Sugar. Why not?

By SarahCraik5

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Sofia is struggling to get a grip on her life and is drowning in student debts. With no luck finding a job an... More

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Hardwired To You
Short Circuit
Short Circuit (Part 2)
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Family Trojan Horse
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<I Don't Love You/>
Crack That Code
Do You Know How To Fix It?
The Trouble Is..I Need You
Fading Fast
No One Else Is You
I Will Kill You
I Promise I'll Take Care Of You
The Downfall Of Us
You'll Get What's Coming To You
Are You Guilty? Yes, Of Hurting
Mr Stump & Miss Westwood
What's The Verdict?
Sex, Love And More Sex
Sugar Why Not? Playlist
Epilogue - Keeper Of My Heart


341 15 12
By SarahCraik5

Sofia's PoV

After my Mom's call we fall back asleep and are in no hurry to get up. It's just too good to be wrapped up in his arms all warm and safe.

A glance at the LED clock on the bedside table let's me know it's only ten thirty am. Which has me wiggling against him to try and get even closer.

He squeezes me in tightly, his legs tangling with mine and the duvet.

"This is the best way to wake up" he sighs, his voice so dreamy that I can barely take it.

"Well you better get used to it because you're kinda stuck with me now. You're gonna have see me all wrinkly and old one day" I tease and he smiles mischievously.

"Mmmm sexy. You're always gonna be hot stuff Darling. It's you that should be worried. I already have the odd grey hair"

"Oh you'll be a silver fox, baby. You're like a fine wine. You'll only get better looking over time" I assure him.

"Easy, you might make me full of myself" he replies, his fingers fluttering over my cheek.

"You aren't already full of yourself?" I ask, acting shocked.

"Not quite yet but the longer I'm with you, the more I'm gonna think I'm gods gift to the world because well...a man like me got a women like you. I must be pretty awesome"

"Meh, you're alright I guess"

My stomach rumbles and interrupts our cute moment. His reaction is to push the duvet off of us and begin kissing my stomach, making me laugh.

"I can't have my girl going hungry now can I?" He says with his lips moving over my skin. It has me wriggling all over the place especially when his tongue flicks out.

"Patrick!!!" I squeal while laughing uncontrollably.

"Yes? Did you say something?" He questions glancing up at me with glee in his eyes and a blinding smile. Woah. God I love to see him happy. "I could just eat you but then that wouldn't fix your problem" he ponders tapping his chin.

"Then what are you gonna do hm?" I ask playing with his hair.

"Let me think some more" he replies and smothers me in kisses all over again.

I try to pin him with my legs and roll him but he captures my leg and kisses that too.

"What kind of monster are you?" I gasp as he moves his lips up my thigh.

"A love sick monster with no antidote" he replies giving me puppy dog eyes. He's so good at saying the cheesiest thing but making them sound so endearing.

"Oh no. I'm sorry. There's just no cure for this" I pout, gesturing between the two of us.

"That's okay, I don't want one Darling" he winks and moves back up my body so he can kiss me full on the lips.

When my stomach grumbles again he stops and hovers over me.

"We really do need to get you some food. I take my position as your lover and partner very seriously"

He's still being playful but he's not lying. One of the things that he'd do frequently that showed me he cared was ask if I'd eaten. A few times while I had long shifts at the coffee shop he'd gotten lunch sent in for me.

I returned the favour a few times too when I knew he had draining meetings. He'd seemed really touched by my gesture.

"I know you do. I'm very grateful. Yet I also don't want to leave this bed"

"That's okay. I'll go see what's in the mini bar" he announces before rolling out of bed.

I have the pleasure of watching his naked form striding across the room. I think I may have an unhealthy obsession with his ass. I could just bite it.

"Damn that ass" I call and he glances over his shoulder, his hands moving behind him to cover the goods.

"Don't, you'll make me blush" he calls back before removing his hands and shaking that ass for me. Which has me in fits of laughter again. It feels so good to laugh after weeks of crying.

"You've got rhythm too" I laugh and watch in fascinating as he circles his hips.

"Oh you bet I do!"

He blows me a kiss and I simply can't take it. I actually can't breath with laughter. Luckily he takes pity on me and begins to search the mini fridge on the table next to some tea and coffee supplies.

"We have many many tiny bottles of alcohol, chocolate, fizzy pop, potato chips and some things that I can't quite work out" he informs me, pulling out a red bottle to inspect. "Devils sauce?"

That sounds hideous. Which gives me an idea. A punishment for all his tickling torture.

"I dare you to drink it" I challenge and wait to see if he will accept.

"Is that so..." he teases before cracking open the lid and gulping it down in seconds. Holy mother of god. My mouth falls open as the substance disappears.

He puts the bottle down and shrugs as if it's no big deal but the fact that his face is turning red suggests otherwise. Oops!

"Are you okay?" I ask a little concerned. "Is it hot sauce?" I continue with wide eyes as his start to water. He nods frantically before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and downing that too.

"I'll get you back!" He gasps holding a different bottle of water against his forehead.

"Oh I'm really sorry" I tell him but I can't hide my smirk.

"You're in trouble!"

"It was a dare, you didn't have to do it" I giggle as he crosses his arms. He's trying hard to act serious but he's slipping up.

"Oh okay. Then I dare you to drink this" he exclaims, pulling out a black bottle the same size as the red one. Uh oh.

Fuck. I can't say no to a dare either.

Getting out of bed I march towards him in my birthday suit and take the little bottle. He looks smug as I pop open the top. Immediately the smell hits me and I gag.

"What's wrong?" He taunts and I glare at him. Then hold my breath and put the horrible smelling substance to my lips. As I swallow it down I keep my eyes on his and just like me he looks a little worried.

He's wondering if he's made a mistake.

The taste in my mouth is horrible and it makes my stomach churn.

Slamming the bottle down I cough on the after taste. Inspecting the bottle more, I see that it was liquid liquorish. Uh! Nope!

"Are you okay Darling?" He asks, his hands on my arms as he frowns in concern. He's so sweet.

Yet I still want to mess with him more.

"No, I think I'm gonna be sick" I reply and gag again, only this time it's fake.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" He exclaims and takes my hand, pulling me in the direction of the bathroom.

Seeing him panic has me stopping my prank. I don't actually want him to worry.

So I tug on his hand to stop him and bite my lip to stop my grin.

"I'm kidding Patrick, I'm okay"

Once he understands he lifts me into his arms immediately and carries me back to bed.

"That's it! I'm going to punish you real good!"

It's no surprise that we end up forgetting about hunger because a different kind takes over.

Patrick's punishment is the best kind because it consists of him driving me mad over and over until I fall apart on top of him. I'm pretty sure I can live with these punishments for the rest of my life.


"What do you want to do now Darling? I mean do you wanna stay here or go back to Chicago?" He asks shyly as he buttons his crumpled shirt.

I thought the answer was obvious but then knowing Patrick he won't just assume.

Chicago feels more like home than my actual home. So the question isn't here or Chicago. It's does he want me to stay with him again? And do I want to stay with him again when I can't afford to pay my way?

"I definitely want to go back to Chicago but I don't want you to have to pay for my life anymore" I reply, trying to make my skirt look more presentable.

"No more Sugar Daddy, got it" he nods but that one sentence seems to make him seem lighter inside. He hasn't been my sugar daddy for a long time but I think that statement is him letting go of the years he lived that life.

Moving in front of him I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in close.

"No more. Just you being you" I breath and he's kissing me in seconds.

"I've never said thank you but...thank you Darling" he whispers and I pull back to ask what he means.

"Thank you for what?"

"Setting me free"

Well, lord help me with this man.

"I should say thank you for that too. I don't think you know just how happy you make me" I tell him. His eyes become watery and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"That's all I want to do forever Darling" he breaths against my neck. My heart thuds and I cling to him so hard that I'm worried I'm hurting him. "You'll still come stay with me though right?"

How can I say no? Of course I want to stay with him. So maybe I'll just have to swallow my pride and pay him back once I can afford it.

"Of course, you can write me an IOU for rent"

"You don't owe me anything. It's your place too" he assures me, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"I appreciate that. Maybe one day when I eventually have a career we can choose a house together..." I look up at him through my lashes, hoping that he likes that idea.

"I'd love that so much Darling. That's definitely going to happen..."


Following my Mom's advice we decide that there's no point in wasting anytime. We want to go home. Our home. So that we can start our future now.

So we collect Patrick's car and go to my parents house to get some of my things. Everything else is still in the storage locker in Chicago anyway.

When my Mom sees us walking in she does nothing but grin like a mad women.

"Nice to see you Patrick" she says in greeting, looking way too smug for it to be normal.

"Mrs Westwood, how are you?" Patrick replies politely.

"Oh I'm just great. I'm really glad you two worked out your differences. No go on, get your stuff and get out of my sight. I wanna turn your room into a gym so that I can work on my bikini body" She sings gleefully while I cringe at the image her words give me.

"Right well, good luck with that Mom" I reply in mock disgust and head for the stairs. Patrick laughs at my horrified face and follows.

We spend most of the afternoon gathering my things together. Just the essentials really. I didn't bring much with me so there isn't much to take back. However I do end up looking through drawers and boxes under my bed that I haven't looked at in years.

This means Patrick finds an old diary of mine.

"What do we have here?" He asks holding up the bright pink notebook with the words 'Do Not Touch' scrolled on the front in block capitals. Oh no.

"Something that's not for your eyes. Can't you read?"

"Yeah it says 'Please Read Me'" he jokes and pretends to peak inside. I launch myself at him as he sits on my bed and grab it from his fingers.

Dropping down beside him, I open the tattered pages and angle myself away from him so he can't see. Then I find something not so embarrassing to read.

"The new boy in school is really cute. I wonder if he will sit next to me...UPDATE, he didn't sit next to me. I guess I'm not pretty enough"

Wow. Poor little Sofia.

"I'd have sat next to you..." Patrick says softly and I lower the diary to see his face.

"You would have been too cool for me no doubt. I was a nerdy little kid if I recall correctly" I explain.

"So was I. I had black rimmed glasses and everything"

"Oh my god! Tell me you have photos of you as a kid. I have to see that!"

"I'm not so sure that I do but I think you could imagine what I looked like. Pretty much the same just less facial hair and better skin" he smirks.

"You know what, I think I can imagine it"

My fingers trace over the shape of his face as I picture a younger, less rough looking boy. I bet he was cute.

"Maybe I'll try and find something when we're home. I must have photos somewhere"

"I'd like that" I sigh happily and peck his lips. "I think I have everything. Shall we go?"

"Yes let's go home"


Saying goodbye to my Mom and Dad wasn't as hard as it was the first time I left home. Because now I know I'll be able to visit them more.

In fact, I'm really excited to be going back to where I feel like I belong the most. With Patrick in the city we met in.

The drive back to Chicago seems to take less time than normal. Which might be because we've done it a few times now.

It's crazy how pleased I am to see the 'Welcome To Chicago' sign and I'm even more pleased when I see the apartment building that holds Patrick... and my pent house apartment on top. Still gotta get used to saying it's mine too.

I'm ecstatic when he pulls into the underground garage. I'm elated when we ride the elevator up hand in hand.

And I'm at peace when he tugs me out and into the large front room. I technically haven't been away for that long but that doesn't mean that lots of different memories don't hit me all at once.

We've shared so many moments here. So many important pieces of our relationship.

The last time I was here there was a little bit more mess from Patrick's own hands. I'm glad that's gone now because the thought of him hurting here all alone makes my heart wrench. I wish I could have prevented that.

"Come sit. There's something I wanna give you" he tells me, pulling me to the couch. I do as he asks and sit while wondering what he's up to.

My mind whirls as he walks away and disappears down the corridor. What could he possibly want to give me. He's given me so much.

The anticipation makes it feel like forever but eventually he appears back in the room. He takes a seat beside me and holds out a closed hand before tuning it upward and opening his fingers.

"What's this?" I ask as I take in the little navy pouch in his hand.

"You didn't think I'd forget your birthday did you?" He asks. Honestly I guess I hadn't thought about it. My birthday wasn't something I thought worthy of much.

"You got me a birthday present?" I reply because I'm over touched by this. I shouldn't be surprised but I can't help it. Every time Patrick has gotten me a gift I've felt this way.

"Of course! At the time it didn't feel right to send you it. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable but now I hope it's okay" he says softly.

I lean over to kiss his cheek and whisper and thank you before I even touch the pouch.

"You haven't even opened it yet" he laughs.

"Doesn't matter. I'm still grateful for whatever it is"

This has him blushing as I pluck the little bag from his hand. I can't stand not knowing any longer.

I can feel him watching me as I pull open the little drawstrings to see inside. Tipping out the contents into my hand. Two things fall out. A note and something else. My eyes latch onto the weighty silver object.

A coin. Like the one I gave him. Oh my god.

The coin has the same singular word on one side that is written on the one I gave him. 'Together'

Only the word is engraved in the form of Patrick's hard writing. On the other side there is a love heart that upon closer inspection matches the one on the note.

Before I even read the note, there's a lump in my throat.


This coin represents my heart. You've had it for a long time now and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I want you to keep this coin and I hope you will look after it for me. I'll look after yours in the same way. I'll always keep it safe and sound and never break it.

Yours, Patrick.

Well...shit. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry!

Okay I'm crying!

"Oh hey, I'm sorry Darling. I didn't intend to upset you..." I hear Patrick say but I shake my head to stop him.

"I'm not upset. I'm happy" I push out through the emotion in my throat.

His face breaks into a smile and he pulls me into his lap.

"I'll look after your heart Patrick I promise you"

He cups my cheeks and kisses away my tears ever so gently.

"Thank you Darling. You're the only person that it's ever belonged to. I'm yours..."

Mine. My man. My lover. My best friend and partner.


Patrick put his plans of giving away his business into action immediately. He's been working non stop to tie up lose ends because when a company is passed over correctly, it takes a lot longer than signing a few documents.

Which is why I'm currently riding up to the top floor of his building. Well soon to be Jack's building. Patrick knew that he was the only one right for the job and of course Jack was ecstatic. It was really cute to watch how emotional Jack got when Patrick offered him ownership of the company.

The reason I'm here is because I have news for Patrick. News that I can't wait until tonight to tell him. I'm too excited.

The ping announces my arrival and I try my best not to run across the lobby like a little kid.

Like always, I immediately go to Lewis to ask if I can go in to see Patrick but he holds up his hand before I can speak.

"You know you don't have to ask. I am under strict instructions to give you access to Mr Stump at all times. Stopping you from getting to him would be a crime. You guys are so cute" he explains with a smirk on his face.

"Access at all times...I like the sound of that" I laugh and he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Perks of fucking the boss I guess" he grins.

"Lewis! I am appalled at that language" I gasp and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"What would you prefer I say?"

"Maybe something like 'perks of having a magic vagina' I guess" I shrug nonchalantly and strut by as he gasps.

"You get it girl!" He calls as I make my way to Patrick's office doors, my face going red. I can't believe I just said that.

I knock for politeness because I still don't feel like it's okay for me to walk in without permission. It would be very unprofessional looking for him.

"Sofia, what have I told you Darling!" I hear and blush even brighter than I already am.

How did he know it was me?

Pushing open the door, I find him sitting at his desk with a pen in one hand and his phone in the other. All suited up and gorgeous with a lovely smile on his face. And those glasses...

"You are a sight for sore eyes. Do you have a special power that tells you when I really need a hug?" He says, getting up and closing the distance between us.

"How did you know it was me?" I ask as his arms circle my waist before he pecks my lips in greeting.

"Your knock is far more polite than anyone in this place" he explains looking smug.

"Why do you need a hug?" I ask, forgetting my news.

"It's been a long day. So many phone calls and video meetings. You make me feel better" he sighs in contentment and melts into me.

"Oh god get a room" I hear and glance in the direction the voice came from.

On the sofa by the right wall is a blonde women working on a laptop. She waves at us and I blush all over again. Lucky I didn't act on my urge to devour his lips.

I wave back embarrassed and hide my face against Patrick's chest.

"Sofia this is Anne. She's helping sort out all the finer details for handing over the company to Jack" he explains chuckling.

"Nice to meet you Anne" I greet her and wave back.

"Nice to meet you too. It's nice to put a face to a name. He never shuts up about you. Which is incredibly weird because I've worked here for years and he's never talked much at all" she teases and Patrick glares at her jokingly.

"What was I meant to talk about? Nothing was ever that interesting. Anyway, I couldn't get word in with you" He sasses her back and I love the fact that he now seems more relaxed with his employees. I don't think he ever joked with them before which makes me really sad. I imagine a lot of people that have worked for him would want to have a good relationship with him. He just didn't let anyone in.

Now it's all different and I love seeing him so carefree.

"Oh I'm really not that interesting either, I promise" I tell Anne.

"You are very interesting! The women who made Patrick Stump crack a smile! To me that's the most amazing thing ever" she laughs.

"Okay that's enough of you. Out! I need to talk to my girl" Patrick commands but it's lighthearted.

"Sir yes sir!" She calls back and gathers her laptop to leave. She pats my shoulder when she passes me and makes a swift exit. I like her already. She doesn't take any shit.

"I think I'm going to befriend her and together we shall make fun of you forever" I inform Patrick who looks momentarily terrified.

"Oh please no. I wouldn't survive that" he replies, leaning his forehead on mine.

"Okay I'll take pity on you"

"Thank you Darling. Will you come sit in my lap so I can snuggle you?" He asks and I practically drag him to his chair.

He chuckles at my eagerness and once I'm in his arms I remember that I'm here for a reason.

"What can I do for you Miss Westwood? I'm sure you didn't just come here to tease me" he asks as if he's read my mind.

"Well you never know, maybe I did"

"I'm glad you did then..." he whispers and presses his lips to mine longer this time.

"Or maybe I got the job" I breath against his mouth and he pulls back to look at me quickly.

"You did?!" He asks his eyes big and excited.

"Yeah I did" I confirm before my face breaks into a huge smile. I can't quite believe it yet.

"Oh Darling that's fantastic!" He exclaims and stands with me in his arms. He squeezes me tightly and attacks my face with kisses. "You're amazing!" He continues before sinking back down into his seat.

"I wouldn't go that far but I am ecstatic! Most of it is working remotely because they're a small company but I might have to travel back to my home town now and then if I need to be in the building" I explain. When I applied for the job I didn't think that Patrick and I were gonna be together again and I didn't think I'd be back in Chicago.

"That's okay Darling, don't worry about it. I'll take you when you need to go" he assures me.

"Oh you don't have to do that. I can get the train. I'm sure it won't be that often anyway"

"I know I don't have to do it but I'd like to. Why are you looking at me as if it would be a bother?" He asks and I shrug.

"I guess because I don't want it to be a bother" I laugh a little. I just don't want him to have to go out of his way for me.

"Nothing that involves you is a bother to me. Although I'll understand if you do want to get the train. I don't want to take away your independence Darling" he soothes and kisses my nose.

"Don't worry about that, my independence is just fine. If you don't mind then I don't mind. Plus it means we'll be apart for less time"

"Exactly my thoughts baby" he winks and cuddles me again. "We have to celebrate! What would you like to do? The sky is the limit" he tells me, glancing up at the ceiling.

I follow his gaze then bring his eyes back to mine.

"Not sure how I feel about the sky but to be honest would it sound totally boring if we just went home and ordered take out. That's my favourite way to celebrate anything"

"I think when you were created the angels mixed some of our thoughts and desires together. Because that sounds heavenly. Pizza?" He asks, his eyes lit up with the thought of it. It's no secret that Patrick prefers snuggling on the couch than going out. Which is perfect for me.

"Pepperoni pizza" I nod and he looks elated.

"Stop reading my mind Darling"


After eating far too much pizza and drinking champagne, Patrick and I found ourselves looking online at all different kinds of homes and places to live.

I'm not really sure how it happened except I remember him asking me what kind of house I'd always dreamed of. I hadn't thought much of it but now we're lying on the couch in sweat pants and t-shirts, scrolling through the housing market on his laptop.

I've honestly no idea where to start but I'm really happy that Patrick likes the idea of us getting a house together.

"Wait I have an idea!" I tell him and pop the laptop on the couch next to us.

Getting up and walking over to the floor the ceiling windows, I look out into the pitch black night then down below to all the lights of cars and buildings.

Glancing back at him, I hold out my hand for him to take. He gets up and stands next to me, linking our fingers tightly.

"You wanna stay in Chicago right?" I ask.

"That would be nice but is it what you want too?" He questions back, his need to make me happy shining through. All I want is for him to be happy too and luckily it seems we both want the same thing.

"Yes I do want that too. I love it here. It felt right as soon as I moved. Such a pretty place to be. It makes me feel grounded" I explain and he let's go of my hand so that he can put his arm around my shoulder and pull me close.

"Then we will stay in Chicago" he agrees, leaning his head on mine.

"But where?" I ponder and look through the darkness into nothing. I can't see a thing but I know that in the day light I can usually see the suburbs from here. Where it's less busy but still beautiful.

"What about there?" Patrick points but obviously I can't tell what he's pointing at.

"Where is there?" I laugh and he takes my hand and has me pointing in the same direction.

"There is the same place that both you and I have stood here before and looked at. I've saw you and I'm sure you've saw me. I stand here and look to the outskirts of the city because it's quieter there. It's peaceful and pretty. It's where I've actually imagined us living quite a few times. My instinct may be wrong but I have a feeling that you've thought of it too"

Jesus. I really do think that we can read each other's minds. There's no other way to explain it. All I can do is stand there and stare at him like he's told me he's an alien. How did he do that?

"I love you Patrick" is all I can say.

"I love you Sofia. So much. I'm guessing you like that idea then?" He chuckles, kissing my forehead.

"I think it's the perfect idea. I'm also slightly worried that you can in fact read my mind"

"No I can't. We're just really in tune with each other" he sighs with contentment and I wrap my arms around his waist.

"We're definitely meant to be together" I reply and he whispers the last word that has now become so meaningful to both of us.


We stand there and look into the darkness with our arms wrapped around each other.

We're looking out into nothing.

Yet at the same time we're looking out at our future together.

Just an ex Sugar Daddy and ex Sugary Sweet looking out at a world of possibilities.

I guess you could say that we really do have a sweet tooth for each other...



Author's Note: I can't express how much it means to me that people have read this book from start to finish. I know it's only fan fiction but to me it's an achievement because it's the first 'book' I've written on my own. I really do wanna publish a book one day so this is like the first step towards reaching that goal. Thank you so much for reading Patrick and Sofia's story. I'll upload the epilogue soon so you can get an insight into their future together. I'll also be adding a separate collection of little paragraphs on this account which will be small bits of their life that I couldn't fit into the story line. So watch out for that! Thanks again,

Sarah xxx

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