Lavanya : The Chosen Queen [O...

By KavyaAgnihotri

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FEATURED ON WATTPAD HISTORICAL ROMANCE Lavanya, the daughter of Siravuri Bhargav, the General of Maheswari, w... More

Character Introduction
Secret Identity: Chapter 1
Her Past : Chapter 2
Impressed(1) : Chapter 3
Impressed (2): Chapter 4
The Proposal: Chapter 5
Accusation : Chapter 6
Prince solved the problem: Chapter 7
Marriage with Lavanya!?: Chapter 8
Marriage(1): Chapter 9
Marriage(2): Chapter 10
Dacoit Attack : Chapter 11
Fighting Against The Dacoits : Chapter 12
The First Night : Chapter 13
Virendra Regrets : Chapter 14
Surya Sneaks Into Lavanya's room : Chapter 15
Lavanya Stuns The Royals : Chapter 16
The Queen Defends Lavanya: Chapter 17
Akshara Enters The Palace In Disguise: Chapter 18
Virendra Is Impressed By Lavanya: Chapter 19
The Peculiar Case: Chapter 20
Virendra & Lavanya Team Up: Chapter 21
Virendra And Lavanya Find The Culprit: Chapter 22
Justice At Court : Chapter 23
Karthik Discovers Lavanya's Secret: Chapter 24
Virendra Challenges Lavanya: Chapter 26
Virendra becomes Lavanya's Guruji: Chapter 27
Virendra-Lavanya Finds Dacoits Treasure: Chapter 28
Virendra Gets Shot: Chapter 29
Sanvika Devi Takes Care of Prince Virendra : Chapter 30
Author's Note
Caring For Each Other : Chapter 31
Secret Mission : Chapter 32

Will Karthik Breathe His Last? : Chapter 25

4.6K 315 182
By KavyaAgnihotri

Well...I am thinking of writing an Indian werewolf (omegaverse) story. I have read a lot of LGBTQ (homosexual) werewolf stories and English werewolf stories but I never read an Indian one.

So I am planning to write it on the genre - Chicklit, werewolf, badass female lead, underworld, secret gang/ underworld, police, strong male and female lead.

I am kinda nervous about it thinking if you will read it or not. I really want to know if you will like this type of Indian fiction. Because I have dreamt of writing a badass female underworld leader and a strong police male lead story. And I am planning to make it werewolf because it will add spice to the story since the mate thing is present in it and the mates cannot separate from each other no matter what they do. Its something like true love *makes dreamy eyes*. I won't write 18+ things. There may be sensual scenes like kissing etc but no 18+ thing because I am not comfortable with it. Many of you who knows about the werewolf thing must be thinking that how without adding 18+ scenes, I will write it. I have my own ways to depict everything perfectly. I have read werewolf books since 7 months to get a good grip on it.

Please let me know your opinions on it. I did an announcement but I received no response from my Lavanya readers. So I did announcement here again. Please let me know your opinions.

Another thing -

My updates will become highly irregular up to September (probably). The exam dates are declared and I have to prepare for them. I may not be even able to update in September. Please bear with me.

Sister-in-law is Sanvika Devi!? Karthik's eyes widened while his breathing became shallow, unable to cope up with the amount of shock he had received just then. Unconsciously, he moved a step back with his hands clenched into fists. As a result, his foot fell on the dry leaves, causing a rustling sound while his back hit the chestnut-colored rough bark of the tree.

This immediately alarmed Sanvika Devi. No sooner had the sound of the rustling leaves reached her ears than her eyes immediately shifted to the direction of the origin of the sound. Suspecting it to be a person, her hands immediately unsheathed her hidden dagger and threw it at the direction of the sound. The tip of the dagger pierced the bark of the tree just beside Karthik's neck while the sharp blade of the dagger was almost grazing against the epidermis of his neck, closing his way of escape from the right side. This pulled Karthik out of daze. He was about to turn the other side to escape from there when another dagger swiftly came towards him and pierced the bark of the left side, making it impossible for Karthik to escape from there. By the time Karthik could understand that it was impossible for him to escape, the sharp blade of the sword rested near his neck, almost touching the epidermis of his neck.

"Prince Karthik!" Surya's eyes widened in stupefaction as soon as he recognized the person with the help of mashal in his hand while Lavanya's brows got knitted together forming a frown but her hand held the sword tightly, holding Karthik at neck-point.

"Surround!" Lavanya yelled and the next moment rustling sound of leaves filled the area as all the people who were wearing black clothes encircled Lavanya, Surya, Karthik, Akshara, and other few Devi Sena members. "No one will expose their identity." She ordered and everyone became aware and refrained themselves from removing the cloth which covered their faces. Lavanya's sharp eyes took a quick glance at everyone. After confirming that everyone obeyed her words, she returned her gaze to Karthik. Withdrawing the sword from Karthik's neck, she looked at him with suspicious eyes. "May I know what the royal prince Karthik is doing here in the abandoned forests of Maheswari?"

Karthik's breathing became shallow and he looked like a lost child as his eyes witnessed how disciplined Devi Sena was while Lavanya's sharp, cold voice made him shiver unconsciously. He looked at Lavanya with eyes full of admiration while the latter's brows got knitted into a 'V' shape as she was waiting patiently for an answer from the prince.

"Prince, I am asking something!" The volume of Lavanya's voice increased at the ending of the sentence while she tightened the grip on the hilt of her sword.

"I-its...I-I was j-just strolling in the g-gardens when I saw y-you escaping from the palace. It-thought that you are some s-spy and followed you." Karthik stammered but he continued without giving a chance to interrupt him. "But don't worry. I won't inform the royals about your whereabouts and this place."

"Wah! A royal is saying these words?" Surya said as if was amused by Karthik's words. "As far as I remember, the royals are searching for Devi Sena like lunatics and now a royal is saying that he won't inform the King about this place?! It really sounds strange." He said in a casual tone but each and every word showed how much he disbelieved the royals.

"I don't know about the King and my brother but I really admire Sanvika Devi and Devi Sena. Its because you all efficiently do justice to the poor but we cannot do it since we have to collect evidence and those shrewd people erase all their evidence. Even before we can catch them, Sanvika Devi already takes a step against it." Karthik tried to explain himself. "I really wanted to meet her in person but I never knew that sister-in-law is Sanvika Devi. Please believe me, I really won't ever tell them about your whereabouts." His voice sounded desperate while most of the members of Devi Sena including Akshara got convinced that Karthik wouldn't disclose their secret. But Lavanya and Surya seemed unaffected as they were looking at the Prince with cold, emotionless eyes.

"Why should I trust your words, Prince?" Lavanya asked while her eyes were looking into Karthik's, trying to find if Karthik was sincere with his words.

"Sister-in-law, I am telling the truth. You have to believe me. I am never against Devi Sena. In fact, I secretly admire you." Karthik's voice trembled while he was feeling so helpless as he was unable to make Lavanya believe in his words. "I swear on Mahadev. I am not lying." He looked at Lavanya as if those words were his last hope.

Letting out a deep sigh, Lavanya looked at Surya while the latter gently shook his head, signaling her to take more time to confirm the prince's words.

"Prince, why cannot I believe your words?" Lavanya's titled her head were her words sounded casual. "Leave it. So, you have two options for now. One is death and another one is a fight with me."

"I chose to fight with you," Karthik replied while looking intensely at Lavanya as he was still standing with both the daggers on both sides of his neck while his back was resting against the rough bark.

"Great. I expected this." A humorless chuckle left Lavanya's lips. She averted her gaze to Surya. "Free him first so that I can have combat with him."

Surya nodded and removed the daggers from each side of the prince's neck. Handing a dagger to Lavanya, he sheathed the other dagger before putting it protectively at his waistband. With an amusing smirk on her face, Lavanya put the dagger at her waist after sheathing it.

"Attack me, prince," Lavanya said as her fingers wrapped around the handle of the sword before unsheathing it.

Karthik's brows got knitted together as he unsheathed his sword and held it in the middle position while Lavanya took her position as well. The next moment Lavanya attacked an overhead attack while Karthik immediately raised his sword, stopping her blow. Using his force he pushed Lavanya to protect himself. Before he could come to his ready position again, Lavanya's sword made an attack from a 60° upward diagonal direction. To escape the attack, Karthik blocked it using his sword. Using all her force, Lavanya moved her hand in a circle so that she could make Karthik unarmed. Realizing Lavanya's intentions, Karthik tightened the grip on the handle of his sword, so that it wouldn't slip away from his hand. Karthik quickly withdrew his sword and attacked her. She swiftly blocked his blow and counterattacked an unprepared Karthik. What made it difficult for Karthik was Lavanya's continuous flow of vigorous attacks which put him on the back foot.

Finally, with a strong blow, Lavanya knocked out Karthik's sword making him unarmed while her sword rested against the epidermis of his neck.

"You lost, prince Karthik," Lavanya said with a confident smirk on her face.

Karthik lowered his head, accepting his defeat. "I accept your punishment, Sanvika Devi." He said in a deep voice, making Lavanya look at him with amusement in her eyes.

"Good." Lavanya looked at him intensely. She extended her hand towards Surya who was standing beside her. Surya understood her signal and put his unsheathed dagger on her palm. "Since you got defeated, death is compulsory for you." Her fingers fished out a small bottle that was hidden beneath her waistband.

Akshara's eyes widened when she realized what that bottle contained. "Sanvika Devi, you cannot do this." She looked at her sister with horror in her eyes.

"Why cannot I do this?" Lavanya's iris traveled to the leftmost corner of her eyes, glancing at her sister while she dipped the blade of the dagger in the bottle containing the potion.

"I-Its the lethal potion and you cannot just kill the prince! Even if a single drop of the poison diffuses with blood, that person will die" Akshara's voice quivered while her sister looked adamant.

"You want me to let go of this prince and put the lives of my entire people in jeopardy?!" Lavanya roared, sending shivers down Akshara and Karthik's spine. "If I have to kill a person to save the lives of hundreds of people, I am willing to do it."

"But he is the prince of Maheswari." Akshara's voice sounded desperate as if she wanted to save Karthik's life at any cost. "You just cannot kill him."

"Why are you so concerned about him?!" Lavanya glared at her sister. "You are behaving as if I am killing your loved one."

"If my death is the only way to prove that I won't let the royals know about your whereabouts, then let it be," Karthik said in a determined voice while his gaze was fixed on his sister-in-law.

"Sanvika Devi, you-"

"Don't." Surya's calm yet deep voice growled, making Akshara stop in the middle of her words. "Don't interfere in her decisions."

Lavanya smiled after listening to Surya's words. "Here." Lavanya held the dagger towards Karthik so that he could take it from her. "You know what to do." Her voice sounded cold while her piercing gaze was fixed on Karthik.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Karthik opened them. "Goodbye, sister-in-law. I am happy to know that you are Sanvika Devi. I am really so happy to have you as my sister-in-law. Please take care of my brother." His voice didn't tremble at all but the bitterness was evident in it. Extending his hand, he took the dagger from her hand and closed his eyes before putting the poison dipped blade at his neck. The blade of the dagger was about to sink into the soft epidermis of Karthik's neck, Lavanya's voice thundered, making him stop his actions.

"Stop!" Lavanya snarled and Karthik opened his eyes immediately. "You don't need to prove yourself anymore." She took the dagger from his hand and handed it to Surya.

"You believe in me?!" Karthik's eyes widened in shock while he stared at Lavanya with hope in his eyes.

"Yes," Lavanya said while a smile appeared on Surya's face who was cleaning the blade of the dagger with water.

"How come you suddenly believe him, Sanvika Devi?" A girl who was standing behind Lavanya suddenly asked.

"Swati, I am sure he won't disclose our secret because his voice neither trembled a bit nor he stammered which means he isn't lying. His eyes didn't show any fear when I gave me the dagger but showed a determination of proving himself. Moreover, while talking to me, his eyes were fixed on me. He neither looked away nor showed any signs of nervousness. It only shows one thing and it is that he isn't lying." Lavanya explained and turned towards Karthik. "You can go back, Karthik. But make sure not to open your mouth in front of prince Virendra and the King." She warned.

A faint smile appeared on Karthik's face when Lavanya addressed him as 'Karthik' instead of prince which meant that she forgave him. "Sister-in-law, I am not going back alone. I will go with you."

Lavanya's eyes widened at Karthik's words. "It's impossible. I just came here and I cannot leave so soon."

"I will wait," Karthik replied. "What if my brother finds you in this condition when you sneak into the palace? You will land in deep problem."

"Isn't he sleeping?" Lavanya asked with hesitation in her voice.

"He has a habit of sleeping late at night," Karthik replied. "I am sure he is still awake."

Damn this spoiled prince! Lavanya closed her eyes for a moment while her teeth were pressed together, trying to control her anger. Rolling her eyes, she looked at Karthik. "Why your brother always has to come on my way!? Is he so determined to catch me?" Huffing, she looked at Surya who seemed to laugh silently.

"That's why I am telling you, sister-in-law. I will wait here for you. I don't want you to get caught." Karthik said in a soft voice.

Letting out a deep breath, Lavanya spoke. "Alright. You can wait here." She turned towards her entire Devi Sena. "Uncover your faces and stand in position." Her voice growled, making everyone stand in upright position except Surya, Akshara, Swati, and Anuj.

Surya and Akshara were standing beside Lavanya while the Anuj and Swati were standing behind her. Four of them were the most trusted and the most powerful persons of Devi Sena and they were given the responsibility of leading her troops in her absence. Soon everyone uncovered their faces including Surya, Akshara, Anuj, and Swati.

"Brother Surya? Akshara!?" Karthik uttered in utter shock when he recognized the two persons.

"How are you Karthik?" Surya asked playfully while arching a brow after witnessing Karthik's shocked face.

"Don't gossip!" Lavanya side-eyed Surya before averting her gaze to her troops. "Why did everyone attend late today?" She paused and eyed each and every member of Devi Sena, only to find that they were hanging their heads low. "I am asking something! Why do I have to send signals twice to summon all of you?" Her voice echoed in the entire forest, making each and every person present there flinch. Her grip tightened on the hilt of her sword as anger boiled deep in her system, as hot as lava.

"S-sorry." A feeble voice of the members of Devi Sena was heard.

"I already said that I won't be coming here daily since I am married now. But it doesn't mean that you can become idle and neglect your duties!" Lavanya said in an authoritative voice, showing how powerful she was. "This time I am letting all of you go. But if this repeats next time, I won't show any mercy." Her sharp eyes glared at her entire Devi Sena including Akshara and Anuj.

She is so powerful. Karthik's lips curved upwards into a faint smile as he was watching Lavanya's each and every move while sitting on a huge rock. No doubt she has skills to escape from my brother's clutches every time. Brother Virendra, you should be proud that sister-in-law is such a great warrior.

"Akshara, Anuj," Lavanya said in a cold, stoic voice making the two persons look at her immediately. "Recently a dacoit attack happened in the forests of Maheswari. Both of you know it, right?" She glanced at Akshara and Anuj while they nodded. "Great! Then how come both of you weren't present at the site of the dacoit attack that day?" She gritted her teeth, trying to control her anger.

"They were practicing that day." Surya interfered as he already realized the condition of Lavanya's temper.

"I didn't ask you, Surya," Lavanya said without looking at him. "I am asking you something and I want a reply." She said in a cold and calm voice as if it was indicating the arrival of a storm.

"I-I was p-practicing swordsmanship," Akshara replied before gulping.

"I w-was practicing a-archery," Anuj replied when Lavanya looked at him, demanding an answer.

"Great! I really want to check how much you developed your skills in my absence." Lavanya said as she walked a few steps away from Akshara and Anuj with her hands folded at her back. "Akshara, let's have a duel."

"Huh?" Akshara's eyes widened at Lavanya's words. It was not that she couldn't stand against her but that time her duel was with Sanvika Devi, not her sister Lavanya.

"Ready?" Lavanya said as she unsheathed her sword.

There is no way she will go back on her words. I have no other option than to accept this challenge. Akshara took a deep breath and unsheathed her sword. "I am ready." She took a ready position so that she could counterattack Lavanya.

Without giving any notice, Lavanya's sword attacked first and Akshara swiftly moved her body, dodging the attack. Before Lavanya could lift her sword to attack, Akshara moved her sword at a 90° angle, aiming Lavanya's body. The latter quickly blocked the attack, protecting her body. Soon a fierce battle began between the two sisters as no one decided to slow down. One was busy checking the other's sword skills while the other was trying to defeat the older.

"Long time, no see, Karthik. How are you?" Surya asked as he stood beside Karthik with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Brother Surya." Karthik immediately stood up while looking all tensed.

"Why are you looking so tensed?" Surya arched his brow while looking at the prince with a weird gaze.

"Brother, I am fearing about this duel. Both of them are looking as if they are ready to take one another's life." Karthik replied while his gaze was fixed on the fighting figures.

"Relax Karthik." Surya chuckled. "It's not that Lavanya is going to hurt her sister. If she loses her control, then I will use my tricks to stop her."

"Are you sure?" Karthik looked at Surya with wide eyes.

"Yes." Surya smiled. "Moreover, both of us are useless here. Because today Lavanya is going to deal with Devi Sena and our presence isn't important here." He walked near to the fighting girls. "Today she is going to deal with Devi Sena."

"Will she punish them?" Karthik inquired.

"If they can prove that they really practiced and developed their fighting skills, then they will be forgiven. But if they failed to do so. will be a tough time for them." Surya explained.

Karthik looked at Surya with disbelief in his eyes while the latter smiled and shrugged his shoulders. As they were standing close to the fighting warriors, suddenly Lavanya made a spin, dodging Akshara's attack and swiftly pulled out Surya's sword from its scabbard. Surya's eyes widened when he realized that Lavanya took his sword to have a tough duel with Akshara. Before Karthik could understand what had just happened, Akshara came towards him and took out his sword from the scabbard, unsheathing it so that she could keep up with Lavanya.

"Lavanya has become more fierce!" Surya uttered when he saw the frequent blows Lavanya was giving to Akshara.

"We need to stop them," Karthik said in a tense voice as he noticed that Akshara's body became too tired to keep up with Lavanya.

Surya's brows got knitted together and he already decided what to do next. He walked and stood behind Lavanya in such a way that the latter was standing between Akshara and him. "Akshara!" Surya yelled and Akshara looked at him. He signed her to throw the swords towards him so that he could continue the duel with Lavanya.

Lavanya moved her sword aiming Akshara's neck. Akshara quickly lowered her head, making the sword pass over her head. She quickly threw the swords in her hand towards Surya and stood beside Karthik while Surya caught both the sword and stood with a smile on his face.

"I was thinking of having a friendly duel with Lavanya," Surya said in a playful tone when Lavanya turned towards him.

"Why are you defending her?" Lavanya's face turned into a serious one while she looked at Surya.

"I am not defending her." Surya smiled while starting to walk in circles. "I am just thinking that that kid isn't enough for a duel with you. So I decided to take the lead."

"Well." Lavanya's lips curved into a smirk and she attacked Surya.

"Good." Surya's smile was replaced by a smirk as his plan was working perfectly. He blocked the attack and pushed Lavanya before attacking her.

Soon a duel began between the two friends and no one seemed to back off.

"Are you alright?" Karthik asked Akshara in a low voice as she was panting heavily.

"Y-yes. I a-am." Akshara replied while catching her breath.

"I think you should sit for a while," Karthik said in a soft voice while looking at the panting girl.

"It's okay." Akshara smiled a bit, showing him that she was fine. "Sorry for taking your sword without your permission."

"It's okay." Karthik gave her an assuring smile. "I want to ask you something."

"Yes," Akshara said.

"When did the dacoit attack happened?" Karthik asked.

"After the day of sister's marriage, they went to the temple. While returning to the palace, they had to face the dacoits." Akshara said with a voice filled with guilt. Her face turned into a sad one while a pout appeared on her face. "It was all my fault. I should have present there on that day. I have heard that they threatened sister to go along with them."

"Its okay Akshara." Karthik smiled. "She is alright, right? Don't feel guilty. Everything is fine. You were practicing. So practically you are not at the fault either." He tried to console her, trying to make her feel comfortable.

"Thank you for your warm words, p-prince" Akshara smiled back.

"You don't need to call me prince. Just call me Karthik." Karthik said with a warm smile plastered to his face. "We are friends since childhood. It sounds strange if you call me prince."

"B-but prince, we are grown up now," Akshara mumbled, louder enough for Karthik to hear her words.

"But we almost of the same age. So call me by my name," Karthik said before leaning a bit towards Akshara. "Your fighting skills are amazing." He almost whispered, making Akshara blush a little at his compliment. She just smiled without saying anything.

Why is she so adorable? Karthik smiled after maintaining his composure. She is different from sister-in-law but still, she is beautiful in her own way. I really have to admit that her sword skills are amazing. He looked away as he remembered how efficiently Akshara stood against Lavanya and fought with her. Akshara, you never fail to show that you are no lesser than me in any field since childhood and I really like this quality on you.

Meanwhile, Lavanya's force and frequency of attacks reduced, indicating that she was returning to her normal state. Surya internally smiled as he was successful in making her calm.

"Your highness, your sword skills are improving. Are you practicing it with your husband?" Surya asked while blocking an attack.

"Stop flirting with me, Surya," Lavanya said with a slight smile on her face. "I haven't started practicing yet in the royal palace." She replied, counterattacking Surya's blow.

" your husband falling for you?" Surya asked playfully while attacking her.

"Are you trying to provoke me?" Lavanya arched her brow after dodging his attack.

"I am just concerned about my best friend," Surya replied, making a strong attack in order to end the duel since he succeeded in his plan.

Without replying, Lavanya blocked the blow and spun her hand which was holding the sword so that she could snatch away the sword from Surya's hand. Surya smirked as he tightened his grip on his sword. He immediately made a spun and the next moment the tip of his sword rested against Lavanya's neck while the latter's sword was against his neck.

"We won." Surya smiled while withdrawing his sword and Lavanya smiled before withdrawing her's.

She turned towards Akshara who was standing beside Karthik. With a cold gaze fixed on Akshara, Lavanya walked towards her. Akshara lowered her head a bit when she saw her sister was walking towards her.

"You improved your sword skills," Lavanya uttered and Akshara at once lifted her head to me her sister's gaze. "You didn't disappoint me." Her lips curved into a smile. "You indeed practiced sword fighting these days otherwise you wouldn't be able to stand against me today."

"Thank you, Sanvika Devi." Akshara smiled while Karthik silently heaved a sigh of relief as Lavanya was satisfied with her sister's skills and didn't publish her more.

Lavanya turned towards Anuj and the archers of Devi Sena. "So many of you practiced archery during the time of dacoit attack, right?" She eyed each and every newborn archer while they hung their heads down, unable to meet her gaze. "I am going to test how much you improved in archery. If you show improvement, then it's good but if I see you didn't improve, then you know your punishment." She continued while walking to and fro. "All of you know that to the south of this abandoned forest, there is a river. The waters of the river a much colder compared to other rivers of Maheswari. As a punishment, you have to stand in the river water in such a way that the water will reach below your chest and you will practice archery in that condition. Understand?"

"Yes." The archers of Devi Sena responded in a low voice.

"Great. Since Akshara is the leader of the archery troops, she and I will check the archers while Surya, Swati, and Karthik will check the improvement of sword fighters." Lavanya said while glancing at Surya and Karthik who seemed to forget where they were and were talking as if they were long lost friends.

"As your wish, Sanvika Devi," Surya said while standing up from the rock.

Soon the practice started and most of the members of Devi Sena proved their efficiency. Those who couldn't prove their efficiency had to face their punishment of standing in water and practicing archery. Once they satisfied Lavanya and Akshara, they were immediately taken to the western part of the abandoned forests where they used to live in secret to change their clothes and sat before the fire to keep their body warm. Karthik accompanied the Devi Sena to the western part of the vast abandoned forests.

He almost froze when he saw numerous bamboo huts in the western part of the abandoned forests which looked like a small village. Since it was already late, most of the huts were engrossed by the darkness while few huts have flickering diyas, enlightening the little huts. Those huts which had diyas belonged to the warriors of Devi Sena. The remaining huts belonged to homeless people who already devoted their life to Devi Sena and Sanvika Devi. They were so loyal to Sanvika Devi and Devi Sena such that they were willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of Sanvika Devi and her troops.

"You are looking so shocked, your highness." Akshara chuckled after witnessing Karthik's shocked face.

"These houses..." Karthik paused while looking at Akshara, asking for an explanation.

"These huts belong to the members of Devi Sena and homeless people. Most of the people here are women and old people. Many of the women here are rescued while getting abducted while some were rescued when they had nowhere to go. Other than women, there are some men who aren't accepted by their families, neglected by them, or they are of little softer nature than dominant men. So basically the women and the men here don't have the fear of dying." Akshara explained with a smile on her face. "Other than these people, some old people whose children abandoned them live here." She turned towards Karthik. "This is why the sister is very protective of Devi Sena and doesn't let an intruder here. So she asked you to prove yourself so that the royals won't know about our whereabouts and destroy the lives of people here. I know the King is considerate but still, these people won't receive the shelter and love which they receive here."

"What if anyone of this Sena got caught by the royals?" Karthik asked.

"Till now no one got caught because only well-trained members are allowed to go on missions so that they won't commit any mistake." Akshara smiled. "Karthik, I hope you understand my sister's concern regarding her troops and the people. Please keep the secret of Sanvika Devi as a secret and don't disclose it." She looked at Karthik with pleading eyes.

"I swear on Mahadev that I won't ever open my mouth to reveal Sanvika Devi's secret," Karthik promised and gave an assuring smile to Akshara.

"That's all for now." Lavanya's soft yet gentle voice gained everyone's attention. "Everyone can take rest now. I don't know when I will come again but I will come without giving notice. Surya, Akshara, Swati, and Anuj, make sure to send me all the latest information from time to time." She walked towards an old woman who seemed to be waiting for Lavanya. She touched the feet on the woman and smiled. "How are you avva (grandmother )? I am sorry for not coming early. I am married to the prince and I have to take care of my responsibilities there."

"Child, you don't need to apologize to me." The old woman in her 60s smiled as she cupped Lavanya's face. "My blessings are always with you. I think you should return to the palace now. Take care of yourself."

"I will, avva." Lavanya smiled.

"Child, I wish to see prince Virendra with you one day." The old woman said with a feeble smile on her face since she knew that she would never be able to see Sanvika Devi with Prince Virendra.

"I will try." Lavanya smiled and bade goodbye to her before walking towards Karthik. "I think we should return."

"Sister-in-law, I think you need to change your clothes first," Karthik said hurriedly. "What if brother isn't sleeping yet and caught us?"

Lavanya huffed after looking at Surya with I am so done facial expressions. "This spoiled prince is really making things difficult for me." She made an awful face. "I don't have my clothes here! How will I change?!"

"You can wear saree of any one of the girls here," Surya said casually.

"The spoiled prince will surely notice the change of my saree and I don't have any strength left in me to argue with him now." Lavanya scoffed as she looked so annoyed.

"How about brother Surya fetch some clothes from Sanvika Devi's house?" Swati said in a cheerful voice.

"Do you think her father will invite me to his house at this hour?!" Surya said sarcastically.

"How about sneaking through the window?" Akshara suggested.

" I won't!" Surya replied immediately. "How can I sneak into the room of a girl, huh?"

"Speaking as if you never used the window to enter my room." Lavanya rolled her eyes. "Bring clothes for me now!"

"So he uses sister-in-law's window to enter her room!?" Karthik asked while his eyes almost bulged out at this new piece of information.

"No!" Surya immediately denied.

"Yes," Lavanya said and arched her brow at Surya while the latter frowned. "He always uses the window to enter my room even if he has complete permission to enter through the main door." She turned towards Surya and continued. "So bring my cloths now otherwise I will make you stand in the cold river water throughout the entire night."

"Are you threatening me?!" Surya said while pointing at himself as his jaws slacked while his brows almost disappeared into the hairline.

"I am warning you." Lavanya playfully wiggled her brows.

"This is how you talk to your best friend!?" Surya asked dramatically as if he was treated unfairly.

"This is what you do when your best friend is in trouble?" Lavanya questioned back while her hands rested on her hips.

"Alright alright. I accept my defeat." Surya huffed as he looked at Lavanya like a kid who lost a bet.

"Now please bring clothes for me," Lavanya said playfully while looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Mn." Surya nodded and disappeared from there. Lavanya shook her head and sat on a small log nearby.

"Do they always fight like this?" Karthik asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Akshara giggled. "They are always like this. That's why they are best friends. They are so close to each other that people used to think that they will get married to each other when they grow up but unfortunately, they don't have special feelings for each other. Moreover, brother Surya secretly likes someone and he told the name of that person only to sister."

"Didn't your sister tell you who the person is?" Karthik asked.

"No." Akshara pouted. "When I asked her, she told me that it's a secret between them so she won't tell me."

"Does brother Surya likes sister-in-law secretly." Karthik inquired of Akshara.

"No," Akshara replied. "The way my sister talks, it seems he doesn't like anyone among Devi Sena."

'Then he likes you!?" Karthik asked with wide eyes as if he saw a ghost.

"Karthik, brother-in-law is so intelligent. How come you are so stupid!?" Akshara rolled her eyes. "I said he doesn't like anyone among Devi Sena. It means he neither likes sister nor me."

Before Karthik could say anything, Surya's voice interrupted. "Princess Lavanya, here are your clothes and a pair of gold bangles. Now go and change."

"Thank you," Lavanya said as she took the saree and the pair of gold bangles.

"Wait! Do you have your mangalsutra?" Surya asked since he couldn't see it around her neck.

"A married woman never takes off her mangalsutra," Lavanya replied confidently as she ran her fingers around her neck and pulled out the mangalsutra which was hiding under her clothes. "Here it is."

"Oh my Devi Sita, now please go and change. Your husband must be waiting for you." Surya said he walked towards the log to have rest.

Lavanya chuckled before entering Swati's hut. After a few minutes, she came out wearing a simple dark blue saree with a dark blue blouse while her hair was tied into a messy bun with a simple hairpin in it. She had only a pair of gold bangles in her hand and a mangalsutra around her neck. She had a black bindi instead of a red one.

"I think I should leave now," Lavanya said in a gentle voice while she glanced at her Devi Sena.

"Wait for a minute, sister." Swati immediately rushed inside her hut and came out with a small box in her hand. "Wipe this black bindi from your forehead. Married women wear a red bindi, not a black one."

"Thank you for reminding me." Lavanya smiled and wiped her black bindi before putting on the red one. "Take care of yourselves and Devi Sena. I am leaving now."

Everyone nodded. Karthik and Lavanya smiled before leaving the place.

"Sister-in-law, how are you so confident that no one will enter the abandoned forests?" Karthik asked while entering the palace.

"Its because people won't go there since it is called abandoned forests." Lavanya smiled. "Moreover, many people say that ghosts live there and many more. So there are even fewer chances of people entering there."

"My sister-in-law is so fearless." Karthik laughed while they were walking inside the palace corridor.

"Shhh...don't speak loudly," Lavanya said in a low voice and looked at Karthik, signaling him to lower his voice.

Before Karthik could say anything, a loud voice thundered, making Lavanya and Karthik flinch. "What are you two doing here at this hour?!"

Lavanya's eyeballs almost popped out of her sockets when she recognized that the person was none other than her husband, prince Virendra.

6232 words...

Bamboo huts

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