to draw the attention of everyone in the room. He was no doubt trying to make a silent statement to me. He had a smug smile on his face as all attention turned to him. But I wasn't going to let him scare me.

"Thank you, thank you all for being here tonight." His deep voice rumbled through the room. "It is with great pleasure that we celebrate our daughter, Cassiopeia. We are remarkably proud of her completion of her magical education. She achieved the highest marks, and finished proudly as Head Girl of Hogwarts. She is a gifted witch and a wonderful asset to the noble house of Rosier. To Cassiopeia." He finished, raising his glass in my direction.

"To Cassiopeia." Came the response, as all glasses were raised towards me.

It wasn't a particularly moving speech. Really focused more on facts than on feeling. Not that I expected anything more out of my father.

I suddenly felt the urge to spite him. To make him feel something towards me, even if it was anger. It might not have been the best motivator for doing what I did. But the rage overcame me and before I knew it, I was clinking my glass, drawing all attention to me.

"I know, I know! I've pulled you away from your drinking." Several chuckles rang out. "I beg just a few moments of your time." Regulus made eye contact with me and I could see the second he realized what I was going to do. He looped his arm around my back, pulling me closely against him. His eyebrows were raised, and an amused smirk twitched at his lips.

"Standing here in front of the most important people in our lives, we wish to announce our intention to marry. Sharing this with all of you makes our private dreams, public, and very real. I love Regulus more than anything in this world. I don't know what I did right in this world to be able to share a life with him. He gives meaning to my life, and I intend to never let someone like him slip through my fingers."

I watched my father intently the entire time that I was speaking. A crash of venom met a violent sea of stormy turquoise waters. I could see the hot fury branded on his face, and the hate in his eyes. He didn't even try to hide it. Didn't even care that people were looking at him to see his reaction. It was well known that my hand was promised to Rabastan Lestrange. It wasn't often that a betrothal agreement was broken. And when it was, it was done so by the parents. Never by the children.

"To true love." Regulus called, raising his glass in the air as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

I shot my father a smirk as everyone raised their glasses in response. I no doubt was adding fuel to the fire that was sure to erupt in hot blazes as soon as the party finished. He clenched his teeth in seething anger.

I looked over the rest of the crowd. Rabastan, had his glass extended to me, a small smile on his face. he didn't look upset in the slightest. Merely just amused. His parents however, looked as furious as my father. A cold icy anger emanated from Rabastan's father. And then he grabbed his wife's hand and stormed out of the room. Rabastan shot us one more amused look before turning to follow them.

Whispers broke out all around the room, no doubt rumors already starting to circulate.

"Five galleons to the one who hears the most preposterous rumor tonight." Regulus whispered in my ear.

"You're on!" I exclaimed. I didn't care what these people thought, so I might as well get a little amusement out of their ridiculous stories.

"Congratulations, my dear." Mrs. Black had found me in the crowd and pulled me away while Regulus was being congratulated by his father. Mrs. Black seemed very satisfied with the turn of events from the evening. "You will make an admirable asset to the Black Family."

It didn't take long for a crushing grasp on my arm to pull me from the ballroom. Apparently my father was not at all afraid of making a scene anymore. He ripped me down the hall into his study and slammed the door behind him. A sharp click of the lock told me he had trapped me inside.

I felt a familiar dread shoot through me. I had been in this situation a number of times before. It always ended with me bruised and bloodied on the floor. As he rounded on me with a fire as hot as the pit of hell in his eyes, I stabilized my stance, and held my ground, refusing to back down this time.

"What in the bloody hell was that?" He growled, his face turning a violent shade of scarlet.

"I told you that you will not control my life anymore." I shot at him, holding my head high squaring my shoulders.

And just as quickly as the words had come out of my mouth, he lunged for me, his hands reaching for my neck.

But before he could even get close, the door was blasted open and my father was thrown into a shelf of books. Upon the impact, several fell off the the shelves and pelted him in the head. My chest heaved as I processed how close his hands were to my throat. My gaze immediately shot to the door, taking in the sight of the boy who swore to always protect me.

"You will not lay a finger on her. Not anymore." He spat, a dark fury emanating from him. If I thought my father had been angry, it was nothing compared to the smoldering rage that boiled off of Regulus. His stance said he was ready for a fight if it came to that.

My father picked himself off the floor, a hint of surprise in his eyes. But it was instantly buried by a dangerous wrath.

"How dare you insult me in my own home, boy." He howled, but he stood back, not willing to put himself in a position for his pride to be damaged even further. "Cassiopeia is mine. My property. You will not get in the way of our plans for her."

"She is not property. And the next time your treat her as such will be the last thing you ever do." He had crossed the room to stand by my side.

I instantly wondered who would win in a duel between Regulus and my father. Regulus was smart, and he was skilled. That would be a great advantage against my father who however skilled he was, was also cocky, and at times sloppy.

"You have some nerve. Coming into our home and doing whatever you please with our daughter." He spat at Regulus, then turned on me. "You're letting this pathetic child fight your battles now?" He stalked closer dangerously, like a cat tailing a mouse.

I was still reeling from the fear of seeing him lunge for my throat. My blood pounded in my ears, and I clutched my neck, trying to convince myself that it was still intact.

"Oh no." Regulus laughed. "She doesn't need me to fight her battles. She is perfectly capable of kicking your ass herself. I'm here so she doesn't have to live with the guilt of hurting her father." A small smirk flickered on his face. And in that moment, I couldn't be more grateful for him.

"You pathetic excuse for a pureblood." My father thundered.

"How dare you insult the honor of my son." Another voice sounded, and all heads shot to the entrance of the study where stood Orion and Walburga Black, alongside my mother.

My mother shot me a murderous look, as if to say, 'I told you not to anger him. Now you've done it.' She quickly strode to my father's side, her hips swaying with a practiced grace. She put her hand on his shoulder, trying to see if he was alright, but he shook her off and pushed her aside.

"Stay out of this, Orion." Raphael Rosier barked at the older Black.

"This involves us as much as you." Orion shot, not eager to be dismissed when such a pressing matter was being discussed.

"You stupid, stupid boy-." My father started raging again.

"Stop." I demanded, finally coming out of the frozen fear I had been stuck in. Surprisingly, my voice was calm, and stone cold. "I will not stand by while you insult him. I love Regulus and I will marry him. I don't care what you say or what you do. Nothing will prevent it."

"You selfish, ungrateful, child. After all we have done for you, this is how you repay us?"

I couldn't stop the laugh that burst out of my chest. "After all you have done for me? After all you have done for me? Do you mean all the years of physical beatings? The verbal abuse? The emotional anguish you loaded upon me? Do you really want to talk about 'what you have done for me'? I promise that is not a conversation that will go well for you."

A light went on in my fathers eyes, and a smug smirk appeared on his face. Dread went through me at that. It was a look I would recognize anywhere. It was the look he gave before delivering his killing blow.

"If you marry him, you can kiss your little healing apprenticeship goodbye." He crossed his arms over his chest, the smug smirk widening into a malicious smile. His perfect white teeth gleamed in the firelight.

My eyes widened and a cool fury ran through my veins at his words. How could he have found out about that? I had been very careful not to tell anyone who could deliver that news back to him.

"Yes, I know about that. Did you really think you could get anything by me? Rookwood alerted me to your desires months ago."

I felt my heart sink as I realized my mistake. I had forgotten that I had entrusted such information to Rookwood. How horribly naive of me.

My father just laughed as the shock registered on my face. "There is the other fact that I donate significant funds to St. Mungo's. The head of the hospital contacted me personally upon receiving your application. He was quite thrilled to have such a promising candidate. But it would be remarkably easy to just squash that little prospect, don't you think?"

Regulus caught my gaze, regret in his eyes. And in that moment, anything else became inconsequential. I didn't care about a healing apprenticeship if it meant I would lose him. I would let it go freely, and easily.

"You think that will change my mind?" I spat at him, walking forward away from Regulus's protection. "None of your threats mean anything to me. And it doesn't matter anyways. Nothing you say will prevent us from marrying. And honestly, it is in your best interest to not forbid this match."

"And what could possibly make you think that?" He jeered, trying to demean me. Make me feel small.

"If you prevent us from marrying, we will die." I said simply, shrugging my shoulders.

There was a stunned silence as they tried to understand my meaning.

I looked to Regulus to explain it to them. It had been his idea after all.

"Cassiopeia and I made the unbreakable vow. If you prevent us from marrying, you will kill us." And though it was a situation of the utmost seriousness, a situation of life and death, he was grinning widely, from ear to ear.

"You're bluffing." My mother replied, her voice hushed. But as she searched my face, I knew she found no lie within my eyes.

"I can assure you, we aren't." I replied, raising my arm so they choice see the marks of the vow branded into my flesh. Regulus raised his as well to show a matching set.

"I guess the choice is now yours. You can embrace this wedding. You can give it your full support and condone this match. Or you can be the ones are responsible for our deaths. Something the Dark Lord will not take kindly to, I am sure. You know what Cassie here means to him." He shrugged, sending an infuriating wink in the direction of my father. I could see so clearly in that moment that he and Sirius were brothers. The cockiness, the self assured attitude, the easy grace, and of course, the melodrama.

"My brilliant boy." Walburga cooed, rushing to his side and clutching his robes.

He paid her no mind.

"You are no daughter of mine." My father raged, shoving an expensive Venetian vase to the ground and watching it shatter.

"Lovely." I clapped my hands once not at all phased by his threat. "I don't want to be part of this family."

"Raphael, think about this." My mother pleaded, scrambling to vanish the debris from the vase. "We can't disown our child for marrying into a prestigious pure blood family. The scandal will be worse than anything we have been through." And for the first time in my life I saw a hint of fear and a humanity in her eyes.

My father thought long and hard. An obvious war being fought in his mind. If he agreed, he lost all of his control over me. But if he disagreed, then he faced the wrath of the Dark Lord, and the prospect of being ostracized by his peers. He lost in either in any situation.

"Have it your way." He finally agreed, seemingly deciding that the anger of the Dark Lord was much worse than the alternative. His jaw was gritted, his fists clenched by his side. "We will make an official announcement tomorrow."

"Good." I praised snaking my hand through Regulus's. "And make the date sooner rather than later."

And with that, my mother and father stormed from the hall, slamming the doors in their wake.

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