The Flower Shop [A Gaara Love...

By nobodyXthere

208K 9.8K 1.8K

The only flowers that grew in Sunagakure were that of the desert. True, they were beautiful, but they were th... More

1: A New Life
2: Settling In
3: Lord Kazekage
4: One Step Closer
5: Light Blue
6: The Flower Girl
7: Special Delivery
8: Opening Day
9: A Feeling
10: An Arrangement
11: Lunch?
12: Friends
13: Just Visiting
14: Quiet Mornings
15: How to Breathe
16: Welcome Back
17: Getting to Know You
18: A Crush
19: The Little Blue Dot
20: Its a Date
21: Normal
22: A Good Brother
23: The Roof
24: Time
25: Dinner With the Sand Siblings
26: Completely and Undeniably
27: Back In Konoha
28: Gratitude
30: Light
31: I Love You
32: Differences
33: To Living
34: A Long and Happy Life
35: Something Wicked This Way Comes
36: I'm So Sorry
37: The Endless Ballroom
38: A Cause For Concern
39: Men Like Him
40: Mercy
41: Calm Before the Storm
42: Lavender and Ash
43: Field of Dahlias
44: You're Here, Too
45: Burn
46: His or Not
47: So Much and Not Enough
48: The Flower Shop
Thank You!

29: The Next Step

3.5K 180 37
By nobodyXthere

Light Sexual Content


It started as each one did, soft and slow and full of meaning, but there was something else there that neither of them had really felt before. It was the twitching of fingers, the need to feel more and to touch more, that made them draw back for just a moment. They breathed, just a little strained as they stared at each other again. There were no words, only a gaze so intense she feared she may crumble under it. The look in his eyes was clear, that Gaara's heart pounded as loud as her's did, and Momoko found herself wanting a little more than the kiss they had shared. Without a word and without breaking her eyes from his, Momoko's hands bunched the fabric of the shirt he wore and tugged slightly.

Gaara claimed her lips once again, but there was a fire behind the action that hadn't been there previously. There was still tenderness, fondness, but there was a new feeling that roared to life as they came together again. It was sudden, intense, but neither of them would deny themselves the pleasure of seeking it out. His hands had moved from around her, shifting from encircling her figure completely to resting against it, feeling her waist beneath his fingers and her hair between them. Momoko had moved one of her hands from where it was bunched in his shirt to run over his collarbone and rest on the side of his neck, and her fingers burned paths across his skin.

It was a fever of sorts, the way they now moved. Their kisses had become hungry, craving more with each taste. A soft and airy sound bubbled in the back of Momoko's throat, something dangerously close to a moan, and Gaara could not resist the desire to move from her side to instead loom above her, his legs tangling between her own. She did not mind this new action, instead welcomed it with the way her lips eagerly found his again and her knee slid up to rest against his hip.

He was acutely aware of the fingers that had dipped underneath the collar of his shirt, feeling the skin there with a tenderness that took what little breath he had away. Her fingers burned against his skin with every caress and glide of her touch, and her lips felt just as hot still against his own. With Momoko having taken the liberty to slip her fingers underneath the fabric of his shirt, Gaara allowed himself something of equal desire. The hand that once rested against her waist began to trail down, his trembling fingers moving over her hip to rest on the outside of the leg that pressed itself against him. He stopped just where shorts ended and flesh began, and the feeling of his hand resting against her heated skin brought another soft sound from her.

Momoko couldn't think of anything else besides the way Gaara's body was pressed against her own, his lips pressed to hers with a fever and his fingers through her hair and on her thigh. He smelled like home and the taste of his tongue against her own nearly reminded her of honey. She had been kissed before, out of missing and sadness, hesitation and curiosity, but never with the spirit Gaara kissed her with now. Everything that she was or ever would be melted into him, into the lips that took hers and the fingers that now just barely slipped under the hem of her shorts. Their day be damned, she wanted nothing as much as she wanted more of this, more of him.

Gaara was nearly the same in his desperation to be closer. The few moments of staring at the sway of her hips or the dip of her dresses' necklines didn't rouse nearly as much of a feeling that being above her now did. She was returning his motions, eager to have him as he wanted her and the thought of it made Gaara nearly lose himself entirely. He had once thought of his feelings for her as a flame, flickering and gentle in his heart, but this was so unlike that. This was a fire deep in his belly, one that pulled at his very being and made him want nothing more than to have her in every way that he could. Like always, Momoko drew out feelings he had never felt before and parts of him he knew nothing of, but it was very clear to him now that he wanted her and wanted her fiercely.

They may have given in right then and there, suddenly and without any warning, had it not been for the knocking at their door.

"Room service!" A voice on the other side called, and Gaara reluctantly pulled himself from her to look to the door.

"Go." He nearly growled, his voice loud enough for the woman to hear and the tone of it sending a shiver down Momoko's spine as she tried to catch her breath.

There was no reply, simply the sound of a cart being pushed away, and the room fell silent again. Gaara looked back down to Momoko, his breath as short and heavy as hers, and he admired the sight of her flushed cheeks and the way her chest heaved with each labored inhale. She was staring up at him, her eyes wide and full of an emotion that nearly made him start all over again.

They remained silent, catching their breaths and just staring at each other with wide eyes. It seemed as though the renewed level of oxygen had cleared their minds a little, and both of their cheeks grew more pink with each moment that passed. Of course they had kissed before, even made out a couple of times, but this had been more than they were used to.

"I'm sorry," Gaara said quickly, moving away from her to stand from the bed, "I don't know what came over me."

"I-It's ok!" Momoko was fast to reassure him, sitting up as her ears grew hot, "I-I wasn't uncomfortable!"

"That's good," He replied, just as quick as before, the nervousness clear in his words.

He stood by the bed awkwardly and Momoko stayed staring down at the blankets. They had both caught their breaths by now, but now a thick silence hung in the air between them. It wasn't often that they felt this way in each other's company, but this was one of the rare times when they did.

It occurred to Momoko that this would probably be the best time to bring the topic up to him. Sakura had suggested doing so, and as embarrassing as it may be, the awkwardness between them now made Momoko realize that it would be necessary. She didn't want anything to be awkward or uncomfortable between them, especially not this.

"W-We should probably talk know..."

Gaara's cheeks had the most color she had ever seen, and his eyes only briefly flickered up to her before turning to the ground again. He nodded slowly, quietly, before taking a seat on the unused bed. Momoko came to the edge of her bed and sat to face him, and it took a few more moments for her to gather the courage to start the conversation.

"Do you want...I mean, are you interested in sex?" Momoko just barely managed to get out, her ears and cheeks hot and her hands wringing the blanket that covered her.

He rested his elbows on his knees, lacing his fingers together so that he could hide his mouth behind them. Gaara still hadn't met her gaze, couldn't seem to bring himself to do so just yet.

"Are you?" He asked after a moment, and she barely caught the words at all due to how quiet they were.

It took her a second to collect herself, trying to get past the initial embarrassment of having to have the conversation and to her feelings on the topic. Truthfully, she was interested in it and wouldn't mind pursuing it with him, but the nervousness of the situation made it difficult to portray those feelings. Though she had been in love before, she had never made it very far in the sexual aspects of it. There had been heavy kisses and affectionate petting, but never too much. With Naruto, the idea had never really crossed her mind.

But with Gaara, it had a couple times. It was a feeling she was unfamiliar with, to want someone like she wanted him. Their kisses recently had left her wondering what it would feel like to push a little further, touch a little more. The past few nights she had let her eyes wander down his exposed collarbone and the toned muscles of his arms. He wasn't an especially muscular individual, but there was a slender definition to his body and Momoko would be a liar if she said she hadn't noticed it.

Besides just satisfying physical desires, there was another feeling that the idea of sex with Gaara brought up. She had been in love before, had kissed before, had gone on a date. Momoko had experienced most of her important 'firsts' already, leaving little uncharted territory for Gaara to claim. A part of her wanted to give him this so that he could be her first in something, especially since it was something so important. Being the first of anything was always the most memorable and she wanted Gaara to have what was arguably one of the most important firsts. It would be something they could both experience together, some wonderful thing between them that couldn't be forgotten or disregarded. She wanted to be his in every way that she could, and it fueled the desire that was already inside of her.

"I am," Momoko answered truthfully after a moment, her eyes flickering up to see how her words would affect him.

She had expected him to grow more nervous, maybe turn away or keep staring at the ground. Instead, it seemed to relax him for some reason, like her words were reassuring. His eyes flickered from the ground to meet hers, and the look in them made her offer an encouraging smile. His mouth was still hidden behind his hands, but she could tell from his gaze that he wasn't as nervous as he had been.

Of course he had thought of her this way many times before, more times than he cared to admit. At first the thoughts had made him uncomfortable, like he was disrespecting her in some way by wanting her like this. The nights were he had woken with flushed skin and shortened breath had left him torn between wanting to acknowledge what she did to him or just disregard it entirely. But now that she had confirmed, however sheepishly, that she wanted him too, Gaara didn't feel nearly as perverted as he previously had.

"I am, too," He finally answered, and she now understood why he had been so relieved by her own confirmation.

There was silence again, but this one wasn't nearly as awkward as the previous. They were on the same page again, and it was reassuring. But there were still things left unsaid that needed to be addressed and Momoko spoke up again after a few moments.

"I've never done it before, by the way," She said, her eyes still not meeting Gaara's.

"You haven't?" He asked, and she could hear the light traces of confusion in his words. Her cheeks were still pink as she shook her head.

"Naruto and I never, I mean, it didn't really come up back then." Momoko replied, "I-I hope you don't mind."

The answer seemed to please him, because he let his hands drop from his mouth and there was a relieved little sigh escaped his lips. He had shared the similar desire to experience this new thing together, to want to be her first at something.

He knew that their relationship meant a lot to her, almost as much as it meant to him, but the thought had crossed his mind a few times that she had been through this before. Of course it was a different situation and she had different feelings about it, but she had danced this dance with someone else. He wasn't resentful of the fact, but it did sometimes sit a little heavily to know that she was not experiencing these things for the first time like he was. Maybe it was old-fashioned or a little odd to be glad that he would have her first, but Gaara couldn't help the small amount of pride her words brought. He would have her as no one else had before, and for that Gaara was grateful.

"Not at all," Gaara reassured her, "I've never done this either."

That brought a little smile to Momoko's lips, "Then I guess we'll both have some learning to do, huh?"

Gaara offered her a brief smile, and the both of them were relieved that some of the nervousness of the conversation had seemed to dwindle a bit. As embarrassing as the topic may be, communication was important, especially when it came to taking the next step in a relationship. The last thing they wanted was to misunderstand a situation and end up getting hurt in some way; as hard as this conversation was, they both knew they needed to have it.

It did bring a new sort of wonder to mind: how would it happen? Kankuro had painted a picture of feeding each other chocolates and vulgar words whispered in each other's ears, but none of that left like them. They had their moments of romance, sure, but they didn't often speak passionately or poetically. They were simple people, content to be together without all the frills and embellishments.  Though he couldn't picture their first time together being anything like that, if that's what Momoko wanted then he would not deny her. It would feel silly but there was little he wouldn't do for her.

Would they plan out when they wanted it to happen? Though he was no expert on the topic, wouldn't it feel a little odd to schedule it right down to the minute? His brother had given him a book not too long ago about romance and sex; it was a little too erotic for Gaara's taste, but he couldn't deny the bit of curiosity it peaked. Every sexual encounter in the novel was unplanned, natural, 'heat of the moment'- would Momoko want it that way or to have it all planned out? It took him a moment to find the right words before Gaara spoke.

"Is there a certain way you want it to happen?" He asked, "Certain preparations you would want made?"

The thought of it brought a soft giggle from her lips, "You mean like candlelight and rose petals?"

Though the sound of her laughter put his nerves at ease, he could not help the soft color that came to his cheeks, "More or less."

She thought about it for a moment, if she had envisioned it any particular way. The idea of Gaara draped over satin sheets and a rose between his teeth nearly made her laugh. She was sure it would make him uncomfortable, and even more sure that it wasn't what she wanted at all. It would feel silly to name an exact time and place: what if they weren't in the right mood if the time came? Or something came in the way? The idea of having to reschedule sex was mortifying.

Truthfully, she didn't have an exact idea of what she wanted. When she was younger she had thought about it like every other teen girl had: on her wedding night, candle light, a large luxurious bed. It had been the most romantic thing she could imagine, but now that she was older and had a better idea of what love really was, that didn't really appeal to her at all. The only thing she needed was Gaara, nothing else really seemed to matter

"I don't think we should try to plan it, maybe just...let it happen?" She said with a small smile, "I think we'll both know when its time."

Gaara nodded in return; the idea of letting it happen naturally sounded like the best option. Trying to force or schedule it wouldn't feel right. Like she said, they would know when it was time.

"This will be the first time for you too," Momoko spoke up again, "Is there anything in specific that you want?"

"No," He answered with little thought and a shake of his head, "Being with you is enough."

The words made her smile, and they settled back into silence. Momoko shifted a little on the bed, her gaze dropping from him so she could think through whatever it was that ran through her head. Gaara watched her, the way her smile formed a little hesitance to it and how her hands had gone back to messing with the blanket draped over her lap. He stood from the bed and came to sit next to her, gently taking one of her hands into his own. He could tell she was anxious about the idea, and it'd be a lie if he said he wasn't either. But talking through it made the topic a little more comfortable and easier to handle, and with a new found confidence Gaara gave her hand a small squeeze.

"I'm nervous, too." He reassured her, and Momoko's eyes flickered up from the blanket to him.

He wasn't usually the one doing the comforting, but his warm hand in her own and his tender gaze made Momoko feel a little more at ease.

"I just don't want to disappoint you," She sighed softly.

"You could never," He said, and squeezed her hand once again, "We'll be fine, my dear."

The endearment instantly brought color to her cheeks, and Momoko couldn't help the silly little smile that spread on her lips. She leaned her head over onto his shoulder, and Gaara allowed his head to tilt and rest on top of hers.

"I know this wasn't the easiest conversation, but thank you for having it with me." She spoke and above her Gaara gave a light hum.

"Of course," He replied, his words light as though there had been no thought behind them at all.

Just like Sakura had said: when the time came, it would be perfect for the both of them.

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