Date Confirmed

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Patrick's POV

Sofia Westwood's profile is quite possibly the only one that has intrigued me since signing up to this agency. I've been on quite a few 'dates' with the so called 'SugarySweets' and if I'm honest every one of them has been fake. I know they are obviously trying to do and say what they want me to hear. So that I'll end up funding whatever is it they need.

I guess some people would be okay with fucking women after women and throwing out cash forever. Maybe that's exactly what I should keep doing. Only the sexual attraction to these women has been merely lukewarm.

The thing is, I could pay for sex any day of the week. I applied to this stupid agency to get a little bit more than that yet cut out the time it takes to make a connection with someone.

I can only laugh at myself now because a connection is exactly what's been lacking. Clearly I need it and I definitely want it. I'm not saying I want a women to fall madly in love with me or for me to return the feelings. I'm saying that I want someone to be there, someone I can spoil and take out while knowing that they at least kind of like me.

I want company and sex. It's that simple. Or at least it should be.

Sofia has given me a tiny sliver of hope. She's beautiful for a start and because of the lack of details on her profile upon my first visit, it suggested that she has no idea what she's doing. Just like me.

My second visit to her profile made me smile. Why did I check it again? I'm not sure but I found a little more information. Movies, chocolate and cuddles is the essence of her bio and those are all things I'd be more than happy to provide.

For the first time it actually irritated me that I couldn't message her immediately. This agency rules don't allow a conversation if the like button isn't mutually jabbed. But why? I don't understand it. How would you know if you like someone from just a few sentences? People have to talk to each other to get somewhere.

Sadly I was unable to do anything about it. Until I was in a merger meeting with CEO's all the way from China. We were deep in conversation over the buying and selling of a new ship yard when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

One quick glance at it under the table and I saw that Sofia had liked me back. For the first time in god knows how long, I felt excited. There was only one thing for it.

I'd stopped the meeting all together just so I could head to the bathroom and finally message her.

That's where I am now. Staring at my little mobile keyboard wondering what Sofia would be impressed by. Usually I open with straight offers of dinner to get to know each other. Which is what I'd really like to do.

Only I want to see if she's serious first. I want to know if I've got it wrong and in actual fact she's just going to tell me what I want to hear like all the rest.

I'm ashamed to say that I'm nervous as I type a complete sentence before hitting 'send'.

Sofia POV

If you had to guess, what do you think I've been doing for the past two hours?

Option A: Researching the coffee shop that I finally selected a time to be interviewed by.

Option B: Staring at a message from a stranger on a Sugar Daddy website.

Yup! You're right, it's B! Fuckkkkkk!

I've been reading and re-reading the message that Patrick Stump sent me hours ago. I don't know why I'm analysing it. It's literally one sentence.

'Hi Sofia, what are you looking for from this site?'

I'm not going to lie. It's a great question that I don't know how to answer. Do I make something up? Do I tell the truth? Or do I tell him to mind his own damn business?

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