Jeweled dolls of Durin

By lunawolf8074

34.8K 1K 247

Bofur meets a young dwarf girl who will not only change his life but the line of Durin permanently ..for good... More

prelude or authors note
trouble with dwarflings [G]
aprentice / only time [ pg]
revelations and beginnings [pg]
the ring [pg]
love { pg-13}
Healing of the heart [ mature]
Broken promises (pg)
quest and discoveries [ pg ]
trolls and rivendell [pg ]
goblins [ pg-13]
beorn / spiders [pg-13]
elves/barrel [pg-13]
lake-town [pg-13]
dreams and pleas [mature]
Death comes this way
my love is strong (mature content/language)
Is there honor within you
of orcs and thieves
The battle within
To war!
Battle at Ravenhill
when bofur ran
the price of arrogance
Tears of goodbye
Back to the beginning
New Generation
Old & New Friends
Home is where the heart is
Coming home

wedding [mature]

1.7K 42 19
By lunawolf8074

A/N: the song and video are by hayley westenra-snowflowers.

The sun was rising casting its warm glow on the sleeping city on the early autumn day. It was three months till Durins Day and people were getting excited about the upcoming celebrations to come. Little children were dreaming of the presents they would recieve, playing in the snow with friends, and eating festival foods that were going to be prepared on that glorious day when it finally arrived. But for two inhabitants it was a different dream.

Bofur was woken up because the sun was shining in his eyes disturbing him out of a dream that he wished he hadnt woken up from. He groaned as he moved to sit up but there was something heavy on his chest holding him down to the bed. Bofur opened his eyes to see what it was and saw the most beautiful woman wrapped around him asleep.

"Tia" he whispered in wonder as he realized last night wasnt a dream but did truly happen. Bofur smiled remembering each caress , how she tasted and felt in his arms...thinking about it aroused him again and he groaned as he leaned down to kiss her lips.

Tia slowly awoke to the feel of Bofur kissing her and when she felt his teeth nipping at her bottom lip she gasped and opened her mouth for his tongue to slip in building a fire inside of her as he did last night. Before too long he had stroked the fire inside of her to the point it was raging out of control. He tried to roll her over but she shook her head at him and smiled .

"No ..Men gonnaz khuzi (my powerful warrior) let me take care of you this time." her voice was sultry as she slowly climbed on top of him her hair spilling around her and tickling his chest as she hovered above him. He felt her heat above him..tormenting him , teasing him ...he thought he was going to die from this sweet torture. Then she plunged him into her gasping from the feel of him filling her beyond again and he groaned in pleasurable agony as she rode him. Her hands glided across his chest , the hairs teasing her fingers, stroking across his nipples causing him to suck in his breath. She smiled hearing his breathing become very ragged as her nails dragged back across his chest earning her another groan. She leaned down and nuzzeled his chest, nibbling at his nipples , then tasting them with her tongue.

He looked at his beautiful wild temptress just straddling him and tormenting him with her sweet mouth and knew he couldn't take anymore.

Bofurs hands slid up her legs and grasped her hips as he took control and started to pound into her. Wringing out of her gasps and moans of pleasure with every thrust..till she screamed out from the pleasure and collapsed onto him with him not far behind..following his lustful angel into that darkness.

Bofur was roused from his blissful slumber to steady knocking on his door.. he growled at that infernal sound dragging him into wakefulness that he didn't want. He just wanted to stay wrapped in Tias arms making love to her endlessly..but that was not to be this morning. The knocking became insistant and before it woke her he had to answer.

"What" he rasped out hoping they heard it and did.

"Sorry master for disturbing you but its getting late this morning and you need to eat to heal." Bofur started to growl at the door when suddenly Tohlms parting words ground it to a stop just as quickly." So let go of my sister and hobble your UKRATIN( backside) out here." Bofur looked shocked at the door for a moment before turning to look at Tia who had woken hearing her brothers parting word and was blushing furiously against his chest.

Bofur limped out of the room being supported by Tia to see the table set with food and a glaring Tohlm before them who didn't say a word..his look said it all. Tias blush intensified as she tried to not look at Tohlm while helping Bofur get settled in his chair and then sitting down in her seat to eat. As she reached for some food Bofurs hand appeared stopping her.

"Allow meh lass" his gentle spoken words brought her eyes to his finding them filled with restrained passion making her blush and heart speed up. At her nod he began to serve her, trying to ignore Tohlm who was still glaring at him, while smiling that sweet seductive smile of his that always made her want to just crawl into his lap and kiss him senselessly. Tohlm finally had enough of being ignored and sighing he spoke up.

"Well..? Did I miss the wedding?" He crossed his arms staring at Bofur who sat back in his chair taking hold of Tias hand to comfort her from the wrath of Tohlm.

"No you did not" Bofur stared back at Tohlm..stare for stare..niether one backing down. This kept up for 10 minutes before Tia had enough and ended their stare down by slapping her hand down hard on the table rattling the dishes while shouting.

"Enough!" They both looked surprised at her outburst." Enough with the stubborn dwarf staredown...please. I know I disappointed you Tohlm..I'm sorry about that...but I love Bofur and I'm marrying him in a few months." Her eyes became downcast so she wouldn't see the disgust in his eyes and she held tightly to Bofurs hand hoping she wouldn't start crying. Tohlm sighed then reached over to place his hand over Bofurs and hers joined hands as he spoke softly.

"I'm not happy ..but I do understand and I'm just as much to blame for last night." Bofur and Tias eyes jerked to Tohlms in stunned surprise as what he said sunk in.

"How...?" Tia started but Bofur interupted.

"Yeh were here and yeh could of stopped it..but yeh chose not to ..huh?" Tohlm nodded ." Why?"

"You both needed each other..a fool could see one night and we don't tell the family..especially the King. Those three royals think of you like a unless we want to lose our heads then we need to keep this between us no more nights for either of it?" Tohlm growled at both of them till they nodded in agreement.


2 days till Durins day and the wedding

The neighing of ponies beside a cart laden down with supplies filled the last days of the afternoon autumn air as they were making thier way past Frerin court towards Thorins gate..the final destination of the traveling party. Periodically eyes would follow them but no one stopped them or stared too long having things to do before the festivities started.

Tia was sitting with her three cousins in the cart while her father , uncle, brother, and her soon to be husband rode the ponies guarding the group of women as they meandered along the road through the city of Thorins gate heading for her cousins hall..Thorins Hall..where she would have her wedding..recieving her cousin King Thorins blessing and her father would give her away to her one love... Her excitment was almost matched by the twins who were going to get to see the two princes again. After Griegs funeral Thorin, Fili, and Kili did stop in Noglond and pay a visit to Dahl and his daughters which resulted in an instant mutual attraction between the two princes and the twins. Fili and Kili made trips frequently to see the girls in the last few years getting to know them and there was talk of possible courting of the was looking promising especially since they were distant enough in blood that it was permissable. The king was also showing some interest in Kechi but it was hard to tell..he was always so reserved in his actions that it was hard to tell if he was entertaing the idea himself or not.

As they got closer they saw a pair of horses riding towards them carrying two handsome dwarves blond and one dark haired.. upon thier backs.

"FILI..KILI" the twins squealed in unison while waving at them as they got closer smiling at the greeting they were recieving from the girls who just like them looked opposite of each other. Ahmi was a cornsilk blond that had a large braid down the center along with four smaller braids ..two on either side of the larger .. all laying over her trailing silky long hair , framing a sweetheart face and large amythyst colored eyes. Alysi on the other hand had black hair that was braided like a crown and triailed down her back in a large single braid also framing a sweetheart face with large silvery purple eyes. They slowed thier mounts down when they were close enough to the group and directed the ponies over to the girls side greeting the party as they went on either side of the cart where the twins sat.

" Welcome to Thorins hall." looking at everybody before turning to their chosen ladies.

"Ahmi" "Alysi" both princes spoke at the same time taking each of thier hands to bow over and kiss with a twinkle in thier eyes for them as Ahmi and Alysi blushed at the touch of lips on the back of thier hands .They sat upright again and turning the mounts started to lead everyone towards the largest building which lyed in the center of the vast town that King Thorin ruled over. It was lovely..there were many streets with stone cottages dotting along them with small gardens in front of some. Tia could see smoke coming from most of them and she could smell dinners wafting on the breeze as poeple prepared to sit down for the evening after working hard all day. As they got closer to the large stone home they could see it was two stories tall with red painted shutters and a red door that opened by a older dwrf woman with dark hair and a lovely braided beard , smiling as she approached them.

"Mother" kili and fili said in unison , which appeared to be the norm for those two, as they dismounted thier ponies." This is our esteemed guests and cousins..Kuhrn, Dahl, Keschi, Ahmi, Alysi, Tohlm, Tia, and Bofur you know already" each nodded thier head as they spoke thier name to the woman whos eyes perked up a little when the twins names were mentioned. " Everyone this is our mother Dis..Uncle Thorins sister."

"Bofur..its good to see you again.. maybe this time you wont drink all my ale like last time?" she looked at him sternly but ruined it with a chuckle as he blushed over the reminder.

"Nice teh see yeh too Dis..ill try not to this time" Fili and Kili snickered behind her back but straightened thier faces before she turned around and saw them.

"Well i know its been a long trip and i have the rooms for all of you to stay in ready..." she hesitated for a moment before going on" Unfortunately some of yall will have to share a room." They quickly reassured her that it would be fine and perfect. She then proceeded to lead them all to where they would sleep all the while showing them around the modest interior lavish furniture or decorations..but more homey and inviting to all who entered...Tia liked it very much. Tia was led to a small upper room with four pallets in it for her and the other three girls to sleep in..the four men had a small room that mirroredd thiers on the other end of the house seperated by Fili and Kilis room.

It was growing dark and Tia hadnt seen Thorin since they arrived and she queried about him to Dis as the sun was setting .

"He is working at the forges, helping some of the men, but he will be along shortly for dinner. Kili ran over to let him know you all arrived safely he wont be late for he is very happy that you have come." she smiled at the younger dwarf hugging her gently then turning around to tend to the food. When Tia offered to help she was shooed out of the kitchen and back to the living area where everyone else was . Finally there was a loud stomping of boots at the door and then a tired Thorin entered the home along with Kili trailing behind him. Upon seeing them all he perked up a little and walked over to them all to welcome them....he got to Tia he pulled her into a hug.." welcome little cousin..glad you could make it for Durins Day." His eyes wandered over to where Keschi was standing but he quickly looked away before anyone noticed him looking at her and he let Tia go from his arms . "Well i smell food is ready so how about we starving Dis." he laughinly shouted towards the kitchen as he heard her snort of " well get your backside in here and get it brother." As they were eating Dis made the remark that Tia should come back when her birthing day came around and Thorin agreed.

"Well... i will be here for my birthing day...its in a few days..Durins Day to be exact." she smiled at the round of shocked faces before her. It was Thorin who seemed to break the silence.

"Guess that validates her even more as a durin it seems." He grinned and went back to eating the meal.


Wedding day arrives

It was Tias wedding day and her birthing day today..she was so excited that her and Bofur were going to be joined finally as husband and wife forever and everyone important was going to be there to witness it. Dis was braiding Tias hair into an elaborate braid that trailed down over her left shoulder with silver ribbons and rubies entwined through out the beautiful creation..when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kechi got up to answer it and found Thorin on the other side looking splendid in his dark blue tunic with a silvery grey furred overcoat being held by a siver belt with the kings emblem on the front of it.

"May I come in..I have something for the bride" Kechi stepped to the side to allow him in. He walked over to Tia with a small smile holding a pretty box in his hands. "This is my gift to you on your wedding day Tia" he stood in front of her as he opened the box revealing a small diamond tiara that had small ruby roses threaded thru it sitting on black velvet. Tia gasped at the beauty of it and almost cried when Dis voice cut thru.

"Don't you dare cry and ruin what I've done..Thorin that's perfect." Dis took the tiara out of the box and placed it on Tias head as Thorin reached into his pocket and pulled something out waiting for Dis to finish putting her headpiece on.

"This is your birthing day gift from all of us." He held out his hand and lying there in it was a silver hair clasp that bore the emblem descendant of kings on it ( crown shape desighn with 4 diamonds in a diamond shape pattern hanging above the center of crown) . Tia looked at it

with wonder as everyone smiled at her and Thorin placed it on the back of her head. "Wear this with pride knowing your one of us now..a Durin princess" he bowed over her hand kissing it and then he left to go stand outside where the wedding was being held. It was time now to put on her gown( picture on he side) and make her way to the alter.

The wedding was being held outside in the orchard behind the house , leaves were falling like soft colorful rain as she walked staring ahead at Bofur who looked astounding in his clothes. He was wearing dark boots with grey fur trim on the top, dark pants that fit him perfectly, up to his dark overcoat also with grey fur trim that was over a soft grey shirt . Tia smiled big as she got closer...he was still wearing that hat of his....he was perfect.

Bofur stood up on a dias next to Bombur awaiting for Tia, shifting foot to foot in nervous anticipation for her to arrive talking to Thorin who stood before him ready to preside over them.. when suddenly there was a rustle behind him and a sigh. Prince Kili and Fili started to play on thier violins a lovely tune , but Bofur didnt pay any heed to it...his eyes were focused on the woman slowly making her way down the aisle towards him on the arm of her father Kahrn. She was stunning in her white velvet gown that had white fur trim along the hems ..all contrasting exquisitly with her raven black hair and soft jade eyes. Her eyes never wavering as she drew close with a smile on her lips that made his heart pound harder than it already was...then she stood before him glowing with excitement .Thorin raised his hands for music and talking to stop as he spoke so all could hear him.

" My fellow khazad. We have come together this day to witness the joining of these two hearts who have arrived after a long and ardous journey.Mahal has taken these two hearts and forged them into one gem of such brillance that no one can deny the rightnous of this joining...Who gives this dwarrow maiden away into the keeping of this warrior with thier blessing?" Thorin looked at Kahrn as he stood there holding Tias hand within his.

" I Kahrn, son of Kuhrn, son of Fror do." with that Kahrn gently placed Tias hand into Bofurs waiting hand and then stepped off to the side as Thorin resumed.

"Do you Bofur Broadbeam, son of Rahfur, son of Keigur take this woman Tia, daughter of the house of Durin into your keeping , to always protect, to provide for and to love forever, even after Mahal call you to his side?"

"Men gronit ( i do)." bofur solemnly spoke while gazing into her eyes while placing a green jade ring that had silver scroll work caging it onto her finger. As she looked at this stunning ring she realized it was done by her master Grieg before he had passed onto Mahals side years ago.

" Do you Tia , daughter of Durin , take this khazud into your keeping, to stand by his side, to protect, and love for all eternity?"

" Men gronit" Tia spoke with her heart in her eyes to Bofur as she placed a silver ringer with the dwarvish words- kahz lananubukhs azamar ( our love forever)- engraved on it.

"Then i give my blessing to you both and declare you one as husband and wife...Tan menu selek lanun naman (may your forge burn bright) always and may Mahal watch over you two forever" as Thorin finished Bofur grabbed Tia into his arms and kissed her not hearing the gathered people around cheering in joy. When Bombur clapped Bofur on the back it brought them back to the here and now ..hearing the cheering and whooping of the crowd made her blush as she gazed into Bofurs smiling green-brown eyes as someone shouted " Its time to celebrate.. Feast..Goraz..YEAH". thier smiles widened evn more.


Everyone was sitting at the large wooden tables in the orchard drinking goraz , eating the assortment of meats that were caught several days ago for this event...and just plain enjoying themselves while congratulating the newlyweds. Bofurs hand held Tias never letting it go as he kept gazing at the most beautiful woman that was now his forever as she blushed delicately over all the attention she was getting. She seemed to be having a good time then she looked at Bofur and she smiled nervously at him as she stood up.

"Tia?" Bofur had a curious expression on his face as she took a deep breath and smiled at him again before turning to Thorin and leaning down to whisper something in his ear..then she waited. Thorin stood up and raised his hands for silence from the gathering of people and it became quiet as Tia turned back to a intrigued Bofur who was staring at her.

"Amralime (love)...i have a song i wish to sing to you to show my love and honor being your one love and wife." she looked in Bofurs surprised and smiling eyes as he nodded to her..she breathed deeply and begun:

Together hand in hand we walked

Through evening gloom

Long shadows on the pavement,cast

From the sunset sky

If only this would last until the end of time

And if this is forever I swear that I could cry

The northern wind starts to blow

And the smell of winters in the air

As we take each step upon the ground

The season of love grows near

We could share the very first snowflowers

Of the year

In your arms where I belong

Watch as the city turns from grey to white

The day turns into night

Love that floats like wayward clouds,

That's not what were about

Sure and strong is my love for you

And it comes from the bottom of my heart

With you by my side, to catch me when I fall

I can cast my fears aside; feel twice as tall

If only this would last, this smile upon my face

And if this is forever, you're my saving grace

The nights were so cold without you

And the days were always short on light

Now a fires warming me through

And suddenly this upturned world is feeling right

We could share the very first snowflowers of the year

In your arms where I belong

Watch as the city turns from grey to white

The day turns into night

Love that floats like wayward clouds,

that's not what we are about

Sure and strong is my love for you

And it comes from the bottom of my heart

If there comes a time when you have lost your way

I'll turn myself into a star to guide you through

If ever you find tears upon your face

I will be there, always be there for you

We could share the very first snowflowers of the year

In your arms where I belong

Cold winds from the north blow

The sky casts its last glow

But you and I are standing strong.

Her lovely voice filled the air making many dwarrows close thier eyes letting the melody wrap them up in its embrace of pure love. Slowly her voice faded on the last note and she looked down at her husband and saw a tear trail down his cheek in wonder of the beautiful song that she sung with all her heart for him. He abruptly stood up taking her into his arms as his lips claimed hers in a passionate kiss. There was a few snickers amongst the crowd but most cheered at the display with a few laughingly hollering -Get a room- then laughter would follow it again. Bofur pulled away with a smile on his face as his blushing wife reached up her hand to wipe the tear from his cheek . Bumping thier heads gently together while gazing into each others eyes Bofurs soft rich voice spoke to her.

"Together forever .. amralime ( my love)...ill never leave yeh alone." ....Little did they know what the future held in store for them.

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