Say Something ━━ Stiles Stili...

By Monrox

449K 10.9K 3.5K

{Completed} "in which a girl has seven wonders and seven sins" Shay Marshall has been the best friend of Stil... More

Important Author's Note
01. Straight and Fast
02. Feathers Flying
03. Seven Wonders
04. Open Wounds
05. Jealousy Rising
06. Shattered Glass
07. Fearful Nights
08. Covered in Red
09. A View to Kill
11. A Raven's Call
12. Down Memory Lane
13. Highway to Hell
14. American Gothic
15. Bates Motel
16. An Orphan's Pity
17. Closer walk with Thee
18. Deadly Tether
19. Breath of Life
20. Five Circles
21. Unblinking Death
22. Bad Blood
23. Absent without Leave
24. One Moment
25. Under the Water
26. Mother Knows Best
27. Women in Black
Sequel News
Sad News

10. Heart to Heart

13.9K 370 34
By Monrox

Chapter Ten

        Heart to Heart 

        If you didn't know I'm changing the chapters from this point on to 3rd person (want more info why, read last chapter's author's note) 

        Shay had no clue why she chose French.

        Yes, knowing a language was good for a college application and yes, Shay wanted to get into a good college. At first she wanted to take Spanish but almost half the freakin' school was taking Spanish so there was no available slots open. Two options, either a) take french for the entire semester or b) take advance chemistry with Harris for the entire school year. She would take any class of any sorts to not take an extra class with Harris.

        That would be like taking a class on how to slowly torture yourself before you're sent to Hell.

        And Shay did not want that. Down side about French class was that Ms. Morell was teaching the class. After Matt died, Shay was required to have a session with her since Matt was basically stalking her. A weird vibe came from Morell that Shay picked up on instantly. After the whole bank incident when Morell sent Shay on a ride to death, the comfortableness that Shay was feeling when she walked into French class was almost unbearable. Worst part was that Morell acted as if nothing had happened.

        Mrs. Morell leaned on her desk in front of the room, teaching her students about the French culture compared to the American culture. In the back of room was Shay and minutes ago sleep had consumed her much to her delight. Her arms were crossed and her head lied down with wavy blonde hair covering the side of Shay's face. But with sleep comes darkness and a dark memory that haunts her returned in the form of a nightmare.

        Fear sparked through me as I realized all hell was about to brake lose.

   Boyd swiftly raised his claws and swiped me onto my stomach. I screamed but was quick to scrambled and push myself away from him. Scott and Derek both growled at the two werewolves before attacking. I sat in the corner, harsh breaths desperately coming out of my mouth as my chest violently heaved up and down. The side of my stomach was covered in blood, bleeding into my shirt. Painful and sharp sparks made my body tremble and me to whimper.

    I watched the fight intensify as everything grew more heated and more terrifying. My hands were pressed against my wound, hoping to stop the bleeding but it was of no use. A puddle of blood started to surrounded me and I wished I never agreed to go on this stupid thing with Allison. The volt's sound was filled with the werewolves' growls and my strangled short screams of pain.


     "Mademoiselle Marshall?"


      Shay jolted up, startled by the firm yet threatening, and looked over to her right to see Ms. Morell, peering down at her with narrowed eyes and tight lips. The rest of the class all turned around to see Shay and giggled at her once they noticed the embarrassed red fluster on her cheeks. Shailene ignored the stares and whispers but focused on Morell.

      "Es-tu fatiguee?" Morell asked with a questioning eyebrows but smirked slightly when Shay looked even more embarrassed as before.

        She looked down at her desk and shut her pen cap, "Sorry."

     The bell rung causing all the other students to scatter and clear out. Shay knew she would be getting an ear full so she stayed. Morell watched all the students go before sitting down in the desk in front of Shay.

        "You're starting to concern me, Shay. Maybe we should chat in the guidance office sometime?" Morell said but it was in a quite noticeable fake sweet voice. A some bit of anger bubbled in the pit of her stomach as her fist atomically clenched and her painted black nails dug into her skin. 

       Shay bit her lip and looked out towards the window, watching the American flag whip rapidly from either the wind or from Shay. That's another thing Shay wanted to ask Morell about, how she knew that Shay had the seven wonders. When Shay said that in her head, sounded kind of stupid, really. Saying that she has "seven wonders". 

         She leaned over the desk and spoke softly, "How did you know I had the wonders?"

      Morell looked as if she knew Shay would ask that, "Before your parent's passing, I knew your mother. We were friends, of sorts. She's the one that explained to me about the wonders and how it was passed down from generation."

        "Deaton said that the wonders were also consider the seven deadly sins, why?" Shay asked, getting more and more intrigued into the conversation.

          "Each wonder is different from another. But each wonder is a gift but also dangerous. Depends if the person uses the wonders for good or bad purposes. If a person uses the wonder for good, then its a wonder. If a person uses it for bad." 

           "It's a deadly sin." Shay whispered, looking at the tips of her finger nails. She didn't want this, didn't even ask for this. At no point in her life has she ever asked to be a supernatural creature or have supernatural powers.

             She took a deep breath before looking at Morell with glassy eyes, "Is there any way for me not to have the wonders?"

        Morell looked at Shailene with remorse seeping through her eyes before shaking her head, "Not completely but you can suppress them or learn to control them. That's what your mother always told me."

        She nodded, clearing her throat before breathing, "Don't tell me that the only name I've got is 'girl with seven wonders', sounds a bit lame, don't you think?"

        Morell chuckled before smiling, "People with the seven wonders were called people with the Second Sight."

        Second Sight, Shay quite liked that.

~ ~ ~

        Although Shay and Morell had a heart to heart, Morell wasn't going easy on Shay. She didn't tolerate sleeping in class so as you can expect, Shailene got detention. But her all mind was centered around her having the second sight. She understood more about her ability but as far as she concern, she only had one wonder. If there are six other wonders then what are they?

        Worse part was that Harris was in charge during detention. Shay walked into the detention room, scanning all the students who look bored out of their minds until she landed on someone else. Isaac who sat alone with his fingers tapping on the desk and his eyes glued to the floor. Seeing as Shay would rather sit with him than alone, she strolled over to him and placed herself in the seat right next to him. 

        He glanced at her and a smirk grew, "Couldn't keep away could ya?"

        "Don't flatter yourself, Lahey." Shay scoffed, "I'd rather sit with you then anyone else in the room."

        The pair both turned their attention to the front of the room where Harris was strolling across, "The two of you will wash all the boards in this hall. Re-shelving the library, "Harris finally stood in front of Issac and Shay's table with a small yet noticeable smirk, "Restocking the janitor's closet."

        Shailiene sighed before standing up and walking over to Harris, "Does it have to be restocking?"

        Mr. Harris' smirked and crossed his arms, "Now that I know you prefer not to... Yes. You have to do it."

        Shay groaned silently before turning her head over to Issac, "Perfect."

        "This sucks." Isaac mumbled as him and Shay walked into the janitor's closet. He walked in first before Shay, adjusting the rolls of paper towels in his hand. Shay followed behind and went to one of the shelves, placing the tubs of bleach on the metal surface.

        "Stop complaining and it will be over before you know it." Shay grumbled. Isaac complaining about the unfair job wasn't what caught her eyes. The uneasiness that stiffened his body and the constant glancing at the door.

        She looked at him, up and down, before narrowing her eyes, "Everything alright?"

        "Yeah, it's just, "He cleared his throat, "Not a big fan of small spaces."

        All she did was nod her head, her mind drifting to a few months ago. Isaac's father was a brutal abuser with cruel punishments. He was a monster who enjoyed watching his son suffer. Isaac never really went into detail about his family and no one asked, acknowledging that it was a hard topic for him to speak of.

        It seemed only months ago that they were running away from the kanima and searching for the responsible killer. Shay shuddered off the though of Matt, stalking and taking those pictures of her, and the though of Mr. Lahey, the things he probably did to Isaac. A bitter pain twisted in her stomach as Shay continued to restock the bleaches and supplies.

        She knew Isaac didn't want her sympathy or pity but Shay couldn't help but mutter, "Sorry."

        Isaac merely glanced at her and froze, "I'm sorry too."

        Shailene looked at him, confused, before he decided to continue, "About your parents. I know its been awhile and a little late for a sorry but I was the one who buried your parents when I worked at the graveyard and I knew got to say sorry to you."

        For a moment, they just stood next to each other, silent, taking in the moment. Shay waited for tears to spring out but her emotions were too bottled up for her to express them. The comfortable silence broke once the door slammed shut and the lights flickered off.

        "Shit." Shay whispered as Isaac ran to the door, his body leaning on it with hot breaths filling the room. Isaac grabbed the handle with an iron fist and started to shake it as if that would magically make the door open.

        "Maybe it was locked from outside?" She attempted to reassured.

        He shook his head fastly, "No, no, there's something against it."

        It seemed like the air was getting furiously humid and even for Shay it seemed like the room as getting smaller. She had never had a fear of small spaces but it was obvious that Isaac did. He took of his jacket and lazy through it on the floor. Shay was close to Isaac and watched intently as he paced around for a moment before placing both of his hands against the door.

        "Okay, Isaac, relax." Shay calm said but all she got was mumbles of anxiousness. At first he took long and deep breaths of air through his mouth and patted the door, like knocking. But no one was coming. Shailene was too cautious to go near him or to even touch him, afraid of what he would do.

        Isaac's nails digged into the door slightly as he mumbled, "Come on, come on."

        He spoke as if he was praying, praying to get out. His grip of the door frame tightened as he banged the door again out of anger. From the corner of her eyes, she saw his humans nails slowly growing into claws. Shay's chest heaved from the immense anxiety she was started to feel. Being  trapped into a small confinement with a claustrophobic werewolf. Not the best situation she's found herself in.

        After moments of just heavy breathing, Isaac started to angrily bang on the door. Shay jumped out of his reached with a trembling body filled with fright. He wouldn't hurt her, would he? Isaac started to punch and bang on the door so much it was leaving a dent. Shay could tell that flashbacks of him being locked in that freezer by his hell bound father were rushing back to him. She shouted for him to calm down but he was already sucked up into the moment.

        His banging and pounding stopped but he whipped around, fangs out and his eyes glowing. Shay's eyes widened as Isaac slowly approached her, "Isaac..."

        The werewolf stood up, letting out a deep growl, before pushing her up against the metal shelves. Shay screamed at him to let her go as a pricking spark of pain formed in her arms. Suddenly the door was opened, flashing light into the room from the hallway, and someone threw Isaac off of Shay. It was Scott. Scott glanced at her before rushing over to Isaac who was lying on the floor still in his wolf transformation.

        Shay looked down at her wrist and saw bloody claw marks embedded on her skin. Slowly, she walked out to see Isaac leaning against the staircase and Scott walking towards her. Carefully, he grabbed her arm and observed the marks. Shay came to Isaac's defense, "He didn't mean to do it."

        "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." He choked out, him drenched in sweat and panting.

        "It's not his fault." Shay whispered to Scott. He nodded in understandings, "I know. I guess now we know they want to do more than get you angry. They want to get someone hurt."

        "Are we gonna do something?"

        "Yeah, we're going to get them angry. Really angry."

~ ~ ~

        Hey guys, so sorry that I haven't given y'all chapter in so long but my computer officially broke. But I was able to get a new and much better computer so expect me to updated at least once a week. So people who have the seven wonders are called having the second sight. I don't know if that was confusing for anyone. And are you guys liking 3rd person? I am.

        Please read my other stories and big news! For awhile now, I have had a "coming soon" story called Wicked World. It takes place after season 3b but before season four. Yes, I am writing my own original plot. I would really love it if you guys checked it out because very soon I will be posting chapters. I already have the prologue for it up so pretty please check it out. BTW the covers made for this story and Wicked World were made by the talented @-thirlwalls. She has a story called Insane that I am super excited to read. As a thank you for making me these covers, I dedicate this chapter to her.

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~ ~ ~ Monrox (Kate)


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