Hidden Fangs


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"I've never knew what addiction was until I met you , and oh how fucked I am right now.." They say that oppos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

153 7 0

"idiot" I mumbled as I sat back down. "I don't know why are you even friends with him Noah"

"We've been friends since forever, he isn't that bad you know, you just have to give him a chance" he sighed.

"He tried hitting me for God's sake!" I said annoyed "you can't just come up to me and tell me to be friends with him"

"Well, you did slap him so I believe you're equal" Noah said shrugging.

"Can we change the topic" I said as I completed my sandwich.


I was sitting in my bedroom solving my homework, when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said as Noah walked in.

"Are you done with your homework?" He asked sitting on the bed.

"Almost" I answered looking back at him.

"Well I'm bored maybe we can hangout after or something" he said sighing.

"Sure" I said smiling

Soon enough I was done with my homework and Noah drove us to a nearby park.

It was breathtaking.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" I said admiring the stars.

I have a thing for the stars..

"I'm glad you like it" he said smiling.

"OH MY GOD!" I said as I ran to see these really cute kittens playing together.

"Are you serious" Noah chuckled from behind my back.

"They're adorable!" I awed at the cute little kitties.

"Maybe I should get you a kitten if you love them that much" he said.

"That'll be adorable Noah" I said squeaking.

He chuckled as he helped me up from the ground.

"Let's take a walk" he said.

I nodded as we started walking.

I stopped each 5 minutes to admire anything that I saw.

"Wanna swing?" He asked motioning me to the swings.

I beamed as I ran to them. I got on a swing and started swinging happily.

Noah got on the swing that is next to me and started swinging as well.

After about 30 minutes of us swinging and talking Noah suggested that we go and bring dinner.

Which I of course didn't say no to.

We arrived at a nice looking restaurant.

"I'll order food for us, and maybe we eat it while watching a movie at home" Noah said smiling.

"That'll be awesome!" I said clapping.

"So what do you want me to get you?" He asked smiling.

"Uhh" I said not knowing what to order, and for sure I wasn't going to tell him to order what he feels like ordering because yeah..last time it ended up being blood.

"Maybe a burger?" I asked not sure if this store sells burgers.

"Sure" he said getting out of the car.

I waited for a few minutes and then he came back holding to bags.

We drove back home as we both got to know each other a little more.

When we finally arrived home, Noah took me to his bedroom as we tried to pick a movie.

We ended up picking a funny movie.

"Is it actually funny?" I asked Noah.

"Of course it is!" He said in a 'duh' tone.

We played the movie as we both ate our food.

I was dying from laughter. I loved the movie!

Soon the movie was over and we went to sleep.

°•° The Next Day °•°

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled as I pushed Noah of me.

That idiot decided that it was fun to jump on top of me while I'm asleep.

"You looked like a trampoline to me" he said shrugging.

"You're so dead!" I yelled running after him.

We both started running around the house until Noah hit Evangeline making her fall down.

I bursted out laughing.

"What's wrong with you Noah?" Evangeline said getting up.

"Amber is going to kill me!" He cried running behind her back, making the three of us laugh.

"She's gonna hunt you alive" Evangeline said mocking Noah.

"Oh my God yes!" He said clapping his hands.

"What? Are you happy I'm killing you?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"No what the hell?" He said chuckling "I'm taking you hunting today!"


"You mean animal hunting?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yeah!" He started pulling me behind him "we'll hunt them, suck their blood, then we grill them"

My eyes widened.

"I don't suck animals blood!" I said pulling my hands away.

"You don't?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I-uhhh not a lot" I said trying to save my dumbass.

"Well trust me you're gonna love this!"

I slowly nodded as we walked to eat breakfast.

Soon enough I was done then I walked to my room to get ready.

I wore this:

Then walked back downstairs.

"You look adorable!" Noah said hugging me.


I hugged him back as I smiled.

"Let's go then!" He said walking to the car " I got everything ready"

I followed him to the car, then we both got in.

Noah started driving, we soon arrived at a forest. That looked awfully familiar.

He handed me a bow and motioned me to walk into the forest.

I hesitantly walked in making sure not to leave his side.

Suddenly a deer passed us, Noah started running after it.

I followed him not knowing what to do.

He then out of nowhere threw an arrow at the poor deer and killed it. He went to it and started sucking on it.

"Yummy! Come here Amber taste it" he said pulling me.

"N-no thanks" I said disgusted.

"C'mon!" He sighed.

"Sorry I'm not really thirsty" I shrugged.

"Ok then try hunting your own deer"  Noah said pushing me in front of a deer.

I screamed as I ran behind him. " You idiot!"

He fell to the ground from all the laughter.

"There is nothing to laugh at!" I snapped.

He didn't stop laughing.

"Ok ok chill Amby" he said calming me down.

"Amby? You never called me that before" I said smiling.

"I thought it's a cute name to call you" he said ruffling my hair "now let me help you"

Noah held my hands and positioned them so that the arrow was facing the deer.

I was shivering, this was super scary.

He then put one hand on the bow, made me pull he elastic making me hit the deer with the arrow.

The deer fell of dead.


"Good job Amby!" He said hugging me.

"I didn't even do anything it was you" I said chuckling.

"Oh really was it?" He said winking.

God he's so sweet!

"Aren't you gonna taste it tho?" He asked me with pleading eyes.

"No thanks" I smiled.

"Please!!!" He said pouting.

"I'd really love to but I'm full" I lied.

"As you wish he said" smiling.

He then started cutting both of the deers as I started setting the grill on.

Noah came up to me with a few meat slices putting them on the grill.

Now does he clean them? No! I mean if someone's able to drink a dead animals blood, they won't bother cleaning the animal before cooking it.

Well I guess the heat will sort of sterilize it.

After a few hours the food were done and we ate it.

It was delicious!

"Wow, this is breathtaking" I moaned as I ate.

" I'm glad you like it" he said giving me an extra slice of meat.

"What are we going to do with the rest of the deer?" I asked him.

Obviously we didn't cook two deers because like we'll never finish them.

"I usually donate them" he said shrugging.

"Aww how generous of you" I laughed.

"Shut up" he said jokingly rolling his eyes. We talked for a little then went home.

It's been a long day!

I took a shower then stood in front of the mirror taking a look at myself.

I'm still not used to those fangs or my pale skin tone. Rather than that nothing was different. I still had my brown hair and eyes and my birth mark.

Yes I have a really pretty birth mark on my left shoulder that I have no clue how did it end up looking like this.

It's like these two enterwined triangles:

Wich I think is pretty unique to have as a birth mark.

I brushed my teeth, got into my pajamas then drifted into deep sleep.


Hey guys!

I'm back with another chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it UwU

I made a lot of moments between Noah and Amber and I honestly believe they're so cute together!

On to the question.

What's your hobbies?

I love to do A LOT of stuff but my absolute favs are reading and writing.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Peace out!


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