Total Drama All Stars Edition...

By lilah505

28.1K 421 2.5K

Total drama got renewed for another season! So why not make another all stars season? 48 ex contests all com... More

Things you need to know
Meet the Campers
First Challenge
Party time!
Noco Oneshot Book!
Villainous Night
The Awake-A-Thon
Relaxing... for now
Doom Balloons
I got tagged!
Scary Stories and Ice Cream
A Night In The Woods Part 2

A Night In The Woods Part 1

1.4K 33 108
By lilah505

The heroes were woken up by Chris blowing his air horn. He went into the spa hotel and blew his air horn waking the villains up.

Once everyone showered and were dressed they all were outside waiting for Chris.

"Where the hell is Chris?" Heather asked while crossing his arms.

Just then Chris appeared, his cheeks were very red and he looked like he was about to fire an intern. Chef was walking right by him, he had both his hands covering his mouth and his face was bright red.

Confessional- Chef
"HAHAHAH!!! I can't believe he's wearing the dress!!! HAHAHA!! It's too big too!!! It fell 6 times!!!!"

Once Chris was in front of the campers Chef broke out laughing. Chef was laughing so hard he fell to ground. Everyone else broke out laughing too. Some either fell to the ground laughing or had to lean on another camper for support. Topher was the only one that wasn't laughing, instead he was studying the dress.

Confessional- Topher
"Chris really has the legs for a dress. I think he makes it work."

The campers were laughing so hard they started crying. Chris got irritated and blew his air horn again getting everyone's attention.

The campers and Chef got up and calmed themselves down.

"Alright, now that that's taken care of. You're challenge today is to go out to the forest and the spend the night there. First team who makes it back to the campfire pit tomorrow morning wins!" Chris explained.

Confessional- Bridgette
"Last time I set the tent on FIRE! That was so embarrassing."

Confessional- Izzy
"Time to bust out the bear costume!!!! This is going to be fun! I'm going to be like 'rawr! I'm a bear!' And they're going to be like 'oh no help us! Ahhh!'"

Confessional- Shawn
"I'M NOT SPENDING ALL NIGHT IN THE WOODS! A zombie could come and get me in my sleep! Or could eat some other campers brain! I need to keep watch incase the zombie apocalypse happens."

"What are you waiting on?!? Go!!!" Chris shouted but no one ran off to the forest.

"What if we get injured or bite by something poisonous?" Sky asked, making Chris let out a big irritated sigh.

"Where's Scott?" Dawn asked, Chris sighed ever louder again.

Just then Scott was dropped from a helicopter. He was about to fall on some of the heroes till they all moved out of the way, Tyler didn't notice. Scott landed right on Tyler.

"Haha, thanks for breaking my fall." Scott said while getting off Tyler and reuniting with the other villains.

"Noah! Are you okay! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" Lindsay shouted towards Tyler. He hurried up and got up and dusted himself off.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm all good! In case you haven't noticed, I'm indestructible!" Tyler exclaimed while showing off his biceps. Chef just rolled his eyes.

Confessional- Chef
"That's just sad. His own girlfriend doesn't even remember his name."

Confessional- Noah
"They clearly are meant for each other."

"Does it look like I care if you die-" Chris was saying but got interrupted.

"In that dress, yeah, it does." Scott interrupted making Chris turn red. Chef started laughing again.

"That's it! Go!!!! You might die in the woods, but I'm cool with that!" Chris shouted as he blew his air horn. Both teams started running off into the forest as fast as they could.

"By the way, Chris, I just wanted to say you make that dress work! You have the perfect legs for it!" Topher exclaimed.

"Yeah, Chris! It's just like the one you and your band wore!" Sierra exclaimed making Chris very angry. He blew his air horn right in Sierra and Topher's face making them run to catch up with their team.

"You wore a dress for your band?" Chef asked while wiping tears away.

Chris just walked towards the spa hotel so he could see what the campers are up to. Chef followed after him still waiting for an answer.


"Where should we set up camp?" Dave asked, the heroes all stopped running to make sure everyone was there.

"Hey! Chris didn't give us any food or shelter! He can't do that!" Beth exclaimed while stomping her foot.

Confessional- Beth
"We didn't even get a map! I think we were a bit harsh to him about the whole dress..."

Owen started laughing making the heroes all look towards him in confusion. "Guys, I think you're forgetting I'm a hunt-"

"Dude, you aren't a hunter! You couldn't even catch me during the paintball challenge in Season 1!" DJ exclaimed making everyone laugh, Owen started laughing too.

"Relax guys, me, Jasmine and Samey can go find some berries. While the rest of you go find a good place to set up camp." Shawn explained, everyone nodded their heads. Jasmine and Samey went with Shawn to go pick some berries while everyone else went to find a good camping spot.


"Oh no! Oh no! We have to go back!" Anne Maria shouted. She was about to run back towards the spa hotel but was tackled down by Eva.

"I'm not losing this challenge just cause you ran out of hairspray." Eva angrily said. She then got off Anne Maria and continued walking.

"Ha! You don't scare me! My hair is tougher than you!" Anne Maria exclaimed. Eva slowly turned around and looked towards Anne Maria, giving her a death glare.

The two were having a showdown, neither taking their eyes off the other. Eva was about to run towards Anne Maria but was stopped by Lightning.

He picked up Eva and swung her over his shoulder. Eva was kicking and hitting trying to make him let go but it was no use.

"Let me go! I wanna teach tin can a lesson!" Eva yelled. Anne Maria continued walking with the others.

"Lightning ain't losing cause of some dude fight." Lightning replied. Eva just crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at him.

Confessional- Eva
"He better not think I'm a dude! If he does he'll be sorry he ever met me!!!"

Confessional- Anne Maria
"She devil doesn't scare me. What does scare me is running out of hairspray. This hair needs proper treatment."

"Where should we set up camp?" Heather asked, while stopping and looking back at everyone.

"Chris should have a camp site for us with supplies we'll need." Duncan replied, he was about to start walking again till Heather spoke up.

"Yeah but Chris never told us where. He never gave us a map too! All cause of Scott." The villains all looked towards Scott giving them their evil glare expect for Mike. Sky was trying her best but it was no match to the rest of the villains.

"Oh relax! It's not that big of a deal. I live on a dirt farm, I'm sure I can make camp for us. Everyone else go find food!" Scott exclaimed, everyone agreed to it.

They decided to spilt up to cover more ground. Courtney, Heather and Alejandro went together. Lightning was still carrying Eva so they both do them went off. Justin, Anne Maria, Amy and Sugar left. Mike was about to go alone until Duncan decided to go with him. And then it was Max, Scarlett and Sky.

Confessional- Scott
"I needed a break from them! They drive me crazy! Especially Eva and Anne Maria. Oh and Sugar! She thinks she better than me just cause she lives on a farm! Pfft, try living on a dirt farm."

Confessional- Scarlett
"Why must I always have to team up with Max! I'd rather have anyone else, but no. I get the cry baby."


"We need to split up!" Zoey exclaimed towards Harold. He just scoffed and continued walking.

"As if! Staying together means we have a higher chance of finding a spot. Plus it's safer than splitting up." Harold replied with a matter of factly tone. Zoey grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to make him face her and the rest of the heroes.

"No. Splitting up is more quicker."

"Clearly you never watched any horror movies. Splitting up is a ticket to death!" Harold exclaimed making Zoey facepalmed.

"Woah, guys, take it easy. Harold, buddy, we aren't in a horror movie-" Trent was saying.

"You don't call THIS a horror movie!?! We almost died on this show!" Harold exclaimed. He started to hyperventilate, he reached in his pants pocket and took out a paper bag and started breathing in and out in there.

Leshawna slapped the back of Trent's head while walking over to Harold. She then picked up Harold and put him over her shoulder.

"Alright, we split up. Whoever finds a good camp site let us know." Leshawna explained as she ran off. Zoey was about to ask how were they going to let the others know, but she was already gone.

Confessional- Harold
"Leshawana is so strong. And she's so demanding. We're clearly meant to be. Probably after the show we'll finally be together!"

Confessional- Leshawna
"Boy still weighs like a twig. Heck, even Noah could carry him... scratch that. Stringbean couldn't even pick up a stick."

The heroes all split up after Leshawna with Harold.

Izzy went with Lindsay and Beth. DJ was with Bridgette, Gwen and Geoff. Katie and Sadie forced Trent to come with them. Noah went with Tyler, Owen and Cody. Sierra went with Zoey, Dawn and Ella. Dakota went with Sam, Topher and Cameron. B went with Brick and Beardo. And Dave went with Rodney.


"Ya know Chris, you should've gave them some camp supplies. Or at least some food." Chef said.

Chris and Chef were currently in the spa hotel, in the security room watching the teens, to make sure they don't try and escape.

"But that's not fun. I want to see them struggle." Chris said while putting his legs up on the table.

"Awe c'mon man, you're in a dress."

"So? The only people here are the butler but he's busy cleaning. So, that just leaves me and you." Chris said with a devilish smirk, which made Chef quickly look back to the monitors.


"I swear the next time we lose Sugar is being flushed! I'm sick and tired of hearing her country rap songs! Who even thinks that's good!?!" Scott shouted to himself.

He was currently walking in the forest trying to find a good place to set up camp. While also rambling to himself.

Scott was busy kicking a rock while walking, when he heard the bushes rustle. He jumped and quickly picked up whatever was near him. He waited for whoever was behind the bush to come out.

All of sudden Zoey, Sierra, Ella and Dawn came walking out from the bush. Scott's instinct was to hit whatever came out of the bush, and he did.

He hit Zoey. Not with a stick. Or a rock. But with a dried up leaf. The dried up leaf was crushed when he hit Zoey.

"Scott!" Zoey exclaimed while swatting his hand away from her. Scott immediately turned bright red and he quickly dusted his hands from the leaf. 

Confessional- Scott
"How was I supposed to know I picked up a leaf!?! Those girls were lucky I didn't decide to use these bad boys. *imagine him going like this 💪🏽*"

"Next time watch where you're- h-hey, Dawn..." Scott said after noticing Dawn was with them.

Dawn smiled and waved at him.

"Ugh, let's go girls." Zoey said, the girls started to walk away from Scott.

"W-Wait! Where are you girls going?"

"Don't worry, Scott. We'll be fine." Ella replied while spinning around on the tips of her toes.

"We're looking for a place to set up camp." Dawn answered.

"What are you going to do? Tell us you know a 'perfect place' but it'll actually be infested with skunks!" Zoey exclaimed while walking up to Scott.

"What? No! I was going to help you, I'm looking for a place to set up camp too..."

Zoey and Sierra didn't want anything to do with Scott, Ella and Dawn were more than happy to help him.

"How do we know you're not lying!" Sierra exclaimed while hissing at him.

"He's telling the truth. He's... sincere." Dawn said while walking to get in front of Scott, like she was blocking him from Zoey and Sierra.

Zoey and Sierra both glared at him till they agreed to have him come with them. Sierra, Zoey and Ella both continued walking. Dawn was about to go when Scott grabbed her shoulder, Dawn turned around to face him.

"T-Thanks. For helping me." Scott said with a small smile.

"You're welcome." Dawn replied and went to catch up with the others. Scott followed after her like a love sick puppy.


"I think we have enough berries." Samey said after picking a berry.

They were putting the berries in grass bags, Izzy made them. They were all filled with berries, Shawn also managed to get some fish and find some edible mushrooms too.

"This will be good." Jasmine replied while slinging the bag over her shoulder. Samey did the same.

"Where's Shawn?" Samey asked, just then Shawn jumped down from a tree and held out his hand and waited for his bag to drop down too.

When it didn't fall down he got back up on his feet and looked up, he saw the bag caught on a branch.

"Oh come on!" Shawn exclaimed as he started climbing up the tree again. Samey and Jasmine started giggling at his attempt to be cool.

When Shawn got the bag off the branch he dropped the it hoping someone would catch it. Luckily for him, Jasmine caught it. He then dropped down again and tried to get his bag from Jasmine, but she insisted to carry it.


"I got it, Shawn. I'm not same weak and defenseless girl." Jasmine said while walking away from Shawn. Samey patted him on the back and gave him a genuine smile, then went and followed after Jasmine.

"I never said that!" Shane exclaimed while jogging to catch up with Jasmine.


"So... where do you go off to Courtney? Duncan was running around the spa hotel looking for you." Heather asked.

Courtney, Heather and Alejandro were all searching for a place to set up camp. Their search was mostly just Heather talking about everyone who annoys her.

"None of your business." Courtney replied, she didn't want to remember last night. Mainly cause of the amount of ice cream she had.

Heather scoffed and said, "Just tell us." Courtney then stormed off leaving Alejandro and Heather alone.

"Heather, you had no right to talk to Courtney like that." Alejandro said while grabbing Heather's wrist, to make sure she doesn't walk away.

Heather rolled her eyes and yanked her wrist away from his grip. She then continued walking. She obviously knew Alejandro would follow her, why wouldn't he?


"What? Is she your girlfriend again? Are you two going to make out? Her dating life isn't my problem, I could care less. All I care about is winning. Just don't get in my way."

She then stormed off again leaving Alejandro all alone.

Confessional- Alejandro
"There is something enchanting about Heather. I don't know if it's the way her hair shines in the sun or how her eyes look like they're staring into my soul."

Confessional- Heather
"I'm done with Al. And I'm done with Courtney. I came to win, not be nice and fix Courtney's problems. It's called 'Total Drama Island' not 'Total Drama Therapy'."

"Heather, wait!" Alejandro called out as he ran to catch up to Heather.


"Me and Lindsay are perfect, expect for the whole forgetting my name. But it's cool, she remembered it all on her own during World Tour. I'm proud of her for that, but what if we're having sex-" Tyler was ranting until he tripped on a rock.

Confessional- Noah
"Finally. I was waiting for him to trip or fall. He's been ranting about his lamebrain girlfriend ever since we split up."

"Guys! Look!" Owen exclaimed pointing to a perfect camping spot, which was a few feet away from them. The boys all had huge grins on their faces, expect for Noah, but he tried.

The spot was downhill, it had a large opening and was surrounded by trees. The river was also nearby.

Owen ran over to the spot with Cody right behind him, Noah just causally walked over. After Tyler got up and dusted himself off he ran to catch up with everyone.

While Tyler was running he tripped over another rock. He started rolling down the hill. Noah heard something behind him, when he turned around he saw Tyler rolling towards him. It was too late for him to move out of the way, soon enough Noah was rolling down the hill too.

Tyler and Noah were close to the bottom when Owen and Cody noticed them. Before either of them could run out of the way they were tackled down by Tyler and Noah.

Tyler managed to have a safe landing, since he landed on top of Owen. Noah fell on top of Cody, making Cody turn bright red. Everything was still spinning for Noah, but his vision was back to normal he saw who he was on top of.

"Oh... s-sorry Cody. Ha... ha.... is it getting hot in here or..." Noah stuttered, he started turning red. He had to stop talking before he started rambling and accidentally tell Cody how he feels about him.

Owen noticed Noah and Cody, he quickly picked up Tyler and ran off quietly.

Confessional- Owen
"Ohhhh someone has a crush!!! That's my little buddy! I feel like a proud mom! Oh god I'm tearing up!"

The two boys were just staring into each other eyes till deciding it was time to get up.

Confessional- Cody
"Woah... that was better than Gwen giving me her bra!"

Confessional- Noah
"Argh!!!! Why am I so stupid! I should've got up the minute I fell on him. I came to win, I didn't come to fall in love with some gapped tooth boy."

"Uhh Owen?" Noah called out, "Tyler?" Cody got up and dusted himself off and noticed that Tyler and Owen were gone.

"They just left us! Not cool, especially for Owen." Cody said shaking his head in disapproval.

"Relax, Codester, they probably went to find the others." Noah replied as he went and sat down on a log. Cody decided to sit next to him.

"Well, what do we do now?" Cody asked.

"We have a fun party to celebrate us finding a camping spot." Noah said sarcastically, he pulled out a book from his pocket and began reading.

Confessional- Noah
"I always bring a book with me. I'd rather read then do some idiotic challenges, but then again 5 million dollars is a LOT of cash."

"Sweet! Okay. I'll get the decorations-"

"Cody, I was being sarcastic. We obviously wait here, so the villains don't steal the spot from us." Noah said while rolling his eyes at the gapped tooth boy.

"Oh, alright. That's cool... So.... whatcha reading?" Cody asked while scooting closer to Noah. 

Noah was too focused reading to answer his question, which made Cody ask it repeatedly until he answered.

Confessional- Noah
"Out of all the heroes on this team, I'm stuck with Cody!?! This seems like Sierra's dream. But... he's... alright."

Confessional- Cody
"Great. I'm totally embarrassing myself in front him! I need to learn sarcasm! That should help!"


"How are we going to let the other heroes know we found a camping spot, dude?" Tyler asked after Owen dropped him.

Owen started thinking and so did Tyler. Until an idea struck Tyler.

"Owen! Climb the tree, quick!" Tyler exclaimed as he shoved Owen towards a nearby tree.

"Haha, why? I'm not really good at... climbing."

"You can fart really loud to signal to the other heroes where we are!" Tyler said with a bright smile on his face for coming up with that all on his own.

Confessional- Tyler
"I'm not really the fan favorite, like the others. Sierra did have a blog for me, but she deleted it. She said I wasn't 'interesting'. But that's all going to change, it's Tyler Time!"

"Alright, up the tree I go." Owen said as he started climbing.

After a few minutes of climbing he was finally at the top.

"Fart, Owen! Fart like your life depends on it!" Tyler shouted up to Owen. He quickly plugged his nose.

Owen then released a loud fart. It lasted for about 3 minutes. It was so loud that it shook the trees, birds that were previously living in the trees flew away.

"Haha, I did it! Now... how do I-" Owen was saying before the branch he was on snapped, making him fall all the way down.

Tyler finally unplugged his nose and looked up to see if he could spot Owen, but all he could see was Owen falling. It was too late for Tyler to run, so he ended up getting squashed by Owen.

"That actually didn't hurt as bad as I thought." Owen said while chuckling. Tyler was trying to yell but it was muffled by Owen.

"Tyler? Buddy? Where'd you go?"


"Put me down! Or I'll shove all your dad's ring down your throat!" Eva shouted while kicking and hitting Lightning's leg and back.

Lightning was running trying to find food, he still had Eva over his shoulder. She was hitting his back and kicking his thigh, trying to get free. Until she finally hit his crotch, making him fall over.

He dropped Eva and held his crotch. He was on his knees till he fell over. A smirk appeared on Eva's face, since Lightning finally let go of her.

"Don't ever carry me, again. Now, let's go." Eva said while dragging Lightning by his leg.

While she was dragging him she would causally drag him over a rock, making him hit his head. Every time she did she would hear a 'bonk' sound and start snickering.

"Stop going over every single rock! My brain is getting all mixed up now!" Lightning exclaimed while crossing his arms.

"First of all, what brain? Second of all you deserve to be hit by every single rock."

Lightning huffed in response not bothering to actually say words. It was actually quiet for a few minutes till they heard a loud noise.

"What was that? Ugh... why does it smell now?!?" Lightning exclaimed while covering his nose. Eva used her free hand to cover her nose too.

She already knew who made that noise, Owen. She, sadly, recognized the sound and smell of the fart. She then stared running to where the sound came from, dragging Lightning behind her still.

"Wait!!!!! Look!" Lightning shouted while grabbing on to a rock to stop Eva. The rock he grabbed onto was luckily in the ground. Till it slowly came out and hit him in the eye.

Confessional- Lightning
"My Ma says I'm 'slow' but that's not right. I'm fast and strong! I won every football game back home!"

Confessional- Eva
"It isn't shocking that he lost to the bubble boy."

Lightning was whining about his eye while Eva regained her balance. She was really made Lightning stopped her and was ready to throw a rock at his other eye.

"What is your problem! The sound was Owen! If we find him, we find the heroes camping spot. We could win."

Lighting was too exhausted to respond to her, so he just pointed to the right. He pointed at a camping spot. It had a nice clear opening, there was already a fire pit made for them. There were also a tent set up with a bag of supplies laying next to it.

"This must be the camping spot Chris had for us. And we found it without his help. Goes to show that I deserve to win." Eva states as she started walking towards the spot while dragging Lightning behind her.

Once she made it to the spot she finally let go of Lightning's leg. He finally stood up and began to look through the bag of supplies.

"Don't touch that! We need to get the rest of the villains here." Eva said while crossing her arms.

"We're suppose to get food. Scott is finding the camping spot. Now, grab some food." Lightning said while digging through the bag of supplies. Eva facepalmed.

"Give me that!" Eva exclaimed while taking the food away from Lightning, "Don't you won't to win? Don't you want to be better than Scott?"

Lightning thought about it then nodded his head.

"Well, prove to the villains your aren't as stupid as you are. Prove to them you actually have a brain up there." Eva said while knocking on Lightning's forehead.

"I do have a brain! But ain't no one better than Lightning! Sha-bam!" Lightning shouted while showing off his biceps.

Eva then put the food back in the supply bag. Her and Lightning started discussing how they were going to let the others know.

"I got an idea, but it'll need someone whose strong, fast and far more smarter than me." Eva said while being dramatic.

"Lucky for you, I am all those things! And even more!" Lightning exclaimed while showing off his biceps again.

Confessional- Eva
"Who the hell shows off their muscles THAT much! I'd like to give him another black eye."

"Good. Run and find all the villains. Let them know where the camping spot is." Eva replied. Lightning started to run in place but had one last question.

"Okay, okay. What are you going to do, man?"

"Protecting this camp sight." Eva said while crossing her arms.

Lightning nodded his head and ran off, while Eva stayed behind. She knew she could've found everyone in a few minutes, but she just really needed a break from him.

"Peace and quiet..."

Hey guys! I'm going to spilt the challenge into two chapters, mainly cause this chapter would've been super looonnnngggg. And I really wanted to get this out.

Anyways, that's it! I hope you liked this chapter! And I hope you have a great day/evening/night! I love you all! <3

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