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Sofia POV

I told myself I would exit the website and never look at it again. It was a stupid advertisement that could only end up with me worse off than I already am. Well, if that's possible.

The last of the student loan is dwindling away day by day and everything my parents gave to me is already gone. One meal a day which consists of a microwave pasta dish with a packet of crisps if I'm lucky. Now, I know I'm by no means the worst off in the world because at least I have a roof over my head and I'm not starving. Although something really has to give soon.

So yeah, I was planning on leaving the website alone but boredom can drive a person mad. Which is why for the past few days I've been constantly browsing all of the profiles. Even while grabbing a hot beverage with my friends from college -who are all doing better with their degrees than I am...apparently- I was still swiping through the app.

The app was a development in the whole situation. I'd googled the website name late at night just to see if I could gain some more information. What I found was the very pink coloured app. So now it lights up my phone in yet some more pink with every notification.

Yeah... I joined the mailing list. Every time a new 'Daddy' is added to the site, they let me know about it. If I'm honest, no one has really stood out to me yet...I mean if I were actually going to do it.

Which I'm not!

It's fun to browse through them anyway. Right now, as I lie on my bed, I'm viewing the profile of a fifty year old man named Eric Swansea. He has grey hair, a kind round face and boasts the fact that he owns five houses. Well, that's definitely impressive. Unfortunately I am not in the slightest bit attracted to Eric.

Next up! second name which is a bit strange. Although it seems to be a common thing on this site. I wonder if that's because most of these men are married and don't want their wife's to know. Probably very likely. So Darren...he's less grey than the last guy. Probably because he's a little younger at forty-six. Lovely grey suit though. One of his pictures is of a horse stable but I'm not sure if he actually rides or just owns the place to cash in.

Scroll, scroll, scroll. I do this so much that my thumb hurts. I'm not even sure why I'm bothering but I guess it's a distraction from my real life issues. The icon pops up interrupting my very important business. I'm tempted to disregard it in favour of more sugar daddy profiles but I can't afford to.

The ache in my thumb is more prominent when I click on the email icon. Obviously I'm more interested in rich older men than I am in boring spam emails.

Except this one isn't spam. Gasp!

The company name 'Brew House' is written as the name of the email while the subject states 'your application'. Double gasp! It seems my inner musings from a few days ago were actually just me telling the future. The question I asked myself was would I rather work in a coffee shop than code a website. Most definitely yes!

Of course it's not exactly a career but it's a job! I guess I better not get too excited because this may likely just be a letter of decline.

Why am I so nervous to open the email? Probably because my well being hangs in the balance.

I've waited so long to do anything on my phone that the screen has went to sleep. It reflects my anxious face back at me. It also reminds me that I really gotta get a hair cut because damn it's too long. I'm sure if this were an actual mirror I'd be able to see the freckles on my cheeks more clearly and the green specs in my eyes...even though they're predominately brown. They'd almost match the brown in my hair if it wasn't a little redder.

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