I Promise I'll Take Care Of You

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Patrick's POV

Waiting...I hate waiting for anything. So having to wait for the most important person in my life to wake up is something that I haven't been coping with well.

I'd followed the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with her as far as I could. Until I was separated from her and she was taken to get all the necessary tests done. I'd demanded the best doctors possible, which only earned me a disgruntled look from one of the nurses. She took great pleasure in shutting me out of the room where Sofia lay.

She hadn't moved or shown any sign of life other than breathing. It made me crazy. I'd have done anything to see her open her eyes.

I wanted to smash the window that gave me a view of her being poked and prodded. I knew it was for the best of course but that didn't stop my desire to protect her from such inspections.

My eyes stayed glued to her until the blind was pulled down and I was completely cut off.

I'd just gotten her back and I was losing her again. I had no idea if she was going to be okay and that made me frantic and terrified. So I tried to distract myself. I paced the corridors outside of the room and called all of the necessary people. Her parents said they were leaving immediately and Annabelle told me she was only ten minutes away. There was probably more people who would need to know that she is in hospital but I hoped her parents can could deal with that. I had no more points of contact.

Sitting twiddling my thumbs, I was relieved when the police officers asked to question me. It meant it could focus of getting Nadia locked away and ensure my girl could never be hurt again.

With Sofia as safe as she could be I'd told them everything. Even stuff that they probably didn't need to know. It felt good to speak to them because this time the police seemed a lot more interested than the previous times I've tried to get Nadia charged. This time she'd done a lot worse.

Of course I wanted to do a lot more than put her in jail but aside from killing her myself that's the best I had. I didn't want revenge for myself I wanted justice for Sofia.

Upon finishing the interview the same nurse from before informed me it was good news. To say I almost collapsed with relief is an understatement. I felt the lightheadedness swim through my brain before I collapsed into a chair.

She hadn't sustained any serious injuries apart from broken ribs and a fractured left wrist. There would be bruising but there was no internal bleeding or brain injury. In that moment I thanked a god I didn't believe in.

Naturally I'd asked when I could see her? When was she going to be awake? What can I do to help her?

The nurse then replied that she didn't know when she would wake up. Only time would tell. She also mentioned that it's possible part of her unconsciousness was due to lack of sleep. So she needed rest.

I'd rocked back and forth from heel to toe waiting for her to answer my other question. That's when Annabelle had appeared next to me asking the same thing.

"Yes you can see her now but only one at a time" she'd told us. I didn't wait for Annabelle to make a choice, I had to see my girl.

The rush of emotions that hit me as I opened the door and saw her looking far less ill was intense. She looked so peaceful and pretty. No beautiful. The bruises that marred her face slightly made my hands clench on the bed rail with anger.

I'd ended up talking to her in order to calm myself down. In order to get everything out. I wanted her to know just how bad I felt and hoped she'd forgive me for putting her in the position she was in. Because let's face it, everything that's happened is due to me. She wouldn't be here if it weren't for my tyrannical business lifestyle.

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