The Mafia King

By certifiedfreak

2.2M 41.2K 32.8K

Russian Mafia King Dimitri Vikhrov known as the "Devil" is the most dangerous and powerful man in the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Before Emma
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Before Emma Part 2

Chapter 15

52.2K 1K 1K
By certifiedfreak

Aleksey's  P.O.V

I watched as Dimtri and Emma played in the playhouse Dimtri made for her in the backyard, it's been there since he met her but hadn't shown it to her till now. They also laid down a blanket on the grass.

An overwhelming sense of happiness took over me watching Dimitri being so happy, him and I go way back, we've had each other's backs since we were in diapers. He has saved my life more times than I count and vice versa, ever since we were little we matched in everything in tastes of everything but I think that what made us really bond was the fact that both our parents were idiots.

Our moms knew each other because they were neighbors and worked in the same place as strippers, apparently, they even got pregnant at the same time and no, it wasn't by the same man, we even checked. Our dads were a no show and well our moms they always had us together, our life was hard, sometimes our moms wouldn't even show up for days and we had to fend for ourselves.

We learned how to fight with each other, we knew we had to learn how to survive without our mothers cause they weren't always going to be there and well we started winning in the illegal fights and gaining ourselves reputations.

He always tells me it was the two of us but it was all him. He started with a small gang, selling drugs nothing too big but with his intelligence, in no time it started growing, I was just his right-hand man, he was born a leader and me? a follower but I never minded, then, of course, he made it his business what other mafias did until everyone answered to him and even with all the power and money, I could see he wanted someone to share it with - apart from me -, we knew what we were into, BDSM and ddlg, we had our one night stands but no one was Emma.

They were meant to be, I could see it from the moment they met. Believe it or not, I was always the one to distrust love, I loved someone a long time ago and well she broke me and if it wasn't for Dimitri I don't what would have happened to me.

The three of us? it wasn't planned, I mean when I fell in love we didn't share her, we shared everything but her we didn't, I was sure she was the love of my life and Dimitri respected that, even though he never liked her and well I was blinded by her and now that I think about it, I feel stupid but well that story is for another time.

But then came Emma and well I gave them their space, at first I didn't really pay attention but then I started getting to know her and how sweet she was, asking if we were hungry that time at the diner and making conversation with me and well Dimitri saw it first that I and we had a talk.

"Tsk, tsk. Aleksey do you think you can fool me? I know you better than you know yourself" Dimitri made his way into my bedroom that night - which is right beside his - just as I was getting out of the shower in just a towel on my hips.

He was still in his suit pants and white shirt, I guess he just left Emma in his bedroom asleep. He had the first two buttons undone and it showed a peak of his chest tattoos.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I played clueless and went to my bed to get my pajamas but Dimitri slammed me against the wall before I could take another step. He leaned his body against mine and pressed his hand in my chest so that I wouldn't move.

"Dimitri, I- " He interrupted me before I could say anything.

"Why are you being so difficult?" He asked in that demanding tone of his and looking at me with his scrutinizing green eyes.

I didn't answer him and just looked at him, I could see the concern in his expression.

"Don't be like this, babe" He said after a while.

"Don't call me that, you know I don't like it" We had a weird and complicated relationship.

"I know you do but don't change the subject, Emma is not her" He removed his hand from my chest and placed it beside my head on the wall, trapping me.

"I know" I avoided his gaze, Dimitri had this way of reading me like an open book.

"I should have killed her the minute you brought her home" He firmly said, grabbing my face and making me look at him.

"But I would have gotten mad at you and I'm a grown-ass man, Dimitri. I can make my own decisions"  I was blinded, If he had done that I don't know what would have happened to our relationship.

"But at least you would be mad and not hurt" He rested his forehead against mine, both of us closed our eyes and stayed there. I didn't say anything but I knew he was hurting for me.

"I'm supposed to protect you and I didn't and hate to see you miss this" I opened my eyes and watched him straighten out, he was a couple of inches taller than me.

"Maybe she only likes you" I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

"Of course she doesn't. I see you with her, she laughs so hard with you and those silly faces the two of you make and she likes that nickname of yours and maybe she doesn't realize it yet but I do. I want it to be the three of us. I would never let anybody hurt you again, you know that right?" For a second his eyes reflected how desperate he was for me to say yes.

"I know that I really do but how do you know she'll say yes? and I know you, you'll say that if she doesn't you'll leave her and all that stuff but I see you with her too, you love her too" I don't think I could forgive myself if he breaks his own heart for me.

"Of course I would but I'm telling you, it won't come to that, please just trust me. We'll just slowly introduce her to the idea of you if you want, I'm confident enough to just do it but if it will make you feel any better we'll do it slowly" He looked at me expectantly, waiting for my response.

"Fine" Was my answer and I watched as he smiled at me, that rare smile he doesn't let anyone see but me and Emma. He leaned his head a little and placed a small kiss in the corner of my mouth.

"Now please let me get some clothes on" I shooed him, blushing a little. It's rare for us to show this affection.

"Fine but I'm sleeping here" Dimitri started taking off his pants and shirt and getting on the bed.  I just shook my head and got my pajamas on. I got on the bed next to him and looked at the ceiling in deep thought.

I turned my back to him and tried to get comfortable. I heard him move when I felt an arm around and pulling me to him, like a spoon.

"I know I don't say it much but I love you" He whispered next to my ear.

"I love you, too" I whispered back.

The next morning he was already up and with Emma and that was the same day Emma decided to sneak out and I saw her punishment and the rest is history.

"Aleksey! Come play with us" I hear Emma shout it my direction, walking towards me. She was limping, Emma and Dimitri had her first time yesterday. I told Dimitri that it was something that had to be special between them, he argued but I won that argument. I didn't mind, I wanted them to have something together and by the smile, in her face, I made the right choice.

"Little boss, you look so pretty" I scooped her up in my arms and on my hip when she got to me.

"Thank you" She blushed resting her face on my shoulder, she had a sundress on and was barefoot, she really hates shoes. I started walking towards Dimitri, who was seated on the floor in a blanket.

"I saw you limping, are you sore?" I asked half concerned, half teasing. She blushed and tried to hide even more.

"I'm okay. I-I was actually wondering where you were last night" She nervously asked me, avoiding my eyes. I was surprised, to say the least, I really didn't think she'd ask me that.

"Really? Don't worry, Em. I'll join the fun next time" I winked at her after whispering it in her ear and she blushed and nodded. She's so precious and she has Dimitri and me wrapped around her small finger.

We reached to were Dimtri was and I placed Emma on the blanket and sat down too.

"OMG! we could have a picnic, can we daddy?" Emma turned to Dimitri and made puppy eyes at him. The day was actually perfect, sunny but not too hot.

"Of course, we can, how about you go ask the maids what you want for the picnic" He suggested but it was more like an order, Emma nodded excitedly and ran to the kitchen.

Dimitri was dressed comfortably in some sweat pants and was topless, it was rare seeing him like that, he was always in a suit. I was in some dress pants but took off my shirt, the sun was killing me.

"I told you so" Was all Dimtri said, laying down, putting his arms behind his neck and closing his eyes.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Even though I totally knew, I guess she really did see me that way but it wasn't fair that somehow he was always right but I'm glad he was right about this.

"Lay down next to me" He patted the pace next to him with his eyes still closed.

"But-" I started but was interrupted by his voice.

"Do as you are told" I hated it when he used that tone on me, he knew I couldn't refuse him. He turned around a little to look at me.

"You know Emma's new little friend Alec looks like he could join our fun, don't you think?" He smirked and teasingly slid a finger across my chest, like a small caress.

"You are the worst, calm your dick down, Dimitri" I said amused at his suggestion but it does sound like fun...

"Hey, monogamy is so overrated, the fact that we love each other doesn't mean we can't have some fun" I just laughed agreeing with him but of course it didn't mean that Dimitri or me would go fuck another girl, that same way we know Emma would never go fuck another guy but if we all agree, consent, there's nothing wrong with having a little fun together.

But even if we don't run free that way, there's nothing wrong with an open relationship, I mean just because you love someone doesn't mean you don't eyes and if you both are mature enough and have some ground rules, it's a really good deal, monogamy is so overrated, plus sex is just sex, it doesn't mean you don't love the person it's just enjoying life but not everybody feels that way and is also okay, maybe they just don't want anyone else and it's okay too but what's not okay is cheating, in that relationship they agreed on being exclusive and that is just wrong.

I know that the three of us would be more than enough but life is so short and there is nothing wrong with enjoying life to the fullest. This is saying from a guy who has been shot and beaten a lot of times just like Dimitri.

"Can't you just imagine it? Alec is so shy, just like Emma. Imagine him being so nervous while I tell him what to do to Emma, while you watch just how you like it..." He didn't finish the sentence and just left it in the air for me to imagine and that was just mean, I could feel my dick twitch imagining the next.

"I can already see that you like what I'm saying" He said teasingly in my ear and letting out a chuckle. I heard a squeal of excitement and I turned around to see Emma running towards us with 4 maids all of them with trays.

"Daddy! Aleksey! The food looks delicious and I also brought you some wine for the food, Nala said it was your favorite" Emma was clapping her hands in excitement, she waited for the maids to catch up and helped them set it up. Dimtri and I sat up and adjusted so the food could be set down.

Nala was one of the only maids Dimitri tolerates, she's been working here since we got here and knows exactly how we like things, so she obviously suggested the wine and she is also the only allowed to talk to Emma. Especially since the incident with the other maid who said horrible things to Emma, she got her punishment alright and the scars won't ever let her forget it.

Dimitri didn't fire her cause hiring maids is difficult, especially because we have to make sure they don't talk about anything they see and stuff like that. Snitches get stitches.

"Thanks, babygirl. It looks delicious" Dimitri smiled at her and blew her a kiss. It's nice seeing him so carefree with her.

"You missed school, babygirl?" I asked, grabbing one of the grapes in one of the plates. It was delicious.

"Yes, but it was daddy's fault, he turned off my alarm and didn't wake me up" She pouted and gave him what I think is supposed to be an angry look but she looked like an angry baby, so freaking cute.

"It's a good thing, you needed sleep, little boss. I can see your bruises, I guess you really did have fun last night" I teased, I had noticed the bruises earlier, she had them in her wrists and her thigh which I saw because the wind moved her dress and I got a peak. She also had some hickeys in her neck.

She blushed and tried to hide her wrist from me and turned so her neck was kind of hidden. I just chuckled and I heard Dimtri chuckling too.

"Are you excited about med school? You're out of high school in a few days" I asked, between bites of food, it really was delicious.

"Yes! Totally, daddy said he had a present for me on my first day of school! I'm so excited and I also wanna see Alec, he was so nice" She started babbling more about her plans and how excited about it, Dimitri and I listened to every word.

Right here, right now I really think is the happiest I've ever been, with Emma and Dimitri and I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm really glad Dimtri and I had that talk many nights ago.

This chapter is dedicated to herohasmyheart I love your comments and thanks the support😘😘.

HELLO, double update wuju!
Hope you guys liked it!
I know i said like. a month or so but i hate making time, so let's just imagine time goes fast here.
I have many plans for her in med school hehe.
Also that little speech about open relationships is my opinion, monogamy is so overrated and life is so short, let us all enjoy ourselves, i wish i could find a guy who'd like an open relationship🤪🥴

I imagine Dimitri slamming Aleksey like this:

So... what did u think? did u hate it? did u love it??

what do you think about alec joining the fun??

what did u think about dimitri and aleksey??

what would you like for the next chapter???

Don't forget to vote⭐️ and comment💭 i love you guys!! so muchh♥️♥️ thanks for the love, certifiedfreak💕

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