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Patrick's POV

"Sofia!" I yell for what must be about the tenth time. The cab she jumped into drives off into the distance while I stand in the street willing her to come back. Except I know she won't.

If Annabelle hadn't stood in my way and told me to let her go, then maybe I would have been able to talk to her. I'm sure she's a great friend but right now I'm not her biggest fan. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that I very much despise her in this very moment.

I despise myself too. The look of fear on Sofia's face when I tried to stop her running away is ingrained on my brain. I feel like shit knowing that I've scared her. All I wanted was to help. To get that drunken asshole away from her.

When I saw him trying to touch her and the way she recoiled, I just lost it. I've never felt so protective over anyone and I just acted on instinct.

I didn't expect her to recoil from me too. Did she think I was going to hit her? That I was a threat? The thought makes me sick. I'd never do anything to hurt her. In just 5 days I've became besotted. I had wanted to pull her into my arms and take her fear away but how could I when I was the one she ended up being afraid of?

Should I go after her? Should I leave her be? I don't know what the right course of action is because I've never felt this way. I've never felt such a strong need to apologise to someone and to make it all better.

Oh Sofia, what do you want me to do?

My need to go after her and bang on her door is still very much present. I want to beg her to talk to me because right now I'm terrified that she won't ever want to see me again.

That shouldn't bother me as much as it does but I think at this point I should really just accept that Sofia has flipped my world upside down.

I think a more subtle approach than pounding on her door is suited right now. Maybe she will answer my call.

Dialling her number, I begin to make my way back to my car. There's no point in going to ask her friends for help because they will no doubt try to stop me. I understand that of course but it's still fucking infuriating. I feel helpless.

No answer...Fuck!

Slamming the car door shut, I sit looking out the windscreen and wondering what to do next. I have to fix this.

She probably won't answer any messages from me but it's worth a try.

Patrick: Darling you need to tell me what's wrong so I can fix it xx

I wait to see if she's going to read it. It makes me nervous, more nervous than being charge of thousands of people.

She does see the message and I begin to sweat waiting for her response. Only it doesn't come.

Patrick: Sofia? Are we over? Xx

I have to ask that question because it's the only thing I can think. This is what usually happens with the Sugary Sweets. Only much quicker. One night and they don't want anything else to do with me. I don't want anything to do with them either.

This is different. I want everything to do with Sofia but I've ruined it with my temper. A temper that is about to rage with my own self hatred.

~You can no longer message this member~


Throwing my phone in the passenger seat, I slam my fist on the dashboard before covering my face in frustration.

Why do I care so much? I never care. I don't give a fuck! I'm better than that!

I don't do cute shit, I don't stay over and I certainly don't catch feelings. Well look what's happened now!

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