Iron Cowboy saves the day

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Peter always knew death was a real possibility. He knew what he signed up for. Great responsibility and all. Being a superhero came with a prize and Peter was willing to pay it.


 As Spider-man he's had many close calls, but Peter always expected that if he would die, it would be during a gigantic boss battle or as a sacrifice to save someone else.


Wounded through a tower invasion however, was kinda lame. Luckily for him he could at it to the close calls pile.


It scared Peter, realising that there wasn't a perfect moment. He isn't so invincible as he thought. It made him wanna go find May and hug her, tell his friends that he appreciated them and yes maybe do something about those repressed feelings for a certain someone.


There will never be a perfect moment to tell him. And maybe just maybe, Harley liked him back. 


Peter promised himself that he would share his feeling the moment those criminals were gone. For now he needed to focus. 


Peter had been too distracted by Harley's sincere eyes and heartbeat to hear the footsteps and heartbeats outside of their room. 


Couldn't he ever catch a break? He was tired. His body needed sleep but his pounding head won't let him.

Just like in minecraft when enemies are around, Peter couldn't relax. 


He couldn't focus either. His senses were like a pulse, not focusing on one place, but stretching over the whole building. Somewhere distant he could hear the clanging of a shield before it switched to the whimpering of a small child.


Peter took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes to enhance his hearing. 

He didn't have to listen for long.

He flinched as a gunshot shook through his core. His eyes shot open and his ears ringed. 

That didn't come from far. That was within normal hearing range. Harley and Flash could hear it too. 

There were screams and more gunshots. 


Peter tried to get up, but Harley pushed him back. 

"Nuh-uh-uh what do you think you are doing?" 


"I gotta- I gotta help" Peter tried to get up again, but Harley easily held him down. 


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