Bates Lane || Narry AU

By Dianarry_

16.8K 793 208

"Beware of the man who lives on Bates Lane." More

The Dark Legend
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Black. Lives. Matter.
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Announcements !
Bates Lane: Styles Reborn

Chapter eighteen

416 23 8
By Dianarry_

"I can explain."

I didn't even give him time to speak I quickly jolted to the side and tried to get out the bed. Pain jolted up my back and I yelled out in pain.

"Fuck! Shit what the hell!" I scream trying to roll out he bed and falling on the ground. I hear Harry calling my name trying to get me to calm down but I couldn't even begin to listen to him.

"Niall wait-listen!" He says running around the bed trapping me against the wall by the bed. I look up to him horrified and scream out.

"Help! He's trying to kill me! Help!" I scream and try to kick at Harry's legs. He stumbled back as I gained the strength to stand up. Once I was on my feet I tried to climb over the bed and I felt Harry's hands catch my ankles.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed as he tried to stop me. I couldn't believe this. I couldn't even think. I was too scared.

"Niall I'm trying to explain some- stop! I'm don't want to hurt you!" He says I've run screams and I flipped over on my back and kicked at his stomach as he tried to get ontop of me.

"No! You're a liar!" I screamed at him and I felt tears blur my vision. I tried to do everything in my power to get away from Harry when he finally pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around my squirming body as I kept screaming.

He placed my hand over my mouth and pushed me against a wall. He placed his body against mine as his face was inches away from my red, wet face.

I was truly terrified of him. I crying uncontrollably because I felt like I didn't know Harry at all.

He was a monster. The Bates Lane legend was true. He probably did kill his sister. He probably was a scary guy.

And I let him have sex with me.

"Niall please. I'm not what you think I am." Harry pleads and I try to look anywhere but him but his rough hand grabbed my cheeks forcing me to look at him.

"Stop! Look at me." I finally got enough strength to use my knee and knee him as hard as I could in his balls. He crumbles to his knees as I push him back and start limping the door still screaming.

"Help! Please help me."

I got so close to the door when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head when my body went limp and I fell to the floor.




I woke up drenched in my own sweat with blurred vision. Once it cleared I felt like my head was hurting. I looked down to see I was fully clothed and underneath a weighted blanket. I looked up to the ceiling and then around the room to see I was still in the room but alone.

I reached up to the aching pain in my head to hear the metal clink against the bed frame. I look and see I was handcuffed to the bed. I jumped up and started panicking.

"No, no, no." I whispered trying to find some way of escaped before I realized there wasn't any. Plus my hand was too big to try and squeeze out.

I finally reached up to the back of my head to feel a bandage.

Did Harry hit me?

I heard footsteps coming into the room and I quickly sat back into the bed as I woke up. I watched as Harry who was now dressed walked in. His hair was in a messy bun and he carried a lot of bags. Once he came in he didn't even notice I was awake so I tried to make no movements.

I watched as he put the clothes into suitcases and pack a first aid kit back up and place it into the bags as well.

He gave me that bandage?

Soon his phone rung and he sat Indian style on the floor in front of the stuff and answered it.

"Uh I'll pay for the call." He says as his voice was hoarse as if he was crying before. It was a long bit of silence until he spoke again.

"Hey Liam bud, look man I'm so sorry all of this happened- no no! It's my fault." He says and I can see his tears falling and his voice begins to break.

"No I know. I fucked up. It was honestly stupid, Liam. I shouldn't have gotten you involved. This is my mistake no one else's. I killed that boy to protect Niall and I shouldn't have let him convince me to run from the cops." He says trying to keep from sobbing.

I actually don't know how to feel.

"I just need some help. I'm just going to turn myself in and really work on myself okay? I promise." He tells Liam and lets his head sink.

He then puts the phone on speaker and sits it on the pile of clothes.

"I know everything seems like crap Harry but I know you. I know you've never had the heart to kill anyone. I know you didn't want to kidnap Niall. I just know things have been off for you since you lost most of your family. You've been alone for a really long time and it's a lot for a kid to process. Niall may never understand but I know you just need help." Liam says as Harry sits there and silently cries as he nods.

"I just miss them so much." He finally sobs out and I felt tears of my own. I've never truly watched Harry break down about his life. He's always talked about it as if he was numb to it all.

"I'm not a monster, Liam. I just don't get why everyone hates me? I make mistakes like everyone else, I had a fucked up family and have been alone for most of my life. It's just not fair." He sobs to the point where he laid on the clothes and practically screamed into them.

"It's okay Harry- You have one minute left of the call- okay Harry! I'm gonna call you in the morning I promise. Just make sure you do the right thing okay? I love you! We'll figure this out." The phone speaks out and He nods trying to hold in his cries.

"I love you too Liam." He croaks our and sooner or later the call hangs up. He kind of just sits there and let's all of his tears out before he finally looks up to me.

Quickly I close my eyes before I heard him stand and walk over to the bed. I feel the bed dip and him looking over me.

I felt his hand softly caress my cheek.

"I'm sorry, Niall. I promise I'm going to take you home and turn myself in." Harry says and I so badly wanted to say something but knew it was better to play sleep.

"I'm going to make things right."




"Gary!" Bora yells even though her partner sat next to her. They say in her studio apartment on the ground in front of the Tv with papers scattered all over the place and Harry's diary in Bora's hand.

"Shut your face!" He says using his barehand to smack her thigh.

She ignores that hit before she frantically shoved the diary in Gary's face. "Look." She says.

But Gary was irritated because Bora practically had the book in his face completely to where he could see anything.

"Maybe if you pull it out like this-" he pulls the book out to his eye level and then smiles at Bora annoyingly. "Maybe I could see it."

"Right here under here. Two weeks before the attack he talks about seeing a psychiatrist and how he was seeing that his obsession with Niall wasn't healthy and that he was going to use healthy coping skills to deal with his family's tragedy." She says and points to the line so He could read it.

"Yeah and that's supposed to prove what?" Gary asks

"That he didn't necessarily want to kidnap Niall. If he was going to get help and he was trying to work out his problems do you think he really would have kidnapped, Niall?" She asks Gary and he shrugs.

"It'd be hard to prove for sure."Gary groans out and slaps the book out his face and looks back to his laptop.

"It makes no sense to me Gar! The video surveillance even shows that Niall was playful around Harry and even seemed protected. He never seemed held captive and due to Harry caring so much for Niall, you want me to believe he'd take him hostage?" She spouts out trying to prove her point to Gary as he sighs.

"Explain why they didn't just come to the police?" Gary says and she shrugs.

"If you were the most hated guy in town and had shot a boy in your yard to protect a boy you were trying to get over would you go to the police?" She ask and Gary say back and actually thought about it. Bora didn't seem crazy at all.

It made perfect sense.

"Okay. If this is true? How do we go from here?"


Another update !

Hope you like it?

How do you think things will go now?

Love and kisses;)

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