Mind and Might (A Quirkless H...

By Hexcss

472K 10.4K 8.8K

Not everyone is created equal, that is a fact, but in a world of superheroes and villains, were 80% of the po... More

The Beginning
My own path
The Inventor
What I am capable of
The Show
What I want to do
My chance
Battle of Ideals
Dawn in Hosu
Art of Battle
The Exam
Fateful Meeting
Into the training camp!
Training, Training, Training.
Camp attack
The Decision
The Next Step
Next Level
Into Darker Days
Pulling Strings
Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Special Forces
Festival Preparations
Gentle Criminal
The Festival
Time Sure Flies By...
Value These Moments
How It All Starts To Fall Apart...
This Was Just The Beginning...
Saint Peter Has Called A Name
A Broken Link
Phase 3
Real Monster


2.4K 75 31
By Hexcss

6:00 pm, one hour before the start of the raid. Izumi, Shota, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Kirishima were getting ready to go to the meeting point. They were doing their best to stay calm, this was going to be their first official assignment, and a lot was at stake....

They walked towards the door, ready to leave.

Izuku: You are going now huh?

They stopped and turned around to see Izuku, who was still in pajamas but had woken up just to say goodbye to then.

Izuku: Give it your all.

Izuku gave them a thumbs up and smiled at them. Shota then runned at him and hugged him, followed by Izumi, then Uraraka and Tsuyu and the Kirishima who made them all lose balance and fall to the floor.

Izuku: Ugh... What was that?
Shota: For good luck!
Izuku: Sure.... Goodbye.

They all stood up and went to the door. They waved at him and he waved back and with their confidence renewed they went to the meeting point.

At 6:30 they were in the meeting point, just 30 minutes before the start of the raid. Those last 30 minutes were probably the longest of all the students' lives. Finally they passed... They raid.... Has begun.

The heroes and the police moved towards the hideout and the law enforcement officials were ready to knock the door down but suddenly the doors bursted open and Rikiya appeared, stomping on the first line of police officers. Ryukyu transformed into her dragon self and stopped Rikiya from causing further destruction.

Ryukyu: I will hold him here with my group! You all continue!

Sir Nighteye gave the order and moved into the hideout. Many yakuza thugs appeared and then rushed towards the heroes. They were easily defeated but Centipede and Bubble Girl had to stay behind to apprehend the thugs.

Sir Nighteye guided the heroes and the remaining police to the secret entrance of the base. As they opened it more thugs jumped at them.

With Overhaul.

Chrono: The heroes are here!
Overhaul: I imagined they would be here soon, but not this soon, how is the evacuation going?
Chrono: We have moved most of the machinery already. We have the bullets here.
Overhaul: I'll take those, you take Eri, we are leaving.

The heroes entered into the underground base and suddenly the walls started changing and moving, the heroes were then separated from the police officers and they fell into the floor below.

Sir: Must be the quirk of the director.
Mirio: We cant waste time, Overhaul must be trying to escape, I will catch up to him and try to restrain him.

Mirio used his quirk and moved through the walls as he began to search for Overhaul.

Rock Lock: How do we get rid of this villain? Eraser Head cant you do something?!
Eraser Head: I need him to be in my field of vision in order to use my quirk, I cant do anything right now.
Izumi: I think I might be able to do something.

Izumi placed her hand on the wall and closed her eyes to focus. From her hand, she fired an electrical discharge that covered the entire area except for where the heroes were standing. The Director was shocked by the electricity and soon he fell unconscious and the wall stopped moving, allowing the heroes to move forwards.

Sir: Good job, come on there is no time to waste.

Izumi placed her hand on her head as the headache from the focus she had to use for the attack to work and not fry anyone. Kirishima approached her.

Kirishima: You good?
Izumi: Yeah, probably wont be able to do thag in a while though, lets go.

The group of heroes kept moving forwards until they found two different routes to go through.

Fat Gum: We must separate, I will take Red and Sun with me to the right, the rest of you can go to the left.
Sir: Very well.

The two groups went on their own respective ways. Fat Gum's group encountered a new room and when they entered, three of the eight bullets were waiting for them. Tamaki decided to engage them all so Fat and Red could continue moving forwards. Despite Kirishima's protest, Fat Gum pulled him and Tamaki began to fight them.

Kirishima and Fat Gum then reached another room where two other bullets were waiting for them.

Rappa: Oh! Look who has come! Tengai, let me fight them! I want no interference!
Tengai: The boss ordered us to fight together.
Rappa: Well he is not here isnt he?
Tengai: Do what you want but if things start going south, I will use the barrier.

Rappa ran towards Kirishims and Fat Gum. Kirishima immediatelt webt unbreakable.

Kirishima: 'This is the result of my training!'

Kirishima stood guard and Rappa then unleahed a barriage of punches on Kirishima that sent him flying back against a wall.

Fat Gum: Red!
Rappa: Where are you looking?!

Rappa then unleashed his barriage of punches on Fat Gum. Fat tried to resist but he had no way to counter Rappa's punch. Fat decided to let Rappa continue to punch him so he could store his energy and then transformed it into a punch. As he Fat Gum kept transforming the energy he stored of the punches, Fat Gum's fat was decreasing and so was his defense....

Kirishima: 'All that training.... And all it took was just a few punches.... I really am a pathetic hero..... No..... I cant give up.... I know..... There is at least someone.... Who has confidence in me.... No there are a lot of people who have confidence in me! And for them.... For them I cant give up now!'

Fat Gum received a punch that sent him back. His defense was in a critically low level. Rappa ran towards him and was about to punch him but Kirishima stood infront of him.

Fat Gun: Red!

Rappa unleashed another barriage of punches on Kirishima but unlike last time, Kirishima stood his ground.

Kirishima: 'I wont be able to resist much longer.... There must be a way for me to turn the tables around..... If I cant overpower him... I must outsmart him!'

Kirishima ducked under the punches of Rappa much to Rappa's surprise. Kirishima the swiped Rappa's legs off the ground causing Rappa to fall. Kirishima rose up and was about to deliver an axe kick to Rappa's face but Tengai used his barrier and Kirishima's kick bounced off and he fell back.

Rappa: I said no barrier!
Tengai: I will not let a child knock you out, now heroes, resistance is useless.
Fat Gum: That's what you think!

Fat Gum catched Kirishima and he readied his punch with all the energy he had stored. Fat Gum then threw the punch at the barrier and he pierced through it, the punch impacted on Rappa and Tengai, sending them back and knocking them out, finally the battle was over.

Mirio was running through a large hall as he suspected this is where Overhaul had escaped through. As he ran through it, he saw Shin amd Deidoro mounting guard. Mirio immediately used his quirk and phased through the ground. He then appeared between the two yakuza and punched them hard in the face, knocking them both out. Mirio kept running through the hall until at the distance he saw Overhaul and Chrono walking along with Eri.

Mirio once again used his quirk to reach where Overhaul and Chrono were. Mirio popped out from the floor and punched Chrono in the head. He then threw a punch at Overhaul. Overhaul tried to catch it, but the punch phased through his hand and Overhaul received the punch. Mirio then grabbed Eri and jumped back.

Eri: You... Are...
Mirio: I'm LeMillion! I'm here to save you! I wont let anyone hurt you anymore!
Overhaul: Save her? You dont even know what you are doing, she is better with me, give her back!
Mirio: You torture her dont you?! I will not let you get a hold of her!
Overhaul: Where you are taking her awaits her a destiny worse than death! You dont know what you are doing!
Mirio: I'm saving her! And I will not let anything bad happpen to her!
Overhail: You dont understand anything! I will get her back!

Oveehaul placed his hands in the floor and a bunch spikes came out of it. Mirio was unable to use his quirk as he was carrying Eri so he had to do his best to dodge the spikes and prevent Eri from getting hurt, but this only resulted in the spikes piercing through some of Miro's limbs. A bunch of pillars then appeared from the roof that almost crushed Mirio and he had to jump and dodge all of them.

Mirio: Didnt you say you wanted her back? You can kill her too with those attacks!
Overhaul: I dont care! I have the power to bring her back to life! I will go to any lengths to get her back! You will not stand in the way!

More spikes came out of the floor and ceiling this time, but they were not enough to kill Mirio. Mirio landed on the ground and took of hid cape and through it in the air. When the cape fell down to the floor, Overhaul saw that only Eri was there.

From tbe ground, Mirio came up and punched Overhaul in the face. Overhaul tried to use his quirk on Mirio but he phased through Mirio who then punched him once again. Mirio kept punching Overhaul, who stood little chance against Mirio. Chrono woke up and Overhaul threw the quirk erasing bullets at Chrono. Chrono grabbed them and charged his gun but he knew that shooting at Mirio wouldnt work as he saw Overhaul's attacks phasing through him. Chrono aimed his gun at Eri and shot. Mirio realized this and jumped infront of Eri and took the bullet for her.

Eri: Why... Why did you take the bullet... Why are you going so far for me?...
Mirio: Because I told you, I will not let anyone harm you anymore.
Overhaul: You dumb hero, you've lost it all, everytging you worked hard for is gone.
Mirio: That's not true! I am still LeMillion, it doesnt matter if I have a quirk or not!

Mirio grabbed Eri and Overhaul attacked them again. Mirio did his best to resist, he dodged and took attacks for Eri, he truly was not going to let anyone hurt her anymore....

Mirio stood his ground against Overhaul, but he was slowly losing ground, his stamina was running out, but he swore he would fight until his last breath, as long as he was alive, he would not give up. Mirio then saw, while he was jumping, a spike that was going to pierce him and Eri. His first insitinct was to get Eri out of harm's way. The spike suddenly stopped moving...

Rock Lock: Just in time.

Izumi charged at Overhaul and landed a kick on Overhaul's face. Izumi pressed on and as Overhaul was about to get a hold of her, Aizawa erased his quirk and Izumi managed to land a punch on Overhaul's gut. Sir then approached Mirio.

Sir: You did a good job, I'm proud, we will take over from here.
Overhaul: You heroes.... Always getting in the way.... You dont realize.... This is the only way we have to beat him!.... She is the only way! And I will take her back! No matter the cost! Chrono!

Chrono used his quirk and pinned Aizawa and Rock Lock to thd ground. Overhaul now being able to use his quirk, he made the ground crumble and Aizawa, Rock Lock and Chrono fell to the floor below. Overhauo closed that hole and then he placed his hand on the ground. His limbs deattached and theb reattached but they were now made of stone and concrete. Overhaul sent more spikes and pillars towards were Eri was. Sir grabbed Eri while Izumi grabbed Mirio and they dodged all of the attacks Overhaul threw at them. Overhaul centered his attacks on Sir and Eri. Sir used his quirk and was able to dodge the attacks, but he was then forced into a situation of no escape by Overhaul, spikes came from every direction towards him and Eri. Sir did the only thing he could do and he threw Eri out of harm's way, and all the spikes impaled him in his abdomen.

Mirio/Izumi: Siiir!

Tears started to fall from Eri's eyes as she saw the man who had saved him being impaled because of her.

Izumi quickly regained her senses as she knew the battle was not over. She ran towards Eri and was about to take her, but a pillar rose from where Eri was and it brought Eri staright towards Overhaul.

Izumi: No!

Izumi then charged towards Overhaul and he threw spikes at her. Izumi punched them, but the rate at which Overhaul sent spikes at her was faster then what she was destroying them and Izumi was pierced in her shoulder, arm and leg and she was pinned down to the ground, much to Eri's horror.

Overhaul: You heroes..... You dont understand.... If my error cant be undone, everyone will pay the price! She is the only way to fix everything! Now stay there! And die!

Overhaul was about to send a spike to pierce Izumi but...

Eri: No.... Stop.... Stop this... Dont hurt them!

Eri's horn began to glow much to Overhaul's surprised and he and the pillar they were in were rewinded back to how it originally was, so the spikes stopped pinning Izumi. Izumi ignored the pain and jumped and grabbed Eri mid air, she then used her lightning attack and electrocuted Overhaul as he was falling down. Izumi then landed. Eri's quirk was still active.

Izumi: 'My wounds... They dont hurt? Have they been healed? Could it be her quirk?'
Overhaul: You....

Izumi looked in suprirse as Overhaul stood back up, he had used his quirk to repair his body.

Overhaul: You keep getting in my way! None of you understand! You are all being manipulated!
Izumi: What are you talking about?
Overhaul: If you stop me right now.... We are all going to DIE!

Overhaul attacked Izumi with spikes again, forcing her to jump back. Some of the spikes bruised her body but she noticed as they immediately regenerated thanks to Eri's quirk.

Overhaul: I'm going to end this right here!

Izumi looked up to see the abomination in which Overhaul had turned into.

Izumi immediately tried to use her blasts but Overhaul regenerated the moment the blasts impacted. Overhaul then tries to stomp on Izumi but she jumped out of the way. Overhaul threw a punch at Izumi which she tried to stop with her leg but the force behind it was greater than her and she was forced back. Izumi ignored the pain from her headache and used the lightning attack again on Overhaul, but once again, the damage was regenerated almost instantly.

Izumi: 'I wont be able to beat him like this! He is able to regenerate the exact moment he receives damage!.... In that case I must be able to hit him faster than what he is able to regenerate.... But I cant do it with my current strength.... But waita minute... If Eri also regenerates my own damage, I should be able to release 100% of One for All without repercutions.' Eri! I need you to grab tightly to me.

Izumi than saw Mirio's cape and grabbed it and used it to attach Eri to hee back. Eri held tight to Izumi.

Izumi: 'Lend me your strength...'

Izumi maxed out her power and she threw a kick at Overhaul which sent him straight out of the underground and into the sky. On the outiside, Ryukyu's team suddenly saw Overhaul popping out of the ground and flying to the sky.

Izumi: 'It worked! I feel no pain!'

Izumi then flew out of the hole and saw as Overhaul falling back to the ground.

Izumi: 'I must not let him touch the ground!'

Izumi flew faster towards Overhaul, ignoring the increasing headache as Eri's quirk didnt seem to heal that. Izumi kicked Overhaul once again and sent him flying to the sky. Izumi flew around Overhaul and punched him from all directions as fast as she could while also trying to keep Overhaul in the sky.

The rest of the heroes had popped out from the ground as well and they witnessed the ongoing battle in the sky. Aizawa and Rock Lock had freed themselves from Chrono but they were both injured. Uraraka, Tsuyu and Shota helped them get out. They also helped Sir Nighteye and Mirio.

In the sky Overhaul tried to attack Izumi but she was moving at such speeds that he could even barely see her. Izumi decided to put an end to the battle and she rose up and from the sky she threw as many punches as she could to Overhaul. Overhaul's monstrous body was destroyed but Overhaul refused to give up. Overhaul regenerated his body much to Izumi's surprise.

Izumi: 'He regenerated?! In that case... I'm going to go all out!'

Izumi floated and she extended her hands and the tips of her finger began to glow and froms it, a massive lightning storm came out, thanks to the boosting of the energy of One for All. Overhaul kept regenerating his body to prevent himself from passing out, Izumi noticed this. Izumi closed her punch and concentrated all her energy in that one punch. She flew towards Overhaul and punched him with everything she had....

After the dust settled, Overhaul was on the ground, knocked out and Izumi stood infront of him with Eri still at her back. Izumi then felt as a massive surge of energy came from Eri. Izumi felt as if she was disassembled.

Izumi: 'What's happening?! Is this her quirk too? Has she lost control over it?! What is this energy?!'

As the seconds passed, the pain through Izumi's body became more intense.

Izumi: 'If I can absorb the energy then maybe...'

Izumi used her owm quirk to absorb Eri's energy.

Izumi: 'Its so much energy! I cant absorb it all.... My head....'

The heroes looked in shock as they didnt comprehend entirely what was happening, but Aizawa.

Aizawa: Uraraka, place me looking at them!

Aizawa was unable to move by himself due to the injuries of his fight with Chrono and the effects of his quirk.

Uraraka moved Aizawa and he used his quirk on them. They both stopped and they both fell down to the ground unconscious, the battle was over...

The police and the ambulances came. The ambulances did their job and transported all the heroes and Eri to the nearby hospital, meanwhile, Overhaul was arrested and he was immediately sent off to be imprisoned in Tartarus.

Overhaul was transported in a reinforced van and was escolted by two police cars. As they were driving down the road though, suddenly the road below them exploded...

A car rolled up to the scene of the explosion. A man stepped out and walked through the debirs of the road and the exploded cars. A police officer tried to get out from the first car. The man passed by him and he took out a gun from his suit and shot at the police officer in the head, killing him instantly and not even bothering to look at his victim. The man continued to walk and he saw as from the upside down van, a hero came out. The hero looked around and looked at the man.

Hero: You are-

The hero was shot in the head and he fell to the ground. The man looked at the other police car and saw there was someone still moving in the front seat. Without hesitation, he shot the police officer. He then walked to the van and opened the doors completely. In the ground, apprehended, laid Overhaul, who much to his own bad luck, was still alive.

???: I told you I would find you.

Overhaul opened his eyes and looked at the man.

Overhaul: No, no no no! NO! NO! This cant be! This cant be!

Overhaul fought hard to free himself but it was in vain, every second Overhaul panicked more and the fear inside of him increased.

Overhaul: No! NO! This wont end like this! This wont! NO!
???: Shhhhh.

Overhaul looked up to the man who had brought a finger to his mouth to signal him to be quiet, at the same time a small smile formed in his face.

???: Screaming will do nothing for you, nobody will come, there is no one else, just you and me.

A chill went through Overhaul's spine. He saw as the man then entered the van and began to look for something. He then found it, Overhaul's quirk erasing bullets. He opened the box to check its content and then closed it.

???: So this was your plan all along, it certainly would have been devastating for my plans if someone used this against me. Maybe I can find a way to use this. This is a wonderful gift, thank you. I also brought one for you.

The man took out his gun once again and stood infront of Overhaul.

???: Time for this little bird to sing its last song.

The man shot at Overhaul's gut, he then stepped on the wound with the heel of his shoe, this caused Overhaul to scream in pain and the man shot at Overhaul right in the mouth, silencing him.... forever.

The man placed the bullets in his suit along with his gun. He cleaned his shoe and made sure to leave no evidence of him ever being there. As he walked back to his car, his phone rang and he took it out and answered.

???: Hello?.... Yeah I have them.... No, no one saw..... Very well, there are still a few loose knots we must tie though, Nighteye has already served his purpose, his quirk could be dangerous, we also need to get that girl, we cant risk her being used against us..... They should be in a hospital, I know you can pull enough strings.... Very well, we'll meet there, we need to review the next phase, phase two has been complete.

The man hunged and then entered his car and left the scene....

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