Starting Over

By BasicallyBrandi

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Caroline was his soul mate, but just a month after the birth of their second child she passed away. Luke and... More

Chapter 1- How It All Began
Chapter 2- The Fall of the House of Bryan
Chapter 3- The Lectures
Chapter 4- The Meltdown
Chapter 5- Everything's Too Late
Chapter 6- Confessions
Chapter 7- I Love You!
Chapter 8- Wait? What?
Chapter 9- Bridget's Sisters
Chapter 10- Thanksgiving Eve Morning
Chapter 11- A Day at Vanderbilt Medical Center
Chapter 12- Our Dramatic Thanksgiving
Chapter 13- The Nut House Christmas Party
Chapter 14- Leaving Home
Chapter 15- Dirt Road Diaries
Chapter 16- Another Trip to Vanderbilt...
Chapter 17- A Day Out on the Farm
Chapter 18- Caroline's Letters
Chapter 19- She Knew
Chapter 20- Talk It Out
Chapter 21- Welcome, Tia!
Chapter 22- My SHLB!
Chapter 23- Mystery Illness
Chapter 24- Do What?
Chapter 26- On the Road
Chapter 27- A Day in the Life....
Chapter 28- Father's Day
Chapter 29- Celebrity Karaoke: Couples Edition
Chapter 30- It's My Birthday!
Chapter 31- Flights, Layovers, & Unruly Passengers
Chapter 32- Backed Against A Wall
Chapter 33- Her Next Caroline
Chapter 34- 54785 Kane Ranch Road
Chapter 35- Packages & Letters
Chapter 36- Road Trip
Chapter 37- Back to Tennessee
Chapter 38- Kidnapped
Chapter 39- The Cabin
Chapter 40- Redbird
Chapter 41- Our Arrival at Blackberry Farm
Chapter 42- Our Wedding
Chapter 43- The Reception
Chapter 44- Delays, Delays, Delays
Chapter 45- Turks and Caicos
Chapter 46- Realization
Chapter 47- Our New Reality
Chapter 48- To Kentucky in a Blizzard?
Chapter 49- Snow Day
Chapter 50- Day One
Chapter 51- Going Home
Chapter 52- The Trial
Chapter 53- Our Crazy Life
Chapter 54- Bridget's Birthday
Chapter 55- Moving Day
Chapter 56- Luke's Birthday
Chapter 57- Where is Everyone?
Chapter 58- I've Got to Fix This
Chapter 59- I'm Going Home Now!
Chapter 60- What's Wrong With Kenzie?
Chapter 61- She's Going to be Okay
Chapter 62- The Hermitage Hotel
Chapter 63- Farm Tour
Chapter 64- Leesburg, Georgia
Chapter 65- The Interview
Chapter 66- Happy 1st Birthday, Keegan & Kinley!
Chapter 67- Back to Leesburg
Chapter 68- Talking with Jordan
Chapter 69- The Funeral
Chapter 70- Our Secret Spot
Chapter 71- What? No!
Chapter 72- A Night Out
Chapter 73- The Results
Chapter 74- The Will
Chapter 75- Tweet, Tweet, Tweet
Chapter 76- Caroline's Letters...Again
Chapter 77- Just Me & The Boys
Chapter 78- Whiney, Complaining Luke
Chapter 79- I Tried
Chapter 80- It's Christmas
Chapter 81- Mexico Beach
Chapter 82- New York City
Chapter 83- We're All Sick
Chapter 84- Crash My Playa- Part 1
Chapter 85- Crash My Playa-Part 2
Chapter 86- On the Road Again
Chapter 87- Fast
Chapter 88- Welcome to Louisville
Chapter 89- Europe Bound
Chapter 90- We're Home
Chapter 91- Spring Break... Checkin' Out (Part 1)
Chapter 92- Spring Break... Checkin' Out (Part 2)
Chapter 93- Bad News
Chapter 94- Laid to Rest
Chapter 95- ACM Cabela's Archery Event
Chapter 96- It's ACM Day!
Chapter 97- The Nuthouse Fan Club Party
Chapter 98- My Beautiful Life

Chapter 25- Announcing the News to the Family

1.5K 42 11
By BasicallyBrandi

Thankfully the Phenergan has been a saving grace and allowed the both of us to be moving around earlier than we have in days. I’ve spent my morning sitting on the couch Googling anything and everything that can help naturally ease morning sickness, for both Bridget and me. I have a list of things that could help. Ginger root, honey, ginger ale, lemons, limes, the biggest bag of peppermints I can find, and chamomile tea.

“Hey! Baby!” I hollered at Bridget in the other room. She was cooking breakfast for the kids, something she hasn’t done in days.

“What?” Bridget asks she peeks around the corner.

“I’m going to run to the store to pick up a few things. Is there anything we need?” I asked her.

“Ummm… Let me see,” Bridget said going back into the kitchen.

I go back to my Google search waiting for her to see if we need anything else. I end up pulling up an article about our engagement. The headline read, ‘Country Hottie, Luke Bryan, is officially off the market!’ I couldn’t help but laugh. The article wasn’t bad at all. It painted a true portrayal of the Bridget I knew. By the time I was finished Bridget was at my side.

“Here’s a list. Can you manage by yourself?” Bridget questioned me.

“I think I’ll do fine,” I said with a smile before she leaned down and kissed me.

“Why don’t you take Kenzie? She’s been itching to get out of the house since Keeley went back to Georgia,” Bridget suggested.

“Sure. Where is she?” I asked eager for some alone time with her.

“Kenz! Come here!” Bridget yelled for her daughter.

“What mom?” Kenzie asked as she came in from the kitchen.

“Why don’t you ride to the store with Luke?” Bridget recommended.

“Okay,” Kenzie said as she went to slip on her momma’s boots.

I got up, kissed my soon to be wife, and headed out the door with Kenzie.

“What do you want to listen to?” I asked Kenzie as we pulled out of the driveway.

“One Direction!” Kenzie yelled.

I should have known that was what she would say. I reached over, grabbed the cd case Bridget kept in the truck, and handed it to her. Kenzie quickly popped in her One Direction cd and we were rocking out. Or at least she was. I tolerated it. It definitely wasn’t my favorite thing to listen to. We made it in record time. I hated going to the store, but when I do go I get in, get what I need, and get out.

“So, what are we getting?” Kenzie asked me.

“Everything on these lists,” I told her while showing her the lists I had.

“What is this stuff for?” Kenzie asked with a funny look referring to my shopping list.

“Ummm, it’s some stuff your momma and I need,” I told her trying to avoid the real reason.

“What do you need it for?” Kenzie questioned.

“It’s just some stuff we need, Kenz,” I told her avoiding the question again.

“Luke, here’s the ginger root,” Kenzie said, “What’s it for?”

“You are just as persistent as your mother,” I told her while shaking my head, realizing Kenzie has more in common with her mother than her appearance.

Kenzie looked at me with a big toothy grin, exactly like her momma’s. It was just a short amount of time before we had gathered everything from both lists and was heading back home. We had to listen to One Direction again and I was so thankful when we finally pulled back into the driveway.

“Did you get everything?” Bridget asked as she met Kenzie and I at the door with our arms full of groceries.

“We got everything,” I told her as Kenzie went into the house, “She was asking questions I didn’t have the answer to.”

“What kind of questions?” Bridget asked me.

“Like why I was getting all the stuff I was for the morning sickness,” I informed her.

“I guess we need to tell the kids then. It’s not like we are going to be able to hide it much longer anyways,” Bridget decided.

We quickly moved to the kitchen and started unpacking the groceries. I left the lemons and limes on the island while I helped Bridget put everything else away. As Bridget started another pot of coffee I started cutting the lemons and limes into wedges to put into the freezer.

Kenzie started questioning me again, “Luke, what are you doing that for?”

“Ummm….” I studdered.

“I think Luke and I need to tell you something,” Bridget interrupted, “Why don’t you sit down at the table while I get the boys settled in the living room and I’ll be right back.”

Kenzie didn’t say a word as Bridget ushered the boys into the living room and occupied them with Legos and Hot Wheels. As she came back into the kitchen I was just finishing washing my hands. Bridget and I sat down at the kitchen table with Kenzie.

“Kenzie, baby, Luke and I are going to have a baby,” Bridget gently told her daughter.

“Like you’re pregnant?” Kenzie questioned.

“Yes, your momma is pregnant,” I answered her question.

“What does that have to do with you cutting the lemons and limes?” Kenzie questioned again.

“You know how your momma has been sick for the past few days? It’s because she is pregnant. Sucking on lemon or limes can help keep her from getting sick,” I explained to her.

“But why have you been sick if momma’s the one pregnant?” Kenzie asked.

“Because sometimes when a woman gets pregnant her husband, or fiancée gets sick too,” Bridget told her daughter, “That’s what’s happening to Luke.”

“So, am I getting a baby brother or sister?” Kenzie asked a little excited this time.

“Honey, we won’t know that for a few months still,” Bridget told her daughter.

“But you have to keep it a secret. Other than me, your momma, and Tia, no one else knows,” I told my future step-daughter.

“Are you telling Bo and Tate?” Kenzie asked yet another question.

“Yes, baby, we are going to tell them in a little bit,” Bridget told her.

Kenzie smiled knowing she was the first person to know. I was looking forward to telling all our family and close friends. But I think more than anything I want the world to know. Later that afternoon we told the boys. They didn’t really understand, but Bo kept saying ‘Momma’s gonna have a fat belly.’

Next on our agenda was telling our family and friends. Bridget invited everyone over a few days later to announce our newest addition.

“So, Bridget and I have some news to share,” I announced as everyone sat in our living room.

“What is it son?” Momma asked me while everyone was staring me and Bridget.

“We are expecting,” I told everyone as I touched Bridget’s abdomen.

“Oh! A new grandbaby!” Momma shrieked in joy.

“Our first grandbaby!” Bridget’s dad, Kurtis said excitedly.

Just as everyone was getting up to congratulate us Bridget took off running up the stairs. The nerves and anxiety had caused her morning sickness to flare up. It was just a matter of minutes that I was feeling the same queasiness and I took off running too. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy as I jetted off without explanation. Thankfully I had decided to leave my Phenergan in the boys bathroom in the top of the closet, so it was there whenever I needed it.

“Are you okay?” Jason asked me as I came out of the bathroom.

“I’m okay now,” I informed him, “Is Bridge still in the bathroom?”

“I have no clue. It’s sounding pretty rough in there,” Jason answered me.

I immediately pushed past Jason and headed to our room. Momma, Megan, Kasey, and Jen were all in between me and Bridget. I pushed my way through to be by Bridget’s side. By the time I made it to her she was about to brush her teeth.

“I’ve got it from here,” I told everyone giving them their cue to leave, “Can you close the door please?”

“Are you okay?” I asked Bridget after the door closed.

“I’m okay now,” Bridget answered me, “Are you?”

“I’m okay now too,” I replied as I grabbed my toothbrush.

We stood side by side brushing our teeth at the double sinks. Those sinks were probably the best investment I made when we redone the bedroom and bathroom after Caroline passed away.

“You good to go back downstairs?” I asked Bridget as we finished.

“Yeah, but I think I need a lemon or something,” Bridget responded.

“Okay,” I said as I took her hand and lead her back down to the living room.

I went to the kitchen and got a lemon wedge out of the freezer for her. When I made it back to the living room everyone was fawning over her. I could tell by the look on her face it was driving her crazy. I handed her the lemon wedge and sat down next to her. After a few minutes I could tell she just couldn’t handle any more.

“I think Bridget has had enough attention today. She’s not been doing well with large groups of people,” I told our families and close friends.

Everyone understood and started leaving. Bridget, being the gracious person she is, waited until everyone was gone until she laid down on the couch. The morning sickness takes a large amount of her energy. It was a matter of minutes before she was sound asleep. The boys thought they needed to come into the living room making all kinds of noise about the same time.

“Boys!” I softly yelled, “Be quiet or go play in the basement!”

“Kenz gets to stay!” Bo complained.

“Kenzie isn’t being loud,” I told my son, “You can stay if you can be quiet.”

The boys ended up down in the basement playing because as much as they said they would be quiet they couldn’t. While Bridget slept I cleaned the kitchen. Bridget slept all afternoon and when she finally woke up I was putting the final touches on supper.

“Mmmmm…” Bridget said as she walked into the kitchen, “What do I smell?”

“Chicken Stir-Fry,” I told her as I made her a glass of homemade lemonade.

“Luke, I don’t want any lemonade. I want a Pepsi,” Bridget informed me.

“After your spell this afternoon you need to stick with stuff that will be easy on your stomach. This is fresh. I squeezed the lemons myself,” I told her.

“You did that?” Bridget asked me.

“Anything to make you feel better,” I answered before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Bridget smiled at me and took the glass of lemonade I made for her. We enjoyed our supper with the kids. It wasn’t long after we finished supper that Tia made it home.

“How’s your day been, Momma?” Tia asked Bridget with a smile.

“Pretty good. I’m exhausted though,” Bridget answered with the boys curled up in her lap.

“Why don’t you and Luke go to bed? I can get the kids to bed,” Tia offered on her day off.

“It’s your day off. You sit down and relax,” Bridget told her.

“No. I’ve had the entire day. You have had the worst morning sickness ever. You need to get some sleep. And I’m sure Luke is tired too. I’ve got this,” Tia insisted.

“As long as you are sure,” Bridget said as she kissed the boys on their little foreheads before getting up off the couch.

“Goodnight kids. Love you,” Bridget said as she walked out of the room.

“Night Momma,” all three replied in unison.

“You sure?” I questioned Tia one last time.

“I’m sure, Luke. Go to bed,” Tia informed me before I left the kids in Tia’s care.

By the time I got up the stairs Bridget was already dressed for bed.

“I’ve got to get a picture of this!” I exclaimed as Bridget stood wearing one of my UGA shirts.

“Very funny, Luke!” Bridget said, “I’m going to bed.”

“I’m coming too!” I told her as I slid my jeans down and threw my shirt on the floor.

I crawled into bed next to her and pulled her close. After just a few minutes she rolled over and was facing me.

“I can’t sleep,” Bridget told me.

“Me either,” I replied, “I’ve been thinking. I leave in a few days to go back out on the road. Com with me? At least for a few days.”

“Luke, I can’t just up and leave right now. I’m not sure if Tia is ready,” Bridget tried to avoid the opportunity.

“Baby, Momma’s going to be 5 minutes away. Tia will do fine. We need this,” I tried to persuade her.

“I’m not going to make any promises, but I will think about it,” Bridget informed me.

I smiled at her knowing that she might have well have just said yes. I pulled her close knowing that in just a few days we would be alone, just the two of us. I was looking forward to it and I hope she was too.

 **Author's Note**

So, what do you all think so far? Are they going to get their time alone? Is Bridget going to have any doubts about going on tour with Luke for a bit? Do you think Tia will be able to handle everything at home while they are both away?

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