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Patrick's POV

The noise of the people around the boardroom table is like static to me. It seems I've left my mind in bed with a beautiful young women. I wish my body was still there too and it could have been because this meeting is complete bullshit!

All of the men and women here are older than me and very much set in their ways. Everything that I suggest they shoot down. I think it's because they are all multimillionaires and supposedly more experienced than I am, yet here they are meeting in a building I own. It's pettiness and we're going to get nowhere if this continues.

As a balding man named Alistair begins to chatter away about the stock market, my mind wanders off again. I'm picturing Sofia still sleeping, her lovely face relaxed and care free. I wish that she wore that expression all the time but unfortunately it's clear to see that's going through a rough patch. Her brow furrows and sadness creeps into her features in the moments that she remembers her own situation. I'm not sure how I've noticed all that from knowing her such a little time but she's the type of women that makes me pay attention.

Not just to her beauty but to her intelligence and passion. It's so endearing to listen as she talks about about literally anything and then goes off on some completely unrelated tangent. I think I could listen to her all day and night. No, I know I could.

The closeness I'm already feeling to her is unfamiliar because all of the women I've ever had in my life have never been like her. They've either been unaffectionate or only wanted me for my money.

That's something that baffles me too. Sofia really wants to be near me. Of course it could all be an act but the way she snuggled into me last night, her head on my chest, seemed more than genuine.

Everything about the past few days with her has just been perfect. She actually asked me about my phone call to Australia because she remembered and was interested. It...touched me. The other 'SugarySweets' didn't give a shit about anything I said. They just faked a laugh then faked an orgasm.

I guess I never put much effort into the sex. Neither did they. With Sofia though, I wanted to make her feel pleasure like never before and I want to keep doing that for as long as she'll let me. I just can't help it.

Speaking of orgasms...

I've had some mind blowing ones because of this women. The way she rode my dick in the cinema and called my name. Her grip on me as I made love to her a second time in her bed.

Made love...hmmm...that's a new one for me.

She wanted me deep inside her. All around her...just me. She cared about my pleasure too...

I can feel my dick getting hard as I remember how she felt around me. The passion, the sweat, the intimacy.

When she said yes to being mine I was so damn ecstatic. I can take care of her and she will want for nothing. She deserves the world and I want to give it to her.

Shifting in my seat, I try to think of something that will make my erection die down but it's tough when all I can see in my head is Sofia moaning and writhing. I gotta see her again as soon as possible. Maybe tonight? Is that too much too soon?

"Patrick?" I hear and look up to find eight sets of eyes staring back at me. Clearly I've missed something and they apparently want my opinion. Welp, I've no idea what the hell to say to these assholes.

Luckily in the next second my phone vibrates on the table and I snatch it up quickly, excusing myself. I hear someone mumbling about me being rude but I don't give a fuck.

As soon as I'm out of that room I feel a thousand times better and that multiplies as I see the bright pink notification bar. Sofia hates the pink but I kind of love it because it means she messaged me.

Sugar. Why not?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat