The Ghost (Legends Of Tomorro...

By Providentia-

76.3K 1.9K 281

This is the story of Kate Rory, sister of Mick Rory. She's not that interesting, right? Just a crook, like h... More

1. Grim Reaper
2. I love the '70's!
3. Egghead and his nuclear bomb
4. The dagger
5. Birdgirl
6. A monster
7. The Soviet Union
8. The Bratva
9. Prison Break
10. Robin Hood 2.0
11. The guy with the half face
12. In Space
13. Betrayel
14. Time Pigs
15. Reunion
16. Blowing the Oculus up
18. The End
A second book

17. My sister

2.9K 85 1
By Providentia-

Sara's P.O.V.

"What are we doing back here?" Kate asks as we walk out of the Waverider. We're in Star City again.

"Savage has a timeship, courtesy of the Time Masters. The timeline is unclear, do to our destruction of the Oculus, meaning Savage is lost to history." Rip explains. "Which is why I brought you all home."

What? He's just going to leave us here and pretend like none of this ever hapenned? After everything we've done to save the future, it's just over?

Jax is thinking the same thing. "Mission's not over, man."

"Jax is right. We've lost Savage before. We'll find him again." Ray says.

"And then what? We have no way of killing Savage, particulary now that Kendra and Carter are in his possession, assuming that they're still alive, which is highly unlikely."

He has a point, but either way, we at least have to try.

Ray hates the idea too. "So that's it? We're just giving up?"

"I'm on my way to the refuge to retrieve our younger selves and return them to the timeline. It will be as if you never left." Rip tells us.

I can't believe this. "What, you think that we can just return to our old lives and then pretend like none of this ever hapenned?"

The moment I say something, I see Kate looking at the ground. I try to ignore it for now, we have bigger things to worry about. Like Rip just leaving us here.

"Mm, that might be a tad difficult. I had to bring you back to May 2016, not January 2016." He says.

Jax is, like everyone else here, getting angry at Rip. "Great, so what you're saying is for the last five months, my mom probably thinks that I'm dead. Thanks a lot, man."

"Okay, wait, why? Why the change of plans, Rip?" I ask.

He looks at the ground, but doesn't answer my question.

Mick speaks up. "If you're getting back on that ship, we get back on that ship."

He tries to tap Rip on the shoulder, but his hand goes right through him. Like a hologram...

"In truth, I never left it." Rip says. Then the ship starts taking off. "I'm sorry for all that I've asked of you, and that it all came to nothing. I wish you all well."

Then the hologram disappears and the ship flies away. "I never liked that guy." Kate says, walking away.

I want to go after her, but I decide against it. I should just leave her alone after what happened.

I'm not even sure what hapenned. I know she was willing to leave me for dead, I know she payed for it, I know she's sorry, I know she loves me and I know I don't deserve her love.

All right, I do know what hapenned.


I walk into the bunker. After all that happened, I can't wait to see everyone again. Dad, Laurel, Ollie...

But I don't see anyone. "Hello? Hello?"

I find dad in one of the chairs. "Dad. Hey. Hi daddy." I say walking up to him and hugging him.

"Baby. When'd you get back?" He asks me.

"I just got back. I tried calling, but nobody was answering. I was at Laurel's but she wasn't there. Where is everyone?"

Dad takes a deep breath. Like he's about to give me bad news. "This, uh, Damien Darhk, he's causing problems."

"Well, good to know nothing's changed in five months." I say. Hoping there is not actually bad news coming and I was just being paranoid.

But I'm proven wrong when I see the sad look on his face. "Dad? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"No, baby."

"You're starting to scare me."

He comes a few steps closer. "Damien Darhk was in prison, and he escaped, and everyone tried to stop him. But your sister honey, honey, she, um..."

"No, dad. No." This isn't hapenning. She's not dead. Laurel is not dead.

"I'm sorry, baby."

"No, Dad. No." He grabs my arms, I pull back. This can't be hapenning. He hugs me either way. "I got you." He says. With that I cry out in my dad's arms.


I'm trying to fall asleep. But I can't. He did this on purpose. Rip dropped us of in May, because he knew Laurel was going to die. It's his fault I wasn't there to save her.

Why does everything seems to fall apart right now. First I lose Kate, then Kate comes back but Snart dies and then Laurel dies as well.

But she won't be dead for long. Ray still has his Radio beacon, the one he was building in the '50's. I'm sure by tomorrow he'll want to signal the Waverider and tell Rip to continue the mission. And Rip will take me back so I can save my sister.

With the thought of saving Laurel, I finally fall asleep.


The next morning I find the rest of the team at the place Rip dropped us off. Everyone except for Kate.

Professor Stein notices me. "Ms. Lance, are you alright?"

I ignore his question. "How do we get the Waverider back here?"

Ray holds up his device, Professor Stein does the same. I nod in understanding.

Then Kate rides in on a motorcycle. "Hope I'm not too late."

She has a smirk on her face. One that I would normally be annoyed by, definetly right now, but I'm not. Instead I'm just happy to see her.

"Where have you been, Ninja?" Mick asks her.

"Prison." She casually replies. Everyone gives her a confused look, but nobody says anything.

"I don't understand. This should've worked." Ray says, checking his Radio beacon.

"Did you account for subspace interference?" Professor Stein asks him.

"It's the first thing I thought of. Did you adjust for temporal polarity?"

"Oh Raymond, you insult me."

I have no idea what they are saying and I really don't care. "Can you reach the Waverider or not?"

I have to save my sister.

"We're working on it." They say at the same time.

"Actually guys, I think it just worked." Jax gestures at the Waverider that's flying over to us.

Martin and Ray give each other a high five. I'm trying to control my anger. Behind me I see Kate is giving me a worried look.

Rip walks out. "I thought I made my intentions perfecly clear."

"And we wish to be equally clear about ours." Professor Stein tells him.

Kate and Mick slap Rip, each on one of his shoulders. "Do you mind?"

"Just checking to see if you're real this time." Kate says with fake innocence.

Jax speaks up. "You're not ditching us again. When the mission's over, then we can all go our separate ways."

"And this mission is not over." Professor Stein adds.

I'm not saying anything, because I'm putting all of my energy in controlling myself.

"Yeah, just curious how much headway you've had tracking Savage without all of us." Ray asks.

"None." Rip replies. "But neither have I got myself into bar fights in 1975 and the Old West, put dwarf star technology into the hands of terrorists, or got myself turned into a scary bird monster."

If he says one more thing, I may just kill him. Ra's Al Ghul helped me control my bloodlust, but it's not gone.

"We get your point." Mick says. "Now get ours. That ship's not taking off without us. You got that?"

He gives in and we all follow him into the ship.

When we arrive on the bridge Rip starts complaining. "Despite my wishes to persue Savage alone, it seems that you're all intent on seeing this thing through till the bitter-"

I don't let him finish. I punch him in the face and push him against the wall, bringing out a knife and placing it against his throat.

Mick says something but I ignore it. "You knew. You dropped us off five months later because you knew."

"Knew what?" Someone asks, I'm not sure who.

I hold the knife closer to his throat. "You knew that Laurel was gonna die, and now you're going to take me back, and I'm gonna save my sister."

"I'm afraid that-"

I hold the knife even closer to his throat. "You should be afraid."

"I can't allow you-"

I'm so done with this. I slap the wall behind him. "I don't care about the timeline! You're taking me back now."

Now Ray speaks up. "Look Sara, I'm sure there's a valid reason why Rip didn't-"

"Stay out of this Ray!" I yell at him. I just want to save my sister. But when I turn around, there's a flash of blue light. Then everything goes dark.


I wake up in my room. Rip walks in. "Please try very hard not to kill me." He says.

My eyes are getting wet. "Rip. Please take me back." I try. "I need your help. I need to save my sister."

"And you know that I would do this for you, Sara, but I just can't."

I walk up to him. "I've never asked you for anything. You of all people should understand. You've tried everything. We, we've tried everything to save your family."

"And I would not wish the pain of that failure upon anyone."

That's a horrible excuse. "I would rather live with that pain than this."

Then he gives me another excuse. "That's just the thing, Sara. Look, if you were able to try to save Laurel then you wouldn't be alive at all."

"Fine. I don't care."

"When we left, when I recruited you, we altered the timeline. Now had it remained the same, then Damien Darhk would have... He would have killed not only you and your sister, but your father as well."

This can't be. There has to be a way. "But Rip, if we go back, and we take the team-"

"The outcome would be exacly the same."

"You don't know that."

"I'm afraid that I do."

"No." I say, walking over to my bed again. "There's got to be a way. Rip, I have to be able to do something."

"I'm so sorry."

I sit down on my bed. My tears are falling down my face by now. "Look, I can't. I can't do this without my sister. I can't."

He kneels down "Yes, you can. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met, Sara. Laurel may be beyond your saving, but Kendra and Carter, they might not be."

I want to believe him. But I don't know if it's true.

"Captain, we are prepared to make the time jump to 1944." Gideon says.

I wipe my tears away and answer her. "We're on our way, Gideon."


I'm hiding behind a tree. Kate is hiding in the tree, invisible, and the rest of the team is also hiding somewhere.

Vandal Savage is standing in the middle of the street, a fiew soldiers stopped in front of him. They're trying to get him out of the way.

One of the soldiers says something to him in German, Savage replies in German, then the soldier says something to him again, Savage laughs and ends up getting shot at. He uses his knife's to avoid the bullets.

Then the team joins in on the fight. I jump on one of the trucks and take out a soldier. Then I run to Savage's men to take them out too.

"Keep Savage and our Nazi friends occupied. Gideon has detected a temporal signature consistent with a timeship. If Kendra and Carter are alive, that is where they're going to be." Rip says over the comms.

I put off my comms, it's hard to fight when everyone is talking in your ear. I manage to take out a couple of them, but they're with to many. I put the comms back on. "Rip, we're kind of outnumbered here." Mick says.

"Fall back. Staying here to fight Nazis is exacerating the damage that we have already done to the timeline."

"But Kendra-" Jax starts.

"Is alive, thankfully, and we will rescue her in due course. I hope." Reaper says.

So we then run back to the ship.


I'm in a storage room, throwing knifes into the wall. It helps me relax. "Why are you maiming the wall?" I hear someone ask from behind me. I recognise the voice: Kate.

"The wall doesn't mind." I say. Throwing another knife, without turning around to look at her.

She sits down on an old desk in front of me. "Reaper didn't let you save your sister?"

I smile at the nickname. But then my smile goes away when I realise what her question was. "No."

I'm still trying not to look at her. But it's hard when she's sitting right in front of me. I'm afraid that if I look at her, I would want to kiss her. And I can't.

I try to avoid the topic of my sister. "Why were you in prison?"

"Visiting Chien."

I nod and look up at her. She looks so pure and innocent. If you would see her for the first time, you'd never guess she's part of the Triad or has ever killed anyone. Despite everything she's done, she's still so beautiful and precious.

I'm not. I'm damaged. I can't be with her.

She gives me a bag of licorice.

"You're kidding, right?" I asks her.

She has that smirk on her face again. That smirk that is supposed to annoy me, but does the opposite. "Try it. I've solved a lot of my issues with licorice."

I try it and it still tastes awful. But I still try to swallow it. I probably look like a kid that has to eat her broccoli to get desert.

I'm proven to be right when Kate laughs at my face and says: "You're adorable."

I'm not. But I don't want to ruin this, so I ignore her comment.

"Did I say something wrong?" She asks. Of course, she noticed the look on my face.

"No. I just-" I stop myself and hand her the bag of licorice.

"What?" She asks. I've never seen her this worrried. I haven't known her for this long, but I was there when she found out her brother was missing.

"I'm not adorable, or whatever it is you think of me. You don't know what I've done and what I've become. I'm a monster. And no sarcastic comment is going to change that."

I start walking out. It's easier to walk out than to see her reaction. But she grabs my hand and turns me around. "You're right. I don't know what you've done. But I do know how horrible the League of Assassins is and what they do to people. And I also know that you're still standing here and fighting for what's right."

She takes my other hand as well. "That doens't make you a monster. It makes you a surviver." She says.

And, to my suprise, I believe her.

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