Love For A Spider | Sanders S...

By HarperIsGonee

24.9K 1.4K 1K

There are not just humans in the world. Humans and.. the others. The others are many different creatures of a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Halloween Special
Chapter Twenty-One
Christmas Special
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Ten

868 55 76
By HarperIsGonee

Virgil entered the small restaurant that was near. Roman insisted on going, claiming he was hungry and wanted early lunch.

A human lady looked up at the four, but her smile flattered when she looked at Virgil. It knew this would happen.

"Table for four, please." Roman said. The lady nodded, leading them to a table.

They took their seats, Virgil and Patton sitting next to eachother as Logan and Roman sat next to eachother.

She handed them each a menu, "Can I get you drinks?" she asked.

"Water." Logan answered first. Roman nodded, "I'd like that too."

"Sweet tea, please!" Patton chirped. She looked at Virgil, scowling at it, "You?"

"Uh.. sprite.." it mumbled, looking away and wrapping its spider legs around itself.

She wrote it down, "I'll be back." she said, quickly leaving.

Virgil shuffled closer to Patton, wanting to feel safe and comfortable. Patton noticed and smiled, scooting closer too.

Roman gasped, "Oh. My. God. I'm so trying their spicy chicken noodle soup." he pointed at it, showing it to Logan.

They hummed, "I'm not sure what I exactly want, but I may get that."

Roman grinned leaning in, "We could share~" he cooed. Logan went red, clearing their throat, "Uh, yeah, sure."

Patton giggled, leaning his head on Virgil's shoulder, "I think I'm gonna get their grilled cheese, what about you?" he asked, looking up.

Virgil felt too many feelings at once. It wanted nothing more but to hold on to him forever and ever.

"I'll just have cheese sticks, not too hungry." it said, creating a web to fiddle with.

Patton frowned, "Are you sure?" he asked. Virgil nodded, twisting the webs to look like the beginning of a heart.

Patton wasn't too happy, but left it at that. He sighed, closing his eyes as he snuggled into Virgil's warmth.

He doesn't know why, but something about Virgil just draws him to it. He wants to be close to it all the time, be touched by it. It's a strange feeling, but he's trying to just focus on the warm feelings instead of the confused ones.

Virgil lightened up, wrapping an arm around him as it sat the web down. Patton smiled at the contact, shifting. He was practically sitting on Virgil's lap, just not completely.

Roman glanced over from his conversation with Logan, and beamed at the sight.

His plan was working.

It started out with the creature mate lesson, Elsa, and now this.

So what if he payed Elsa to hug Virgil? Whatever makes the two get closer until eventual marriage!

The waiter came back over, her smile forced. She sat the drinks down, putting Virgil's down with more force.

"Ready for orders?" she got her pen ready. They all told her what they wanted, her saying she'll be back with their food ready.

"Did you finish your history homework?" Logan suddenly asked Roman, Virgil and Patton were too busy talking about family stories.

Roman huffed, "Of course I did."



Logan sighed, "You can come over tomorrow and I'll help you." they stated matter of factly, leaving no room for argument.

Roman grinned, "Thanks Lo, I appreciate the help." Logan nodded, wishing they brought their book.

Roman rested his chin on a hand, "I'm serious. You're so smart and kind enough to help a dumbo like me."

Logan looked at the table with red cheeks, "You are not dumb." they muttered.

Roman laughed, butting their shoulders with his, "Thanks." he said genuinely. He loved compliments, especially over something he thinks he's bad at. And he sucks at all science.

Virgil was literally about to just place Patton in its lap.

..You know what?

Virgil grabbed Patton's hips, causing Patton to stop talking and slowly turn red. "V-Virgil?"

It moved Patton fully on its lap, wrapping all spider legs around him and his own arms, resting its head on top of his.

"There. Now continue." Virgil said, feeling such happiness and comfort.

Patton was completely red. All the way up his ears and down his neck. His freckles glowed as his glasses slid down.

"U-Uh.." he pushed his glasses up, forgetting what he was talking about before.

Virgil suddenly felt embarrassed, and slightly let go, "Sorry.. do you want me to let go?" it asked with shame.

"No!" Patton said, rather desperately, "It's fine, just startled me is all!" he reassured.

He leaned into it, hoping that would prove his point. It did, as Virgil tightened again and did a small nuzzle on his fluffy hair.

Shortly after, the lady came back with three plates. She gave Logan and Roman theirs, and then Patton's.

"Sorry, your food isn't ready yet." she apologized to Virgil, a thin smile on her face.

Virgil looked away, "It's fine..."

She left after that, saying she'll see if it is done.

The three were visibly confused.

"Why isn't yours ready?" Roman looked towards the kitchen, "Ours take longer to make then its."

Patton looked up at it, "You can have one of my grilled cheese if you want." he said with a sad smile.

Virgil shook its head, all eyes open and staring at nothing, "It's fine. I'm not hungry."

Logan frowned. They looked around them to see that there were no other creatures there. It was all humans.



"Perhaps we should leave." they stated, already looking for a waiter so they could pack their food.

"Why?" Roman asked, "We haven't even eaten!"

Logan waved over a waiter, "Look around and take a guess as to why Virgil would be treated differently."

Roman and Patton did as so, and immediately caught on.

"Ah," Roman said, getting ready to pack up too, "I see now."

Patton was furious. How dare they treat Virgil like this just because it is a creature!

A waiter came over, and Logan asked for containers to take the food home.

Soon enough, they were leaving, having payed for everything and such.

The whole time, Virgil was quite and stiff. This has happened before, which is why it only goes in restaurants for creatures.

It was suddenly being hugged. It looked down and saw an upset Patton, "I'm so sorry you had to sit there all uncomfortable!"

Roman nodded, "I honestly forgot you were a creature."

Logan looked behind them, thinking.

Virgil laughed, "It's alright, I just want to go somewhere else."

"How about you lead us to a restaurant where creatures are welcomed?"

The three looked at Logan, Logan still looking at the park.

Roman gasped and snapped his fingers, "Hey, yeah! We'll go to the car and you can tell me where to go!"

Patton liked this idea.

Virgil smiled a small smile, its fangs more visible, "There is this one place where an old friend of my dad owns. He's super nice."

Logan nodded, "Then let's go there." they lead the way back to the car, Patton and Roman going off about how excited they were to go to a new place.

Once at the car, they sat where they originally sat, "Just text me the address." Roman said, pulling out his phone and keys.

Virgil did as such, sending the address to him.

Patton leaned on its chest like he did last time, "Is it fun there?" he asked.

Virgil nodded, "Very. Pretty wild actually, so watch out for that."

"Will they be ok with humans being there?" Logan called over.

Virgil chuckled, "Yeah, the owner is human himself and is always there. A few humans go there, but it's mostly creatures."

Patton cheered, "I'm so excited! Can't wait!"

Roman pulled out, and the four began to their new destination. Hopefully, will turn out better than the last restaurant.

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