Choices And Chances (COMPLETE...

By BaiErottika

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Warning | Mature Content Read at your own risk. MEWGULF 💕 PREQUEL OF PERFECT TWO More

(15) 7 Years Later
(16) DRUNK
(19) SUCK
(20) YES
(22) SPANK
(31)MALDIVES(fifty Shades Of MEW)
(36) DRIFT
(39) SONS


5.5K 357 45
By BaiErottika

Mew stared at his phone after Gulf called.
He can hear his trembling voice like he was muffling his sobs. And if he is planning a surprise for him, he will never mentioned the word "SURPRISE".

And he is in North Pattaya at this time of the night?
Mew only know one building that turns into a warehouse in there, because they made it and Art design it.


He messed his hair in frustration. If it is him, then why? They are in good terms. Infact Art treated them in a civil way these past few days.

But still a certain thump of his heart is not normal, something is wrong.
He decided to call Agent Run. And thank God, Agent Run immediately answered.

"I told you earlier that Gulf is missing right? He is not in his parents house because his father is out of the country, and his mother is still working in the hospital and she did not know, he just called me now and it is very suspicious I will go there. Please Agent Run if i cant call you back, track me. I'll leave my GPS open that is connected to yours. Please tell your men to be silent about this, thank you. "

"Loud and clear."

He end the call and drive to North Pattaya. The cold chill of midnight air making him more nervous.

He arrived in the place, it looks creepy given the moon was only luminating the place.

It was in a hidden area of North Pattaya thats why the owner stopped the construction.

He's still inside the car when he received a text message from Gulf's number.

"Get inside the building, the surprise is waiting."

Hesistant, he get out of the car and walk inside.

One man walk to him with a gun and guide him inside.

"Where is Gulf, and who are you?"

"Stop talking and keep walking or I'll shoot you!"

Slowly Mew walk to the large steel doors. When they come inside, his heart almost burst as he see Gulf tied on a chair his head hanging on the side of his shoulder, he's asleep. He has bruises on his face and dried blood beside his lips.

Mew run to Gulf but before he can even touch him, Art came out of the dark behind Gulf and smack him on the nape waking him up.

"Ah uh.. Not so fast, Stay where you are prince charming. Hey bitch! You're savior has come."

Mew step back a few steps as he saw Art was holding a small pistol and he is twirling it on his hand.

"What is this all about Art?!" He glared at Art, gritting his teeth.

Gulf wakes up feeling dizzy and in his still blurred vision he saw Mew standing far from him. His throat gone dry when he saw Art holding a gun.

"Love..." tears prickled on his eyes.
Mew came for him.

"So the bitch is awake, anyway phi, we will just have a little bonding."
Art walk just a small distance in between Mew and Gulf.

Gulf again slowly tug the tie on his hands and now it is really loosening and he can feel that it will be remove anytime.

"Stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point!, why are you doing this?!" Mew shouted.

Art look at the man standing beside Mew. "Go out and guard the door."

The man go out as they can hear the creaking of the steel doors.

"Seven years ago, we are in good terms right? You even didn't dis agree when our parents talked about our marriage. But right after you meet him, you neglected me, I did something before to trigger your break up, he called you in New York and I lied that something happened to us, you cant tell how happy I was when you broke up. But you got angry on me.
And two years ago, we reconciled. I became happy again, we're making progress and then Gulf interfere! And just a few months of being together you actually proposed to him."

"I never stop loving him, in the past years, it was still him." Mew shakes his head as he look at Art in disgust.

"If in the past years it was still him. Where am I? What am I to you? I clearly confessed that I love you... " Art's eyes was now blurry in tears.

"It's not love nong. That's obsession, if you said you love me, you will let me be happy, and please stop blaming me, you know from the start I treated you as a younger brother." Mew tried to make him see the fact.

"Why phi? Why not me?" He is sobbing now.

"I asked that to myself before, why not you? Ive known you long enough, you are nice, talented and really worth loving, but I can't teach my heart." Mew look at Gulf.

Gulf felt the intensity of Mew's words, and he felt his heart swell.

"But you are nice to me, you treated me like I was loved, you are sweet and too much caring on me, you gave me false hope!" Art shouts at Mew.

"I never said that I Love you, you just assumed. How can I love someone who don't know how to love themselves on the first place? And after the problem you give to me? My company is drowning because of you and your father's scheme, you still expect me to love you?"  Mew step forward to Art.
"Give me the gun and stop this insanity."

Mew silently wish that Agent Run will come on time.

"No! Then, if I won't have you, no one can." He cock the gun first and point it to Mew.

Mew step back. Art is not himself anymore. He is different now.

"Art please stop this! Don't ruin yourself please stop!" Gulf shouted. He finally removed the tie and just waiting for the right moment for him to steal that gun.

"Shut up!" Art became restless, his eyes looking elsewhere and he messes his hair the gun he's holding was still pointing to Mew. He slowly put his finger on the trigger.

"Let's die on this place together then."

Gulf saw his action and in instinct, Gulf run and hugged Mew as the loud gunshot filled the air.

Gulf gasped feeling the searing pain on his back as he loosen his hold on Mew's shoulders.

Mew was stilled shocked but he managed to catch Gulf. He looked at his hands soak with blood as he hold Gulf's back.

Gulf covers him and catch the bullet for him.

"Baby, why?! Why did you do it!" Mew eyes turns teary.

He saw Agent Run shoot Art in the hand and the gun he used was thrown in a far.

Gulf's breathing become ragged.
He gasped air as he reach to touch Mew's cheek, Mew was craddling his head as he hovered on Gulf's pale face.

"Be-because.. I l-lovee y-you and.. Haah, I-i r-rather d-die f-first... B-before... - - you L-love..". His eyes was half close as Mew's face becomes blurred.

"No baby.. No! no! don't close your eyes please please.. I love you. I'm sorry.. Baby please!  Please hang on for me..." Mew cant control his emotions as he shouted Gulf's name. Gulf give him a small smile and then everything went black.

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