Keeping up with the Avengers

By Achievewriting

46.3K 1.6K 903

Peter decides to host a reality show for the Avengers as Tony's Intern and it goes as well as you expect. or ... More

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Say thank you Ned, MJ and Loki
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Trying to stay alive
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Iron Cowboy saves the day

1.2K 47 32
By Achievewriting

Peter always knew death was a real possibility. He knew what he signed up for. Great responsibility and all. Being a superhero came with a prize and Peter was willing to pay it.


 As Spider-man he's had many close calls, but Peter always expected that if he would die, it would be during a gigantic boss battle or as a sacrifice to save someone else.


Wounded through a tower invasion however, was kinda lame. Luckily for him he could at it to the close calls pile.


It scared Peter, realising that there wasn't a perfect moment. He isn't so invincible as he thought. It made him wanna go find May and hug her, tell his friends that he appreciated them and yes maybe do something about those repressed feelings for a certain someone.


There will never be a perfect moment to tell him. And maybe just maybe, Harley liked him back. 


Peter promised himself that he would share his feeling the moment those criminals were gone. For now he needed to focus. 


Peter had been too distracted by Harley's sincere eyes and heartbeat to hear the footsteps and heartbeats outside of their room. 


Couldn't he ever catch a break? He was tired. His body needed sleep but his pounding head won't let him.

Just like in minecraft when enemies are around, Peter couldn't relax. 


He couldn't focus either. His senses were like a pulse, not focusing on one place, but stretching over the whole building. Somewhere distant he could hear the clanging of a shield before it switched to the whimpering of a small child.


Peter took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes to enhance his hearing. 

He didn't have to listen for long.

He flinched as a gunshot shook through his core. His eyes shot open and his ears ringed. 

That didn't come from far. That was within normal hearing range. Harley and Flash could hear it too. 

There were screams and more gunshots. 


Peter tried to get up, but Harley pushed him back. 

"Nuh-uh-uh what do you think you are doing?" 


"I gotta- I gotta help" Peter tried to get up again, but Harley easily held him down. 


He could hear Shuri's pulsers. She was still holding strong, but for how long?


Peter looked Harley in the eye. "Please Harley I have to do something, those are our friends"


He could see that Harley did not like that. It was written all over his face. 


"You'll get killed, you're already severly injured and don't forget about your face. They'll know who you are." 

Harley loosened his grip and let Peter stand. 

He felt dizzy and the room spinned, but he pretended that it didn't. 


"The point of the secret is that people around me don't get hurt. There is no point in it when it's preventing me from saving them instead!" 


His dizziness got the best of him and he fell. Harley managed to catch him and supported him up. 


"Peter… What saving can you do in your state?" Flash said carefully.


Peter blinked at that. He knew it was true, but it sucked. His eyes were watery. He felt so weak and useless, he never felt like that before. 


"I don't know!! I don't know."


Harley glanced at him and something changed in his expression. He shifted his hold on Peter to one arm and activated his comm system. 


The reaction was immediate. 


"Harley! Thank god I got a hold on you" Said Tony.

"I've been worried sick. How is Peter? How are you? Fuck. I need to know, is he- is he alright? Is he-" 


"Peter if fine… for now. He needs medical attention." 


Tony's sigh sounded like a weight was lifted off his shoulder. 


"Hell Peter! Are you listening in?! What the hell were you thinking?" Peter cringed. 


The moment Tony got off worried dad mode, he changed into scolding dad mode. Both very dad-like. 


"I'm sorry Mr Stark I- uhm I didn't think it was gonna be such a big deal. There were these simple burglars but they weren't burglars, they were recon and then those armored guys showed up- and... yeah." 


"I know kid," a sigh. "I know. It just scared the crap out of me. I wasn't kidding when I said Peter was the cause of all my gray hairs." 


"Are you sure it isn't old age, old man?" Harley said. 


Peter rolled his eyes when Tony cackled. 


"You keep me young, kid" 


Before Harley could respond. Peter remembered the gunshots and interrupted. 


"Tony there are goons outside of our door, we really need backup. Innocent people, my classmates, are caught in the crossfire." 


Tony's laughing halted in less than a second. 


"I'm aware. Shuri filled me in. I've sent T'challa, the ironman copycat and Wanda to you. I should be there in about 5 min." 


Now it was their turn to sigh in relieve. 


"Oh and before I forget, Harley's gift should be arriving any second now." 


They shared confused glances with each other. 


"gift?" Harley mumbled. 


"What? You didn't think I only got your sister something now?"


"What the fuck?" Harley mouthed. 

Peter could hear a distant familiar sound, but different somehow. His eyes widened when he realised. 

"Here it comes" Tony said. 


And he was right. In front of them hovered a shiny new ironman suit. 


"That's for me?" Harley gaped. 


Peter couldn't believe it. This was the new suit Tony talked about. He hadn't known that it was meant for Harley. 


"I wish it was under better circumstances, but we need all the help we can get."


The suit lowered until it stood opposite of Harley. 


Harley looked at Peter with an excited expression and Peter felt his heart leap.

That he could've missed this…


Somewhere in Peters treacherous mind, he imagined them going on a patrol together after a rewarding day of helping people, knowing they had each others backs fully. Maybe a little sunset and a beautiful skyline.Them deciding to go get some food and it's actually quite romantic.


Oh wait. He is describing a date now. whoops. 


The suit attached to Harleys wrists and began measuring it's pieces up his arms. 


"Oh shit" Harley said as his arm could no longer support Peter, quick panic crossed his face, but one of the suits thrusters pushed Peter back up. 


The suit had covered Harley up to his arms and legs when Peter heard some footsteps nearing. 


"Tony I hear someone coming."


"Almost there!" Tony called out, he sounded out of breath.


The suit covered Harley's chest and neck before clapping the helmet shut. 


"Woah" Harley let out. 


Peter was not gonna lie, that suit suited him really well. He didn't even bother hiding his blush. 


A yeehaw Ironman, he could almost forget all the other horrors of the day. 


Harley activated his hand thrusters and hovered over the ground. 


"I could get used to-"



*BWAM* Harley crashed into a piller.


"Where are you Spidey-spidey?" Someone sing-songed. 


Another crash as Harley fell back on the ground. 

"Come out to play"

Flash rushed over to assist Harley.

Peter stumbled to Harley as well but his knees gave out. 

He landed on the cold sticky floor and felt his spider-sense go off. 

The door swung open. 

"There you are"


Curts News Outlet (CNO) | Live 🔴


03:35 am


Stark street 1, in front of the avengers tower


Camera lens focuses on a man in a raincoat, he has his hood up and a mic in his hand. 


"Is it on?" 


William Curt | reporter 


The camera man replied with a simple nod. The man in the raincoat closed his eyes to take a deep breath. 


"It's a dark and restless day for new yorkers. Behind me stands the Stark tower. Which all of you probably know by now has turned into an active hostage situation."


 In a city that never sleeps many families and friends are staying up to follow every update. Let's not wait any longer shall we?" 


The camera followed the man as he approached a woman wearing a trenchcoat and an umbrella in her hand. 


"I'm with Rebecca now, who told me she has made a connection with the inside. This will help us a lot with understanding what's going on." 


Rebecca Turner | IT-specialist 


"That's right Will, the Stark Tower is under attack with not one but multiple criminal organisations under the lead of the yamin twins." 


"Yamin twins?" William repeated, Rebecca nodded. "Sora Yamin escaped from prison 1 week ago. Sora is know to be a very dangerous criminal. Have the Avengers reported any cadualties?"


"None of which they know off, but they informed me that there are at least 56 injuries of which 14 could turn fatal if not treated.


*beep* *beep*


"Hold on I'm getting a signal from within the tower…" Her face morphed into confusion, "it's a message from Sora."


"Well? What does it say?


"Are you ready to watch your heroes fall?" Rebecca read out loud. 


"Mark my words, today will be…" Rebecca paused to eye in the camera before continuing "today will be the end of the Avengers." 


William uncomfortable shifted his weight. 


"She's typing" Rebecca noted. Followed by a dead silent second. 




"After all, a hero has their limits and morals to uphold.


The screen started glitching. 


"Sir, There is a problem with the broadcast." Someone behind the camera warned. 


"What ki- problem?" William's voice glitched. 


"It- like- taking -er" 


The frame cut to black before turning on again in a whole new setting.


KuwtA | T-day is the day | Live 🔴


03:47 am


Stark Street 1, inside the tower


A woman wearing a 'laughing face' mask sat in front of the camera in a tailor position. 


"Hello!!! Welcome late night viewers! How are you all doing?" she cheered in a high voice while she leaned towards the camera. 

"I'm doing great! Me and my sister are going to write history. We'll be legends." 


The camera turned to a girl who was busy giving someone orders, she had a katana resting on her back and a gun in her hip holster. As the camera switched there was a glimpse of hostages in the background. 


"Right Mai? Say hi" 


Mai had a matching 'crying face' instead, combined with Sora's it repressented the theater symbol. 


"Not now" Mai hissed. 


"Don't pay attention to her" Sora said, "She's always grumpy like that. Don't let her distract you from the great time we are having!"


She pulled a kid into view "Aren't you excited! I'm almost jealous." 


The kid looked around 6, her nose was running and she had been crying before. She held a Spider-man plushie close to her heart.


The kid looked into the camera and then at the girl who was holding her shoulders way to tight. 


"W-why are you doing this?" she asked, her lip starting to tremble. 


Sora cackled "There are many reasons why, little girl. I can't believe I was once like you." 


"I wanna go home" The kid sniffed. 


Sora stiffened and snatched the spiderman plushie out of the kids hands. She looked like she wanted to snatch it back, but was smart enough not to.


"If you are lucky, you will" she sneered before letting the girl go. She ran into the arms of her mom who embraced her while crying. 


Sora focused back on the camera and clenched the spiderman plushie in her hand. 


"Stupid heroes and their fans. After today you'll see." Her voice darker as before. "You'll understand." she mumbled almost illegetable. 


She held the plushie close to the camera and let it pop.


"You're in for a real show"


Peter crawled away from the door as fast as he could.


"Uh-uh-uh" He heard footsteps behind him. "Don't go crawling now bug boy." 


Peters eyes widened as he recognised Shuri's breathing and heartbeat. They had captured her.

He couldn't look back. If they saw his face… god he didn't want to think about that. 


The footsteps neared closer and closer. 

"What a fun suprise… Not dead."


His webs!! Peter stopped crawling and pulled his webshooter off his wrist. 


Somewhere far off Peter could hear Harley groan and mumble "what happened?" A bit of relief made place in his heart. At least Harley is alright. 

"I bet the twins have lots of fun stuff in store for you, spiderboy." The man taunted. 


Peter aimed the webshooter at his face. 

Fuck. He forgot. His webshooters are broken. 


"Don't you know it's rude to not look someone in the eye while they are talking." the man said right behind him with a hand on his arm. 



Adrenaline filled him once again and Peter welcomed it in his body like an old friend.

He reacted in an instinct, he bent the man's arm backwards before flipping him over his shoulder. While he was at it, he knocked out 3 other goons who were standing nearby. He made sure he moved fast enough so the other goons couldn't make out his face.

He landed with his back towards the goons, relying on his spider-sense to warn him for any attacks. 

Sure they knew he was white and had brown hair, but good luck with that. There were thousands of people with that discription in New York. 

Peter pulled the web fluid out of his webshooter. 


Spidersense! Louder than before.

Some goons started shooting at him and he jumped out of the way, making sure they couldn't hit Harley or Flash. 

His body screamed at him in the sudden physical activities, but Peter told his body to deal with it. 

Peter's body must really hate him by now. 


Shuri used this distraction to escape. She flashed them a middle finger before blasting them with her gauntlets. 


She joined his side and they stood back to back. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you." she said. 

"I can imagine." Peter crushed the webfluid in front of his face. Webs sticked to his skin and he couldn't see. He pulled the webs out of his eyes and ended up with a wintersoldier inspired mask. Which did the job. 


The goons aimed their weapons and Peter pushed Shuri aside. He jumped around the room as the bullets followed him.  

He jumped from roof to taking out a goon to roof when he heard a cracking noise and a snap.




Peter stepped backwards, more cracking.




He jumped off just in time as the roof pieces fell down. 

He landed wrong and pain shot through his ankle. He spotted a goon standing under a roof that was about to collapse. 


"Watch out!" Peter yelled.

The guy starred up, but didn't move. Peter groaned and pushed the goon aside. The roof collapsed exactly where he stood before. 


The shock of the roof collapsing, made them crash through the floor. They landed a floor down with a big oof. 

Peter's bones ached. He tasted copper. He felt exhausted. His breathing heavy and his body numb. 

"Damn it" Peter mumbled as he felt and saw his arms wobble as he pushed himself up. 

He promised himself that if he made it out alive, he would take a break. 


He breathed out and pushed himself all the way up. 


In front of him stood the man he had just rescued with a gun to his face. 

His blood boiled. Something inside Peter snapped. 

"Really? Are you kidding me?!" 

Peter stood upright. "This is the thanks I get?" He yelled to the goons face. 

He didn't care anymore. All logic flew out of the window. He felt like he got caught up in some kind of daze, not really in control.

The guy was scared. His heartbeat loud and fast, his breathing shaky. His mask had fallen off, revealing big wide eyes staring back. The guy looked around 20ish, young. 

"This the thanks I get, huh?" Peter stepped forwards. His arms spread out, like he was challenging the guy to shoot him. 


"I just saved your life!" Peter spit. 

The gun shaked. The guy looked legit terrified. Not of Peter necessarly, but something else. Perhaps it was his moral compass going wild or maybe it was the army he had joined. Something held him back from shooting. 

"Why not shoot me?! What are you waiting for? Permission?" Peter took another step. The gun barrel pressed against his chest. 

The boy's eyes were ficated on the gun, not daring to look Peter in the eyes. 

"Don't worry about permission cause everybody wants me fucking dead!"


The boy finally looked at Peter. A flash of anger in his eyes. 


"Well? Get it over with will you? SHOOT ME" 

The boy jumped at the sudden yell. His breathing quickened. 


"stop" the boy mumbled.


"DO IT!"









The boy slowly opened his closed eyes. 


He didn't shoot him right? He honestly didn't know. He couldn't remember pulling the trigger. 


Maybe it had been a reflex?


In front of him stood ironman. No… not ironman, but a simulair suit. His arm stretched out with a crushed gun in it's palm. 


In his other arm he held spiderman. Who just now seemed to register what happened. 

"Oh god. I'm so sorry, I-I don't know what came over me. I just got so… angry. That's not me." 

Harley didn't respond and let the crushed gun fall to the ground. 


He looked the boy in the eye and saw no threat. Instead he lowered his arm to pull Peter in a side hug. 

"It's alright. You were overwhelmed I understand." 

Peter had a dorky smile on his face while he looked up at Harley. When he realised what could have happened his gaze dropped to the floor.

"I really don't understand what happened. It was like I had no control over my anger." 

"That's Sora." the boy mumbled. He didn't look either of them in the eye. 


"What?" Harley asked. 

"The Yamin twins feed on emotions. They enhance what's already there. You felt funerable and angry. Sora enhanced those feelings." He explained.

"I hate it." 


It was silent for a second as they let it sink in.

"So they have some kind of powers?" Peter asked. 

The boy shrugged. "We don't really know how it works" 


Before they could ask more Shuri spoke through the comms.

"Guys… There were to many. They've captured Peter's classmates." 

Peter looked at the boy. He had heard his name. He didn't think that he had made the connection tho.

" You have to get out of there. They are coming for you right now." 

They couldn't come through the hole Peter and the goon had fallen into, that one was covered in debris, so they would have to come down the stairs. 

"Are you and Flash okay?" Harley asked. 

"Alright… bit beaten up, ready to go 4 against a whole army." 

Peter and the goon exchainced glances and he gave him a stern nod. He wanted to help. 

"Might make that 5, Shuri." 

" Thank god, we need all the help we can get."  

"What about Tony?" Peter asked carefully.

"... I don't know where he is." Peter took a deep breath. 

This felt like the longest day ever. 


"So…" Harley said to the new addition to their team. "What else do you know?" 

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