Being Alive ( D.W)

By Gerlithequeen

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Book 3 "Because i love you" I don't own Supernatural or the pics i upload. I only own Elena and her story. More

3. 1 The Demon Life
3.2 Turning Back Normal
3.3 Speechless
3.4 "Carry On My Wayward Son"
3.5 Aunt Bunny
3.6 "What Was That About?"
3.7 Hidding
3.8 "Tell Me It Was Them Or You"
3.9 "I'm Not Scared"
3.10 Good & Bad Charlie
3.11 Young Dean
3.12 Cain
3.13 "I Need Your Help, Dad"
3.14 Charlie
3.15 Nadya's Codex
3.16 Oh My God
3.I7 Go Ahead, Kill Me!
The Darkness
A Baby
"I'm In Heels"
"We Are Not Fighting"
"What Was I Supposed To Do?"
"Who Crushed The Impala?"
"I Already Have My Answer"
Killer Costume
The Cage
"Are You Still In Love With Me?"
"Careful, Sammy"
"Cupid's Mark"
Lucifer Inside Cass
"I Saw You Dead"
"Bonding Time"
The Horn
God's Plan
"Don't Go, Please"
Screw You
Mary Winchester
Family Hunting Trip
Killing Hitler
Mr. President.
"Who Is Dean?"
"Where's Dad?"
"Do You Trust Dean?"
"Where We Happy?"
The Supernatural Books
"What Is Wrong With Cass?"
"You Made A Deal?"
Mr. Ketch and Mary
"Don't Go"
The Rift
Alternative Universe
Let Me Return The Favor
"I Love You, Dean"
New King Of Hell
"My Queen "
"It Was Mary "
"So You're Choosing Her?"
"We Have a Child?"
"She's The Trigger"
"I Love You"
Bonding Time With Jack
Bringing Him Back
Saving Dean
The Box
"Why Are You Giving Up On Us?"
John And Mary
"Michael. He's Gone"
"Damn Right, Doll"
"Leave Me Alone"
"I Love You So Much"
Queen of Hell
This Is The End Of The World
"You Did Not Fail Me"
"I Missed You So Much"
"You Enjoyed it"
"You Were Right"
A Trip To Purgatory
Alt. Sam and Alt. dean
"Happy Birthday, Leny"
"Just Drive"
"Would You Trade Me?"
"We Are Free"
"Please, Bring Him Back To Me "
"Welcome To Heaven, Boys"

Vince Vincente

726 19 1
By Gerlithequeen

A few days later. At the bunker. 

I walked into the control room.

Sam snapped at Dean "So I've been trying to dig up info on the British Men of Letters, keeping an eye out for cases, and you've been goofing off with a game that went out of style five years ago?"

Dean "I don't think Mom's quite ready for Snapchat."

Sam asked shocked " You're playing against Mom?"

Dean nodded " Yeah."

 I sat down next to Dean. 

Sam asked confused  " The same Mom that didn't know what a cellphone was a month ago?"

Dean nodded " Yeah."

Sam shook his head  " Doesn't exactly seem like a fair fight."

Dean showed us his phone .

It showed that Mary had won the game. 

Dean smirked "You were saying?"

Sam chuckled "So how she been lately?"

Dean nodded  " She's good. You know, she – she's dealing."

Sam started to smirk. 

Dean asked confused "why are you smirking?"

Sam looked at me"you know what i just remembered?"

I looked at him confused. 

Sam " the shotgun incident you and Bobby had when you were 15"

I laughed "oh hell no"

Dean looked at us confused "what?"

I looked at Dean "When I was 15, i got home from a bar, shit faced drunk. I snuck into the kitchen, grabbed a cold slice pizza out of the fridge and started to eat it. It was delicious. But then I heard a gun cock behind me and figured my dad was awake"

Dean asked confused   "wait, how did you even get in that bar? You were 15"

Me "fake ID"

Dean "how did you get home?"

Me "I drove"

Sam asked confused and amused  "at 15 and drunk?"

I nodded "yes, Sam, 15 and drunk and I was still driving better than you do now"

Sam rolled his eyes "was it worth it?"

Me "I mean, If I had known in that moment the kind of punishment I would have to endure, I would've begged him to shoot me"

Dean "what punishment?"

Sam started to laugh.

Me "clean every car on the property"

Dean "at least 97% of those cars were already trash and not even working"

I asked amused "you think dad cared? It was torture"

Dean "how long did you take?"

Me "3 days"

Sam asked surprised "not more?"

Me "and I couldn't leave the property for a month"

Sam grimaced "ugh, bad"

I shrugged, nodding "not as bad as the amount of dead animals I found in those cars"

Dean grimaced "ew"

I nodded "hey, but I found like $173 in coins so it was worth it"

Dean snorted amused "at least you got the money back you wasted on the alcohol"

I laughed "true"

Suddenly Dean phone rang and he answered it " Hey, Cass."

Then he put Cass on speaker. 

Castiel " Hello, Dean. "

Dean "You still living out an '80s buddy comedy with Crowley?"

Castiel "Unfortunately."

Sam " Any news on Lucifer? "

Castiel " Actually, yes. Look at the news."

Sam took his buzzing phone out " One sec. "

Then he sat down on his laptop and his jaw dropped "No way. So this is from today."

He turned the screen towards Dean and me. 

we watched the news where a reporter interviews Vince Vicente.

Reporter " We're here in front of Death Siren Records...with Vince Vincente."

Dean's jaw dropped "Oh, no friggin' way...."

Vince Vincente "Yes, it's, uh, it's great having the band back together again. In the studio, feeling pumped. Haven't felt this fired up in ages."

Reporter " A lot of people saying that your style of rock could never make a comeback in today's landscape. What do you say to them?"

Vince Vincente smirked " Go to hell."

Dean "– Tell me that's not Lucifer."

Castiel " – We don't know."

Sam said confused  "Cass, I-I thought you said Rowena got some licks in. Shouldn't he have burned through his vessel by now?"

Castiel"Yeah, but we don't know. We don't –"

Crowley " Hello, boys and girl. Long time. We team up to save the world, and then bupkis. You don't call, you don't write."

I rolled my eyes annoyed. 

Dean "Yeah, we don't care."

Sam  "Crowley – Lucifer."

Crowley " Lucifer. Think about it. Of all the extinct rock acts, Ladyheart are the most Paleolithic. A major label sponsored comeback in 2016 for those dinosaurs? It doesn't feel like a wholly natural turn of events, does it?"

Castiel"Maybe Lucifer found a way to heal his vessel."

Dean " Yeah, but still...I mean, what the hell?"

Crowley " He's in L.A. I'll see you there. "

Then he hung up. 

Dean drove a hand down his face " Oh, L.A."


Dean "All right. 450 miles to L.A. Land of gridlock, Botox, overtaxing, underachieving, smell of sweaty desperation. I mean, you can't breathe. The beaches are toxic. You got dudes in skinny jeans wearing sunglasses inside.  Oh.Image-obsessed narcissists. I do like the yoga pants, though, especially on Len. When was the last time we were in L.A.? About 10 years ago, doing a vengeful spirit? Man, that seems like forever ago. Doesn't it? "

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window. 

Dean squeezed my thigh "Hey. Tryin' to talk to you here."

I looked at him "i heard you. your brother in the back, on the other hand, didn't hear a word you just said"

Dean grabbed a pack of gum and threw it to the backseat were it hit Sam on the forehead. 

Sam asked annoyed "What?"

Dean "You...What are you listenin' to?"

He head headphones in. 

Sam shrugged  "Uh, podcast. Why?"

Dean " All right, well... I need something to keep me awake, so crank it up."

Sam " I mean, it's a history podcast. "

Dean "Well, I like history, you know? Gladiators and outlaws, pirates. Hell, we're driving a piece of history right here."

Sam shook his head "N-not that kind of history. This is a, uh...  it's a podcast on the history of the Protestant Reformation. A multipart exploration of each of Martin Luther's 95 theses."

Dean nodded " Oh."

Sam "Yeah, that's what I thought."

Dean nodded "baby"

I used my magic to unplug Sam's headphones from his phone. 

Suddenly we could hear " "The Bloody Messiah" play.

Dean sighed, disappointed  "Ohh, Sam."

Sam looked at me shocked "Len"

Dean asked disappointed "Hair rock? Really?"

Sam shook his head "It's not hair –"

Dean " Come on."

Sam shook his head " It's not hair rock, Dean. It's hard rock. It's legitimate hard rock."

Dean chuckled "Wow."

Sam "Don't judge a book by its cover."

Dean nodded " Yeah, or a dude by his, uh, rainbow wig and leopard prints."

Sam " Rainbow wig? What? You know what? I'm done apologizing. Lucifer possessed Vince Vincente. This is Vince Vincente's music, so listening to it is research."

Dean shook his head " No. No."

Sam " As a matter of fact..."

He raised the volume " Study up, Dean."

Dean shook his head " No, no. No. I don't wanna listen to it."

Sam shot him a look " You like it."

Dean shook his head "No. No. No, no. No. Turn it off."

Sam " It'll grow on ya."

Dean looked at me annoyed. 

Me "you wanted me to unplug his headphones. This is on you, babe"

Inside the Bellaqua hotel lobby.

We were waiting for Cass and Crowley. 

 Sam got a water from the dispenser. 

Dean gave him a look.

Sam asked confused " What? It's good."

Dean said disgusted "It's vegetable water."

I shot him a look "It's healthy, Dean"

Dean "it's disgusting"

Me "put if it was mixed with pie, you would drink, right?"

Dean shot me an amused look. 

Cass walked to us" Sam, Dean, Lena"

Dean " Hey. You consider switching up your duds there? Bit stiff for this town."

Sam "He could be an agent or something."

Dean " Yeah, maybe a third-tier agent."

Castiel " At least I don't look like a lumberjack."

I smirked amused. 

Sam " Okay, enough. Guys, where's Crowley?"

Castiel "He said he'd meet us here. Frankly, I appreciate the break. It's been weeks, and he's been right there, just talking and talking and talking. It's relentless."

Crowley walked to us "Don't listen to him. "

Cass rolled his eyes. 

Crowley "Feathers and I are all but inseparable now."

Sam " You find anything?"

Crowley " Yes. Vince Vincente is riding with the Devil."

Castiel " Okay, so what now?"

Crowley showed us a keycard "I suggest we go check out his room. Vince is scheduled to be in the studio all day, so we're covered."

Dean asked confused " How'd you get the card?"

Crowley "This is L.A. I know a lot of people."

He shot the receptionist a wink who just looked down blushing. 

At the room. 

We walked inside.e 

it was a mess. Everywhere were lying empty pizza boxes and there were bra's and panties everywhere too. Wow.  

Castiel " Well, looks like there was some kind of a fight."

Dean picked up some pink panties before dropping them  "Mm. Yeah. Some kind."

Sam looked at a drawer "Look at this. Rock star biographies. Like, all of them, from Aerosmith to ZZ Top. It's like he's studying how to become famous."

Dean sat down on the couch and grabbed he guitar that was on the couch " Well, so what, Lucifer's a dork? That's good to know."

Castiel looked at a book "Look at this – "The seeds of a ripe dragon fruit drizzled with exactly 1 ounce of Acacia honey, prepared in a ceramic bowl – no plastic." "

He asked confused "What is this spell?"

Crowley rolled his eyes " It's breakfast. It's Vince's rider. I've seen worse."

Sam shook his head, confused  " I don't get it. Lucifer could be taking over Heaven and Hell right now, and instead, he's trying to act out some rock god fantasy?"

Dean " Yeah. Who wouldn't? "

Castiel showed us a very small item "I found something."

Sam asked confused " What is that?"

Castiel " It appears to be a human tooth pulled out by the root."

I shook my head, disgusted "don't touch that, Cass"

Inside the hospital. 

Doctor "Mrs. Greenfield has lost a lot of blood and there'll be no fixing those scars, but she's stable."

Castiel "And she cut herself?"

Doctor " She carved his name into her chest. "Vince Vincente." Didn't skip a letter. And she cut deep."

Dean " Thanks, Doctor"

He nodded and walked away.

Dean " Well, again, what the hell?"

Crowley nodded " I'll go talk to her."

Sam shook his head "No. No, no, no, you won't."

Dean " Cass, stay here. Keep an eye on him."

Cass did  not look happy at all. 

Inside the room. 

Dean "We wanna understand what happened, but in order for us to do that, we need you to talk."

Sam " Roseleen, did Vince force you to do this?"

Roseleen shook her head "No. Vince didn't. He wouldn't have to. I wanted to, to show him, to make him happy."

Dean " You ever stop and wonder what kind of sicko gets happy off of watching somebody melonball their own flesh?"

Roseleen snapped  " Don't talk about Vince like that. "

Sam and i raised our eyebrows. 

Roseleen "He had a reason, a good reason. He must have. I'm sure he can explain everything. "

Then she tired to sit up but then cried out in pain "If I could just see him – Ah! I need to get to the show. "

Then she pleaded "Please! Please!"


Cass " So the show is tonight?"

Sam nodded " That's what she said."

Castiel asked confused " Can Lucifer even sing or play an instrument?"

Dean " I doubt they offer intro to guitar in the cage."

Crowley coffed " Like it matters. What Lucifer made that woman do has got nothing to do with music. It's about devotion."

Dean "Come again?"

Crowley "You little people wouldn't understand, but I've been a king. Having people look at you like you're everything, knowing that once they buy in, you can make them do anything, it's intoxicating."

Dean " Well, that's super creepy."

Castiel "Okay, so this concert, all these people, what is – what is Lucifer planning to do?"

Sam shook his head " Nothing good."

Castiel "Is Rowena –"

Crowley "Dear Mother says that once we catch Lucifer, she'll show, no sooner".

Dean"Well, without Rowena, we're outgunned."

Crowley " With her, we're outgunned."

Sam " It doesn't matter, guys. This is our shot. We just gotta find out where he's playing tonight."

Dean " All right, let's get to work."

Inside a restaurant. 

We were talking to Vince's manager. 

Dean " We're the brothers that rock together. Hmm? We're kind of like the American Oasis. and she's jut the groupie"

I rolled my eyes. 

Manager grimaced  "Ew."

Sam " Uh, uh, but with synths."

Dean nodded " Yeah, right, so, you know, we're – we're hip."

Sam nodded "Exactly."

Manager sighed" Who plays what? "

Sam " I'm on keys. He's on the drums."

Dean chuckled" Guitar. Drums and guitar. I pretty much do it all. "

Sam "We saw online that you represent Vince Vincente. We were kind of hoping you could do for us what you've done for him."

Manager sighed " Sorry. I took this meeting 'cause you looked hot in your pics, but I am not feeling this."

Dean " Okay, you know what? We're not actually here for a meeting."

Sam "Vince's show tonight – where is it?"

Manager eyed us "Who are you guys?"

Sam "Look, you must've noticed, Vince is different."

Manager " Vince gives me the skeeves, but he's a playing client."

Dean shook his head " No, he's the Devil."

Sam " Yeah, like, literally."

Manager chuckled "I'm in P.R. I've worked for sexists, racists, even politicians. My job is making saints out of devils. No way I'm threatening my reputation by working against his interests. So you need to take a step back or I start screaming. And in a crowded place like this? Girl like me, two guys like you... Guess what happens next? Buh-bye."

Then she walked away. 

Lobby of Bellaqua Hotel

Dean " you've got to be kidding me. And you said you put the fear in Russell."

Crowley nodded "I thought I had. These yoga types. Just when you think you've harshed their mellow..."

Sam "Yeah, well, I've been looking everywhere online, and, uh... "

He scoffed "no one's linked the venue yet."

I saw Dean pouring himself a glass of that "vegetable "water. 

Sam asked shocked " Seriously?"

Dean asked confused " What?"

Sam said amused " Dude."

Dean snapped "Shut up."

I smirked "wow"

Sam " Cass".

Dean " Anything?"

Castiel shook his head" No."

Crowley rolled his eyes annoyed. 

Dean "So we couldn't flip a single member of Vince's team. Even with the threat of mass murder, these SoCal douchebags won't do the right thing."

Crowley " Welcome to Los Angeles."

Castiel " So what happens now?"

Suddenly his phone buzzed and he looked at it "Guys."

In front of the bar. 

We got out of the car. 

Castiel "Tommy is still not answering his phone " 

Dean "Well, he got us here. That's what matters."

Crowley looked at the handcuffs Dean was holding  "Enochian handcuffs. That's your move?"

Castiel " They held me."

Crowley shook his head " You're not him."

Dean " We have no sure bets here, okay? Anything that we use is gonna be like popping BBs."

Crowley rolled his eyes, annoyed " Oh, great pep talk. Go, team."

Sam " Guys, we're here to do more than just take a shot at Lucifer."

Crowley" We are?"

Sam nodded "Yes, we need to save the people inside, too."

Castiel "I'll take Lucifer. He's my responsibility."

Sam shook his head  "No, he's not. He's all of our responsibility."

Castiel " Well, the only way you'll clear that crowd without drawing fire is if he's otherwise engaged."

Dean "Engaged in what, Cass? Killing you?"

Sam " Cass, you'll last...three minutes tops."

Castiel nodded " Then I'll buy you three minutes."

Crowley" Make it 5. "

We looked at him surprised 

Crowley asked irritated "What? I help."

I raised my eyebrows. 

Into the club. 

We were trying to find a way to stop the show while Cass tried to handle Lucifer. 

Sam gestured to the emergency fire switch.

Dean called out "Hey, you guys – you guys smell smoke?"

Fans yelled " One, two, three! Vince! Vince!"


Dean was still yelling around, asking if anyone smelled the smoke "No, seriously, I-I-I think I smell smoke, everyone."

Man "Sure you're not having a stroke?"

Dean snapped " Hey, I'm serious. We need to get out of here."

Man "– Step off, dad."

I chuckled.

Dean looked at me pissed off before grabbing the guy  "– Hey, listen to me. We've got to go, okay?"

The man yelled " What's your problem, man? Get off me!"

Dean "We gotta – All right, yeah."

The man yelled "" Get this guy off me!"

Dean "No, listen to me, okay? Listen, we gotta get out of here."

Man "What's your problem, old man?"

A security guard grabbed Dean and pushed him away. 

Dean "Okay. All right, yeah. Okay. Look, we gotta get everybody out of here."

Suddenly we heard the fire alarm ring. 

someone yelled "Fire!"

Suddenly the alarm stopped and music started to play. 

I shook my head " No. No, no, no, no, no. "

Vince stepped on stage " What a crowd!"

The crowd went nuts. 

Woman yelled " I love you, Vince!"

Vince " Look at all those fresh, new faces. Everyone excited?"

Fans were clapping and cheering for Vince.

Vince nodded "Yeah, you should be! Tonight's not gonna be a typical show. Tonight, you're gonna see and feel things you never saw or felt before."

Fans yelled "Yeah!"

Vince " Things might get a little bit messy."

Fans continued cheering.

Vince chuckled. 

Dean took his gun out "Ah, screw it."

He fired at the ceiling.

Fans started to scream " He's got a gun!"

They started to head to the exit. 

Sam yelled  "We gotta go! We gotta go! Go, go! Come on, guys!"

Vince used a spell to close the doors. 

Sam tried to keep them open " No, no. No, no, no. "

They all rushed out.

Sam gave in and it was just us trapped with Lucifer. 

Vince shook his head " Nuh-uh-uh."

Suddenly, Castiel appeared on the stage and attacks Lucifer by smashing his face with a guitar "Hey, assbutt."

Vince kicked Cass of the stage.

Dean placed a handcuff on Lucifer, he only managed to put one on before Vince threw him on the ground. 

Vince "Hi, Dean."

Lucifer threw Dean to the ground off stage.

Vince " Sam. Enjoy the show? "

Then he burned the cuff off " Mm, guys, you know I could end you all with a snap of my finger? Why would I do that when you can't do anything...

Castiel tried to stab Lucifer with the angel blade but Lucifer stopped  him" me?"

Dean"Why are you doing this?"

Vince chuckled "Why?"

Sam "You and God made up. You forgave him. What would he think?"

Vince "I'm not especially interested in his opinion. Dear old dad, he finally apologized for abandoning me. And what's the very next thing he does?"

His voice broke " He ditches me. "

The laughed " And you, too, by the way. And rides off into the sunset with Auntie Amara. He needed my help, and he'd say anything to get it. His words, your words, they mean nothing. Don't you get it? This is all meaningless. Heaven, Hell, this world. If it ever meant anything, that moment is past. Nothing down here but a bunch of hopeless distraction addicts, so filled with emptiness, so desperate to fill up the void... they don't mind being served another stale rerun of a rerun of a rerun. "

His face started slowly burn spot by spot "You know what my plan is? I don't have one. I'm just gonna keep on smashing Daddy's already broken toys and make you watch."

Sam asked amused  " Yeah? 'Cause it kinda looks like you're falling apart."

Dean " Yeah, you got a little something, uh, right there. I mean, face it, rock is dead."

Vince "What can I say? Kicking your ass took a lot out of me. But don't worry. Onward and upward."

Lucifer left Vince's body, which dropped to the floor and continued to deteriorate until his face caved in.

Outside. on the street. 

Crowley was really beaten up by Lucifer. There was a cut on his cheek. His eye was bleeding and swollen shut. 

Dean "How you feelin'?"

Castiel shook his head"I'm not dead."

Dean "Well, I gotta hand it to you. You said you were gonna draw Lucifer's fire and you drew some serious fire."

Crowley rolled his open eye  "Oh, it was a grand success."

Dean " Well, we didn't catch Lucifer, but we did save the crowd, so I'm gonna call that a win."

Sam  shook his head " I wouldn't. Vince Vincente is dead."

Dean " We never even hoped to save him. And, yes, I know, the third album –"

Sam " No, he was still a person, and he meant something to a lot of people. And Lucifer just took all that and just twisted all that up and snuffed it out. Lucifer was bad enough when he had a plan, a motive. Now he's just having fun. I mean, how many people died tonight? Them, this, it's all on us. We let him out. We're not winning. We're just losing slow. And you heard what he said."

Crowley " Onwards and upwards. He's gone big."

Castiel"And he'll go bigger."

Dean "And we will stop him. We will. It's what we do, man"

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