Drama/ Jessa

By Average_is_writing

21.1K 451 155

When Josh and Nessa end things.. things get tricky... More

Family drama
One question
Yes or No?
Texts... 😬
end things?
The surprise
After the surprise
where is he?
Cameras help everything
I promise
Talked to me
Memory block
lots of visitors
Another trip to Canada...
Choices to be made
Regaining his memory?...

Possibly visiting?...

3K 28 5
By Average_is_writing

Josh's POV
Me and the boys were just hanging out at my place when we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I said. I walked to the door and it was Nessa. I mean we did say we were gonna be friends. "Uh hey. I need to tell you something." She said. "Uh ok let's go up to my room." I said. She nodded and we both walked to my room. All the boys looked confused. We finally made it to my room. "Ok so you know how I have been at the hype house lately?" She asked. "Uh yeah." Which annoys me but I can't control her. "Well uh please don't be mad. I uh kissed Chase." She said. I didn't know what to say. I just sat there looking at her. After a minute she broke the silence. "Say something please." She said. "I-I don't have a right to be mad at you. But I think you need to give me some space." I said low. "O-ok." She said as she walked out. I closed and locked my door afterwards. I heard the boys asking her what happened but she didn't answer she just left. Then I heard all the boys going up the stairs. Great. "Josh what happened?" Jaden asked. "She freaking kissed Chase!" I yelled. I opened the door and all of them looked shocked. "I think we need to pay the hype house a visit." I said. "No we are not going to the hype house." Jaden said. Then we started tweeting stuff. Then Chase exposed what happened which made me furious. Then he made up this huge long lie about all the boys. "Ok we are paying the hype house a visit!" Jaden yelled. We all hopped in the car and went to the hype house. There was paparazzi outside and some fans. We pushed through them and knocked on the door. "Uh h-hey guys." Thomas said. "We just want to talk." Jaden said. Thomas nodded and let us in. Then me and Jaden went upstairs with Thomas. The only people in the room was me, Jaden, Chase, and Thomas. "Why did you do it?" I asked. "Why should you care you aren't dating anymore?" He asked. "I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about all the lies you tweeted after you were the one that exposed yourself." I said. "I don't know." He said. By then I was just furious. "You are just mad because I kissed ne-" "Don't say her name or I will punch you right in your mouth." I interrupted him. "Oh you mean Nessa." He said. I went to punch him but Thomas grabbed my arm. "Chase shut up." Thomas said. "I knew this was a waste of time." I said as I got up and walked out of the room. I ignored everybody asking me what happened and went straight to the car. I got in and just sat in there. Then bryce ran to the car. "Why did you walk out?" He asked. "Just take me home." I said. He nodded and took me home. Then he left to get the rest of the boys. He came back with Jaden and Anthony and dropped them off. Then the rest of the boys left. I just stayed in my room. At 5 in the morning Jaden and Anthony knocked on my door. "Hey I have a meeting and I'm gonna drop Anthony off at Avani's." Jaden said. "Ok." I said. Then I heard them leave. I felt the urge to forget what happened so I went downstairs and drank two drinks. That didn't work so then I drank 5 more. The day went on and I know I drank more than 30. I felt anger take over me and I called an uber. They took me to the hype house and then I just walked in. I knew everybody was gone except for Tony, Andres, Nikita, and Chase. I went to chase's room and walked in. "Josh what are you doing here? You don't look so good." He said. "Shut up just shut up!" I yelled. I might have yelled to loud because I heard people walking towards his room. "Chase what's happening?" Tony asked. "Uh josh is definitely drunk. He came here." He said. I heard some jiggling and then they got in. "Josh calm down. Where is Jaden and Anthony?" Andres asked. "Uh Jaden is uh at a meeting and uh Anthony is with Avani." I said. "Maybe you should sit down." Nikita said. "No. No. Chase needs to uh uh feel the pain that he has caused me!" I yelled. "Josh please just sit down." Tony said as he was trying to sit me down. "No get off of me!" I yelled. "Call Bryce or someone." Tony said. Andres took out his phone. Tony was trying to calm me down.
Andres's POV
I called all the boys and none of them answered so I decided to call Nessa.
*on phone*
Andres: nessa Josh got drunk and now he is here trying to hit Chase
Nessa: ok I'm on my way
*off phone*
"He's not calming down. Is someone coming?!" I heard tony yell from upstairs. "Yes!" I yelled. Nessa got here very fast. "He's upstairs." I said. She nodded and ran upstairs.
Josh's POV
I finally made it past tony and I was about to hit chase but then someone hopped in front of me. "Josh. Josh. Please calm down. Hey look at me." Nessa said. She slowly calmed me down. "Hey where is everybody?!" Thomas yelled. "Up here!" Tony yelled. Then I heard everybody come upstairs. "What is happening?" Thomas asked. "Uh we just had a misunderstanding." Nessa said. "Ok come on Josh I am taking you home." Nessa said. I nodded and stood up. When I stood up I felt all the alcohol hit me hard and then I felt dizzy. Then I just fell. "Josh!" I heard nessa yell before I blacked out.
Nessa's POV
"Josh!" I yelled. "He probably just drank to much. I will help you get him to the car." Papper said. I nodded. He picked him up and took him to my car. "I will drive with you so I can carry him inside." Papper said. I nodded and then I started driving. Half way there Josh woke up. "W-where are we going?" Josh asked. "We are taking you home." I said. "Oh. D-did I do anything?" He asked. "Nope we stopped you." I said. "Ok thank you." He said. I nodded and we finally made it to his house. "Do you need help walking in?" Papper asked. "Uh no. I should be fine. C-can you tell everybody that I am sorry about all the trouble I caused?" Josh said. "Sure thing." Papper said. Papper called an uber and left. Me and josh walked into his house. We both sat on his couch. "Josh how much did you drink today?" I asked. "Uh I stopped counting at 20. That was at like 4:00." He said. "Josh." I said. He was about to say something but then all the boys walked in. "Uh hey..." Bryce said. "Where have you guys been?" I asked. "Uh we were at sway gaming." Jaden said. "Well you guys should have checked your phones." I said. "Why what happened?" Griffin asked. "Well while you guys were all gone Josh was drinking and then he went to the hype house! They tried to call all of you but none of you were answering so I had to come!" I yelled. "Now I am going to leave and I suggest that you guys not leave Josh alone." I added. I grabbed my stuff and said bye to Josh then left.
Josh's POV
"What happened man?" Bryce asked. "Uh nothing. I just drank to much." I said. "Well I have a perfect way to get your mind off things. Let's party but absolutely no alcohol." Bryce said. Everybody nodded and we went to the backyard and started playing music and ping pong. While everybody was distracted I checked my phone because it was going off.
Chase: you deserved it!
Chase: by the way her lips felt amazing
Chase: she told me that she want to secretly date but i guess the secret is out.
Chase: you are never gonna get revenge because you let people stop you.
Chase: she said that she enjoyed my kiss better
At that point I was just mad. I was completely sober now and I was just furious. While everybody was distracted I snuck out and grabbed Bryce's keys then I took his car to the hype house. Everybody was in the kitchen except for Chase. I snuck past them without anybody seeing me and then went upstairs. I opened Chase's door and he was sitting on his bed grinning at his phone. "Do you think this is some kind of game?!" I yelled. Everybody was being loud downstairs so I knew nobody would hear me. He just laughed in my face. I pushed him to the ground and started punching him.
Bryce's POV
While we were playing pong I looked over and I didn't see Josh. "Wait guys where did Josh go?" I asked. "Let's check the house." Jaden said. We all spread out and looked. "Wait guys my car is gone!" I yelled. They all ran downstairs and we all looked at each other. "Do you think he went to the Hype house?" Anthony asked. "Let's hope not but we have to check." I said. "Ok let's go." Griffin said. We all hopped in his car and we went to the hype house. When we got there my car was there. Just great. We all ran up to the door. I knocked on the door. "What are you guys doing here?" Thomas asked. "Well is Josh here?" I asked. "Uh none of us seen him but we can check." Thomas said. We nodded and went inside. "Don't you ever disrespect me again!" We heard from upstairs. We all looked at each other and ran upstairs. When we got to Chase's room we saw Josh punching Chase. "Josh get off!" I yelled. He just ignored me and kept punching. I pulled him off of Chase. "Josh what the freak are you doing!?" Thomas yelled. Josh pulled out his phone and handed it to Thomas. I looked at Thomas and he looked shocked and mad. I looked at Chase and he looked pretty bad. Josh was standing there breathing heavy. Then Thomas gave me the phone. I read all the messages that Chase sent Josh. "Ok we should get chase to the ER." Thomas said. They called the ambulance and Tony went with him. A couple other people in the house followed them.
Josh's POV
Then everybody walked up to me. I knew what was coming. They were all going to talk to me and it wasn't going to fix anything. "Why did you come here?" Alex asked. "Because Chase sent me some texts and he was trying to make me mad." I said. "Yeah but why didn't you tell anybody?" Jaden asked. "Because I knew you guys would stop me and I didn't want to be stopped." I said. "You know if all the fans find out you could get serious hate?" Anthony said. "I don't really care right now! Let them hate because they don't understand!" I yelled.
Tony's POV
We finally made it to the hospital. They took Chase to a room and started asking me questions. "What happened?" The doctor asked. "Well Chase and another boy have some beef and Chase made the other boy mad and then the boy started punching him and we found them like 30 minutes after it all started." I said. "Was the other boy stronger than Chase?" He asked. "Uh they are about the same size." I said. "Ok. That is good to know. We will check Chase out and then we will go from there." He said as he walked out of the room. After some tests he said that Chase is fine but he broke his nose and needs some rest. I realize what Chase did was wrong but what Josh did was wrong too. I think I am gonna pay Josh a visit. I told Chase that I was gonna go out for a little and he said ok. I left and headed to Josh's house. When I got there I noticed that there was a lot of cars. The only sway boys that I have to worry about is Bryce and maybe Griffin. I don't think Noah would touch me because we are friends. I don't think Blake would touch me either. I walked up to the door and knocked. "I'll get it." I heard someone say. Then Bryce opened the door. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Uh I just came here to tell Josh the results of Chase." I lied. "Hold on." He said as he closed the door in my face. Ugh rude.
Josh's POV
"Josh, Tony is here to tell you what happened to Chase!" Bryce yelled. "I guess let him in." I said. I wanted to know what happened because if it was something to serious I could get in trouble. He let Tony in and then he walked over to me. All the boys just listened too. "Well he has a broken nose but other then that he is fine." He said. "Is that all?" I asked just to make sure. "Oh and if you ever put your hands on him again you're gonna have to watch out for me." He said. "Was that a threat?" I asked. Tony is normally not like that. "Yeah it is. Y'all need to grow up and put all this behind you." He said. "I'm not forgiving him until he apologizes and he learns that what he did was messed up especially because I forgave him the first time. I gave him a freaking second chance. Then he went and did it again." I said. "No you will apologize first because you are the one that made it physical after you said you wouldn't." He said. "I don't got to say anything. Matter a fact I wish I would have broke more than his nose." I said. "You better take that back. I realize he hurt you many times but that doesn't give you the right to hit him." He said. "I admit that I should have just talked to him the first time. I also admit that I should have talked to him the second time I went there but after he sent me the texts he was just asking for it." I said. "What do you mean texts?" He asked. I took out my phone and showed him the texts. "Oh I see this isn't even about Chase. The only reason why you are so mad is because you are jealous. The first time he ever did anything he didn't get to be with Nessa or do anything with her but this time he actually got to kiss her and you are just jealous. Aren't you Josh. Admit that you are jealous of Chase. Just admit it." He said. "Tony I think you should leave." Jaden said. "Admit it Josh!" Tony yelled. "Tony that's enough!" Bryce yelled. "Josh just admit. You are mad that he did it again but you are even more jealous aren't you?! Josh just admit it!" Tony yelled. "Tony you need to leave!" Griffin yelled. "No not until he admits it." Tony said. "Tony man please don't do this. Come on how about you leave." Noah said. "No. Josh admit it!" Tony yelled. I was getting mad but I knew I couldn't stand a chance against Tony. "Tony stop! This is all just crazy and you are not like this!" Bryce yelled. "Everybody be quiet and stop talking!" I yelled. "Oh tough man aren't we?" Tony said. "Yes I was jealous! But I was just as mad at Chase! I was nothing but nice to that kid. We were bros. I thought that was going to be a friendship that would last forever and the first time this all happened yes I was furious but I never did anything because I didn't want to hurt him. Yes I made a distrack but it was mostly jokes. Yes I forgave him but I never forgot about what he did! Now he goes and does it again and I know that they were both single but I just never thought he would do that again especially because I gave him a second chance. Which hurt me a lot. All I wanted to do was get back at him. I was just going to yell at him but when he started saying all that to me it made me furious. Of course the texts made me mad! They also made me jealous yes I admit it they did. Even though they are definitely lies they caused me pain. All I wanted to do was cause him as much pain as he did me so I lost it. Maybe I regret it or maybe I don't but Tony you have no right to come into my house and yell at me for it! You are not in this and you don't know how it feels so I will suggest you get out of my house before I call the cops!" I yelled. Then I stormed upstairs. Half way up the stairs I turned around. "I want you gone in 5 minutes or I will call the cops." Then I turned back around and went up to my room.
Bryce's POV
"Tony what are you doing?" I asked. "It just made me mad that he hit him." He said. "Ok I agree that he shouldn't have hit him but you also need to talk to Chase because he had no right to text Josh those things and he had no right to lie about all of that in his tweet." Jaden said. "I guess you are right I am sorry for coming here and making a big deal." Tony said. Then he left.
Josh's POV
I went up to my room and closed my door. I am usually tough and everything but right now with everything going on it just made me upset. I started crying I didn't want the boys to see me so I locked my door too. I heard the boys and Tony talking then I heard the front door open and shut. I put my headphones on and listened to Nessa's new song. I know part of the song is about me but I don't care. The song calms me down because I can hear her voice. I know that the texts from Chase were lies. Well at least I hope so. Wait no they are definitely lies. He just wanted to make me more mad. I just sat there listening to the song on repeat crying.
Bryce's POV
"Should we go up there or?" I asked. "Uh I don't know." Anthony said. "Let's just knock on his door." Jaden said. We nodded and walked upstairs. We knocked on the door and there was no answer. "Josh." I said. There was still no answer. "Josh." I said a little louder. "Josh!" I yelled. "Uh yeah?" He said. "Are you gonna come back downstairs?" I asked. "Uh no not right now." He said. "Uh ok." I said. All the boys looked at me with concerned faces. I just shrugged and we all walked down stairs. I was a little worried about him. "Do you think he is ok?" Quinton asked. "Uh yeah he probably just needs to calm down." I was partly lieing. I hope that was it but what if he is actually really upset. We all just kind of stayed quiet. "Its been like an hour do you think we should check on him?" Blake asked. "Yeah I think we should." I said. We all walked up to his room. We softly knocked but there was no answer. "We have emergency keys for the rooms." Jaden said. He grabbed the key and we opened his door. He was laying on his bed and he was asleep. He had earphones in and his face was all red. I slowly took the earphone off of him and I looked at his screen. He was listening to Pain on repeat. Oh no he must be really hurt. I tuned off his phone and sat it beside him. Then we all went out of his room and locked it back up. I knew he probably didn't want everybody to know so I didn't tell them what he was listening to.
Nessa's POV
I was talking to Lauren and Olivia when my phone started ringing. "Hold on let me get this." I said. They nodded and I walked out.
*on phone*
Nessa: hello
Tony: Nessa Josh went to the hype house and beat Chase up and Chase is in the hospital but he is leaving now. Josh was completely sober too.
Nessa: well is everybody ok?
Tony: chase just got a broken nose. Josh is fine. Chase didn't hit back.
Nessa: I thought Josh calmed down though. Why did he go there again?
Tony: we don't know. He just said that he didn't want anybody to stop him and he beat him up.
Nessa: uh thanks for telling me.
*end of call*
This doesn't make sense. When I left Josh at home he was fine and calmed down. Why would he go back there. I believe Tony but there has to be a reason why Josh just randomly went there. "Girls I have to go." I said. They nodded and then I left. I didn't want to go to Josh's house so I went to the Sway house. When I pulled into the driveway no one was there. So I called Bryce.
*on phone*
Nessa: bryce where are you?
Bryce: at Josh's house.
Nessa: what all happened?
Bryce: *tells the whole story*
Nessa: tony lied to me. Well is Josh ok?
Bryce: ok don't tell any of the boys but when we went and checked on him uh he was listening to your song on repeat.
Nessa: D-do you think he believes what Chase said? Because I did not say those things.
Bryce: I-I don't think he does. I mean he said that he thought they were lies when he went off on Tony but I don't know.
Nessa: o-ok. Well can you text me when he wakes up?
Bryce: yeah I'll update you.
Nessa: thank you.
*off phone*
I cannot believe tony lied to me about it. I also can't believe he went off on josh. I just hope Josh is ok. I still care about him a lot. I mean neither of us lost feelings I mean I hope he didn't. I mean to be honest I never wanted to break up with him. But when he said that we should breakup and explained that we were moving to fast and not ready I just agreed because I didn't want to make a big deal about it. I cried alot after the breakup. I was so stupid to kiss Chase but it was just in the moment. He found a weak time in my life and took an opportunity to kiss me. I know it hurt Josh a lot. I feel awful. I really do. All I want to do is hug him and tell him that everything is going to be ok. But I know I can't because he probably doesn't even want to see me.
Josh's POV
I woke up and my earphones were out. I didn't remember taking them off but I guess I did. I got up and changed then i went into my restroom and got ready. Yes i was still upset but i didn't want to just stay in my room and be sad. I finished getting ready and walked downstairs. All the boys smiled at me softly which to be honest kind of creeped me out. Don't tell them that though. "Have a nice nap?" Anthony asked. I nodded and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. Bryce walked in after me. "Josh are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Josh I saw what you were listening too. Are you sure you are ok? Don't worry I didn't tell any of the boys." He said. "I am just a little upset but I want to do something fun to get my mind off things." I said. He nodded and left the kitchen.
Bryce's POV
I texted Nessa and told her that he was awake. Then I walked to all the boys. "Ok i think we should surprise Josh with a trip." I said. "Ok but where?" Jaden asked. "Let's go to Vegas or I mean we could go to Canada." I said. "Ooh let's go to Canada he will probably love that." Griffin said. I nodded. "Ok you guys buy the tickets and I am gonna go talk to Josh real quick." I said. They nodded and i walked back to the kitchen. Before I walked in my phone vibrated. It was Nessa. She said 'can you please ask him about the text. Just let him know that i really want to talk to him.' I said ok and then walked into the kitchen. "Josh I told Nessa what happened. Before you get mad Tony is the one that said something to her first but he lied to her so i told her the real story." I said. "I guess she had a right to know." He said. "Well i actually have to tell you some other things." I said. "Ok." "Well she said that all the texts were lies and she doesn't want them to change what you think about her because they are total lies. She also wants you to know that she really wants to talk to you." I said. "Uh fine. Can you maybe get the boys out of the house so I can invite her over without any distractions?" He asked. "Uh yeah." I said. I walked back out of the kitchen. "Ok let's all go and buy stuff for the trip." I said. "We can't leave Josh alone." Anthony said. "He said that he wants to be and I trust him to stay alone." I said. They all nodded and we left.

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