The Solo Gamer

By RexCelestial

906K 15.2K 23.1K

Y/N L/N is just an average everyday kid who enjoys life. Of course watching anime and gaming around is anothe... More

RWBY - [Chapter 1] - Press Start
RWBY - [Chapter 2] - Remnant
RWBY - [Chapter 3] - New Friends and the Offer
RWBY - [Chapter 4] - The Shining Beacon and the Initiation
RWBY - [Chapter 5] - First Lessons
RWBY - [Chapter 6] - The Bully and the Knight
RWBY - [Chapter 7] - Forever Fall
RWBY - [Chapter 8] - Solo Leveling and the Cat's out of the Bag
RWBY - Special Chapter: Y/N's Face
RWBY - [Chapter 9] - Best Day Ever..?
RWBY - [Chapter 10] - Investigation
RWBY - [Chapter 11] - Solo Leveling II and Extracurricular
RWBY - [Chapter 12] - Preparations for the Ball
RWBY - [Chapter 13] - Dance of Flames
RWBY - [Chapter 14] - First Mission and Solo Leveling III
RWBY - [Chapter 15] - The Breach
RWBY - Special Chapter 2: Day Off with the Teams
Over 100K Special Chapter
RWBY - [Chapter 17] - Meetings
RWBY - [Chapter 18] - Visit from a Crow
RWBY - [Chapter 19] - The Gamer and the Knight
Halloween Special Chapter
RWBY - [Chapter 20] - The Fallen Rises
RWBY - [Chapter 21] - The Grand King of Time
Post-Fall Biography
[Christmas Special]
FGO - [Chapter 22] - Into the Nasuverse
FGO - [Chapter 23] - Under New Management
FGO - [Chapter 24] - Interrogations and Doubts
FGO - [Chapter 25] - The Approaching Storm
FGO - [Chapter 26] - Tense Disorder
FGO - [Chapter 27] - Cosmos in the Lostbelt

RWBY - [Chapter 16] - The Vytal Tournament

20.5K 405 691
By RexCelestial


The opening cuts over with a view of sun slowly setting over the horizon with the tall grasses and autumn trees, Y/N is seen standing on top of the tallest structure in Beacon Academy which is the top of Ozpin's tower. His eyes are closed as he breathed in the fresh cool winds, contrast to the winds that his old world had, filled with diesel and smoke.

"The fact that I'm still alive and breathing is already amazing..." He started.

"...but the fact that I'm in a completely fictional world is more than amazing, it's mind-blowing." He said before taking something out.

"It's been awhile since I've used this... wonder if it can take me back to my own world..." He muttered, staring at the Neo Decadriver.

"But I know deep down that is impossible, a dead man stays dead." He stated, returning the Decadriver to his inventory.

"Damn... I really miss making videos and hanging out with my bros... wonder if Heaven has some sort of multiuniversal TV that has my family watching me." Y/N commented with a dry chuckle.

"Oh, I can already feel the saltiness from the RWBY fans back there..." He added with a snicker.

*Sigh* "At least the air here is nice, Earth was quite the dumpster for pollution." Y/N said before jumping off the tower.


On the island of Patch, a familiar red reaper stood over a tombstone, engraved into the stone was the name "Summer Rose". Ruby simply looked at the name with a sad expression before speaking.

"Hey, mom..." Before staying silent for a second or two.

"Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... well, things have been, pretty busy. Oh, dad's here, too! He's, uh, you know... dad." She said, shrugging a bit before continuing.

"He's still teaching at Signal but he told me that he's going to be on some mission soon. I think he misses adventuring with you. I miss you too." Ruby paused as she tried to not to let her emotions get the better of her.

"Haven't gotten kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. Keeps her in line... that was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter! You can tell she's learned a lot from dad! Oh, so are Weiss and Blake, they're my teammates! Together we form Team RWBY! And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion."

"Anyways, I made a bunch of new friends and then I met some... let's just say, uh, some bad guys too! I guess it's like they say; "like mother, like daughter"! I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I get to know him, the more he's starting to sound like uncle Qrow."

Ruby stayed silent for a while until her cheeks slowly turned a bit red as she remembered few certain memories.

"And... I also met this boy, his name is Y/N. He's really friendly and kind! He's also really, like REALLY strong! He's the first person in Beacon to be on a team, all by himself! It's awesome! Really awesome... just like him... I don't know for sure but I think... I think I might have fallen for him. He's just really supportive and caring for all of us! It's hard not to laugh and smile when he's around, oh! Few weeks ago, the grimm managed to break into Vale and me; RWBY, JNPR and Y/N all fought them to keep everyone safe! But Y/N was the best! He has this semblance that allows him to pull out shadow people from his own shadow! He's also scary sometimes but he's still my best friend! Or maybe even... boyfriend... but in the end! We all managed to defeat the grimm! The city got destroyed in some parts but nobody was killed! He also saved us once when I got kidnapped by a criminal and terrorists... that just makes him more... special to me... very special."

(You do not know the sheer amount of cringe I had when I wrote this)

Ruby ended with a red face then turned around as a bark alerted her as Zwei and her father were standing in the trees behind her.

"Oh! Looks like dad's back! I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon the tournament match before he goes on his next mission. Wish me luck!" Said the reaper as she pulled her hood up and walked away.

"It was a good to talk." Ruby added one last time before jogging back.


(Time-Skip - Haven't does this in awhile)

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis anyone else starving?" Ruby asked, hunching over.

"I may have worked up an appetite." Blake answered, arms behind her head as a growl came from her stomach, much to her embarrassment.

"Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food around here." Weiss said with sarcasm.

Just as the heiress said that, the camera zooms out to depict tens of hundreds of tons of small ships wreathed in colorful flags in a large clearing of a forest as people walked through it.

"Oh, wait." Weiss added before Ruby took her shoulder.

"It's okay, Weiss. I forget about the fairgrounds too." She said.

"I was being facetious?" Weiss rebuked, knocking Ruby's arm away.

"Well, if you were hungry, why didn't you say so?!" The reaper ranted, unaware that Y/N's approaching them.

"Hey, girls!" He called out.

"Hey, Y/N!" RWBY greeted back.

"That fight was awesome, even more awesome up close!" Praised Y/N, playfully ruffling RWBY's heads except Yang. The three blushed while the last only pouted angrily.

"What about me?!" Yang indignantly called out.

"I don't want my family jewels getting crushed so I'm gonna pass." Y/N retorted.

"Don't care, headpat! Now!" The blonde brawler demanded, grabbing the boy's hand and forcibly putting on her head.

"Sheesh, calm down." Y/N commented before patting Yang's head, making the said girl grin smugly at the rest who just glared.

"Anyway! You girls want to grab a bite for lunch?" Y/N hastily asked, sensing the tension.

"Yeah! Come on! I know just the place." Yang answered, pulling the boy with her while the rest followed but still annoyed.

However, Weiss stops as she hears a ringtone from her scroll, pulling it out to see the caller ID labelled "Father". Instead of answering, she returned it to where it came from, ignoring the call.

"Hey! Might be hard to eat without this." Emerald called out from nowhere, holding onto a red wallet.

"No, no, no, no!" Ruby cried out, panicking and frantically patting her outfit.

"Good to see you, Ruby." Emerald said, laughing, handing back the wallet.

"Oh! Thanks, Emerald! Guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst!" Ruby exclaimed before slouching.

"What's up, Em?" Yang questioned.

"Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!" Emerald 'praised' Team RWBY

"Oh, shut your stupid little face..." Ruby sheepishly mumbled.

"I wish she would..." Thought Y/N, trying his hardest not to glare.

"I heard your team progressed to the next round too." Blake added over Ruby's incoherent gushing.

"You know, I feel that we haven't seen your other teammates." Weiss interjected.

"So, how did they do in the fight?" Y/N asked, hiding his animosity, the girl in question tilted her head up in thought for a second.

"Really well." She answered, bring it back down.

"That's great! Uh, why don't we all go and get a victory food together?" Ruby offered but Emerald has other ideas.

"Oh, gosh, that's so nice of you but my teammates are all kind of..." The girl trailed off as she looked back to see Mercury sniffing a boot.

"Introverted. Really socially awkward." Emerald continued.

"Oh, yeah. I could see that." Yang remarked.

"Sup." Mercury greeted.

"Yo." Y/N replied, nodding his head.

"Right, looks like Merc and I are going to move on to the double round. What about you guys?" Emerald asked.

"Well, as the leader of this team, I thought long and hard about this decision." Ruby declared but Weiss interrupted.

"We put it to a vote." She said.

"Yes, but I decided that we should put it to a vote." Ruby backtracked.

"We voted to Weiss and Yang." Blake answered.

"I will happily represent Team RWBY." The heiress announced, curtsying.

"Yeah, we're going to kick some butt!" Yang interjected, pounding her fists.

"Well, if Mercury and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on ya." Emerald said, laughing.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Yang replied as she and Weiss returned with an equally confident smirk.

"Alright, well, we're going to catch some more fights." The green haired girl said, walking away.

"Have fun!" Ruby called to her, waving her arms.

"See you later!" Emerald called back.

Team RWBY and Y/N continued walking while the latter is doing nothing to hide his hostility surrounding him, the girls immediately noticed this and looked at him.

"Why so tense?" Yang asked.

"Nothing, just stress getting to me." Y/N answered.


At the fairground, in a very familiar hut with a sign that says "A Simple Wok", Team RWBY and Y/N sat on the stools outside, ready to order.

"This seems familiar..." Y/N silently commented.

"I'll have a bowl of the regular, please." Yang ordered as a large bowl of noodles slides in front of her.

"Oohhh... I'll take the same." Said Ruby as the same bowl slid in front of her.

"Gimme chicken." Y/N stated simply before the said bowl slid in front of him.

"Do you have anything with low-salt..?" Weiss hesitantly asked before the same looking bowl slid in front of her.

"Um... okay..." The heiress mumbled.

Blake only nodded with a smile at the chef who returned the gesture before rushing through one door of his shop and comes out in the other with a huge bowl of noodles topped with fish for the faunas.

The cat-girl's eyes lit up as she drools over her order while Weiss just looks strangely at her before offering her credit card to the owner.

"Aw, Weiss! What's the occasion?" Yang teased.

"Consider it thanks for sending me to the double round." Replied Weiss but her joy was soon ruined as the disgruntled owner threw back her card before pointing at his register that beeps "Declined".

"What?! How can my card be declined?! I was barely into my monthly allowance!"

Panicking, Blake attempts to discreetly slide her bowl closer to her but the owner caught her and disappears with her food, causing the faunas to slump over in defeat.

"Nooo..!" Blake cried out.

"Mmph." Y/N grunted, slurping his soup while snapping his fingers at the owner, gaining his attention before Y/N flicked his own credit card at the latter who caught it.

The owner then threw back the card to Y/N as the register beeped positively, showing the word "Accepted". Y/N, who is still slurping his bowl, only gestured at RWBY to dig in.

"Aw, you didn't have to..." Yang said.

"BUT HE DID! THANK YOU!" Blake interjected before giving Y/N's exposed cheek a kiss.

Thankfully, Y/N was almost done with his bowl otherwise he would have spurted out a fountain of chicken soup but he still choked. He slammed down his bowl, coughing many times before furiously wiping his face with a napkin before staring at Blake with a deadpanned expression.

"Can you not?" He asked but the girl in question is already devouring her bowl with a predatory frenzy.

"Well, that's what I get for paying for you girls..." Y/N sighed before noticing RWY's expressions.

"What?" He questioned but they just grumbled and pouted before returning to their bowl.

"Oh, hey! Y/N, Team RWBY!" Pyrrha called out.

"Pyrrha!" Ruby called back in delight.

"Mind if we join you?" Jeanne asked before Y/N gestured at the empty seats.

A few minutes later, the bowls are all empty and each students is either happily filled with their meal or holding their stomachs sickly.

"Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?" Rin asked.

"Of course! It will give us energy!" Pyrrha optimistically replied as the bowls vanished as the owner unknowingly gathered them. Nora simply belches.

"My mother said it's not good to move around a lot after a meal." Y/N stated.

"If I barf, I'm blaming you." Jeanne added, placing her head on the table.

"Ooh! Aim at the enemy!" Nora said with an evil grin.

"Nora, that's disgusting but if you feel the urge." Rin remarked.

"Got it." Jeanne weakly gave a thumbs up.

"Well, we should be off." Pyrrha said, getting up.

"Do you think you guys are ready?" Ruby asked.

"Of course! We've got a world-renown fighter on our team, one's basically ninja, I can bench five of me, Jeanne, we trained all year, our weapons are awesome, Glynda barely yells at us anymore and uh... Jeanne!" Nora began.

"Are you gonna take that?" Rin said to Jeanne.

"She's not wrong." The knightess responded, still feeling sick.

"I'm kidding, she knows I'm kidding. Don't be so nervous! The worst that can happen is we lose, that is just a few more years of walking around school with everyone knowing we're failures, our friends will slowly abandon us to preserve their social status, we won't be able to show our faces in class, no one will sit with us in the cafeteria, Rin and I have no parents, we have no home left to go tom we'll be officially renamed Team Lose-iper!" Nora rambled before sobbing and slamming her head down.

"There, there, my little adorable crazy leg-smasher pancake-lover child, don't cry." Y/N cooed as he hugged Nora whilst patting her head.

The said girl only blushed as she hugged back while comically crying into Y/N's chest, the rest? They were livid with RWBY and JPR glaring at the duo.

"So, yeah. We're feeling pretty good." Rin answered.

"Don't fret. If anything, we should be looking forward to a fight with actual guidelines and not, well... murderers." Pyrrha added.

"Yeah, don't sweat it, we've all faced way worse before." Yang said.

"Let's see. Grimm invasions, violent extremists, a destructive sociopath..." Blake counted, ticking her fingers.

"Maybe then I'll be able to pay for a meal." Weiss also added.

"Would Team JNPR please report to the battlegrounds immediately!" Professor Port's voice boomed over the intercom.

"Yes! Like they were scheduled to several minutes ago!" Professor Oobleck's voice added.

"Well, it looks like this is it." Pyrrha stated.

"Go get'em!" Ruby cheered.

"Let's go watch their match guys." Yang said before another voice boomed over the intercom.

"Would Mister L/N please report to Ozpin's office." Professor Goodwitch's voice said over the PA.

"Huh? What do they want me for?" Y/N asked.

"Did you do something?" Weiss accused with a deadpanned face.

"Hey, I may be bad but I'm not THAT bad." Y/N rebuked.

"Still, did you do anything to piss a teacher off?" Yang questioned.

"Nope." Was the boy's answer before getting off and making his way to the said office but stopping and turning around again.

"Who wants a hug for good luck?" Y/N playfully asked before JNPR immediately pounced on him while RWBY growled slightly before joining in.



"~Zi-O, toki no oja~"

"~Kono sekai no unmei michibiki~"

"~Cuz I still dream on shin no oja~"

"~Toki no koeru saga~" I sang as the elevator went up the tower before the doors opened.

I stepped in to see Ironwood and Ozpin discussing something before the latter noticed my arrival, I also saw another person here but she's completely unknown to me. I never saw her in the anime so I was left confused.

"Mister L/N, thank you for coming here." Ozpin greeted.

"Sir, what is it that you need? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"Not at all in fact, you did us a favor instead." The headmaster replied before Ironwood stepped in front of me.

"We checked the CCT Tower's software as you suggested and found a virus implanted by that intruder, furthermore, if such virus was not destroyed immediately. All the Atlesian combat robots would be hacked along with the tournament broadcast systems." Said the general.

"I see..." Was my response.

"Thanks to you, this threat was thwarted thus I wish to once again, formally thank you for performing a service for the betterment of the civilians." Ironwood stated.

"Oh, don't mention it but I guess that's not the entire reason I'm here, right?" I asked, earning a nod from both the headmasters.

"Indeed, Mister L/N. Remember when I said only a full team can participate in the Vytal Tournament?" Ozpin asked.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"You see, General Ironwood here has also got a little surprise for us but mostly you. Like Beacon, Atlas Academy also has teams of four people but one of the rare cases has come to me." Ozpin explained.

"And..?" I gestured for him to continue.

"Headmaster Ironwood here also has a team that is comprised of one person, like you." Said Ozpin, I was surprised, is that who that unfamiliar girl was?

"Mister L/N, I would like to introduce you to Eirwen Frostnova." Stated Ironwood as the said girl stepped forward and I'd like to say she's completely on the side of knight!

"Greetings, it is a pleasure to meet one who is in the same position as me." Eirwen said, bowing her head at me which I returned the gesture to as well before Observing her.

[Name: Eirwen Frostnova]

[Race: Human]

[Title Equipped: The Knight of Atlas, Winter Prodigy]

[Level: 46]

[Health Point: 4600/4600]

[Aura Points: 1000/1000]

[Experience Point: 3956/5000]

[Semblance: Knight's Chivalry]

Damn, her levels aren't so bad but I'm still higher than her but what's more interesting is her existence itself! She wasn't introduced or present in any of the RWBY episodes so what the hell is going on here?!

"Mister L/N." Ozpin called out to me.

"Yes, sir?" I replied back, calming down internally but still perplexed.

"Miss Frostnova will be your opponent in the tournament." Ozpin stated and I was surprised, I'm participating after all? And this girl is going to be my opponent?

That's... interesting.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes but let me remind you, if there's anything you require help with, notify me. It's the best I can do for your service." Said Ironwood and I nodded before leaving the office.

"And Mister L/N?" Ozpin called out to me again so I turned around.


"Do win the tournament for Beacon, will you?" He said with a hint of mischief directed at Ironwood and his own students.

"Will do, sir." I replied, grinning before the elevator doors closed on me.


[Y/N L/N]

[Race: Human]

[Title Equipped: The Gamer]

[Level: 112]

[Health Point: 11200/11200]

[Aura Points: 1000/1000]

[Experience Point: 14378/50000]

[Semblance: Shadow Sovereign]


- Igris

- Tank

- Iron

- Tusk

- Beru

- Greed

- Avenger

- Kaisel

- Bemular

- Isolde

- Ignatius

- Jima

- Bellion

- 130,000 True Shadow Legion Soldiers


Another chapter done and here we go! Volume 3 is starting and I also want to introduce a new cover I've made myself for this book! Author Out!

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