Peter Parker is... dead? (He is not)

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"Ugh I had them!!" Sora complained. 


"Patience" Mai said. 


She sat squatted in front of a large oven. Her attention focused on the timer.


"I have been patient, you know I've been. But patience runs out." She swayed her arms around in frustration. 


" Have you trie-" 


"Yes I've tried everything! They are too far away and there are too many stupid guards around to filter through!" 


The oven pinged and Mai opened it, waving the steam out of her face. 

"Rude. Those are our employees. And that wasn't what I was gonna say."


Mai ignored Sora's glare and pulled one of the pizza out of the oven with a mitten.


"You are forgetting the bigger picture here. The longer it takes the better." She placed the pizza on a big plate and took the other one out. 

"Besides you don't want to stream when everyone is sleeping. The suspense is amazing.”


Mai took off her mittens and sliced the pizza in pieces.


"You're right. Of course you are right.”


"Maybe you'll feel better if you help me out?" 


Sora shrugged and took both the plates in her hands. They were surprisingly heavy. 

"What are these even for?" she asked. 




"It's-" Sora looked at her watch and then continued "It's 5:30 am" 


"Can't make them too comfortable now." She responded and covered her head with her mask. 


They left the kitchen and slipped into the other room


"You should have only given them Hawai Pizza, now that would've been evil." 


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