Smoke and Fire

By Darkness0166

16.7K 325 22

What would happen if the story started off with Edward being a dad? He finds a little girl in the woods some... More

My Beginning....
Growing up...
Fuxk Bella Swan
She knows....
Baseball ⚾
Leaving Forks...
Death is easier than living
The deal....
Balls and Wives
Plot Twist
Life and Death
Athenodora part 2 (Elena⬆)
Back to you


933 20 1
By Darkness0166

I saw my life flash before my eyes before I woke to the sunlight... I blinked a few times before I realized I was at home in bed.. I sat up slowly. My skin didn't sparkle? Did dad suck out the venom? ''Dad?" I sat up feeling pain in my leg. I hissed falling back. " Don't move honey." I looked up and saw my dad. He looked extra pale. Ugh, I feel horrible. Wait, my wrist! I looked down at my arm and saw the bite. Am I..."No." My dad whispered placing a hand over my wrist. "I sucked the venom out....I almost....I almost killed you." He chocked. " saved me. Im the reason everything got bad...if I just stayed here like I should have!" I started to cry. " No honey. I should have protected you more...I've been so busy with Bella that I hardly pay attention to you anymore. This is my fault." He got down by my bed side. " I promise you. I will spend more time with you." He kissed my hand making me smile. A knock on the door made us both look. Grandpa came in with a smile. "I see my favorite is awake." I grinned at him. "Now, the damaged is not bad. You have a broken leg and just a cut above it. It should heal before Prom." I groaned. I forgot about that. Good thing I'm not going...I smiled to myself. "Uh, yes you are Elizabeth." I looked at my dad. I refuse. And you can't make me. "Elizabeth Mason Cullen you are going to the Prom if it's the last thing you do!" He stormed off. I frowned. " Why is prom such a big deal?" I asked grandpa. " Because it's the last human thing you'll do in high school. He just wants you to do everything while you can sweetheart." I lay down. To be honest I didn't want to go cause i didn't have a date. I would look like a loser if i went alone. Even my family had there date. Dad was usually my date to dance's but now Bella was his date. A knock on the door made me look up. It was Bella. She smiled at me. "Hey Liz." She sat next to me. "Hi" I whispered back. "I wanted to check on you and thank you for protect me and my family." I smile "You would do the same for me. Its nothing." Then she hugged me knocking me off guard. I hugged her back. She pulled back standing up "I have to go but I'll see you at prom?" I nodded. "Cool." She nodded awkwardly leaving. Damn, now I have to go....

I was free from jail at last. Now I had another prison to  go to. Prom. Alice already had me dressed and ready a hour before it even started. 

I sighed and walked down to the living room. Time for pictures....I put on a smile and looked at everyone taking a picture of me. My dad was no where to be see, of course...."You look beautiful hunny." Esme smiled hugging me. "Thanks." I walk over to Alice. "Sneakers?" I grin "I let you girl me up enough Alice." She sighs. "Darling let her be." Jasper smiled at me. "Fine, lets get these pictures taken so we can leave." I stood by the wall. "Ready-" "Am I late?!" I turned and saw Dad in a tux with a corsage. I smiled at him. "No, just on time actually." Alice grinned at us. She so knew about this. He placed it on my wrist. 

"Thought I wouldn't make it."He grinned standing by me as we got our picture took. "Aren't you taking Bella?" I asked him. He smiled "Yes, but my daughter comes first." I hugged him. "I love you Lizzy Bear." i grinned hugging him tighter "Love you to dad." He kissed my head. "Now, lets get going." he grinned. I looked at everyone and then had a idea. Dad, I'm gonna go with Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper. He frowned "Are you sure?" I nodded. Ya, go pick up Bella. I'll see you there. He grinned leaving. "Why didn't you go with him?" Rose frowned. "Because, my dad isn't gonna have this chance again to be with his mate. It's been us for so's time for me to accept another girl in his life and be happy about." Esme rubbed my shoulders. "I'm proud of you." I smiled "Thanks, now lets get this party started!" we all laughed leaving to Prom.

So, i was standing alone by a bathroom....

.I sigh and decide to leave. I walk outside and frown seeing it's raining now. And it looks like my siblings are either making out or are inside hanging with friends. I took my ponytail out letting my wet hair get into my face. I smiled to myself moving it. "Uh,Excuse me Miss?" I turned towards the woods. I frowned as a guy with no shirt on and only shorts walked out. "Can I help you?" I back up nervous. "Ah, no,  I mean yes." he rubbed his head more nervous then me for some reason. "I was just making sure you were okay." I looked around. He just walked out the woods to check on me? "Um, I'm fine?" He nodded. "I'm Sam." he blurted out. Should I tell him my name? What if he's a perv or weirdo? I looked at him. He seemed okay. "Elizabeth." I looked him over. That's when I noticed his tattoo. His a wolf. Vampire's enemy's."I need to go!'' I turned to leave. "Wait!'' he called grabbing my hand all of a sudden. I frowned pulling it back. "I know who you are!" I growled at him. I looked at the party "If my family sees you it will be problems." he frowned. "Who's your family?'' I unlocked Alice's car. "The Cullen's" His face went white. I open the door to get in when he closed it. I sighed. "I don't care. I want to see you." I grin "You don't even know me?" He sighs "I know you have a scar on your arm from a trap." I frown at him. "How do you? Have you been watching me?!" i growl "No, Jacob saw it! He told his friends and since one just became apart of my pack he told me about your scar saying how he liked you but I told him -" he stopped talking. "Told him what?" I raised a eyebrow. "Can we talk about this tomorrow maybe?" I grinned "Nope. Explain." He sighed. The rain kept going. "After I heard that I knew it had to be you that saved me from the trap when I was in Alaska as a wolf." I gasped touching my arm. I didn't tell anyone what really happened...."I- it's really you?" he nodded. That was so long ago. "I was a kid Sam, why does it matter now?" i asked. "Because, your my imprint." I gasped covering my mouth. 

I was imprinted on.

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