FAT and in Love

By AlexandriaDaGreat

153K 8.3K 3.1K

Lacie Morgan is far more overweight than she's ever been. With her ever growing low self esteem, can she ever... More

Chapter 1: I'm Fat
Chapter 2: Friendly Beau
Chapter 3: I'll Be Back
Chapter 4: I'm Back
Chapter 5: The Meeting
Chapter 6 : The Second Meeting
Chapter 7: The Mixer
Chapter 8: Guess which doesn't Belong
Chapter 9: Work!
Chapter 10: His Lair
Chapter 11: Stay the Night
Chapter 12: No He Didn't
Chapter 13: Another Chance
Chapter 14: Redhanded
Chapter 15: Fuming
Chapter 16: Water Works
Chapter 17: Rivalry
Chapter 18: Don't Get Too Close
Chapter 19: I Need a Break
Chapter 20: Florida!
Chapter 21: It Has begun
Chapter 22: The Incident
Chapter 23: Seriously
Chapter 24: Altercation
Chapter 25: Him or Him?
Chapter 26: Lose it
Chapter 27: Sing for me
Chapter 28: See Where it Goes
Chapter 29: It's Customary
Chapter 30: Heart to Heart
Chapter 32: Feel Better
Chapter 33: What Now?
Chapter 34: What is this
Chapter 35: Reptilian
Chapter 36: Oh no
Chapter 37: Slack
Chapter 38: Perfect Timing
Chapter 39: Ginger Beer
Chapter 40: Freudian Slip
Chapter 41: Dark Blue
Chapter 42: The Knot
Chapter 43: Fever Dream
Chapter 44: Primal
Chapter 45: Doe Eyes
Chapter 46: Familiar
Chapter 47: Through Me
Chapter 48: Fury
Chapter 49: Unraveling
Chapter 50: Rare Phenomenon
Chapter 51: PUSH
Chapter 52: Bad bunny
Chapter 53: In the Dark
Chapter 54: Insane
Chapter 55: Tease
Chapter 56: Make it Count
Chapter 57: Last Game
Chapter 58: The Last Night
Chapter 59: Eyes Closed
Chapter 60: Fare thee Well
Chapter 61: Family Dinner
Chapter 62: Closure from an Ally
Chapter 63: Boba
Chapter 64: Helpless
Chapter 65: Tell Him
Chapter 66: New Beginnings
Chapter 67: City Stroll
Chapter 68: We Meet Again
Chapter 69: Catch Up
Chapter 70: Break the Tension
Chapter 71: Neon Light
Chapter 72: What is he?
Chapter 73: Anxious Knees
Chapter 74: Burning Coincidence
Chapter 75: Burning rubber
Chapter 76: A Wet Day
Chapter 77: Aquarium
Chapter 78: The Rescue
Chapter 79: Come Closer
Chapter 80: The Shadows
Chapter 81: Is This Happening
Chapter 82: The Talk
Chapter 83: Sushi
Chapter 84: Neck, Shoulders, Back
Chapter 85: Pandora's Box
Chapter 86: 01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001
Chapter 87: Lament
Chapter 88: Better Left Buried
Chapter 89: Chemicals
Chapter 90: Breathless
Chapter 91: In the Past
Chapter 92: Girl to Girl
Chapter 93: Keep Calm
Chapter 94: Somewhere to Be
Chapter 95: Hurricane
Chapter 96: Space
Chapter 97: Too Quiet
Chapter 98: Hold it Together
Chapter 99: Lonely
Chapter 100: Toss the Ball
Chapter 101: Hooded
Chapter 102: Macaroni
Chapter 103: John Wick
Chapter 104: Just Let Go
Chapter 105: Now What?
Chapter 106: Safe
Chapter 107: Just Once
Chapter 108: Wanted
Chapter 109: Book It
Chapter 110: Selfish
Chapter 111: Out to Dry
Chapter 112: Leather
Chapter 113: Companion
Chapter 114: Chokehold
Chapter 115: Fire and Brimstone
Chapter 116: Be Brave
Chapter 117: Cascading Tears
Chapter 118: Move On
Chapter 119: Jello Skyscraper
Chapter 120: Obey
Chapter 121: Better
Chapter 122: All Good Things End
Chapter 123: Beauty out of Ashes

Chapter 31: Who is she

1.1K 55 28
By AlexandriaDaGreat

Dominic POV

After cleaning up myself from another one of my sexual fantasies I sit down in the living room ready to gear up the game. I wondered to myself how would I do this in order to prove to Art that Lacie is unfaithful. Why am I even thinking about doing this? Am I that bored?

I wait for a minute until Lacie gets dressed. I can hear her talking to someone as I walk towards the hallway. Who is she talking to? I had looked down at my phone and seen that Kiera had called me again. It's getting late and I'm getting annoyed. I just put my phone on do not disturb going to try to think of a plan. I know logically this is stupid but I want to better understand someone and people tend to lie. Actions do speak louder than words in this case and I can tell that Lacie is mentally and emotionally unstable. Art finally got his act together after his last breakup and I would hate for my CTO to go out of commission because of some new girl.

I have to play this right.

Feel like I'm one of those people in movies that do things that don't make sense and I know it in my logical mind it doesn't make sense. I feel like I'm trying to justify seducing Lacie, not like I think it would take much.
I've seen how she is with other guys so it should be easy, not to mention her low self-esteem.

Maybe I am just bored out of my mind and I want to play hero by also being villain. I can also run through the plans with her about what we're going to be doing at our next venue which I've decided is Alaska. Many people I've talked to forget it exists.

The other thing is maybe I can bring her out by inviting her to play. The funny thing is I actually do enjoy playing my new game with her. She's a girl that actually enjoys playing video games which is very rare. A lot of the pretty girls I've met pretend that they like playing video games when they actually say that just to impress me. I knock on Lacie's door.

When she opens the door she has a cell phone at her ear. I thought she had hung up for some reason.

"Oh, you're on the phone. I just wanted to tell you that our next trip is going to be for Alaska."

"Oh wow! That's cool. Is that all?"

Is that all? Usually she's all over new information. I figured she would ask me the details since this is the whole reason for her being here. I mean we discussed some stuff earlier but Alaska should be a big deal. It is pretty late though and maybe it would be better just playing the console.

"Do you wanna co-op with me?"

Lacie just gives me a derpy look before telling her friend she'll call them back. I wonder if that was Art.

"I mean, sure."

"Do you or don't you?" I say losing my patience.

I hate when people do that it's either you do or you don't. Yes or no.

"Sorry, yes I do," she says.

Why Couldn't she just answer that before?

I boot up the console and look over at Lacie as she just stands there like a bear on two legs.

"I went ahead and programmed some extra features. I want you to test them out," I say actually eager to see what she'll say about them.

"Am I getting paid for this too?" she says.

When I look over at her she's smiling with this mischievous and very annoying Green Goblin-like smile. Can't she just sit down and enjoy something? I didn't take her for the type to be like that. I really don't want to get into it and the truth is no, technically I'm not paying her for this but why should I?
She's getting to play a game that nobody even knows about that's not even out yet, for fucking free!!! I mean what the fuck?! When did she become so ungrateful?

"Forget it then!"

I lose my patience and put back her controller and sit down to play by myself. I don't even give her the courtesy of looking at her.

I'm about to relax knowing that I will have to deal with her emotional weirdness and then I hear her suddenly shout at me.

"No, stop it! Oh my God Dominic!"

I think I just processed that she did really late because it's not something that Lacie usually does.

At this moment in time I don't need all of the stress and I want to tell her to leave. She has some nerve talking to me like that. Before I can say anything, while I'm thinking about what I should even say, she sits uncomfortably close to me on the sofa and looks into my eyes, like she's talking to a five-year-old.

"Listen..." she says and then she pauses.

Is she nervous? She doesn't look at me. What is she looking at? It seems as though she's trying to find the right words to say too. At least she has that much respect or maybe fear. Maybe she's wondering what she should say next to do damage control but what she says next actually takes me by surprise.

"I get that I probably annoy you. I annoy everybody and I know that you have very little patience for foolishness and for people in general."

As she says this it's almost like she's reading my mind and I honestly start to get paranoid.

"Trust me the last thing I want to do is add to that and quite honestly sir, if we are going to be working this closely together we're going to have to understand each other and be honest with each other."

Where is this coming from all of a sudden? I swear to God it's probably because she's been talking to Art. She was probably talking to him right before I knocked to get her. Maybe he's been filling her head with all of my secrets since he kind of got pissed with me on the golfing course. Obviously this is not Lacie. This person in front of me is a contrived one, one that is being puppeted by somebody else.

"Ok," I reply still reeling. I'm waiting for what she's going to say next. Or should I say, what else Art told her to say.

"Now, what is it that I did to annoy you? I mean, it's like you don't get the concept of a joke."

Now this catches me off-guard. I mean. Is this her? It's just so unlike anything she's ever done. Maybe a little bit of it is Arturos and maybe some is her. Since she was just on the phone with what I assume to be him, I'm guessing he filled her in on how to talk to me. He's the only other person that talks to me like that, with that kind of confidence and honesty.

Oh that's right she's waiting for an answer.

"I'm bad at that. Every time I turn around I feel like I have to be on guard or else people take advantage of me. I don't want you to get it twisted. We're not friends. I'm your employer."

"Well if that's the case Dominic, then please kindly tell me exactly what it is we are? Because us sitting down and playing a game together is something that friends do."

Is that what she thought? Did she think I was trying to be her friend? Poor girl. This is usually why I don't like getting close to people especially those I work with.

"The reason I have you playing is so you can test my game," I tell her to set the record straight.

"Well! Then I guess the question I asked is not in jest. Am I getting paid for this or not if I'm not, have a great night I'm going to bed."


"Fine. Goodnight," I retort just wanting to be rid of her. Fuck this girl.

"There you go again! No communication!"

OMG THAT'S IT! I blow up!

"What the fuck do you want from me Lacie?!"

I must look crazy but she's worse. She actually makes me anxious like I never know what she's going to do next with her bipolar disorder. Suddenly she jumps at me and I swear to God I'm about to punch her in the neck to defend myself but I realize that she's on her knees. Is she going to suck my dick? Holy shit! What is she doing right now?! I want to push her off. Don't get me wrong I don't mind getting my dick sucked but this is way too close. It's like the universe was putting my bluff to the test. I wanted to see if I could get her to cheat on Art, to see if she was really serious about him and I guess I know now. But before I make the move to push her off, even though something deep inside me doesn't want to, I hear her voice, softer than usual say,

"Look at me Nick"

"Hard not to", I say sarcastically and feeling boxed in.

Get the fuck off me girl, is what I want to say but the words aren't coming out. What am I waiting for? To see what she will do?

"No!" she says louder.

"Look... At me. I'm down here. I know you can obviously see me but I want you to take note of why I'm down here. I totally get that you are the boss and you were the big bad inventor. I get it you're prettier than me you're richer than me, you're smarter than me and you're my boss. "

I can't help but be enthralled by her monologue. Usually something like this would go out through one ear and out the other but when it's coming from Lacie, Art or not, it feels sincere.

This is the first time I've seen her as an actual person and not someone who has Daddy and fat issues. For once I actually take her seriously. At least she looks sincere to me.

"You're paying me. You don't have to threaten me every minute to fire me or wonder whether I'm going to undermine you. That's not who I am. When I talk to you when I try to communicate with you it's because I'm trying to make you happy and to do that I have to better understand you. I'm not your enemy and I don't want to fight with you. I don't want to be your friend either I don't want to date you..."

This dominance is so unlike her. I realize that she's not being disrespectful, she's venting. Maybe this is what she's been holding inside of her this whole time. All the time when she looks at me like she's having a seizure, this is probably what she is saying in her head. I actually respect her for being honest. When she tells me that she's trying to make me happy, something and me stirs, and I can't explain what this feeling is. People usually want to make me happy because they want something from me, but Lacie, I don't fucking know.

"... I'm fat and I know that I can change that but it's not going to happen overnight. I have low self-esteem issues and it doesn't help that all the girls at the office treat me like shit and I don't tell you all the time because I'm not about throwing people under the bus and I try to solve my problems on my own as much as I can."

I respect her for that. What exactly have the girls been doing to her? I know Kiera Can be a fucking cunt when she's ready but with the other girls? I'm actually surprised.

"Yes I find you very attractive, but so does everyone else, it doesn't mean I like who you are as a person because honestly sir, you have a lot of work to do where that's concerned," she says.

As she says this the pit of my stomach falls to wherever it's going. Something strange starts to happen to me. Maybe it's because both her hands are firmly gripping my thighs and because her mouth is crotch level. Maybe it's because her confidence is finally showing and she's acting like an actual woman and a person with a brain, but I can feel a pressure between my legs. Oh fuck. I think I'm getting a hard-on. I really want to get up or at least adjust myself so she can't see it. It's a good thing the lights are not on in the living room and I'm wearing dark shorts. However, I'm very fully aware that I have a big dick and no matter what in a matter of seconds I'm not going to be able to hide it.

"BUUUUUT You hired me for a reason. Whether it was because it was a charity thing or not one thing is clear, you want me to do something for you and that's what I'm going to do."

As she continues, like an evil bitch, the universe reminds me of the fantasy of Lacie's tits bouncing in front of my face. This time, the Asian girl is not in the picture. It's just her. I can see Lacie's mouth moving and hear her moaning. Oh fuck, why is this happening to me? I want to close my legs, but any movement, if my clothes rub on me, that will make it worse. Something about her being so commanding forces my eyes to remain on her. I try not to look at her huge tits

"if I say something to you and I smile, it means I'm joking. You need to stop taking things so seriously when you're not at the office. I still respect you as my boss but if you tell me I can call you by your first name when we're outside of the office, then you should be able to let loose just a little bit when you're outside of the office. I don't think it's a bad thing to ask you whether or not I'm being paid to review your game. The reason why I asked that is because it's not in my job description and you honestly didn't make that clear. While it is fun playing a game that nobody else knows about, it's not like you're God Almighty and I'm going to lose anything if you tell me that I can't. Stop acting like I will. stop yelling at me for every little thing when I ask you a question. Please understand that everybody doesn't have your brain or your personality and they don't know exactly what you're thinking or what you want them to think. You have all the experience in the world about people in their walks of life and yet you don't know how to do the very basic thing that is required for a game like this to succeed.... LEARNING HOW TO UNDERSTAND and BE AROUND PEOPLE! Jesus get it together Mr. Boveri."

She then gets up... and walks back to her room I guess. I let out a shuddering breath. Holy fuck that was intense. My cock is almost fully erect and I pinch myself. I HATE that I want this right now. I don't want Lacie but... I obviously need a release. Everytime I remember her lecturing me like that, my dick twitches. It throbs and my balls get tight. I can feel the pain of blueballs coming on. I quickly walk to her door and bang on it. I'm mad. She's right. We should communicate so why is it that she ran off? I feel so confused right now.

"What?" I hear her respond with a snippy attitude.

I open the door.

"Come here woman. You talk that big talk about communication and then run away before you can hear my side."

"You can come in here," she says padding the bed beside her like I'm some dog.

"I don't want to."

"Too bad," she says texting someone.

"Wow are you being a bitch today," I say trying out her Bluff of being totally honest.

" Isn't that something you prize in the people working for you?"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Don't pretend you don't know. I was told that all these girls ... They have rich fathers and let me guess, they partly invest in your company and in turn you provide their pretty daughters jobs or careers and as long as they do what they should ... You don't fire them. I'm the charity case so you don't look bad."

I'm pretty certain by now that she has been talking to Art. While some measure of that is true, it certainly isn't where she is concerned. I could try to explain that to her but the way she is right now I think she only has one idea of what answer she wants to hear.

Quite honestly her attitude is really putting me off. She's acting like the very people that she can't stand apparently.

"I'm sorry but why do I have to explain myself to you, Lacie?" I blurt out, getting ready to leave her room. I mean she's staying at my house and I am giving her this opportunity oh, and she's being so fucking ungrateful

"You don't but I don't have to explain myself to you when it comes to my personal business either. Not with my YouTube channel, not with anything else. If it's completely okay with you, I would be totally comfortable with us just talk to me about anything that pertains to work. But it's a bit jarring when you open up in conversation with me, and then you close back up and slam the door in my face if I try to do the same. You are a freaking emotional rollercoaster and it's very tiresome."


"I'M tiresome???!" I exclaim. I see her jump a bit because I take a step forward. Maybe Lacie needs a goddamn reminder of the position she is in.

"Every minute I turn around you're either crying, complaining- oh my god, I never know what to say to you. I can't be totally honest with you and communicate with you in the normal way that I'd like to because everything offends you. You want to talk about honesty and communication, you have a serious problem Lacie, and you need to fix it."

" I don't need you to tell me that since I just told you that in the living room. This is me trying to fix it. Turning the fingers at me does not negate the fact that you too have a problem. You also have anger management issues that you need to address," she replies without taking a beat.

I really want to say worse things to her right now but I think it's best that I leave.

"Mr. Dominic why are you so angry?" she asks in a way that seems like she's mocking me, like she WANTS to get me angry.

"You know what Lacie it's fine,"

"I'd be happy to talk more with you when we both calm down but I think we both need some rest. I'm sorry if I upset you but I was honest with what I said and I'm going to make some changes within myself and I really suggest that you do too."

What I really want to say is, BITCH, you have some motherfucking nerve with your hypocrisy. Maybe fucking Arturos made you brave but I don't need either of you, so keep your stunning and brave epiphany and get the fuck out.

I don't. I swallow my words and just storm off.

I go to my room and make sure to not slam the door. If she's trying to piss me off I don't want to give her the satisfaction. I lie on my bed and set my alarm on my phone and my bedside clock. I keep tossing and turning reeling over what she said. I wanted to take her seriously but I feel like she's just doing this to be like the other girls. A part of me regards what she said and after I calm down I start to think about how I treated her. Was I ever unfair? Yeah maybe I was impatient at times but I'm like that with everyone. What makes her so goddamn special?

Maybe she just had a bad day. If her and Art being together is going to make the both of them like this, then their relationship is going to be a problem for me. I wonder if they in fact have slept together yet. Not that it's any of my business but it kind of is. If Art has not, then there's still a chance.

For whatever reason whenever he's with a girl like that intimately, it's harder for him to break off from a relationship. I've seen him at his worst and it's always due to some bitch.

I recall Lacie's hands on my thighs as my dick begins swelling with arousal and I moan. NO. STOP! I'm not jerking it right now, especially not to that. Fucking hell. I try to sleep. I try and I try. Her eyes looking up at me as she holds me captive, Jesus.

My erection is back and bolder than before. I wonder what Kiera is doing. That's it. I text Kiera and then call before she can reply. She doesn't pick up. I lie back down and look towards my door. I get up. I'm not going to be able to sleep like this and the blue balls are even more painful.

Feeling like this, I can't think. I get up and I can already feel like I'm going to do something utterly stupid. I walk past Lacie's room. Her light is off. I shake my head and go for the living room to play my game. My stiff won't go away. It presses against my shorts like it wants out. I moan in discomfort. As I'm playing the game, I keep losing because I can't think. It actually hurts. I already know I'm going to lose the battle. I have to nut. I look back towards Lacie's room. Light is still off. Ok. I slide out my dick. Using my thumb to brush over the end of it, I can feel the wetness of precum already coating the top.
I put it back and look down at my thighs, where Lacie had been kneeling in front of earlier, slightly between my legs. I lightly graze my dick through my shorts, so light that I shake with desire. I imagine her movements from her hands on my shorts pulling them over my dick. Oh my god. I think about the fact that Lacie can walk in here and see me easily.

I'm so sensitive I already am close to release and rest my head back. With my head hanging back like this I can hear a chirping noise from my room. It's my phone. Damn. I get up and head for it. It is Kiera, which makes me feel disappointed and grateful at the same time.

"Hey uh. What're you doing?" I ask. 

"I'm at Iman's with some of the other girls still. What are you doing?"

" I'm having a hard time sleeping. I guess I got used to you."

" Oh really," she quips.

She doesn't add anything and is being quite terse like she's mad at me. 

"Is fat girl there?"

"Lacie is here yes"

There is silence on the other end for a while and then, just like that, Kiera says she has to go.

O...k. Girls are weird. Whatever. I really don't want to jerk off to Lacie. It feels weird.
I search xvideos for something hot. I find a girl teasing but then I decide to look up fat black girl white guy. I know I know. Maybe I just need to get this out my head. It's not like it will ever happen so I try to look for something I like.

Honestly everything I see makes me disgusted. These really huge flabby pieces of meat swallowing up the guys is just not a turn on for me. I tried.
I then imagine what Lacie might have looked like. I overheard her talking to someone and she also told me at one point that she used to play sports. I don't know if she just made that up but I imagine if she did used to play sports, she was in shape at one point.

I look for videos of black girls and white dudes. I find a really pretty black girl, funny enough she's in the same position that Lacie had been with me. I know this video isn't real and it's staged but when she starts sucking the guys dick I imagine Lacie, sucking mine. I start rubbing and then I edge. When I can't hold back anymore, I cum with so much force I actually yelp a little. It actually hurts and my balls feel so tight they hurt! Holy fuck! The intense stressful pain along the relieving pleasure is out of this world.  Oh my God.

I lie on my side wincing. Everything relaxes and my dick actually goes down pretty quick this time. Whew! That was ...

I wake up to my alarms sounding. Wow. I passed out hard. My shorts were still partially down and everything. I really needed that. Now that I have a clear head, I don't feel anything for Lacie. I'm telling you, a lot of the guys that end up doing stupid things it's because their dick clouds their judgment.

When I get ready and go towards the front door, I see Lacie already waiting for me.
"Good morning," she says with a smile.
"Morning," I say reluctantly thinking about the night before. She was an asshole to me.
As we head to the office, we don't say a word to one another. When we're almost at the building she looks over to me and asks,

"What's going on with my car? Is it ready yet?"

Oh yeah that death trap.

"That car is very high miles and it guzzles a lot of gas. You know you can rent a company car. Most of the employees do. You just have to fill it up and I'm pretty sure you'll be saving money with one of the company cars."

"Oh wow. I did not know that. But I think I'll stick with my car. She has sentimental value I feel more comfortable not damaging somebody else's car with my weight."

I don't have to look at her to tell that last bit was sarcasm based on the argument we had at one point.

"Fair enough. Well, when sentimental value ends up breaking down on the side of the road again, you're on your own."

I asked her if she remembered the meeting that we're supposed to be having today and she said yes. She seems in a much better mood. I don't really know how to feel around her after that and this is something I'm going to need time to process.

I don't go into the building and instead,  head for my brother's house. Royce had texted me and asked me to come over. Arriving at his house everything seems normal and he seems to be in a very good mood until I realize that this entire thing was a ruse.

"Nicky! Have you met Victor?"

My eyebrows shoot up when I see a black guy standing with extreme tension by the foyer.

"Yes the guy who FUCKED MY WIFE!!!!!" Royce screams into Victor's ear.

This was Lacie's old boss. I don't appreciate being blindsided. Why did he call me over for this shit?  THIS Victor guy did not own computer diesel so why was...

"You see this man is a nobody but his father and his sister are partial owners of computer diesel. I've been competing with them directly with my smaller companies just so I could put you out of business," he says to the terrified dude.

"Don't  worry your family have quite a bit of money they walked away with. It really sucks for you though because every other computer store is one I have stock in. Quite frankly every single one of them owe me a favor and I have the biggest. That's as much in layman terms as I can put it for you."

I'm totally not comfortable with the situation and I have no idea what my brother is about to do.

"Royce I'll come back later,"

"You fucking stand there Dominic!"

Royce then calls out to his wife when she gets home in the next 15 mins.

"Babe. Come in here. I have a surprise for you."

Layla walks in with a smile on her pretty face which quickly falls when she sees Victor.
She looks in horror at her husband.

"Royce, what are you doin'?"

"Fuck him."

When Layle protests and starts to walk away, Royce grabs her back and pushes her towards Victor.

Both Layla and Victor begin crying.

"Go on honey. I know this is what you wanted for a long time. Fuck him. Let him fuck your stink cunt"

I get up and get out. I can hear my brother calling out for me to come back. Fuck him and fuck this. This kind of shit is what I don't want to happen to Art.

My brother has been texting me but I've been ignoring him when I reach the office I turn off the phone and turn on my other one. On this business phone none of my family members have the number. I walk in and call together the meeting.

I take a deep breath and prepare. Everyone's already in the conference room waiting. I'm still pretty early myself everyone knows that my time is important and this time Lacie's on time as well. She sits next to Art. There is a look on his face that honestly makes me nervous... his eyes glisten when he looks at her as though she's the only person in the room. He's totally transfixed on everything she is saying. 

Jesus Christ. 

He's in love with her.

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