Blood bonds

By DC_Nyle

273K 17.3K 27.3K

Vampires versus hunters. That's the classic thing. Coexistence between these two would be deemed impossible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 39.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Red Lotus part 1
Chapter 55: Red Lotus part 2
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 60.5
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81: Vampire history part 1
Chapter 82: Vampire history part 2/2
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Hunter's youth part 1
Chapter 97: Hunters' youth part 2 and 3
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123: Soulmates' past part 1
Chapter 124 Soulmates' past part 2
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134: A hunter's past part 3
Chapter 135: A hunter's past part 4
Chapter 136: A hunter's past part 5
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164: Solise and Nara part 1
Chapter 165 Solise and Nara part 2
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180: The sister of Silver Wrath
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193

Chapter 5

1.9K 123 238
By DC_Nyle

"Is everything okay Gahyeon?" Yubin asked tilting her head to the side. The younger girl was constantly covering her ears for some reason and it looked pretty weird.

"Y-Yeah, why do you ask?" Gahyeon lied. She wanted to go downstairs and curse Siyeon and Minji for putting her in this fucking situation. She couldn't focus on what they were studying and Yubin basically had to do everything on her own for the project.

"Because you keep covering your ears maybe?" Yubin pointed out with a chuckle. "Why is that? Am I rambling too much?" She added, sounding a bit hesitant. Gahyeon smiled at her. She needed to come up with a lie. She couldn't just say Siyeon and Minji decided to start fucking downstairs and that she constantly heard Minji's moans.

" know, I think the product I used to dye my hair is making my ears itchy. I'm probably allergic or something" she lied, hoping to fool Yubin with that excuse.

"Mm, let me see" Yubin said, shifting closer to Gahyeon. The younger girl was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed and Yubin crawled to her, sitting on her knees and looking at Gahyeon's hair to see if there was any sign of irritation. The younger girl blushed, finding Yubin's breasts right in front of her face.

"I don't really see anything" Yubin said, looking at Gahyeon's skin and leaning forward a bit more. "I don't think it's your hair dye, Gahyeon"

"M-Maybe it is something I ate then" Gahyeon said, trying to drop the issue. Yubin nodded

"Yeah, it could be. You should be careful... allergies are dangerous" Yubin stated, slightly stepping back, combing Gahyeon's hair "I'm glad it's not the hair dye. This color looks perfect on you, I really love it" she said with a soft smile. Gahyeon was blushing from having Yubin's breasts in her face a little earlier but the comment about her hair made her cheeks even redder. It really stood out on her pale skin.

"T-thanks... I love yours too" Gahyeon said, hearing Minji get louder and louder. She was going to give them hell when Yubin left later.

"I'm glad you do" Yubin said with a shy smile. She crawled back to her previous spot and took her book in her hands again.

"I think we are pretty much done with the project" she said with a smile and Gahyeon felt really bad. She basically didn't help her because she couldn't think of anything while hearing Minji's moans.

"I'm really sorry, Yubin..." Gahyeon apologized, looking down at the ground but Yubin didn't know what she was talking about.

"Are you talking about your sister's comments earlier?" She asked.

"I- umm.. I was talking about the project but... yeah, I'm sorry for that too" Gahyeon said even more embarrassed "I told you my sister could be pretty intense"

"She looks like she is! But why are you sorry about the project? We did great right?" Yubin asked putting her hand on Gahyeon's knee.

"You, did great" Gahyeon corrected her. "I didn't do anything"

"Hey, don't worry! I could see that you couldn't focus and I get that. You said you never invited anyone over so this is kinda a 'first time' right? You're allowed to be nervous" Yubin said with a smile and Gahyeon smiled a little.

"If I have to be honest, the thing that worried me the most was Siyeon. I was sure she would scare you until you thought this was a crazy household and you would just run away and never talk to me again" Gahyeon said looking at the ground.

"I can see that she cares about you so I understand why she acted like that. I like her and I like that Minji too" Yubin reassured her giving her knee a squeeze.

"I didn't know about my sister but...I could definitely tell you liked Minji" Gahyeon said with an unreadable expression, thinking about the fact that Yubin blushed madly when Minji approached her. Gahyeon loved Minji and she would literally give her life for her just like she would for Siyeon, but sometimes she felt envious of the older girl. She was drop dead gorgeous and no one would notice Gahyeon when Minji was around.

"I'm sorry that I stared at her like that... I was just surprised by 'the scene' when we went downstairs" Yubin apologized.

"I know" Gahyeon replied with a little smile "and Yubin... I'm sorry about how inappropriate my sister was, asking you if you were... well... into girls" Gahyeon said embarrassed.

"It's not a problem" Yubin answered waving a hand around but not giving an answer to the actual question. "Anyway, I just sent a message to my friend Bora. Shall we go downstairs and wait there?" She asked and Gahyeon started panicking.

"W-we can wait here!" Gahyeon said in a very high pitched tone "I don't want my sister to annoy you again!" the older girl said but Yubin smiled at her, saying that it wasn't a big deal while she was packing her stuff. Gahyeon panicked even more. She had to find an excuse to keep Yubin in her room.

Siyeon and Minji were still going at it downstairs and luckily it seemed like they were almost done. Well Minji at least, but she didn't know if they would stop after that. She needed to think of something and fast.

Yubin was done packing her stuff and she was putting her backpack on her shoulder.

"Yubin!" Gahyeon said quickly startling the older girl.

"Yeah?" Yubin asked confused, turning around to face Gahyeon. The pink haired girl looked pretty nervous and was awkwardly moving on the balls of her feet

"Are you... sure that you... didn't forget anything?" She asked sounding really really awkward.

"Uhm... yes, I think I have everything packed" Yubin awkwardly smiled. This was becoming a little bit uncomfortable for both of them. Gahyeon looked at Yubin's expression and she sighed. She really didn't want to lose the opportunity to be friend with her but her sister and Minji were making it so hard for her. Damn her super sensitive hearing. Why did vampires just have to hear so well!

"I uhmm... I wanted to... ask you something?" Gahyeon said, sounding as if she was asking herself the question instead of Yubin.

"Sure" Yubin said with an awkward smile again, "go ahead". Yubin didn't know what had gotten into the younger girl, but her behavior was pretty weird.

"I... wanted to... ask... if... what Bora is like! Yes that's it!" Gahyeon cheered once she had thought of a question.

Yubin raised her eyebrows and bursted into laughter

"This was what was making you so nervous? Meeting my friend Bora?" Yubin said chuckling and Gahyeon nodded. She was so happy she found a question at the last second.

"She is... intense. Just like your sister. She looks pretty tough and arrogant but it's just a facade. She's annoying but she's caring and I don't know what I would have done without her in my life" Yubin said with a shy smile. She was really fond of both Bora and Yoohyeon, but their relationships were really different. She and Yoohyeon had the typical close friends relationship, but with Bora it was different. They were just like sisters. They annoyed the hell out of eachother but they were ready to throw hands to protect one another.

"Oh god, I don't know if I can handle two people like Siyeon" Gahyeon laughed making Yubin laugh too.

"So let's wait downstairs now, Yubin stated, putting her hand on the door handle.

"W-wait!!" Gahyeon said, running towards the door and putting herself between the door and Yubin. Gahyeon moved so fast that Yubin didn't even have the time to step back. Their faces were inches away from each other.

"W-What is it?" Yubin asked blushing a little. She didn't know why but she didn't step back anyway.

"I think we really shouldn't go downstairs yet" Gahyeon awkwardly chuckled. Hearing Minji's moans even louder. She was probably nearing her peak which she really didn't need to hear right now.

"Gahyeon... you are acting really weird and honestly you are starting to scare me a little. It's like you don't want me to leave this room" Yubin said stepping back a little and Gahyeon sighed. She was losing her only chance at having an human friend because of Minji and Siyeon.

"Umm, I was just thinking that maybe... Minji and Siyeon could be... you know?" Gahyeon shyly said. She had to say something.

"Could be- Oh!" Yubin said in surprise when she realized what Gahyeon meant. The older girl laughed "You could have said that sooner! Now I get why you were acting like that" she added with a chuckle, dropping her backpack on the floor. "Let's just stay here then for a bit. I didn't know your sister and Minji were together"

"Uhm..they actually...well... it's complicated" Gahyeon said ashamed. She really didn't know how to explain that.

"Oh, I get that. They're not together... They just have fun sometimes, right? My two friends do that too from time to time... They think I don't know that but the walls are pretty thin" Yubin said laughing.

"Wow, I just... I didn't expect you to understand..." Gahyeon admitted. For her sister and Minji it was normal but Yubin's friends were humans. They must be really close.

"What's there not to understand? I mean, we all like a little bit of fun, don't we?" Yubin said with a chuckle and Gahyeon's smile dropped. She honestly couldn't know that...

Yubin noticed Gahyeon's expression and caught on to what that meant. Or she thought she did.

"Oh... sorry... you haven't... you know? She asked making a weird movement with her hands to gesture what she meant.

Gahyeon quickly shook her head ashamed. It wasn't that easy for vampires. She was still too young as a vampire to control herself with humans and she was still too young and weak to face the whole 'dominance fight' with other vampires.

"How?" Yubin asked without thinking... it just escaped her lips "You're... I mean, you are gorgeous, I'm sure you had partners before" she said shyly. Gahyeon slowly shook her head.

"I... I actually haven't had anyone yet" she admitted sounding a bit ashamed of that. Yubin was right in a human's eyes she was young and beautiful.

"Well, you will. And that person will be really lucky to have you by their side" Yubin said with a smile, reassuring the younger girl. Gahyeon felt her cheeks redden again and her skin getting hot. Why were they talking about her future first time?

Yubin noticed the younger girl's expression and she put a hand on her knee

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" She asked worried "we don't have to talk about this! Let's talk about something else!" Yubin quickly said looking at Gahyeon. The pink haired girl nodded as she heard Minji moan loudly and nothing more after. Hearing her friend reach her peak was just... gross.

Yubin stayed silent for a while, she was thinking about how to start another conversation but it was kinda hard. She was scared she made the younger girl uncomfortable

"I- I should probably just go" Yubin said standing up but then she remembered about what Gahyeon said "D-Do you think they're done?"

"I'm really n-not s-sure" Gahyeon honestly admitted. She hadn't heard them have sex in a while and knew the two vampires could get pretty 'wild'.

"O- Okay" Yubin replied, awkwardly staying next to the door, really not knowing what to say to the younger girl. Gahyeon could see Yubin's discomfort and she just wanted to start a conversation. She just wanted to get the conversation started. She tried to think about things that she could say, questions that she could ask. She could feel Yubin's breathing get faster and she knew the girl was feeling really uncomfortable in the silence.

"So are you?" She asked out of the blue and Yubin looked at her with a confused expression, but her breathing was getting slower "Into girls?" Gahyeon added. Yubin was pretty surprised by the sudden question. She definitely didn't expect it from Gahyeon.

"I... I am" she shyly admitted, looking down at the ground.

Gahyeon just nodded

"I'm sorry I asked I was just... I really needed to say something. I'm really uncomfortable in the silence" Gahyeon said looking down.

Yubin smiled at her and went to sit beside the younger girl

"I hate the silence too. I'm sorry I wasn't able to come up with something" she admitted. Gahyeon wanted to answer when she heard her friends talking about returning the favor to Siyeon another time.

"Well thank you for that" Gahyeon whispered when she heard that, hearing them laugh at that before turning back to Yubin and smiling at her. "No problem, I wasn't able to find a topic either. We still only know each other for a day"

"We'll have time to get to know each other" Yubin said with a smile. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she took it out, reading the text.

"Bora is almost here. Do you think we can go downstairs now?" Yubin asked with a chuckle. Gahyeon nodded and carefully opened the door. She really hoped that when they got downstairs that both of the women had their clothes on already. Yubin followed Gahyeon and when they arrived downstairs Minji was sitting in the kitchen and Siyeon was lying on the couch as if nothing happened.

"I think you were wrong, Gahyeon" Yubin whispered to the younger girl who just shrugged. She wished she was wrong!

"Are you done with your project?" Siyeon asked, crossing her legs, still lying on the couch.

"We are, Yubin's friend is picking her up in a bit, she wasn't far away" Gahyeon replied, suspiciously looking at Minji who had trouble containing her huge smile.

Suddenly someone rang the doorbell and Siyeon jumped off of the couch to open the door. She looked like she was in a good mood...even though she wasn't before. That made it obvious that they definitely had sex.

The vampire opened the door to see a small girl with burgundy hair looking up at her with a smile.

"Is this where I needed to come pick up Yubin?" she asked, eyeing Siyeon's body.

"If for 'Yubin' you mean the girl with blue hair, then I think you are in the right place" Siyeon replied, eyeing Bora's body as well. Damn.

"Can I come in then or are you just going to stay in the doorway?" the small woman chuckled and Siyeon was still checking her out when she suddenly realized the woman said something.

"Uhh, what did you say? I spaced out I think" she admitted, nervously scratching her nape.

"I asked if I could come in" Bora repeated, smiling proudly as she noticed that her body made this stranger girl space out.

"Y-Yeah, sure, come in" Siyeon said, opening the door and letting the small girl enter the house. Bora walked in and saw Yubin standing beside a pink haired girl.

"Hey kiddo" she greeted her friend.

"Hi Bora, this is-" Yubin tried to introduce Gahyeon but Bora cut her off.

"Pink Hair, nice to meet you" she laughed, hugging the young girl. Gahyeon sighed. Was she really doing the same thing that Siyeon did with Yubin earlier? Calling the girl by her hair color?

"I told you she was just like your sister" Yubin whispered to Gahyeon, chuckling. Gahyeon laughed as well, but there was a huge difference between Siyeon and Bora. The small girl looked very bubbly and hugged Gahyeon to introduce herself. While Siyeon was about to throw a pot to Yubin when she met her.

"So what did you and my Bin get up to? Was it an interesting group project? Tell me all about it" Bora asked when she noticed another black haired beauty sitting in the kitchen.

"The project was real-" Yubin tried to say, but she was cut off by Bora.

"Hi!" She said walking towards the black haired girl that was currently sitting in the kitchen "I'm Bora, Bin's friend" she said with a smile. Minji stood up and held her hand out to the small girl

"I'm Minji, Gahyeon's friend" she replied with a huge smile on her face. Bora shook her hand and she carefully looked at her. Then she moved her gaze to Gahyeon and lastly to Siyeon. "Damn, beauty really runs in this household!" she admitted with her mouth slightly open.

"You're not so bad yourself!" Minji cheered, licking her lips. Bora chuckled and wanted to say something when she was suddenly pulled backwards by a hand.

"As I was saying the project was really interesting" Yubin tried again once she had her friend's attention again.

"Oh right, the project! What was that about again?" She asked, trying to pay attention to Yubin and Gahyeon, but she suddenly realized she didn't introduced herself to the girl that opened the door.

"It was ab-" Yubin started again but Bora just walked away, approaching the girl that invited her in.

"I don't think I got your name" she said with a smile.

"I'm Siyeon, Lee Siyeon. What about you?" the vampire responded with a smile and Yubin was annoyed that Bora just walked away again. Was it that hard for her friend to pay attention?

"I'm Bora! Kim Bora" the smaller girl replied smiling back to Siyeon "So are you guys friends?"

"I'm actually Pink Hair's sister" Siyeon replied chuckling

"You two definitely look alike, you're both beautiful. I can see why Bin befriended her she's quite a pl-" Bora wanted to say but Yubin ran over to cover Bora's mouth with her hand, chuckling nervously.

"Oh come on, Blue Hair, let your friend speak" Siyeon glared at the girl.

Gahyeon joined them, looking at Yubin with a curious expression. What was Bora about to say? Yubin chuckled again and Bora started biting her fingers to make Yubin remove her hands.

"Just ignore her. She's...ouch!" She tried to say but Bora bit her.

"So what I was about to say before Bin cut me off was that-" Bora started again, seeing Yubin's hand headed toward her mouth again but this time she was ready as she grabbed it, stopping Yubin from silencing her. "she's quite a player"

"I- I'm not, really!" Yubin stated, hitting Bora's side with her elbow... hard. Siyeon's expression changed in an instant as she started walking towards Yubin

"A player huh? Are you hitting on my sister?" she said angrily as she made Yubin take a step back with every word "You think you can play with her?"

"No! Of course not I just w-" Yubin tried to defend herself but Bora cut in speaking for Yubin once again.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was. She came home with three different girls, in a month time last month!" she yelled with a smile on her face, enjoying to tease Yubin.

"I- It was two" Yubin tried to say to save herself, hitting Bora again "and I wasn't playing it was jus-" she tried to say when she felt two hands grab her by the collar, pushing her hard against the wall. Siyeon was slowly losing control. This girl thought she could play with Gahyeon just like that?

"You will stay away from my sister, did you hear that!" she growled, looking her dead in the eyes. Gahyeon panicked with Siyeon's action and ran to her side, trying to tear her away.

"Hey, sis, stop it! Leave her alone! She is not trying to play with me!" she yelled, scared by the whole situation.

"Gahyeon step aside please" Minji asked in a calm tone, sighing a little bit. Siyeon suddenly felt a firm grip on her arm. She looked at it and she saw a small but strong hand clenching on her arm.

"Let her go" Bora said in a calm but threatening tone. Yubin might be a player and Bora enjoyed to expose her, but no one could dare to hurt her. The black haired woman hissed at Yubin before releasing her collar and stepping back. She was still glaring at Yubin when Minji hit her head, leaning in close to her ear.

"Such a bad girl, Singnie" she whispered in a husky tone.

"She's trying to play with Gahyeon" she replied and Yubin heard her. She had enough.

"I might be a player, but I'm not playing with her! I didn't even try to hit on her, did I Gahyeon?" She asked in a pleading tone to the younger girl "I just thought she was really weird and interesting and I wanted to befriend her!" She said looking straight into Siyeon's eyes. The vampire just shrugged.

"Fine, but if you do as much as touch her with one of your fingers, you will regret it" Siyeon threatened, gaining another hid on the head from Minji.

"Don't mind her Yubin, she is just being an overprotective little shit" Minji laughed, winking at the girl. Yubin nodded, but Bora had enough

"We should go home, Bin. It looks like you're not really welcome here" she said glaring at Siyeon "You're not coming here again" Bora said clearly overreacting, wrapping an arm around Yubin's shoulders. The younger girl looked at her in disbelief and removed her arm from her shoulder.

"You're not telling me where I can or can't go. I won't stop seeing people just because you two act like overprotective shits" she yelled, using Minji's words and the black haired girl laughed at that.

Minji gave Gahyeon a little nudge.

"I like your friend and it seems like she likes me too!" she cheered but Gahyeon just shook her head. This was really not the time for jokes. Besides she still had to scold Minji and Siyeon later for their inappropriate behaviour. The pink haired girl walked up to Bora and looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Please don't mind my sister... I don't want her to ruin my friendship with Yubin"

"Fine, Pink Hair" Bora said, ruffling the younger girl's hair just like Siyeon does all the time. Gahyeon couldn't help but think of how much the two of them were alike. Yubin scoffed, wrapping her arm around Gahyeon's shoulders

"Don't waste your puppy eyes on her, it's not like she has a saying in who I see or where I go" she said sticking her tongue out at Bora.

"You should be happy I care so much about you, Bin" Bora sighed, then pointing a finger at Siyeon "And you, it was fun to joke around but you went too far! Who the heck slams their guest into a wall, you sicko" she yelled sounding really angry.

Siyeon walked towards Bora, stopping a few centimeters away from her face

"Tell me that you wouldn't have done the same if someone told you a player was hitting on Blue Hair" she challenged and Bora was taken aback. She would indeed do the same. Of course she wouldn't tell Siyeon that though.

"I'm not that messed up no! You should let your anger issues get checked out, woman!" she challenged, standing on her toes to meet Siyeon's height.

"That's going well" Yubin whispered ironically, sighing and looking at Gahyeon who looked really scared about the situation.

Siyeon couldn't stand the smaller girl. She wanted to let her fangs out and scare the hell out of her, but she really couldn't do that.

"Blue hair, go with your friend. I really want this small woman out of my house right now" Siyeon growled.

Yubin's eyes widened. She didn't. She didn't call Bora 'small woman'.

"This is going to get ugly" Yubin whispered to Gahyeon and Gahyeon looked at her with a confused expression.

"It's already pretty ugly! I don't think it could go worse" Gahyeon genuinely said.

"Oh you just wait..." Yubin said, waiting for Bora's wrath.

"Yeah, come on Yubin let's go" Bora said turning around, totally not what the blue haired girl expected.

"Nice meeting you see you next ti-" Minji tried to say when Bora turned around all of the sudden and jumped on Siyeon, tackling her to the ground.

"W-What the fuck?" Siyeon yelled as she tried to free her wrists that were pinned on the ground by Bora's hands. Of course she could use her vampire strength and free herself, but she couldn't expose herself like that.

Yubin facepalmed and Gahyeon's eyes widened in shock. Minji was calmly looking at the girls on the ground

"The sexual tension in this room is real" she whispered and both Siyeon and Gahyeon heard her.The oldest vampire walked over to Bora and picked her up from the ground by her shirt, doing the same with Siyeon, pulling her up by the collar.

"Sorry to disappoint but no one will be having sex in this house today" she scolded the two of them, making Gahyeon scoff. Was Minji for real?

"No one else, you mean" Gahyeon whispered and Minji gave her a little wink. Siyeon was still shocked about Bora's action and she had to admit Minji was right. She couldn't stand the small woman but the tension...

"Let's just get you and Yubin to the door and we can try this little meeting again next time, okay?" Minji calmly said.

"We can definitely do that" Bora said, smiling at Minji "If you leave the guard dog at home" she added glaring at Siyeon, while wrapping an arm around Yubin's shoulders.

"I will make sure the guard dog is turned into a good puppy by then" Minji assured her, winking at Siyeon who knew what she meant.

Gahyeon sighed, she definitely didn't want to be home when that happened. She walked towards Bora and Yubin.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you, Bora. I hope you can forgive my sister's attitude" she said with a shy smile and Bora returned the smile. "I'll see you tomorrow Yubin" Gahyeon added with a smile, giving a really quick and shy hug to Yubin. After that the two women left and Gahyeon closed the door with a sigh, turning to Minji and Siyeon. She took a deep breath and clenched her fists.

"What the absolute fuck were you two thinking!" she screamed.

Siyeon looked at her with a confused and guilty expression, thinking that she was talking about the whole fight thing with Bora. Minji looked at Gahyeon with a huge smirk on her face, knowing exactly what Gahyeon was talking about.

"Sorry Gahyeonie, we got carried away" she said with a chuckle.

"Carried away?! I could hear you talk dirty to each other! Do you know how awkward it was to sit up there, listening to you two horny dogs going at it?!"

If Minji was totally comfortable talking about this, Siyeon definitely wasn't. At least not with her sister. She tried to sneak away, side walking really slowly towards the stairs

"Where do you think you are going??" Gahyeon yelled, pointing at Siyeon. "I was trying to do a fucking project with a friend and I had to listen to all of that! And of course my sister needs to be the submissive one!" She yelled again.

"Oh sweetie, she always was the submissive one, she even likes it when I choke her n-" Minji laughed walking closer to Gahyeon who put her hands up, cutting Minji off.

"I don't need the details Minji for god's sake, I already heard enough"

Minji smirked a little stopping right in front of Gahyeon

"Then you know how submissive she is" she said, teasing the younger girl. What she didn't expect was for Gahyeon to show Minji her teeth and fangs fully out, in a threatening way. She still wasn't able to fully control her power and someone talking like that about her sister was a huge trigger for her.

"That's it! That's exactly how Siyeon looked before she gave up because I wrapped my hand around her neck!" Minji laughed, walking past Gahyeon and putting on her coat. "Anyway, I'm going to give Dongie a little visit before my patrol, have fun you two!"

As soon as Minji was out, Siyeon walked to Gahyeon, punching her arm.

"You're lucky you are young! What were you thinking? You can't do that" she said kind of worried "you basically challenged Minji" she added.

"I don't like when she talks like that about you" Gahyeon admitted, still trying to put her fangs back in.

"Still... Challenging Minji is the biggest mistake you can make, little sis" Siyeon whispered, poking Gahyeon's fangs. "Are you having trouble with these?" she asked, hoping that her little sister wouldn't go back to scolding her.

Gahyeon nodded, surrendering for a moment and leaving the fangs out.

"I know I can't challenge Minji, I didn't want to. But when it comes to you, I lose control. I really don't like what she said" Gahyeon admitted looking down. Siyeon put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"That's really sweet of you Gahyeon but I mean it. Besides, what did she say that sounded wrong to you?" She asked.

Gahyeon blushed looking at the ground, she really didn't like the subject.

"I- I don't know. I don't like the idea of my sister being submissive ...a-and the way she said that..." Gahyeon admitted shyly. Siyeon chuckled when she heard that. Gahyeon was really cute.

"Umm... yeah... let's just say that I quite like submitting to her" she said, scratching her nape. She was still talking to her little sister about sex after all.

"Okaaay, TMI!" Gahyeon yelled, quickly putting her hands on her ears and walking away from Siyeon. As she walked away she let out a chuckle, she felt a little reassured now that her sister admitted that her submission wasn't really forced. The older vampire rolled her eyes at the girl. She was just scolding them a minute ago for having sex and now that Siyeon's talking about it she covers her ears. The pink haired girl was such a cutie.

As Minji walked towards the bar to check on Handong she thought about what happened at home. She pretended not to notice but Gahyeon challenged her and it was the first time. For now, she decided to let it slide and not to confront her, maybe the girl had a bad day and she was frustrated. She knew it would have happened eventually, the girl was old enough to challenge her now, but not old enough to understand what it meant. She shook her head as she entered the bar.

She didn't see Handong anywhere so she knew the woman was probably still sleeping. As she went up the stairs she thought back at Gahyeon. She knew that she couldn't let it pass again if the youngest vampire decided to challenge her a second time. She had the protect the hierarchy in their vampire household even if the pink haired girl wasn't a full vampire. Yes, they were friends but the relationship between 2 humans and 2 vampires were completely different. Minji would gladly give her life for Siyeon and Gahyeon, but she had to keep the hierarchy untouched, even if it meant fighting with them. The vampire instinct makes you challenge who is in charge, it's something that pushes you to want more power. Minji knew that if she let the younger girls challenge her it would be chaos. She needed to keep them in control, not just for herself but for them as well.

Siyeon had already challenged her a lot in the past. The more she lost the less frequently she challenged Minji. Siyeon knew she would never win against Minji so it was pretty useless to challenge her but it still happened sometimes. Luckily the oldest girl knew how to handle that perfectly.

When Minji reached Handong's bedroom she knocked but not hearing any sound she entered. Handong was still in bed, still looking pale and weak. She was definitely better than the last time, but she clearly hadn't recovered completely.

" 'I will be fine in the evening' my ass" Minji chuckled, looking at the girl. Weirdly enough the wound on her neck had already completely disappeared. She wanted to close the door and leave her when Handong called her name. The woman's eyes weren't opened or she wasn't facing Minji though. Was she dreaming?

Minji let the handle of the door and she walked towards the Chinese girl, she sat on the side of the bed and she saw that the red haired girl was sleeping. Minji sweetly caressed her cheek and Handong smiled. Was she reacting to her touch or did something good happen in the dream?

"M-minji" Handong softly called out again, her voice a little more shaky now. The black haired vampire was a bit surprised by that but at the same time it was super cute.

Minji checked her eyes and they were definitely closed, Handong was sleeping and there was no doubt about that. The older girl chuckled thinking that the Chinese girl was dreaming about her. As she kept caressing her cheek the red haired girl moved her head to the was like she was showing her neck to her. Was she dreaming about Minji biting her? The older girl chuckled and decided to bend down and place a sweet kiss on Handong's neck.

The younger girl let out a soft moan at the touch making Minji laugh again.

"You are really cute Handong" she whispered, shaking her head. "I'm sorry that I don't feel the same for you" she added, standing up from the bed, wanting to leave.

Handong heard Minji calling her name and she slowly woke up, realizing the older girl was in the room. She heard what Minji said and she couldn't deny that it hurt. She really really liked Minji and even though she knew the older girl didn't reciprocate her feelings, it hurt to hear her say that.

"D-Don't go" Handong said, grabbing Minji's wrist as she was standing to leave. The vampire looked at Handong and smiled.

"Oh you're awake!" She chuckled. "I'm sorry but I have to on patrol and you-" she stated, poking Handong's nose "need to rest"

Handong quickly shook her head

"Y-You promised that we coul-" the Chinese girl tried to say but she was cut off by Minji.

"I promised that we could do that IF you fully recovered. You are way too weak now Handong" the older girl said, combing Handong's hair.

"I'm completely fine I can-" she tried to protest but Minji cut her off again.

"Dongie, I said no!" She told her in a firmer tone than before.

"Y-you don't want to do it with me, do you?" Handong said in a whisper, sounding defeated. She let go of Minji's wrist and she turned to the other side, turning her back to Minji.

"I just don't understand why, Handong... wouldn't it be easier for you to let me go if we didn't? Why did you even hide your feelings that long? We have known each other for 7 years..." Minji tried to reason.

Handong sat up on her bed, looking at Minji with teary eyes.

"You want to know why I hid that from you?" She said angrily "You are a 260 year old vampire...what are 7 years for you? Nothing. But they're almost half of my life, Minji. It feels like I've loved you forever" Handong yelled, suddenly bringing her hands on her mouth, realizing what she said. Minji's eyes widened, letting her hands fall next to her body.

"You... love... me?" She asked in a soft voice. How did she never notice that?

"I- I shouldn't have said that" Handong said shaking her head with a sigh. "I was 16 when I met you, Minji... I'm 23 now. I- I grew up with you and I kept saying to myself that this feeling would go away but it didn't" the Chinese girl said defeated "I'm sorry"

Minji listened to everything that Handong had just told her. She understood what she meant but the older woman had no idea what to tell her.

"I-... I don't know Dongie. I don't know what to say or what to do... You should've told me sooner" Minji whispered as she started walking towards the door again.

"Why?" Handong asked ironically "To make this awkward sooner? Just... forget about it, would you?" she pleaded, looking at Minji as she walked away. Why was she leaving? They were talking about something important, why was the older girl leaving again?

When Minji left the bar she took a deep breath. She had to admit it really wasn't easy to just leave Handong there. She cared about the woman a lot, just not in the way Handong wanted. She knew that she probably hurt the girl but right now she had a job to do.

Minji started her patrol trying to focus on her job instead of thinking about everything that happened today... Gahyeon challenging her, Handong confessing to her...

A shadow moving in the corner of an alley, suddenly caught her eyes. She quickly ran towards it, finding a woman that walked at a fast pace looking around as if she wanted to hide something. Minji carefully tried to catch up with her enough to smell her scent... As she suspected, she was a vampire. Minji got a little closer to inspect her physique and it was indeed a nightshade.

The older vampire decided to follow the suspicious individual. She probably just killed someone judging by how anxious she looked. They ended up at an abandoned building a little farther in the maze of alleyways. The woman was greeted by two other vampires who led her in. Minji had jumped up to one of the rooftops and was spectating the whole exchange with a smirk.

"You let me right to your hideout, you evil bitch" she whispered to herself.

She jumped a few roofs away, just to be sure that no one could hear her as she took out her phone and clicked on a contact.

"I'll send you my location, you need to come here right now, Siyeon" Minji said with a smirk "I've found a nightshade hideout"

Siyeon told her that she would be right there. She just needed to make sure Gahyeon was asleep.

Feel free to let us know your thoughts! ❤

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