Blood bonds

By DC_Nyle

273K 17.3K 27.3K

Vampires versus hunters. That's the classic thing. Coexistence between these two would be deemed impossible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 39.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Red Lotus part 1
Chapter 55: Red Lotus part 2
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 60.5
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81: Vampire history part 1
Chapter 82: Vampire history part 2/2
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Hunter's youth part 1
Chapter 97: Hunters' youth part 2 and 3
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123: Soulmates' past part 1
Chapter 124 Soulmates' past part 2
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134: A hunter's past part 3
Chapter 135: A hunter's past part 4
Chapter 136: A hunter's past part 5
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164: Solise and Nara part 1
Chapter 165 Solise and Nara part 2
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180: The sister of Silver Wrath
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193

Chapter 6

1.9K 117 38
By DC_Nyle

Because of the massive support lately, a quick update for our dear fans. We also have a new cover image. All credits to a huge fan of ours called @opaqhex on Instagram where she has some great edits. Thanks for the beautiful cover ♥


Once Siyeon made sure that Gahyeon was peacefully sleeping in her bed she left home and she followed Minji's location on her phone to find her. Thankfully it wasn't too far.

"Nice" Siyeon squealed landing at Minji's side "how did you find this place?"

"There was a suspicious looking woman. She was making sure no one was following her. I decided to keep track of her and ended up at this place" Minji whispered, gesturing to Siyeon that she should do the same.

"Good job" Siyeon whispered more carefully this time. She quickly looked down to see three men in front of the door, they were probably the guards.

"So, what's the plan? Do you know how many vampires there are inside?" Siyeon asked, ready for some action.

"I have no idea Singnie... we may as well run into their main base without knowing" Minji admitted.

"It's a huge risk then" Siyeon said scratching her nape, thinking. "Maybe we should stay put for a while and see if the guards say something useful for us, so that we can decide what to do" the younger girl suggested.

"We could but they could also be planning something inside... besides, do you think the guards will take the risk to talk about it? Knowing that we could be around?" Minji reasoned and Siyeon just had to agree.

"What's the plan then?" The younger girl asked, seeing Minji smirk.

"A little bit of this always works" the oldest black haired woman whispered, opening some buttons on her blouse, making Siyeon gulp as well.

The younger girl sighed as she started unbuttoning some buttons as well.

"Why are the guards never women?" she said with an annoyed tone and Minji laughed at that.

"Ready?" the older vampire asked, getting ready to jump down from the roof and Siyeon shook her head

"Why can't we just take them out by surprise?" The younger girl protested "I don't want to flirt with them." Minji put a hand on Siyeon's shoulder and she looked at her

"We are two against three and I don't want to risk it. And Siyeon... I know you don't want to hear this but we really need to start training Gahyeon. You've kept her out of this long enough... we need her to fight with us"

"What are you talking about she's not ready, Minji!" Siyeon replied, truly baffled by her friend's suggestion.

"She's already starting to challenge me Siyeon, if she can do that she can do this too. Let's talk about this later, right now we have some idiots to seduce" Minji whisper-yelled jumping down from the roof and making sure a lot of her cleavage could be seen before walking around the corner so the men could see her.

Siyeon sighed again, jumping right after Minji and waiting for the men to see the older girl. The plan was always the same. Minji would distract the guards while Siyeon tried to sneak in. The younger girl prepared herself to show some skin too, just in case she needed to help Minji with the seduction part... but usually the older girl didn't have any problem catching everyone's eyes.

"Hello there boys" Minji called out to them, winking at them. The three vampires looked at each other before approaching Minji. "I'm sure that you like what you see. Maybe we can have a little fun huh?" The oldest vampire teased, leaning forward a bit to show her cleavage.

Siyeon watched the three men approach Minji and she couldn't help but feel a little bit scared. She always was when this happened. Minji was currently alone with three nightshade men. The younger girl sneaked closer, waiting for Minji to do her job. If Minji was the strongest among them, Siyeon was the sneaky one. She was basically a shadow. You couldn't see her until she was at your throat. She just needed the men to move from the door a few steps more so she could sneak in.

"Please be careful Minji" Siyeon whispered so the older woman could hear her. That was one of the big differences between the vampire clans. Nightshade didn't have the super sensitive hearing that they did.

Minji couldn't reply obviously, because they were really close and they would probably hear her, but Minji managed to let out a little hum and Siyeon knew that was her way to say that she would be careful. Siyeon sneaked even closer, hiding behind some trashcan right on the men's right.

"Oh come on, come a little closer, boys. I don't bite. Unless you want me to of course" Minji winked, unbuttoning another button and stepping backwards a bit to lead the three with her.

"How can they be so fucking stupid?" Siyeon mumbled to herself as she was finally able to sneak in. She made sure that Minji could see her as she crawled in...she had to keep them hooked until she was back out, after all.

"Good luck with those three idiots" she whispered to the older girl. Minji turned around real quick to answer.

"If my suspicions were right and it is a hideout, tell me. I'll just find a way to get rid of these horny fucks and join you asap"

Siyeon hummed as she kept walking inside a dark corridor. She looked around and she hoped no one would come that way right now. There wasn't a single place to hide and that meant that she had to fight whoever walked there right now.

"Keep me updated, what do you see?" Minji somehow managed to whisper to her.

"A long dark corridor, nothing else for now. There are no hiding places Minji, my sneaking skill won't work here. If someone comes my way I'll just have to fight" Siyeon said, walking through the corridor carefully, as fast as she could. Minji knew it was an abandoned building and the woman that ran in there had to go there for a reason. She didn't trust this at all. She had to find a way to get rid of these three men eyeing her body.

She pondered her options and there was really no other way than killing all three men and enter the building. The problem was how? Three against one was difficult even for a skilled vampire like her and they were guards. They surely weren't smart, but she knew she couldn't underestimate their strength.

"You know what boys? I'll give you each a little bit of one on one time with me. Who wants to go first?" Minji suggested, squeezing her breasts between her arms. The only chance to kill them was to take them out one by one.

A man stepped forward, obviously wanting to be the first.

"We have a volunteer" Minji squealed happily "You guys will have to look the other way though, I'm really shy" she said putting a hand on her mouth, faking to blush a little.

The men looked at each other with a smirk and the other two turned around.

Minji pulled the volunteer closer to her and made him look down at her chest before putting a hand behind his neck and a hand on his cheek. She leaned in towards the man's neck as if she was going to kiss him, but snapped his neck instead.

"That's one" she mumbled to herself, there were only two left. She approached one of them from behind, making sure that the two men wouldn't turn around to see their friend dead on the ground. She put her hands on his chest, hugging him from behind. Now she just had to-

A loud scream came from inside the building and the two men turned around towards the door and they looked at Minji that was standing in front of the third guard's body.

"Siyeon?" Minji whisper-yelled, her heart beating fast, waiting for an answer. What happened inside?

"What happened to him the guard that Minji wasn't hugging asked, looking at his dead friend. Minji giggled, digging her nails deeply inside of the chest of the man she was holding.

"Seems like he couldn't handle me" she said with a smirk, scratching the guard with such force, ripping his flesh open. Minji's ice blue nails were used for ice cold murder and were not to be underestimated.

The man screamed, pushing Minji back and the other man attacked her, aiming at her legs to try and take her down so that the other one could end her.

"Minji!" she heard Siyeon scream "They're" ...another pause... "too many". The girl was clearly fighting and she knew that Siyeon would never call for help in this kind of situation if it wasn't a desperate situation. Minji had no more time, she had to take the two men down quickly and run to Siyeon.

"Hold on! I'm coming, are you hurt?" Minji asked but Siyeon didn't answer. This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all. Did they see them coming? How did the younger vampire get caught.

Minji kicked one the guards is his groin, making him fall on his knees before slicing his neck with her nails. That was the second guard down but the third one managed to knock her off balance. He lunged at her trying to attack when a gunshot could be heard.

The man's body dropped dead on Minji and she kicked him off quickly. She stood up and looked around, scared. This wasn't good at all. Hunters were here? She waited for another gunshot as she was completely exposed but it never came. Why? The memory of a face crossed her mind. Could it be?

"S-silver hair?" She tried to call her, still looking around. She looked around not seeing anyone until she caught a glimpse of that fabulous silver hair on a rooftop, a smoking gun in hand. She had to find a way to hide her face, she still didn't trust the hunter at all. "What are you doing here?!" She yelled.

"I was following a lead and then I started following you and your friend" the silver haired girl yelled from the roof, hiding herself as well. Yoohyeon didn't know why she didn't shoot her as well, she just knew she had to find out what that tattoo was first. She saw the black haired vampire try to look up at her, hiding her face and Yoohyeon couldn't risk to be seen.

"I suggest you run inside. Your friend might need help" she said "I have my girls inside and they won't hesitate to put her down with the other vampires" she added dryly.

"How? How did you get inside without them noticing? What are you even doing here?" Minji yelled back knowing Siyeon was in trouble.

"Well I'm not here to do what you were doing. Judging by your outfit you were searching for some... fun... in a wrong neighborhood" Yoohyeon stated.

Minji scoffed at the silver haired girl's audacity.

"You know damn well what I was doing, don't tell me you never used this kind of technique to sneak somewhere" Minji replied closing her blouse on her chest. She took a second to reorganize her thoughts "Why didn't you kill me? You had two chances, one the other day and one now" she genuinely asked.

"I'm not killing a hurt or almost naked vampire. My pride doesn't allow that" Yoohyeon lied.

Minji rolled her eyes at that and she decided to just drop the question.

"How many girls do you have in?" Minji asked starting to walk towards the door. She had to run to Siyeon. She was fighting with vampires and now Minji knew there were hunters as well. She was confident that they didn't find Siyeon yet since she didn't hear any gunshot for now.

"Just two. That's enough to kill all the scum in there including your friend if you aren't quick. Oh and just a heads up, that technique you were talking about won't work on my girls" Yoohyeon mocked the vampire.

"It works on women as much as it works on men, trust me" Minji dryly said. "If your girls touch my friend, I won't hesitate to cut their throats open" she angrily said, walking in.

"Good luck vampire" Yoohyeon laughed, running across the rooftops to also make her way inside.

"Wolfie?" Minji yelled hoping to hear a reply. She didn't want to just yell Siyeon's real name, knowing hunters were in the building.

The silence was so heavy it was hurting her ears.

"Wolfie? Please answer me" she tried again, as she could feel the fear starting to take over. "Where are you?" She yelled again.

"B-bunny... u-upstairs" she heard Siyeon reply softly, meaning that she was probably hiding. Why didn't Minji hear any fights going on while Yoohyeon said there were hunters in here?

"Are you okay? Are you injured?" Minji whispered to Siyeon as she made her way towards the stairs.

"I-I'm okay" Siyeon said so faintly that Minji wasn't able to believe her.

"Wolfie...truth time" she whispered softly and she could hear Siyeon sigh.

"Let's just say the kid will kill me for this since we didn't tell her anything" Siyeon said, touching a long cut that crossed her eye. She knew that it would heal in a day or two to the point that it would be completely healed but at the moment it hurt like a bitch.

"Wolfie, just tell me what happened" Minji asked, making her way upstairs.

"I got bit in my neck once and I have a nasty cut across my eye from one of their blades" the girl admitted.

"Did you see hunters?" Minji asked worriedly "And was it just a bite Wolfie? Did the vampire drink from you?" The older girl asked, she needed to know if Siyeon was weakened because of blood loss or not. The vampire had indeed drank from here but Siyeon didn't want to admit that to her leader. She would ashamed that she was overpowered by a weak nightshade and didn't want to disappoint the older woman.

"It was just a b-bite" she lied. "And why should there be hunters in here?"

"You know they're working hard to take all of us down. I wouldn't be surprised if they found this hideout as well" Minji lied. She didn't want to talk to Siyeon about the silver haired girl...not yet. Minji finally found Siyeon laying on the ground under a desk, in an empty room. Three dead bodies on the ground next to her. She ran towards the girl, grabbing her neck and looking at the red dots, brushing two fingers on them.

"You lied, the nightshade did drink from you" Minji said weakly, noticing how pale Siyeon looked.

"I'm sorry... I didn't want t-" Siyeon tried to apologize but Minji just hugged her close.

"I'm happy you are fine. Let's get you of here" she whispered, helping her friend up. She didn't want to risk running into the group of hunters.

"No, we didn't find out what they're doing here yet" Siyeon protested "I can fight" she said, distancing herself from Minji, showing that she could stand on her feet.

"No, you're too weak to fight. We will come back another time. When there will be three of us" Minji said bringing up the issue again. She knew Siyeon didn't want to hear it, but Minji couldn't help but think that in a situation like this, having a third person could change the cards on the table. But they were just two and this was a wasted occasion.

Minji helped Siyeon out of the building and she could swear that she saw the silver haired hunter looking down at them from the rooftops. Just what could be a possible reason to not kill them? She also wondered why the hunters were not in there, did the girl tell them to retreat?

When they arrived home she put Siyeon in their bed as she helped her out of her clothes to put on her pajamas.

"Singnie, you are really weak" Minji whispered, pulling her hair to the side to reveal her neck. She knew there were blood packs downstairs but in this occasion fresh blood was better.

"I- I'm fine Minji, don't worry. J-just get me a blood bag and I'll be a-as good as new" Siyeon lied. She knew why Minji was offering her neck. In an occasion like this animal blood was too weak. Drinking from a vampire as strong as Minji would help her recover in a way less time.

"You are not arguing with me about this, Siyeon" the older girl said, pulling the younger one closer, making her rest her head in the crook of her neck. "I'm not asking, it's an order. Drink" she said with a steady and threatening voice. Siyeon nodded and slowly let out her fangs, piercing Minji's skin and starting to drink. She drank a little bit and wanted to pull back but Minji kept her head in place.

"Just keep going, I want you to be perfectly fine again tomorrow" Minji said with a high pitched voice, trying not to moan.

Siyeon drank more and more, trying not to lose control because of her thirst. Minji tried her best not to moan, but she failed at some point. When Siyeon finally pulled back, Minji was the pale looking one.

"Minji, are you okay? Have I drank too much?" Siyeon asked worriedly.

"I'm more than... okay... if you... know what I mean" Minji said with a wink, sounding a little out of breath. Siyeon rolled her eyes and chuckled but placed a hand on Minji's cheek.

"Are you sure though?"

"I am Siyeon, don't worry" Minji replied trying to recover from the waves of pleasure she felt when the younger girl bit her. "Are you feeling better already?" She asked still a little bit out of breath.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired still" Siyeon replied with a smile hugging Minji.

"I'm really relieved to hear that, Singnie. I need you to be strong for tomorrow" Minji spoke with a smirk.

"For tomorrow? Do you want to try and break into the hideout aga-" she was saying when she suddenly understood what Minji was talking about "Oh... for 'that'" she said blushing and looking away.

"Smart wolfie! You didn't forget now did you? Or do you not want to anymore? And that wasn't the reason I wanted you to recover so fast of course" Minji asked, defending herself in the process because her intentions could be misunderstood.

"I'm not sure about that" Siyeon said with a chuckle "Are you planning on tiring me that much?" She asked, trying to tease Minji, but failing, blushing madly.

"Of course I am Singnie! I think we both can use some stress relief and you know that I always do a great job at making you scream" Minji dryly replied.

"L- Let's just go to sleep" Siyeon replied blushing madly and thinking about the times in which Minji indeed made her scream. "I- I'm tired" she added, turning the other way.

"Okay, let's" Minji chuckled, poking her side. "You get embarrassed too quickly Singie, I know you like it"

"I didn't say I don't... it's just... embarrassing" Siyeon protested, hugging the pillow. Minji quickly changed and put on her pajamas as she laid down beside Siyeon.

"Are you okay with hugging your pillow?" she asked the younger girl.

"What are you suggesting?" Siyeon asked, sounding sleepy but interested.

"I could spoon you" Minji said in a sweet voice, crawling closer to Siyeon.

"Go ahead" Siyeon answered in a soft voice, feeling Minji touch her body from behind and wrapping her arms around her waist. The younger women hummed when she felt Minji's body pressing into her back. She felt really safe like this.

"I'm sorry that I sent you in there alone" Minji spoke, rubbing circles on Siyeon's belly.

"You have no reason to be sorry Minji. We all have roles right? Mine is to sneak inside the creepy building... if I get caught doing that, that's on me" Siyeon reassured the older girl, placing her hand on Minji's one.

"I know but still... I knew it was a hideout and I didn't even consider the possibility of you running into trouble. You could've-" Minji countered, not being able to finish the sentence.

"But I didn't, right? I'm here and I'm alive" Siyeon said, squeezing Minji's hand. "You said it yourself Minji, this is our life. We are constantly risking our life." She kept quiet for a couple of seconds "And you are right Minji, we will train Gahyeon. If something happens to us, I want her to be able to fight and protect herself" she added softly.

"I'm happy you agree with that but I still feel like I messed up. I'm responsible for you 2" Minji said again, snuggling closer to the younger vampire.

Siyeon sighed as she turned to face Minji who looked really surprised. The younger girl cupped her cheeks and looked at her in the eyes

"You didn't mess up, Minji. You are responsible for us and you are doing an amazing job. Look at us... we are healthy, happy, Gahyeon is going to college... you gave us everything. I'm proud to say you are our leader" she said softly, rubbing her thumbs on Minji's cheeks. Minji smiled at Siyeon closing her eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"Thank you for thinking that Siyeon, really. I'm doing my best"

"I know you are" Siyeon said proudly "C'mon, I'll be the big spoon tonight!" she added, noticing that Minji looked really down and she probably could use some cuddles.

"Are you really offering to spoon me? Well... I'll allow it for this one time only, Singnie" Minji chuckled.

Minji turned the other way as Siyeon hugged her from behind, resting her head behind Minji's neck.

"I know you like it. You act like the big bad leader, but you like to be the little spoon" Siyeon whispered making Minji shiver a little.

"I'm not answering that. As long as you know that I'm the alpha in all the other interactions. I maybe need to remind you of that tomorrow" Minji said in a suggestive tone. She did indeed like being the little spoon but no way she would admit that.

"Oh c'mon, you know sex is funnier when I challenge you a little" Siyeon said with a chuckle, totally surprising Minji because she usually was really shy about this topic.

"Funnier? You just mean that you like being choked and stuff right" Minji scoffed.

Siyeon growled a little and she teasingly bit Minji's neck, without fangs obviously.

"I like to challenge you. You are the greatest leader I could have hoped for and I will never challenge you for that but... in bed I still think I have my chance" she whispered still biting Minji's neck. The oldest vampire couldn't ignore that it felt good but she still chuckled.

"You are just proving that you like being choked

... there's no way you stand a chance against me in bed"

"We will see about that tomorrow then" Siyeon said smiling on Minji's neck.

"Is that a way to threaten me, Singnie?" Minji asked, snuggling closer to Siyeon.

"It's a way to warn you that I will challenge you tomorrow" the younger vampire replied giving one last bite to Minji's neck, followed by a little kiss. Minji smiled.

"Oh baby I just have to do this" she said, wrapping a hand around Siyeon's neck, surprising her "and I have you under control"

Siyeon gasped a little as she was taken by surprise. She knew she had to be really careful because there were things she wasn't allowed to do against a leader, sex or no sex. She challenged Minji in a playful sexy way and the older vampire knew that, but still there were boundaries she didn't want to cross. She let her hand wander on Minji's neck but she knew she couldn't afford to choke her because that would be a real challenge. She wrapped her hand on the back of Minji's neck, pulling her closer.

"You want to do this to me, Singnie?" Minji teased giving the younger's neck a playful squeeze making her gasp. "I know you like that and I dare you to try it on me. You will regret it tomorrow" she threatened.

"I don't want to challenge you for real, Minji" Siyeon tried to made it clear.

"I know you don't, but you said you were sure to stand a chance against me in bed... here everything is allowed" she said with a sexy voice and Siyeon couldn't help but smirk as she wrapped her hand around Minji's neck, giving it a light squeeze. Minji smirked. She didn't expect Siyeon to actually do it but she had to admit it was pretty hot.

"You are so cute, Singnie" she laughed. "I'll show you how to do it for real tomorrow cause you?... you can learn a bit"

"And you will be kind enough to teach me, am I right?" Siyeon said with a smirk as she squeezed Minji's neck a little more. Minji tried not to moan. She knew why Siyeon liked being choked so much now, it did feel really good.

"I will not be so kind to teach you. I will be so mean and turned on to teach you baby" Minji whispered in a sultry voice.

Siyeon shivered hearing that, she was starting to feel really turned on but she was too weak to do anything now and even if she wanted to try she was sure Minji wouldn't allow that. She slowly let go of Minji's neck, putting her hand behind it and slowly pulling Minji closer.

"Would you kiss me as a reward for surrendering... for now?" She whispered against Minji's lips.

"Of course I will!" Minji smirked, bending down and lightly kissing Siyeon's shoulder. The older vampire groaned and stared at Minji with eyes that said 'really now?'.

Minji smirked, proud of herself for teasing Siyeon, but the younger girl had enough. She decided to try something. Minji knew Siyeon was injured so, at least for now, she wouldn't use her power on the younger vampire. She suddenly placed herself on top on Minji, sitting on her waist and pinning the older girl's hands on the pillow. Siyeon bent down and crashed her lips on Minji's, moving them slowly.

Minji smiled into the kiss knowing why Siyeon was being bold. The younger vampire was smart enough to know Minji wouldn't use her powers right now.

"Well played, wolf" she thought as she moved her lips against Siyeon's, suddenly biting her lip. She wasn't going to lose this battle of kissing.

Siyeon moaned softly as Minji's tongue made her way between her lips. She opened her mouth to guarantee the access to the older girl. The younger girl was disappointed by the lack of moans from Minji, so she decided to do something about it, lightly pressing her knee between Minji's legs. The older girl obviously felt the pressure, smirking during the kiss. She detached herself for a little bit to mock her.

"I told you. You tried being dominant and you already submitted by letting me take over the... kiss" Minji said, moaning before the last word.

Siyeon smiled, detaching herself from Minji and laying down facing the wall and motioning to Minji to hug her from behind again.

"I had my little victory tonight" Siyeon whispered softly, thinking about Minji's moan.

"If you call a moan a victory than you are even more pathetic than I thought" Minji laughed, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. "You are a messy kisser by the way"

"Your moans are always a victory for me. Just hug me and let's go to sleep babe" Siyeon said with a chuckle and a sleepy voice. Minji laughed.

"Didn't you want to be the big spoon tonight?" She asked, mocking her but secretly hoping that she could be the little spoon herself.

"You're right" Siyeon said turning around and patting Minji's butt to tell her that she should turn the other way. When she did, Siyeon hugged her from behind. "There you go, little spoon" she chuckled with her eyes closed.

"Don't call me that, wolfie. It sounds so funny coming out of your submissive mouth" Minji laughed.

Siyeon didn't have the strength to reply anymore, her eyes were already closed and she could feel herself drifting off to sleep. She smiled on Minji's neck as memories invaded her mind. Minji really apologized to her for the danger she put her in and Siyeon thought it was ridiculous. Minji risked her life everyday for her and Gahyeon, she gave them a chance in life and she was doing everything right. She cared for them, she loved them and Siyeon couldn't be more grateful.

"I love you Minji" she mumbled finally drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too, Singnie" Minji smiled, closing her eyes as well.


Earlier that night the hunters were recalled by Yoohyeon for some unknown reason when they were following a wounded vampire.

"Why the fuck did we need to retreat? We could've surprised attacked that vampire, Yooh!" Bora yelled.

"I saw another vampire sneak into the building and she wasn't brainless like the one you were following. She was skilled and dangerous" Yoohyeon replied, hoping to sound credible.

"How do you know that? Did you see her fight?" Yubin asked with a confused expression. Yoohyeon needed to come up with something. She told Bora and Yubin to retreat because she knew that the vampire they were following was a friend of the one with the blue rose tattoo.

"I did" Yoohyeon said confidently. "She took out the three guards outside of the building by herself. I didn't want you to take the risk of running into her" she added.

"Are you kidding?" Bora yelled looking at Yoohyeon "You found a dangerous and skilled vampire and instead of joining us to take her down, you call the retreat?" she was furious.

"I'm sure she had her reasons, Bora. We will have our chance to take her down" Yubin said, putting her hand on Bora's shoulder, but giving Yoohyeon a questioning look.

"She could've had her reasons but I would like to know them then! Why the fuck would you let someone like that run? She is a serious threat if she really won a fight against 3 guards on her own" Bora shouted at Yoohyeon again.

"I told you my reasons, Bora" Yoohyeon said stepping forward to face the older girl "I saw her fighting and she was way too strong for us. I won't engage in a fight I'm not sure we can win. I won't risk your and Yubin's life to take down a single vampire when we are not ready to do so" she hissed, not liking to be questioned by her team.

"Then when are we ready? Never? You're just gonna let a threat roam the streets? What a hunter you are" Bora scoffed and Yubin knew that it might be best if she left the room for a bit.

"Are you questioning my way of leading the team, Bora?" Yoohyeon hissed again, looking directly at the older girl's eyes "I told you I didn't want to risk your and Yubin's life in a lost fight"

"But you want to risk the lives of the humans in town that she could kill?! You know well enough that a single well aimed bullet is enough to end a vampire, Yooh!" Bora challenged, stepping closer.

"And you know well enough that a skilled vampire could end the three of us in the time you decided to pull the trigger of a fucking gun!" Yoohyeon yelled directly at Bora's face. The smaller girl clenched her fists and stood on her toes to be on the same height.

"You saw her fighting. Why didn't you shoot? I'm sure you had an opportunity" Bora said through gritted teeth and Yoohyeon knew she was right. She did indeed have an opportunity to kill that vampire. But instead she warned her.

"I didn't" she lied "She was way too fast for me to aim! I could barely see her fight" she tried to say convincingly. Bora stared her in the eyes, trying to judge if she was lying or not. She wasn't sure so she asked another question.

"What was her fighting style? What did she do?"

"Are you really shooting questions at me like that? Don't you trust me, Bora?" Yoohyeon said with a little bit of hurt in her voice. She knew she was lying, but she hoped it was for the best.

"I do trust you, Yooh, but I also know you. And what you did today is not something you would normally do. So go on, tell me" Bora pushed.

"I don't know what to tell you Bora. I can't even explain how she fought, she was way too fast. She snapped a guy's head and she took down the other two in the time the first one hit the ground" Yoohyeon explained, but she knew she couldn't tell her about the vampire outsmarting the others by opening her blouse, or Bora would know she had indeed the time to shoot. The thought of the black haired vampire's blouse made her blush slightly.

"She does indeed sound lethal but there's something I don't get... Why are you blushing?" Bora asked, squinting her eyes. There was really nothing you could hide from the small woman.

"I'm not!" Yoohyeon said touching her cheeks "I'm just hot" she added, fanning herself with some of her hair.

"Hot? What here made you feel hot?" Bora asked, sounding pretty confused. Their home was usually pretty chilly.

"You?" Yoohyeon tried to say with a shy smirk on her face. She had to get out of this situation.

"Me?!" Bora asked with a surprised expression, pointing at herself. "How did I manage to do that? I was yelling at you and telling you how I don't agree with what you did?" She almost laughed.

"I know you were. You look hot when you are angry. Scary... but hot" the younger girl said looking at the ground. She was clearly using this as a way to get out of an uncomfortable subject, but she was speaking the truth.

"Do you really think so?" Bora whispered getting a little closer. She decided that maybe Yoohyeon wasn't lying at all. She was probably just turned on and couldn't think straight with her questions. "Maybe I need to yell at you some more then"

"Maybe" Yoohyeon said with a smirk, wrapping her arm around Bora's waist "But remember, we said we wouldn't do that anymore with Yubin in the house" she said with a chuckle.

"I still hate you for that rule. Mainly because it was you who couldn't keep quiet" Bora sighed.

"Also, I don't understand why she can do it with all the girls she brings home and we can't do that when she's home!" Bora added, raising her voice and making sure Yubin could hear her.

"Because you two are my friends, you are basically my sister and Yooh is my best friend... It's gross!!" Yubin yelled from the other room.

"It's not gross! It's hot! Why do you always have to be such a buzzkill" Bora yelled back at her.

"You can do it when I'll be at Gahyeon's later this week! Just keep it in your pants for a little bit more Bora" Yubin yelled again and Yoohyeon couldn't help but laugh.

"Yoohyeon is all hot and bothered and because of you I can't help her out, kiddo" Bora replied trying to make her feel bad.

"I can help her out, if she wants!" Yubin laughed from the other room.

"You have enough girls you can fuck with! This tall one is mine and always has been! Say that again and I'll make you regret it, you blue haired kid" Bora yelled.

"Am I allowed to have an opinion about this?" Yoohyeon said with a chuckle, hearing the two girls fighting over her.

"Nope" both girls answered with a laugh.

"Okay, enough of fighting and talking about sex" Yubin stated walking into the room "We should all go to bed. And I swear to God, if I hear you two doing things I'll barge into the room to make you stop! I have college tomorrow and I want to sleep" she added pointing her finger at Bora.

"Good plan, let's all go to bed" Bora said faking a yawn and winking at Yoohyeon, which Yubin didn't notice.

"No winking Bora. No sex tonight" Yoohyeon stated, pinching Bora's arm and walking towards her bedroom. "Good night girls" she said blowing a kiss to both of them.

"I hate you, you know that right? I could have an amazing sex night and you took that from me" Bora said playfully punching Yubin's stomach.

"Ouch stop it, you meanie. Don't you think you two have had enough sex already?" Yubin laughed, pushing Bora away.

"Sex is never enough, you should know that!!" Bora scoffed, entering her room "Good night kiddo"

"Good night Bora, I love you" Yubin said in a mocking tone and Bora scoffed, but she couldn't help but say it back. She just had to

"I love you too, annoying kiddo" she said quickly, before entering her room.

Feel free to let us know what you thought and see you soon!
Much love ♥

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