Villain with a Heart (Todorok...

By Prickle_Prackle

469K 17.5K 15.5K

•Soulmate! and Villain! AU• (Follows manga timeline but I change some things! It also focuses more on Midoryi... More

A New Beginning
All Might's head
A Boy Named Shoto Todoroki
Times Change And So Do People
Journal No.14
Man With the Blue Hair
Burnt Roses
Villain with a Heart
Soulmate Mark
Unexpected Visitor
Class 1-A
"Lord Of The Flies"
Ochako Uraraka
Lunch Buddies
Vulnerable Boy
USJ Incident (1/2)
USJ Incident (2/2)
After the incident
Movie Marathons and Uber Drivers
Boba Tea
A l o n e
The Box
Safe House
-Lullaby For A Newfound Crush-
UA Sports Festival 1/3
UA Sports Festival 2/3
UA Sports Festival 3/3
Teal Eyes
Hero Names
Hero Killer: "Stain"
Hand Crusher
Toga and Dabi
Glowing Eyes
His Voice
Marbled Students
The Cleaning
Candy Apples And Art
Grand Theft Auto 2.0
Declaration of War
Himiko Toga and Twice
Memory Rooms
I Pass Out Too Much
First Snowfall
Warm Embrace
Chocolate Strawberries
New Room
Too Many Close Calls
Where You Go, I Go
Third Hostage
No Time For Grief
Lovers Entwined

Pro Hero: "Magi"

3.2K 164 270
By Prickle_Prackle

(ask something about the story, me, a character, or anything you want to know and I'll answer it in a Q&A!)

I held my head with the back of my hand pressed against my face with a bored look as I sat at the bar used as a cover for the league. Kurogiri wiped a glass cup with a beige towel to dry it as he turned to me curiously.

"What's gotten you in such an odd mood, young master?" He asked.

I looked up at the misty male in front of me. "I'm thinking over who I should intern with. Should I intern with someone random, someone with a similar quirk, or a potential next target?" I asked slumping forwards onto the table.

He placed the glass cup down next to me. "It appears that that is not all that's running through your head, young sir."

"You're not wrong." I huffed and rolled my head to the side to look at him. "It's my friend, Shoto."

"The boy you speak fondly of? The one who kept you company the weeks of the... you know..."

I nodded. "He's great! More than great really... 'too-good-to-be-true' type of good."

He hummed and began to dry another glass cup. "Is he now?" If he had eyebrows, he would've lifted one up.

"Yeah! And I care about him a lot too! Today is the last day we could live together before we go back to how our lives used to be... I've gotten so used to our living routine and stuff that I don't know what I'm gonna do when we move apart! I'll finally get my mom back for good, which is amazing and I'm looking forward to that a lot! But I want to stay with him..." I rambled without thinking.

"Oh sorry... was I rambling again?" I scratched my neck in an embarrassed manner.

He shook his head. "Do continue."

"I-I just don't want to change my living style from what it is now... I know I'll still see him every day during school and walk home with him, but... it's not the same..." I paused for a second. "He'll be going back to his shitty 'father' who will only hurt him... it's not fair..."

Kurogiri hummed thinking over what I said. "I can't really help you there, but I can for sure say that you may have a crush on this 'Shoto' boy." He placed the second cup down and decided to clean the table instead of the cups.

"H-Huh?!" His entire statement catching me off guard completely. I practically jumped up in shock, almost causing the stool I sat on to fall.

"You heard me. You like this boy."

"W-Whatever!" My face felt all warm and I covered it with my arm.

The mist-man chuckled before Shigaraki entered the room scratching at his already damaged neck.

We greeted him as he sat in the corner. He didn't say anything back though.

'Rude much?' I shook my head slightly in disapproval of his lack of manners.

"Is he really coming over soon?" Asked Kurogiri.

"I managed to find him and I blackmailed him with fotos I took of some old files with his real identity to get him to come over." I smirked as my plan was falling into place so perfectly. "Make him aggravated. It'll get him to not want to join us."

"And that helps how?" The hand-man complained.

"He will leave and do his thing. The nearest city is Hosu, where he will attack and we will too."

"That's where we're unleashing a few Nomus to scare people and get heroes to stay more alert." Kurogiri chimed in, me nodding in agreement.

"That's the simpler version of it. Just... be you when he gets here."


I patted his shoulder before checking the time.

"I should head back now or it will look suspicious." I got out of the stool before making my way out the bar. Shigaraki grunted in annoyance as he scratched his neck violently once more.

"Midoryia!" Called Kurogiri as I was already halfway out the door.

I turned my head to look in his direction.

He was about to say something before shaking his head. "Never mind. Be careful on your way there."

I nodded and made my way to the safe house for the last time.


Taking off my shoes I entered the home, bags crinkling in my arms. "I'm back Shoto!" I called out.

No reply, so I'm guessing he's sleeping or in the bathroom.

I start making some rice and unpacking the rest of the snacks I got for our last day together.

Soft footsteps came from the bedroom as the bicolor-haired male stepped out stretching slightly. "Hello..." he greeted with a yawn.

I smiled and waved. "Shoto-kun, hey. Were you sleeping?"

"I took a nap. I had a headache and I was told to sleep and drink water to help it go away. We didn't have any pills so I just slept."

"Oh! Here!" I poured him a glass of water and handed it to him.

"Thank you, Izuku."

An awkward silence filled the room for a few seconds before I decided to chime in. "Ready to eat?"

He nodded and took the bags, taking out the few snacks I got for our last night together. I got a bunch of junk food, knowing that when he went back to his normal home, he wouldn't be able to eat anything but 'healthy food' there.

He smiled as he realized what I was doing. He thanked me again with a small smile before digging into the food.

We spent the rest of the night up doing everything we still hadn't done in our time together before we had to finally separate and go to our past daily lives. We watched three movies (Little Mermaid (again), Karate Kid 3 (we had already seen the first two), and Justice League Dark).

"I might start taking up Karate after that movie!" I said as I imitated some karate moves poorly.

"That should be fun." He agreed with a nod.

"Right?! And we could kick as like Pow! Whoosh! Wapow!" I kicked and punched the air.

"I have a question."

I stopped my horrible moves and turned to look at him. "Ask away Todoroki-kun."

"Who are you going to intern with? Is there a specific hero you have picked yet? Tomorrow we have to turn in our options."

"Ah..." I scratched my neck. "I was thinking maybe some hero with a similar quirk as mine, or someone to teach me better self defense."

"My... father... usually teaches self defense in internships. I would know. As for your quirk I'm not familiar with any heroes with metal based quirks..." He fell into silence as he thought.

"You're interning with your father, no?"

"Yeah. It suits to learn more about my fire side of the quirk."

"You're right. Though, if you need me to kick his ass for you if he hurts you, feel free to tell me any time!" I punched the air in determination.



—(Two Days Later)—

I walked in between my two friends, Uraraka and Shoto. The heterochromiac looked at me ramble on about how our internships were gonna be too far apart from each other and how I wanted to still see them every day, both hands in his pockets casually walking alongside me. Uraraka just placed her hand on my shoulder, casually agreeing with me.

"You've all got your costumes, right?" Aizawa stopped our class. Preoccupied parental figure, much? "Obviously, wearing them in public is prohibited, and don't lose them either."

Everyone nodded in unison, almost seeming as if they were about to lose their shit from too much excitement.

"When I'm back, I hope to know at least some Karate Izuku."

I laughed softly at Shoto's statement. "You better!" Uraraka looked back and forth between Shoto and I.

"First name basis already, huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows in a strange manner.

"Y-Yeah... I-I mean, after everything that's happened it makes sense, no?" I scratched the back of my hand awkwardly as the bicolored-haired male nodded stoically.

She tapped her index finger over her chin. "Huh... Guess that makes sense."

Iida walked past us with his luggage in a rather strange manner. I called him over in a friendly manner.

"Hello guys. Pardon me, I need to look for my train and catch it before it leaves."

I nodded and looked at him leave. 'Wasn't his brother almost killed by Stain?'

"Iida-Kun!" He spun to face me once more. "If you need someone to talk to, you can always come to me. We're friends after all, no?" The brunette next to me shook her head up-and-down way too quickly.

"Sure." He gave us a smile and turned away towards his designated train.

We then had to finally say our goodbyes and leave to our own trains.


"Hm?" I turned to face Shoto, who hugged me tightly; and though the hug was cut short, I felt my entire body about to give up on itself. His strange smell of burnt roses filled my nose like that one time and I couldn't help but feel rather nostalgic through the smell.

"Take care." He then turned around and walked away toward his own train.

I stood there like an idiot, looking in the direction Shoto went to, as he disappeared into the crowd of people.


—(Time Skip: Days later)—

I've been interning with a hero that wasn't all that popular, but still decently well known that Shigaraki had told me to spy on as a future target and because his quirk was similar to mine so he could teach me a few techniques that could possibly work with my quirk. The hero I was interning with is called "Magi". His name is apparently a direct translation to Latin of "Magician".

It was actually kind of creative.

Plus the name is cool.

The league looked into him a bit since he's an arrogant and rather self-centered man who thinks his quirk is super powerful. It is, don't get me wrong, but he uses his status for personal gain outside of work and has done some questionable things that the League doesn't like about him. Other than that he was pretty normal around me.

He paced hysterically inside his office making some stuff fly around unintentionally.

I curiously knocked on the wooden rim of the door. "...Magi?" I snapped him out of his thoughts causing him to drop the floating objects. Thankfully none broke.

"Ah, crap!" He scrambled around and started picking stuff up without the use of his quirk. "Hello Deku! How may I help you?"

I picked up a red stapler from the floor and placed it on his wooden desk. "I was just wondering if you were okay. You've been pacing in your office and making stuff float around. Is something bothering you?"

He sighed and plopped down onto his desk chair, me following suit, but sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"I have this feeling ever since we began internships that something wrong is going to happen soon."

My eyes widened in shock. Does he know of the villain attack we've been planning for the past few months? "H-How so...?" I asked mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

"It's a weird ability I have. A sixth sense, if you will. I'm usually correct and very few times I've been proven wrong, but still... I feel like something big is gonna happen in a few days."

"Can you give me an example of when you've been wrong?" I asked, curious on the topic of his strange sense.

"Sure." He stopped to thing for a few seconds before replying. "I had a weird feeling in the time after the sports festival that there was a traitor."

My breath hitched. 'His sense is like a whole ass second quirk... this is bad.'

"Do you know who?"

He looked at his hands and then back at me, the atmosphere changing completely into a more serious one. The temperature of the room also dropped slightly into a slightly colder one.


I almost lost it and had a heart attack on the spot but I only faked a smile and a chuckle. "M-Me? Really?"

"Yeah..." he nervously scratched the back of his head like I usually do. "You can't be a traitor, you're interning with me. If you were a traitor or a villain of some sort you'd be a horrible one at that! You can't even use your quirk right!" He laughed. I felt like snapping his jaw with my fist but fought against it, only laughing with him instead.

"What else does your sense see?" I fished for his intellect.

"I'll tell you some other time. We should go patrol."

"How about we go to Musatafu City? It's close plus I bet there's more activity there than here." I suggested.

"Sure, kid." He got up and ruffled my already-messy hair. "We'll catch a train there in half an hour. I need to finish sorting through some paperwork first though, 'kay?"

I nodded and got up. "Call me if you need anything Mr. Magi."

He waved at me and I did so in return before hiding off in the bathroom, making sure to lock the door.

I Need Chapstick

2:27 pm | Me: This is bad
Talk to me ASAP
The whole plan is in jeopardy

2:27 pm | I Need Chapstick: What the hell do you mean kid?

2:28 pm | Me: Magi
The hero I'm interning with?
He has a second quirk I think
And it's deadly accurate
He said that he has had a feeling abt there being a traitor since after the Sports Festival
He said there was a feeling that something big was gonna go down soon

2:28 pm | I Need Chapstick: It's just a feeling that's all
We just checked and there is no other quirk and we know all about his from you and his bio
Idiot made a book with too much info on him
Self-centered prick

2:28 pm | Me: Still!!!

2:28 pm | I Need Chapstick: Relax kid
Remember that you even made two extra plans
just in case something like this happened
So stfu
Calm down

2:29 pm | Me: Your right
Sorry abt that
Thought you should know

2:29 pm | I Need Chapstick: OFC I'm always right
At least we know of this second ability of his
This will give us a slight advantage over him
Or at least we'll be more prepared

2:29 pm | Me: Plan's still on for tonight tho
I convinced Magi to go patrol in Musatafu CT
See ya in a few hours
If you FORGET OR MESS UP the whole plan goes to hell
& So do we
If you need to know anything or improvise lmk asap

2:30 pm | I Need Chapstick: Yea whatever

I shut off my phone and then pretended as if I was actually using the bathroom by flushing the toilet and washing my hands.  I exited the bathroom only to see Magi talking with his secretary. She was a very kind girl, and she was very pretty too. She had long blue hair like Iida's but it was starting to show her real hair color at the roots which is actually a dark brown. She was a foreigner from England, if I remember correctly.

The girl's name is Elise Cawthon and she moved to Japan only a few years ago. Somehow she ended up working for this dude. I'm sure she needs the money, since he does pay her well here.

I looked at him sling an arm around her shoulder slyly, her clearly being uncomfortable. He acts like that with her when he thinks no one's looking or cares.

Did I mention Elise is eighteen and he's probably in his thirties? Creep.

I quickly made my way towards her and grabbed her arm. "Elise!"

She looked at me, shocked at my sudden appearance. "H-Hey Midoriya!" She sweatdropped.

"Are you ready to tell me how your quirk works! You promised to do it around 2:30 and it's already a bit past that!" I lied in a childish tone. I had to make it believable to get her away from him. It's the least I could do as a decent human being.

She seemed to get what I was doing and followed in my lie. "O-Oh! Sorry... lost track of time heh..."

I dragged her away to a separate room I was staying at.

"Are you okay?" I dropped the act. "This is the third-or-so time I had to step in."

She looked at her shoes and scratched at her arm. "I need the money Midoriya. I can't go back home."

I nodded. "If you want, you can stay over with me and your mom until you find a more stable job with a less creepy boss." I offered.

"R-Really...?" She looked back up at me. "I-I couldn't do that to you. I'd just be a burden."

"None sense! Just quit and you can stay with us! We have a spare bedroom at our place! It's just me and my mom there, and I'm sure she'd like the company of another girl." We laughed at that.

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"Of course! I wouldn't have offered otherwise. And if you feel guilty for something then just ask my mom how you could help."

She jumped and gave me a tight hug. "Thank you... this means a lot to me Midoriya..."

"Izuku. Call me Izuku."

Though I couldn't see her, I could feel her smile widely. "That's a lovely name."


So it's been a month and I heavily procrastinated on this chapter oof

Please comment a question for me, a character, or overall story! I'll answer them in the next chapter!

I also have a small 200k read special planned for you guys! Thank you for reading this book and leading me this far! I really am thankful!

Also! Please check out my new book "Ghost! (BNHA X Reader)" I'm really into the plot and it's very different from other x reader fanfics. I decided to write it differently bc the usual fanfic tropes are getting obnoxious and old oof


See ya later alligator lol

-Your sad excuse of an author

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