Bates Lane || Narry AU

By Dianarry_

16.8K 793 208

"Beware of the man who lives on Bates Lane." More

The Dark Legend
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Black. Lives. Matter.
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Announcements !
Bates Lane: Styles Reborn

Chapter twenty

379 22 4
By Dianarry_

Guys idk if you can see that pic above but it's my favorite but if you can't it's Harry in the chair while someone is diffusing his hair and he's like otp. It's the cutest omg.

Prepare to be shocked.




I was back in Riverdale.

I haven't seen this town in only two weeks but it seemed like years. I'm not even sure if i missed being here.

Right now I was seated in the backseat of my mothers car as she drove me home. She had been talking nonstop and was so excited to see me. She had every right to be. I could've been dead or in danger. She was worried for two weeks straight and she got me home safe and sound.

But for some reason I wasn't happy?

Harry of course had been taken into custody and was awaiting his bail hearing. Protests have been apparently been happening on Bates Lane since he was arrested. The town wanted a death sentence and for the Styles mansion to be torn down.

Nothing about this situation made me feel okay. I played apart in this situation and I was roaming free. Well for now according to Detective Sanders.

"God I've missed you so much. We've cooked a big feast for you and you're father and brother are so excited to see you. Jesus Christ I've missed my b-"

"Mom, I'm tired. And I'm not hungry. Can I just go to bed in my bed?" I cut her off. She looks at me through the rear view mirror and I can tell she was taken back.

"Uh- oh well of course honey. Take your time to get adjusted. We're here for you." She says being very understanding.

And that there is my very supporting mother who never gave up on me and has been here in my life every step of the way. Something Harry didn't get to have.

"Thank you." I tell her.

When I got home of course I hugged my brother and Father and spoke with them letting them know I was okay. I wasn't a complete asshole yknow, I just wasn't in the mood to be bothered.

I was so worried about Harry that I couldn't even talk with my family.

Harry is sitting in a cell with prisoners who possibly hate him. He's such a soft soul and I know he's miserable right now.

And it's all my fault.

I should've never convinced him to run and we should've gone to the cops like Harry said. I felt so angry and hurt that he was taken into custody and here I was laying in my bed as if I had done nothing wrong.

I stayed in my room with the door locked for hours going through my phone. It was mainly me going through messages from my family and friends. Also seeing my picture of social media and hashtags trying to find me. I couldn't even bare to look at the phone anymore because Harry's number wasn't in it. None of the sly pics we took were in it. The police made me wipe my phone and I had to log into my old iCloud

I didn't even feel like mine anymore.

Before I knew it, it was midnight and the entire house was asleep. I couldn't sleep and I needed to get out the house. I looked around and got dressed. I wore black skinnies and a black pull over hoodie with a black jacket over it.

It was a bit chilly out so let's not judge.

It actually felt great to wear my own clothes again. I grabbed my phone just in case before walking quietly out into the hall. I look out to make sure everyone was asleep before I headed to the front door.

Once I got out I grabbed my keys by the front door and proceeded to leave. That's when I walked up to my beautiful car that I haven't seen in forever.

Okay it does feel good to be home. Just a little.

I get inside and decide to take a drive down to the police station. I couldn't let Harry take the complete fall for everything. I was going to set the record straight. I care too much about Harry.

Harry has been through enough as it is. Losing everything he has, having a whole town hate him and now wanting him dead.

I drove as quickly as possible. I ignored every text Louis and Zayn sent me wanting to sneak out and hang out. I just couldn't have fun knowing I had to fix something.

Once I got to the police station I walk inside taking my hood off. I was confused as soon as I walked in. I was noisy and swarmed with police officers and random weirdos being arrested or sleeping on chairs. Passed out or maybe dead.

I looked around until I seen Bora poking Gary's forehead as she sat on a desk over him while he sat in the chair letting her yell at him.

I begin to walk over to them and regret hearing their conversation.

"-you left my Polynesian sauce at Chic-fil-a and you got the wrong drink. If you wanted me to kill you why did you just say tha- oh hi Niall." She says when she sees me. Gary then swivels around in his chair and then looks at me shocked.

"Oh hey Niall. How's it at home?" He asks and Bora slides a bit off the desk to where her feet touched the ground.

"Uh I'm here to confess and tell the real story." I tell him.

He sighs and then looks up to bora who had a slight grin on her face. They both then look to me again before she turns to grab a file and then face me again.

"Let's get you in a room then." She says and stands to her feet. She then escorts me to another room while I walk behind her with my head hanging.

I walk as I cherish my last moments of freedom. We walk into the fairly warm room that sat two chair on opposing sides of the table. She made me sit down and told me she'd be back soon.

Sooner or later she did come back. But this time she came back with Gary. He had a cup of coffee and he looked as if he was tired but also on drugs.

"Chill on the caffeine you junkie." Bora grunts under her breath elbowing him. He simply growled at her before turning to me.

"Niall do you want a lawyer or anything? You're entitled to atleast a guardian being here with you. Or maybe you'd like to call your mom to make sure." Gary asks me and I shake my head.

"No. I'm 18 and I'm going to do the right thing." I say and he sighs content before he sits down pen and paper.

"I'm ready when you are." He says and I look to him seated across from me and Bora leaning against the wall watching me as well.

"Two weeks ago I went to a party with my best lads. While I was outside a riot had started on Bates Lane. I knew my history teacher lived there so I wanted to stop the riot. In the middle of trying to stop it, the riot soon turned into a brawl the included trying to beat me senseless. I had bruises but Harry had healed them." I started off. Gary insisted I take my time and not to leave out any details.

"In the middle of the fight Ammiel Keaton pulled a knife out and was ready to stab me when Harry shot him, protecting me. The rest of the boys ran but I stayed. I'm the one who decided to dispose of the body in the backyard. I told him to wrap the body in tarp and drive it out on his boat to the middle of the lake." I sigh and I felt tears form in my eyes.

"I convinced Harry to run from the law knowing no one would believe him due to the Bates Lane Legend. I convinced him to burn our clothes, write up and fake Suicide letter and take off. It was all me. It was my plan. Harry just funded it." I say and finally breathe out having that off my chest.

"And the shrine of you? We're you also aware?" He asks me.

"Yes." I lied and I sighed. I didn't need Harry in jail. I needed him out free and loving life.

"That wasn't alarming to you at all?" Bora speaks up and I shake my head.

"Harry cared for me, he never pushed me to do anything I didn't want and he wanted to take the fall for everything when I'm actuality it was me. I caused this entire situation. I was never in danger." I say and I look to her and then back to Gary.

"Okay. Well Niall this may come as a surprise but you are under arrest for an accessory to manslaughter and resisting arrest across state and nation lines. You have the right to remain silent even though you have confessed. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these these rights as they've been recited to you?" He says placing cuffs on my wrist and placing them on the table.


"Thank you for coming forward Niall." Bora says and turns to look at Gary. He looked at Bora with a proud look in his eyes.

I couldn't think of anything but how happy Harry would be to know he going to be released.

I just want him to know I care about him. When no one else did.

Niall Horan did care.


It's going to get sad guys so please be prepared.

What do you think I have planned?

Until next time

Love and kisses;)

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