Yesterday | Seth Clearwater

By suddenretrograde

832K 20.7K 3.5K

Sixteen-year-old Brooklyn Fisher was a typical teenager--she worried about her grades and enjoyed spending ti... More

Part I
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part II
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part III
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39


16.1K 422 140
By suddenretrograde

I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

~ Elton John "Your Song"

About two years had passed since Renesmee was born. The Black and Uley packs never rejoined forces, but the relationship became less and less strained after the almost-battle with the Volturi. 

"Brooke, have you seen my—" Seth was cut off by Brooklyn handing him the tie that he had been looking for. "Thanks, babe."

Seth put the tie into the bag that held his suit and dress shoes.

"Don't mention it," she beamed at him. "But, really, I need to get going, or I'm gonna be late."

"No," Seth whined as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and nuzzled his face into her neck. "Just stay here and get ready with me."

"I want you to be surprised," Brooklyn countered. It was their wedding day after all— if there was ever a time to start doing things in a traditional way, Brooklyn thought that today was that day.

They were both eighteen now, and they were no longer in high school, so it just felt like the right move for their family. Plus, they had been living together in a small two bedroom house at the edge of La Push for about five months now— money was  a bit tight, but they were really happy.

"Fine," he huffed. He wasn't going to admit it, but he wanted to be surprised just as much as she wanted to surprise him.

"Shawn texted me," Brooklyn said abruptly. "He said he'd be here in time for the ceremony."

"Sweet," Seth replied with his signature grin. Brooklyn absolutely adored that grin. "Ten bucks says that Leah imprints on him."

"Seth!" Brooklyn exclaimed. "You can't say it out loud or it won't happen... But also, I would one thousand percent lose that bet."

Seth chuckled. Both him and Brooklyn thought that Shawn would be a perfect match for Leah— they both had emotional baggage, and hearts of gold. Honestly, Seth and Brooklyn were surprised that Shawn and Leah hadn't seen each other since she phased— they had only ever known each other in the way that all small town people knew each other.  

The sound of the door opening tore them away from their conversation.

"Someone was missing her parents."

They turned to see Sue Clearwater holding Ellie, who began to squirm at the sight of her parents. Seth reached out to grab her.

"No!" Ellie squealed. "I want mommy!"

Brooklyn stuck her tongue out at Seth, and took Ellie into her arms. He merely grinned in response— he loved seeing his two girls together. He was so lucky.

Being a little over two years old, Ellie was capable of speaking in short sentences, and toddling around. She had also developed a personality. She was a goofy kid, and much like Seth, she was always smiling. She could get a bit hyper at times, so Brooklyn had begun teaching her how to play soccer— Brooklyn figured that it was never too early to learn, and it gave her something to do since she was no longer on the soccer team. Ellie loved every second of it, and it had really solidified their bond. That being said, Ellie and Seth had a really great relationship. She truly thought the world of her father.

Brooklyn and Seth listened to Ellie ramble about everything and nothing. Both of them reacted to her babbling as if she was telling the most amazing story they had ever heard.

Sue watched them with a smile on her face— she was really proud of how the two of them handled everything that life had thrown at them. They had blossomed into well-rounded young adults, and she knew that her granddaughter was in good hands.

"We should really get going if you guys want to be on time," Brooklyn's mom poked her head into the room.

"Alright," the couple replied in unison. 

Brooklyn pressed a kiss to Ellie's forehead, and passed her to Seth. 

"I will see you two at the ceremony, and I love you both more than anything in the entire world," Brooklyn said cheerily as she left the room. "Bye, Sue!"

Sue was staying with Seth and Ellie, so that he could get ready without having to mind after an overzealous toddler.

Brooklyn was getting ready with Leah at Sue's house— the wedding was at First Beach, so there wasn't a specific room at the venue where she could get ready, and Sue lived the closest. Neither Seth or Brooklyn had wanted a fancy wedding, so the beach felt like the right place. Plus, it had been a pretty cheap place to book— they only had to pay the permit fees, and figure out the chair situation.

"You look so beautiful," Brooklyn's mom said tearfully as Brooklyn finished putting on her dress. It was a floor length gown made of flowing white fabric, and it had lace detailing around the bodice and neckline. Brooklyn loved how confident the dress made her feel.

"Mom, don't cry," she cooed as she placed her veil on her head. 

"I can't help it," Jamie said as she dabbed under her eyes. "My baby is all grown up."

"You really do look beautiful," Leah interjected in an attempt to save Jamie's eye makeup from her emotions. "But we really should get going— you don't want to be late to your own wedding."

"I want to talk to my mom for a sec before we go," Brooklyn said to Leah, who nodded and promptly left the room.

"I need you to promise me that you'll be nice to Dad and Kathy and their kids," Brooklyn told her mother. "Like, I know he's an asshole, but he's my dad, and they're my family, and I really need you to keep it together, alright?"

"Jeez, kid," Jamie laughed. "Give me a little credit here. I know how to act in public, you know."

"I know," Brooklyn replied. "I just also know how you get when it comes to Kathy. Paul's temper didn't develop out of nowhere, after all."

"I'll be good," Jamie said. "I promise."

She pulled her daughter into a hug. "I love you, Brooke, and I am so freaking proud of you."

"I love you too, Mom," Brooklyn replied as she pulled away. She was so grateful to her mother— the woman who raised her, the woman who sacrificed so much to be able to take care of her and Paul, the woman who loved them unconditionally no matter what dumb shit they got into. 

"I'm so lucky to have you," Brooklyn told her.

"Funny," her mom replied warmly. "I think that about you and Paul every day of my life. Now, come on. You're gonna be late— and we haven't even taken pictures yet!"

After an ungodly amount of photos, her mother decided that it was time for them to get to the beach. Brooklyn could feel her leg bouncing in anticipation as they pulled up to the venue— this was it, she was officially becoming a Clearwater.

She could feel everyone's eyes on her as she made her way down the aisle, but none of them mattered. In that moment, she didn't care that the packs were there, or even that their families had shown up. All that mattered was that she was standing there with Seth. He grinned at her, like he had so many times before, as he wiped a tear from his eye. 

The only other times he had felt this happy were when he imprinted on Brooklyn, and when he had met his daughter for the first time. Seth smiled harder at the thought that all of his fondest memories revolved around her— she was the love of his life, the mother of his child, his soulmate. 

Seeing Seth tear up, made Brooklyn tear up, and as soon as her mother gave her away, she bounded towards Seth and wiped away the wetness that had gathered under his eyes. They shared a teary giggle as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Welcome, all," the officiant began, successfully bringing the young couple's attention back to the wedding ceremony at hand. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Brooklyn Fisher and Seth Clearwater as they begin the next chapter of their lives as one."

Brooklyn and Seth could barely hear the officiant, as they waited excitedly to recite their vows. They were more than ready to be married. 

"Now, Brooklyn and Seth, if you would now join hands," the offiant said. 

Brooklyn grinned harder, if that was even possible, as their hands touched. 

"Seth," the officiant said. "Do you take Brooklyn to be your wife?"

"I do," Seth said immediately. She could hear the crowd chuckle at his eagerness.

"Brooklyn," the officiant addressed her. "Do you take Seth to be your husband?"

"I so fucking do," Brooklyn said without thinking. "Oh shit, Ellie baby don't repeat that, okay?"

Seth burst into laughter at her response, and he resisted the urge to kiss her.

"Seth, if you would please read your vows," the officiant said.

"Uh— yeah, sure," Seth said nervously. Brooklyn squeezed his hands reassuringly before letting go so that he could take the piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Brooke, from the day that I met you, I knew that you were meant to be in my life. For those of you who don't know the story, we met in kindergarten when I beamed her in the face with a soccer ball. Instead of crying or tattling on me, she laughed and kicked it right back into my face. 

"That soccer ball to the face was enough for me— it hit me with enough force to send me falling in love with you, Brooke. And I know you're dying to say it, so I'm just gonna say it for you— that was cheesy as fuck.

"Anyway, nine and a half years later, I finally worked up the courage to tell you how I felt about you, and I thought that I could never feel happier than I had when you kissed me for the first time, but you have proven me wrong every single day since then. You proved me wrong on the day that you told me you were pregnant, you proved me wrong on the day that our daughter, Ellie, was born, and you proved me wrong today, by agreeing to be my wife.

"You have stuck with me through everything. You were there for me when my dad died, and when my work life kept me away from our family, you always made time to make sure that I was doing alright.

"I know that I've fucked up before, and I can't promise that I won't fuck up again, but I do promise to love you, and our beautiful daughter, and any future children we might have, unconditionally for the rest of my life," Seth finished speaking, and looked at Brooklyn. 

She wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes— she really hadn't expected to feel this emotional. 

"Brooklyn, if you would please read your vows," the officiant said to her.

"Seth, you are my best friend. My partner in crime. My protector. My soulmate. You are a wonderful father, and an amazing role model for our daughter. You are my one and only.

"Every moment that I spend with you, is a good one. It doesn't even matter what we're doing— we could be cleaning the bathroom or doing our taxes, or whatever, and I would be the happiest person alive because we would be together.

"The scariest moments in my life were the ones where I thought that I had lost you. But you always came back to me, and we always worked it out, and our relationship is stronger for it. 

"And I know that some people might think that we're too young, and that we're rushing into this, and that we don't have enough life experience to know what we want, but I know that those people are wrong. I don't need a lifetime of experience to tell me that I want to be with you, I just need a lifetime of experiences with you by my side. 

"You have been the light that has guided me through some of the darkest times in my life, and I don't even have the words to express how much I love you because the love I feel for you goes beyond any language that will ever exist, and I feel so lucky that you have given me the rest of my life to try to express it to you.

"I can't wait to grow old with you, but mostly, I can't wait until we're finally allowed to kiss again because you look so hot in that suit," Brooklyn said with a laugh as she stared into Seth's eyes.

"These rings represent a promise to each other," the officiant spoke. "The never ending circle is a symbol of your eternal love. Seth, take this ring and place it on Brooklyn's finger, and repeat after me."

Seth took the ring, a simple silver band, and slid it onto her ring finger.

"Brooklyn, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today," he repeated after the officiant.

"Brooklyn, take this ring and place it on Seth's finger, and repeat after me," the officiant said.

Brooklyn slid a silver band, nearly identical to the one that she was currently wearing, onto Seth's finger. "Seth, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today."

"Having pledged your love and promise to one another today in front of all your friends and family and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the officiant said.

Brooklyn and Seth wasted no time, and immediately connected their lips into a passionate kiss. They had done it— they were finally married.

"Congratulations," the officiant said to them once they pulled away from their kiss. "Friends and family, it is my honor to introduce to you— Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater."

The crowd clapped, and they could hear members of both packs cheering loudly. 

"And now," Seth said with a cheeky smile on his face. "We party."

The reception was also on the beach— they had it planned to be similar to the bonfires that were often held on the reservation. Minus the fire. It was still light out, and they had a two year old to worry about. They were so not going to add open flames to that equation.

Seth and Brooklyn held each other closely as they had their first dance.

"I can't believe we're actually married," she murmured to him as they swayed along to the music.

"I know," Seth said. "I love you."

"I love you too," she replied as she connected their lips.

They separated from the kiss at the sound of hooting and hollering coming from the crowd.

"What are you all waiting for?" Seth asked their guests jovially as the music switched to a more upbeat song. "Come dance with us."

Seth and Brooklyn danced together through the fast and slow songs that played. 

"May I cut in?" Brooklyn turned to see her father.

"Yeah," she nodded. They really hadn't spent much time together since she had stayed with him during the Newborn Army debacle. Sure, they had talked on the phone since then, but ten minute phone calls didn't allow for a very strong relationship.

"I'm gonna go check on Ellie," Seth told her. "I love you."

"I love you too," she grinned at him. Brooklyn turned towards her father, and they began to sway to slow beat of the song in an unofficial father-daughter dance. 

"I'm really proud of you, you know," her father said.

Brooklyn furrowed her brow. "Really?"

She totally thought that he would have been opposed to her getting married so young.

"Yes," he said. "Look, I know I haven't always been the most supportive father, but even I can recognize how happy that Seth kid makes you. And if he's what makes you happy, then I guess I owe him a 'thank you.'"

Brooklyn wasn't sure what to say, so she just hugged him tightly. It wasn't much, but neither of them had ever been good at expressing their emotions to one another.

After their dance ended, Brooklyn left the dance floor to go find out where Seth and Ellie had ended up. She found Seth sitting with a sleeping Ellie in his arms.

"Hey," she greeted quietly as she sat down next to them.

He smiled at her. "The poor kid was practically falling asleep on her feet," he replied quietly in reference to the sleeping toddler.

"Well, it has been an exciting day," she replied as she looked adoringly at the sleeping child.

"Speaking of exciting," Seth said. "Look who finally met."

Brooklyn followed his gaze and saw Shawn and Leah sharing a slow dance while making heavy eye contact. 

"Finally," Brooklyn said. "I have been waiting for this for like a year."

"Oh, wow Leah imprinted," a voice came from her right. Both Seth and Brooklyn looked to see Paul with his heavily pregnant imprint and wife, Rachel. They were expecting twin baby girls, and Ellie was beyond excited to have cousins. 

"It took her long enough," he said. "Anyway, we just came over to say congrats and goodbye. Rachel's tired, so we're going to head home. I'll see you for brunch at Mom's when you get back from your honeymoon, yeah?"

"Aw, you're leaving already? But yeah, of course I'll be at brunch," Brooklyn said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Except... you know, the brunches that I will be missing while we're out of town. You get what I mean."

Ever since they had both moved out of the house, Brooklyn and Paul had been making efforts to have at least one family meal per week with their mother, so every Saturday, they had brunch at her house.

"Hey, don't blame me. That's so rude," Rachel teased him. "But seriously, you guys, congratulations! I'm so happy for the two of you! The ceremony was so beautiful! I'm so sorry that we have to leave early— this pregnancy thing is no joke. I'm exhausted. All. Of. The. Time."

"Tell me about it," Brooklyn laughed. "Growing one baby was tiring enough, I can't imagine growing two at the same time."

"Thanks for coming, you guys" Seth said happily. "We're so happy that you could make it." 

Ellie stirred in Seth's arms. 

"Speaking of exhausted," Brooklyn said. "I think we should get her to your mom."

Sue had agreed to watch Ellie while Brooklyn and Seth had their honeymoon. They were a little worried— they had never been away from Ellie for longer than a school day. But they knew that Ellie would be well cared for if she was with Sue.

Soon after Sue left with Ellie, the rest of the guests started to trickle away. Eventually, Brooklyn and Seth were the only ones remaining.

Brooklyn sighed in contentment. It was hard to believe that nearly three years ago, she had been crying in a drugstore because she thought that her life was over. She wished that she could go back and tell her past self that her life was only beginning, and boy was it a good one.

"Well, Mr. Clearwater, are you ready to start the rest of our life together?" Brooklyn asked her husband.

"I sure am, Mrs. Clearwater," Seth replied to his wife.

"Ew, gross. That made us sound like your parents," Brooklyn snorted. 

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you thought so too," he replied with a relieved laugh. "It was really weird."

"Let's agree to never do that again," she laughed with him.

Together, they climbed into the car, and drove off. Their hearts were full of love, and the air was filled with their laughter. They were together, just as they were always meant to be.

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