Love For A Spider | Sanders S...

By HarperIsGonee

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There are not just humans in the world. Humans and.. the others. The others are many different creatures of a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Halloween Special
Chapter Twenty-One
Christmas Special
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Eleven

802 59 39
By HarperIsGonee

The car pulled into a parking spot for the restaurant Virgil was talking about.

They all unbuckled, stepping out. Virgil smiled a big smile, grinning when it turned to the others.

"Warning, it's going to be crazy." it stretched its legs, then opening the door.

And it wasn't lying when it said it was crazy in there.

"I saw you hanging out with Katelynn yesterday!" A scorpion creature female yelled at a human girl.

"R-R-Rebecca, it's not what you think-" the human girl begged, backing up.

"I won't hesitate, bitch!" she raised her tail, chasing after the human as the human girl let out a scream and ran.

Roman, Logan, and Patton were speechless. Virgil just grinned even wider, walking in with the three reluctantly following.

It was a small place. There were many creatures and humans in there. There were two teenage boys, one a cheetah as the other was a white scaled snake, cuddling. There is a group of five adults, two females and three males. All but one were humans, the male creature a blue bird. Then there was three different types of female dog creatures. And finally, a male creature and a female human, the male a mouse.

Many creatures were shirtless, as shirts can be uncomfortable for certain types of creatures.

"Virgil!" A male adult voice greeted cheerfully. The three looked over, seeing a smiling man with brown hair and eyes, a red shirt with an apron over it and black pants.

"Hey Thomas." Virgil saluted, "Can I get a table for four?"

"Four?" he looked confused, then noticed the three other teens. He gasped, "Are these your friends?!"

Virgil went pink, "Yeah."

Thomas squealed, and then quickly walked over to the other three, "Hi! I'm Thomas, the owner of this crazy place." As soon as he said that, a crash was heard.

"Sorry! The scorpion girl yelled, her tail knocking over a glass cup.

"It's no problem! I'll come over in just a sec!" he called back. He looked back at Virgil, "Come this way."

He lead the four to a table next to the gay couple. Virgil waved over at them, them waving back.

"I'll be right back!" Thomas promised, immediately going over the the mess.

Virgil chuckled, "Yep. This place is crazy. But safe."

Logan rose a brow, taking the seat by Roman, "A piece of glass was shattered and your claiming this place 'safe'?"

Virgil snorted, pulling its arm in its hoddie, "You know what I meant, Pocket Protector."

Patton went a red when it pulled its shirt off, a black tank top under it, "W-What are you doing?" he squeaked.

"Hm?" Virgil hummed, taking the seat next to him, "Oh, some creatures are uncomfortable wearing shirts, or even pants. Shirts are a pain for me. Have you not seen other creatures in here without a shirt?"

"I mean, yeah," Roman began, but Thomas came back after settling the two girls down.

"Now!" he clapped his hands, taking out a notebook and pen, "Virgil will want its unsweetened tea. You three? Oh! And do tell me your names!" Patton was happy the man knew Virgil's pronouns.

Roman went next, "Water, and I'm Roman, he/him!"

"Salutations, I'm Logan, I use they/them pronouns. And I would like water as well."

"Hehe! I'm Patton! He/him! Sweet tea please!"

Thomas nodded, "I'll be right back!" and walked off.

Virgil sighed, leaned back and wrapped a spider leg around Patton, "God I love this place."

Logan frowned, "It's rather loud." they muttered.

"And fun!" Roman beamed, watching as the blue bird creature flew up and did a dance, his friends cheering him on.

Patton scooted closer to Virgil, "I think it's neat! No one is less then anyone else."

Virgil smiled, "What I love about this place." It set its hoddie on its lap.

"So, how do you and Thomas know each other?" Logan asked, handing them all a menu from the empty table besides them.

"Thomas lived next to my dad's home, Janus, and sorta just became friends like that. Thomas is a really cool guy, and always been there for my family." Virgil said, wrapping the other spider leg around Patton. Patton's face was becoming a pink, but only moved closer, wanting to snuggle.

Roman snorted, "This place has some strange food. No offense, but the specials for certain creatures look gross."

Virgil rolled its four opened eyes, "That's because you're human. I mean, some of the stuff humans do are weird to creatures."

Logan looked intrested in the conversation now. Patton looked up at it, "How so?" he asked.

Virgil smiled down lovingly at Patton, pushing his glasses up for him, causing Patton to go red, "Well, for starters, love is one. Humans doing love, rather it's romantic, friend, or family love, it's just weird."

"Oh yeah?" Roman said, "What do creatures do with family?"

"It depends on the creatures in the family." Virgil said with thought, "For me, we normally only eat meat because all of our animal parts eat meat, have certain parts of the house that belongs to one of us."

"Like, my room is filled with webs. It's normally really warm in my parents' room since my dad his cold blooded, and my father is in the bathtub all the time. There's a lot of fighting too."

"Fighting?" Patton asked, concerned. Virgil was silent before it gasped, "Oh, no! Not like that! That's another thing, if we're fighting fighting, then somebody will end up super bloody, if not both. My family's fighting is nothing big."

"Did you not say in the car that your dad throw chairs at your father?" Logan questioned.

Virgil huffed, "That's normal fighting."

Roman laughed, Patton giggling. Virgil fell in love with Patton's giggle, wanting to hear it forever.

Logan went pink at Roman's laugh, it always sounds so joyful and proud. They knew it was illogical to want him to never stop, but couldn't help it.

"Hey," Thomas came back with drinks, giving them to who ordered it, "Know what y'all wanna eat?"

They all ordered their food, Roman some pasta, Logan some soup, Patton grilled cheese again, and Virgil a small steak. Thomas said he'd be back soon with their food.

The three humans jumped when they heard sudden yelling, Virgil just playing with its web.

The three dog creatures were talking trash about someone else, which eventually turned into an argument.

Logan began to talk about school work, and how they could all work together at their place if they wanted.

Thomas came back with food a few minutes later, handing them out, "Ok, so if you need anything else-" he stopped himself when his eyes landed on Virgi and Patton. The two were cuddling.


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