Michael Myers and Linket (my...

Galing kay GanondorfDragmire1

2.3K 246 5

ok so this is new for me to do and this won't have ganondorf in it it will have my new OC in it called Linket... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 🍋
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 🍋
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 🍋
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 🍋
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62)
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 🍋
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 84
Chapter 85 🍋
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 🍋
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117 ending
Chapter 118 alternate ending

Chapter 83

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Galing kay GanondorfDragmire1

In the afternoon

Linket had finished drawing while she starts painting the picture. While michael is watching her bored of the tv Into linket says a bit oddly. I wonder how many times we can get shot and survives. Michael shrugs unsure of what she means While nitray says feeding the baby of fang. Well cinder was shot 20 times and survived I'm pretty sure Michael has been shot more then her. Michael puts a three with his fingers and a zero with his other hand as nitray says a bit surprised. 30 times really and your still alive. Michael nodes as linket says. I've been shot twice by Laurie and 6 times by Loomis. Nitray looks at her and says. Nice. The baby then starts crying loudly wanting its mother while nitray whispers to herself. Oh not again nitray left for a moment rocking the baby. While linket continues painting into she takes a break by covering it so michael can't see it. While linket turns facing him and says. Want to play a game while the others are out. Michael nodes while Linket says. Hide and seek. Michael looks at her not sure what hide and seek is which linket can tell as she says to him not knowing how he will take it. How do I make this easy to explain so just pretend that I'm either Laurie or Jamie or just some teenage girl and you wait 10 seconds with your eyes closed then you come and find me. Michael thinks and nodes while Michael waits on the couch with his eyes closed. while Linket walks off to hide somewhere as she counts in her head to 10 as she hides in michael room in the closet. While Michael starts walking around looking for Linket as she stays hidden.

A few minutes later

Michael came upstairs going to his room thinking linket might be there not knowing she moved hiding spots into the attic. While michael looks in his closest seen its been touched as he looks up at the roof smirking a bit thinking she in the attic. So he makes his way up there scanning the room not knowing linket is secretly behind him into she accidentally step on a creeky floor bored that makes him turn around grab her making her Yelp in suprise of how quick he grab her. While he keeps hold of her he starts stroking her hair a bit as linket says. So how will we kill Karen I have the feeling she has Jamie baby. She looks up at him while he looks at her and puts a finger to his temple telling her he needs to think for a moment she nodes and nuzzles him. Then they gose back down stairs of the attic to there room were Michael sits on the bed as he grabs linket by the waist setting her on his lap making her blushes a bit. As she then turns herself around facing him as he rolls his mask up to his nose as he starts kissing her on the lips while she kisses back into they starts making out. Then linket phone starts ringing as it was Alice while Linket grabs her phone looking at it while michael starts kissing her neck as linket answer were she heard Carlisle voice which Siad. Linket are you alright. Linket replies I'm fine why what's wrong. Carlisle replies Alice Siad she had a vision of you and Michael been shot and falling down a mineshaft. Linket thinks while Michael continues kissing her neck and running his hands up to her rips while Linket says. well I'm completely fine I'm at home still. Carlisle sighs a bit and says thinking Alice is seen things. Well just becareful tonight alright. Linket replies don't worry we will be fine. Carlisle hangs up while Linket puts her phone on the bedside table. As Michael kissed her still while she knew were it was going as she says feeling his hands resting on he rear. Maybe later cheeky. he grins a bit in the kisses while she then rest her head on his shoulder cutely while he fix up his mask he starts running a finger down the middle of her spin making her shiver.

At night

Linket and Michael were out watching Karen and Allyson wondering if Karen dose have Jamie baby. While Karen had to leave to pick up some food for the baby and herself and Allyson. Then linket and Michael sneaks in the house and secretly watches Allyson as she was watching a horror movie while holding the sleeping baby which was Jamie baby. While Allyson stands taking the baby to lay it in bed while Linket and Michael watches in the darkness then when Allyson came back to watch her movie linket and Michael sneaks behind her. As Michael then grabs her from behind putting a knife to her throat while Linket stands in front of Allyson while Linket takes her mask off and says. Remember me bitch your swine of a father blinded me in one eye remember that. Allyson gets scared seen that linkets eyes are red instead of blue while she says to Allyson. Maybe I should do the same to you. Linket then puts her knife to Allyson cheek near her eye while Linket smirks a bit as she puts her mask back on while Michael drags Allyson out of the house kicking and screaming. While Michael ignores her into he saw Karen as she says. Let go of my daughter Michael and we're is your ugly dog. Michael glares into linket grabs Karen from behind whiles Linket puts her knife to Karen's throat. While linket drags Karen somewhere and Michael drags Allyson off somewhere not taking them to the house but somewhere else.

At a mineshaft

Linket and Michael get to a mineshaft were they were going to throw Allyson and Karen in there in attempts to kill them. Into The entire police force came surrounding them which angers them while Michael takes Allyson as hostage and Linket takes Karen as hostage. while both Michael and Linket have there knives to both Karen and Allyson throats as the police bring in a negotiationer to get Karen and Allyson away from Michael and Linket. While the negotiationer was linket psychiatrist Luna as luna says. Now linket do you remember me luna your psychiatrist from the slasher sanitarium. linket nodes while luna says to her. Now give me Karen please it's not her fault I failed you it's my fault. Michael glares at luna while Linket stares creepy while luna says to Michael. Now Michael you don't know me but I know you from linket now please give me Allyson. Michael doesn't answer into luna says to Linket. I have someone you might want to see. Linket watches luna walks off grabbing someone from the police and brings him up which linket recognise as Carlisle while Carlisle walks to linket as he says to Michael and her. let Karen and Allyson go give them to me it's my fault I failed both of you I should of made you both live with me please let them go. Linket and Michael starts losing there grip a bit while Allyson to Michael please let me go michael. Allyson starts crying scared while Karen says to Linket. Please linket let me go. Karen also starts crying a bit scared into both Linket and Michael let go off them. while Carlisle takes Karen and luna takes Allyson Then the police force starts shooting linket and Michael as they falls into the mineshaft from so many bullets while Linket and Michael slides down the shaft. while a few officers put a stick of dynamite in the shaft in attempt to make sure they stay dead not knowing they have crawled out into a river floating down it. while linket had passed out in a coma Michael keeps hold off her into they get to a net as Michael grabs it and climbs up it keeping hold of linke as Michael carry linket to a shack. While he hides in the darkness keeping hold of Linket seen a man coming out of his shack from his bird telling him someone is out there. Then Michael sneaks in laying linket on a bed and hides in the darkness waiting for the man to come back. Which he dose while michael grabs him by the throat but then also passed out going into a coma letting go into the man moved Michael into a bed near linket as the man takes off linket and Michael masks putting them togeather on a shelf. while he then starts to attend to there wounds from been shot.

At michael house

Springtrap and the others were back while nitray had moved linket painting while Candyman put the news on which nitray watches as they then sees a police stand off with linket and Michael with Karen and Allyson as hostages. Into they let Allyson and Karen go which results in Linket and Michael getting shot and falling down a mineshaft which puts Freddy and nitray in shock while springtrap says. Are they dead there is no way they can survive been shot like that. Hannibal replies. Michael might but I don't think Linket can she has never been shot that many times behind. Nitray nodes agreeing while Pennywise says. If they don't come back then what do we do we won't be safe here the police will Find us here. Nitray says. If worse comes to worse then we leave and go on the run or unless we hide in hell for a bit. Freddy says sarcastically. I'm sure Satan would love to have us there nitray rolls her eyes while Jason shoves Freddy a bit into Springtrap says well I can live in the woods I don't care and I'm pretty sure Pennywise can live in the sewer and Freddy can live in the dream realm and Candyman can live in the mirror realm and you nitray and Jason would properly live in the woods as well. Ghostface says to springtrap. well I have a secret hideout in the woods if you guys want to stay with me just to keep everyone together like linket and Michael did. springtrap says. well that's for everyone to think about. Ghostface nodes understanding.

In hell

Lea was still in Satan bed while he was laying next to her with his wings around her keeping her warm. While lea says to Satan sounding weak still and tired even though she had just woken up. I've decided Become a demon but if I end up slowly dying again you let me die. Satan nodes while he says. all it is a bite. Lea nodes while she lets Satan bite her neck which he injected into her with some demon poison which starts slowly turning her into a demon.

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