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Patrick's PoV

Arriving home, I walk past all of the mess I made last night and go straight to my office. Dropping down into my chair I try to work out what my first move will be. How do you find someone that either doesn't want to be found or is in desperate need of help?

I keep going between thinking she doesn't want me to worrying that I'm wrong about it all and something isn't right. I know it's probably the first reason. I'm too scared to wonder or hope that she didn't really want to break up with me. In case it all comes crashing back down.

At the same time I can't hope for that because then it means she's not safe. And she hasn't been safe for almost three days now. Fuck!

What I need to do is call the police again then phone Jack. I can ask him to track her phone which is maybe what I should have done to begin with.

I've been so stupid! The moment I felt that something wasn't right I should have tracked it!

My overactive brain chooses this exact moment to remind me of her phone call.

"I'm bored now okay...I'm done pretending to give a shit about you"

Taking a deep breath I shake my head and try to forget it. I can drown in agony later. Once I know she's safe then I can let all of the hate consume me. I can curse her out.

"All those women only wanted your money and I'm not different from them"

FUCK! YOU WERE DIFFERENT! You never meant that! You wouldn't use me!

Banging my fist on the desk my eyes catch how messed up my knuckles are. Dried blood and peeling skin. My gaze quickly shifts to something else.

An involuntary smile tugs at my lips. The mini figurine of a knight stares back at me. The suit of armour isn't silver like a traditional knight, it's black. It was a gift from Sofia. She said that since I'd told her many times that I'm her villain, she felt that it represented me best. A villain disguised as a hero.

Why the hell did she buy me things? Why did she buy me things that held meaning if she was using me?

None of it makes sense and it seems that I may have to change my MO. I may have to become the hero and save the girl. Or maybe she'll turn out to be the bad guy like my heart is currently feeling is true.

I have to ignore it! I have to push on!

It's time to work this out! It's time to be the hero for now!


When I call the police they finally decide that enough time has passed. Now there is need to worry. They tell me they have to get all the information possible which I gladly agree to.

Next up is tracking her phone and Jack is quick to tell me it shouldn't be an issue. I send him her number and let him get to work.

Trying to find her makes my heart less heavy. It helps me forget a little bit about her tearing my heart out. It gives me purpose.

I spend the rest of the day going through every email, text and phone call I have received in case someone has contacted me about her.  I call people who owe me favours to do some digging. After all I have no idea how to track someone down apart from the most basic logical ideas.

Her Mom had called me a few times as well as Annabelle, so I spend some time updating them on everything I know. Both parties said they'd help with anything they could and both also called the police to help motive the situation to urgent in the laws eyes.

I worked well into the early hours of the morning because sleep wasn't possible or needed. I left my apartment at about seven am to go back to the coffee shop. I wanted to catch hold of Gabe again to interrogate him properly. Unfortunately he wasn't anywhere to be found.

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