Star Maniac

By xinsyuhxdx

726 10 2

when a famous girl band Space Note disbanded, the member takes their own path and carry on with their life. e... More



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By xinsyuhxdx

New York. Place that I hope I'll never come back only after I've graduated.

Home. Place where I've spent almost 16 years. With dad, mom and Drake. Before I knew they were my foster family. Now, I don't feel like going home anymore. I felt like I've been betrayed.


"We're home," dad said when he steps into the house.

"We?" Mom asked from the kitchen.

"Nataly is here too," he said.

In a blink of eyes, mom was standing in front of us. She hugged me.

"What happen? Someone bullying you? Tell me," mom kissed my forehead.

"Nothi-" dad cut me off.

"Nataly, why don't you went upstairs and settle everything down?" He looked at me. He then grabbed mom's hand and went to the kitchen. I put my luggage besides the stairs. I lean over the wall that separate kitchen and living room.

"She know," dad said.

"Know what?" Mom sounds curious.


"About what?"

"Her. About her family. About us. Everything,"

"How?" Mom nearly screamed. Dad told mom how I knew. He told her without missing any point.

"Oh dear," mom said. "What to do know?"

"I don't know. That's why she's here. I brought her here so that we could discuss it together," dad sighed.

"After dinner. We'll talk to her," mom said.

I took my luggage and went straight to my room. I closed the door. I laid down on my bed. Thinking. Is it true? Why I never know that. Then what is my real name? Where's my parent been buried? Then the door being knocked. The door being pushed slowly. It's Drake.

"Nat," he said. "Can I come in?" He peeked.

"Hmm," I muttered. He get in to my room and sat at the end on my bed. "Did you know?" I asked him.

"Know what?" He raised a brow.

"About me," I put my arm across my forehead.

"Hmm... Well.. Yes. I know," he said.

"Why nobody ever told me?" I started to cry.

"I can't give you the answer. I don't know. What I know, when mom and dad brought you home, they told me to never tell you about it. Never," he looked at me. I remain silent. I don't know what to say. I sighed.


"We're really sorry keeping it secret from you," mom said.

"Why don't you tell me? Why?" My tears flowing down.

"We want to tell you. At the right time," mom said.

"Where's my parent were buried?" I looked at her. My eyes was red. I'm tired of crying.

"Here," dad passed me a piece of paper. It's a advertisement about buried place something like that.

I nodded. I left the dining room and went straight to my room.


It's hard not to cry when you already know the truth. It's even more hard to accept the fact. Why, why, why and why? That why always appeared in my mind. I want the accurate answer. I want to know everything. Telling me that I was adopted is not enough. I laid on my bed. I am crying. I smacked my fist onto the mattress. I hate it. That hate feeling about this flowing all over my body.

I don't know what to do. I should be grateful that there's people that want to adopt and took care of me after my parents died, but, I just don't feel it. I feel like I've being cheated. It's like they feel responsible for my parents dead and adopt me when nobody wants me.

I was crying really hard until I fall asleep. I woke up early in the morning. 3 a.m. I think. My voice turns sore. My eyes were red. My hair was a total disaster. I smells stink. My fingers were cold. My face was pale.

I took a bath. I stared myself at the mirror. And I asked myself, 'who am I? Where's the old Natalie Osback? Am I the one who used to be famous and inspired many teenagers to be like her? Where's she?' I sighed. I wash my face. I blow dry my hair. I wore my denim jeans. I wore my favorite jumper. I let go of my hair. I tighten my shoes lace. I pack my luggage. I decide to runaway. I took my purse. There's enough money for me to buy a flight ticket. I left the house quietly.

I walked along the streets. Trying my luck if I could get a taxi at this hour. Thank god. I got a taxi and went straight to the airport. It's quite surprising seeing how busy the airport at this hour. I thought it would be empty.

I went to the ticket counter.

"Hello. May I help you?" The worker asked me.

"Yes. I want to buy a flight ticket for one" I answered her.

"Sure. Where are you going?"

"London. Give me one ticket to London. Can you tell me what time will the flight depart? If possible I want the earliest one,"

"Of course. The earliest one will be depart at 4.30 a.m.. Is that okay?"


"Economy or business class?"


"Can I have your ID card and passport?" I handed her my ID card and my passport.

"You're 16? And you're buying a ticket to London for one? Are you going there by yourself?" I nodded. There's nothing else that this worker should know about me. Just mind her own business.


Question, what will you do if you're Natalie?

Sorry for this sudden adopted chapter. I just want to make the story more complicated. HAHAHAHAHA.

Please take your time reading. ✌

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