Destiny Calling

By flowerydimwit

1.5K 81 32

A Ghost aka Kate Williams, is the sixteen year old loner. But it was never that way, she used to have friends... More

Destiny Calling
EIGHT- *Belated Tanksgving Chap**
NINE~ T/D w/ G N G
TEN ~T/D w/ G N G {Part ll}
ELEVEN- I hate you all. {Happy Xmas Eve! :3}
EIGHTEEN: Ares and Hades POV
TWENTY SIX: Goddesses in Distress
Notice me!!
THIRTY FIVE: When it Begins
THIRTY SIX: Let's Do This
THIRTY SEVEN: Finally Ever After
Epilogue: Reincarnation
A Poem For the Fans
Thank You.


27 1 0
By flowerydimwit

Aphrodite lumbered over to me, her 'clean' as she states cup in her hand.

"Comee, on. Kate, Let's go dance," she slurred, her blonde hair becoming undone and her dress slipping loosely around her. Even mostly drunk out of her mind, her appearance seemed to still draw a whole fat load of  "male attention."

I snorted, but she was too tipsy to even notice. I offered a shake of my head, as I sipped my hot cocoa. Yep, you heard me, rebellious Kate was back, and before we came to this human explsion of wasted people, I forced Apollo to turn the car towards Starbucks. I got a hot cocoa and a snowman cookie to munch on.

"Hey, Kate?" I turn to Artemis, who was sat next to a unhappy Athena. I nodded my head yeah. "You okay?" I see her visibly squirming as a couple was practically rippping their faces off, close to her. She scooted, squishing against Athena, who looked flustered with all the lights, music and human perspiration.

I sipped my now luke warm hot chocalate, "I've been better."

More people crowded around our tables as if they were trying to be sober, stumbling everywhere like left feeted people. Through before anyone moved closer, a piercing scream iced the air, as I turned my head to the 2 goddesses.



3 Hours Earlier...

Aphrodite was bouncing like a madwoman as she pulled me and the other goddesses to a private room. Hestia waved amusingly as i was being dragged away from sanity, and i gave her a small glare, as she wasn't going to go because she'd rather take care of the home.

The door to the room slammed shut as Aphrodite clapped her hands together. Artemis scooted to me and Athena followed towards Artemis. Persephone on the other was almost as happy and excited as Aphrodite.

"Finally, we could take a break. Okay now back to business," Aphrodite placed on a mock serious face, which Persephone giggled at.

"What are you going to wear?" And with that her eyes zeroed on the three of us, the tomboy, and nerdy goddesses and the non-girly half breed.

I shrugged, as Athena and Artemis merely stared at me. Shocked faces.

"Oh, no no no. Kate, I'm going to make you beautiful, the others won't know what hit them," the goddess of beauty paced to the closet which i barely noticed and flung open the doors. "Now let's see..."

Athena gave me a sympatheitc smile and Artemis gave me a expression of calm but her face, I can see was so close to cracking. I face palmed, I just trapped myself in a one woman war. I was completely not going to win, at all.

"Aha!! I found it, I found it!" Aphrodite jumped up excitedly as she rushed to me, grabbed my arm and pushed me to the bathroom. "Go, go, try it on, and come out when your changed. Okay? Ok." She slammed the door in my face.

I sighed, rubbing my nose of which was the impacted thing she hit. Then i looked at what she pulled out.

A teal almost ocean blue sweater with a almost nude tank. White skiinny jeans that had almost a glitter surface, a knotted neckalace and gray-blue comfy sneakers. I grinned. Coverse to be exact, she knows me to well..

Begrudingly i slipped on the tops and pants and eagerly slipped on the new shoes. I took a chance with the mirrior and I saw the same brown haired girl i saw before. Shes changed, and i quickly looked away.

I quickly switched off my strange mood and faked a smile walking back into the room, like nothing was wrong.

Walking over to Aphrodite, I took a twirl and made a dramatic pose at the end. "How'd I look?"

Aphrodite gushed and clapped chripily. "Awesome, now lets get you a disguise. Meaning makeup!!"

I frown, "Disguise? For what??"

Aphrodite placed her hands to her hips, "So no one notices you. You've been gone for a couple of weeks now, and your family would be trying to look for you now. And we can't let them see, not yet at least."

I frowned deeper, "Why not?" The pang of homesickness sept me and I stared at Aphrodite defiantly. "Why can't i see them?"

She glanced at me, "Because they cant intervene! It''ll ruin your fate!" She cried in a almost strained way. "The Fates stiched your destiny if anyone whose not suppoed to be there comes in, your fate could be at stake. Cause then we wont know what'll happen to you, to us, or to your family."

I blinked, then looked down. "Oh." One word and the room was silenced, not until Persephone broke it with a 'Are we gonna do Kate's makeup?'

The tension broke but it was almost forced as everyone let a relieved laugh or a struggled grin. But all I know was that everyone wanted to forget the topic Aphrodite was about to begin, and for the rest of the night, we did.


"Tada! What do you think?"

Over the course of half an hour, I became a blond. Aphrodite was still a blond. Artemis became a brown haired, Athena became a redhead and Persephone had auburn hair. All their outfits were similar to mine, a sweater of some sort and jeans. Everyone had their make up done, obviously by Aphrodite herself.

My makeup was light but still looked natural enough, same as Athena and Artemis. On the other hand, Aphrodite had red red lips and really dramatic eyes, and Persephone had cat eyes with the little bend at the edges with frosted pink lips.

A knock sounded on the door and Apollo peeped his head in, "You girls ready?"

We all nodded, as he gave us a once over, and he grinned. "Alright, let's go."


Trust me when i say this, stuck in the car with a bunch of immortals is not, absolutely not, fun at all to the least.

Apollo who insisted being the driver was cranking up Baby by Justin Beber. (A/N I m sorry if you like him but i just, I cant deal with him and his face. No offense XD) I hate that guy with a passion. I can't even tell you.

"Baby, Baby oh..."

Geez, the guy's an idoit but i have to say he sings pretty well considering this was unlikely song that  actually could go on my good list. It still wasnt but Apollo sings it well, that's all.

"Would you please shut up, little brother?!" Artemis shouted to the front seat, smiling a little at his title.

Apollo scowled, "I am not little, and I will not." He was about to blow into song again before i inserted my comment.

"Please," I say. He turns away, and he stops singing letting the song roll into it's thankful end.

Artemis gives me a small grin, 'thanks' she mouths.

'Your welcome' I mouth back.

The car rolls to a stop and Apollo turns to the rest of us. "Let's go shifting!" he yells excitely before exiting the car and slipping into a deserted alley. I stared, wide eyed as Ares, Hades, Hermes, Posedion, and Hephaestus exits the car following right after Apollo.

A few minutes later they came back and they changed.

Hermes's usually brown curly hair was now black spikes with his usual brown eyes. He had the whole bad boy look on him. Next came Ares who was a dirty blond but was now a pure blond, not a single streak on brown or any other color for that matter. He looked like the golden boy, but really he wasn't.

Hephaestus came out next and he became a burnette, and Posedion became a emo guy, with slick back black hair with blue and turquoise streaks. Hades became a white blond the complete opposite of his original hair color.

While I gaped and stared at their new appearances, the goddesses looked unfazed. Like it was normal.

"What just happened?" I managed to sputter out.

Aphrodite sent a small sly wink my way, "Kate, that is what we call man shifting."

"Whattheheck?!? Why would you name it that?"

The goddesses giggled as a flash of "ohhh"" came over me. I face palmed, I get it now.

"Yep. Immortal powers has its clicks. Now, let's gooooo. I'm ready to partyyyy!"

(Man-shifting: a process of which immortals change form in the way of hair color, eye color or change of clothing.
Just to clarify any confusion)

Another five minutes later I was screaming in Apollo's ear, over and over again.

"Apooooolllloooo!!!!!!!!!! Pllllllleeeeaaasssseeeeeeee!!!! Can yooouuuu?" I pouted, blinking rapidly as Apollo kept shaking his head. Everyone else was staring amusingly as the scene played out.

"Plllleeaasse..." I give a puppy face and slipped in a few tears for effect. And gods, did it work! I got him to park outside of Starbucks, the greatest place on Earth.

I silently high fived myself as I got out of the car. I sent Apollo a victorious grin and despite the small annoyance in his eyes, he sent a small smile back.

Happily, I skipped all the way to the cashier, who was thankfully a she and not a perverted he. No offenses there.

"Hi," Cassidy, by the name tag chriped. "What can I get ya?"

"Hot chocolate, please."

"Tall?" I nodded.

"Anything else?"

"A snowman cookie. Please."

She nodded and passed a bag with the huge cookie inside. I beamed.

I paid with the little cash I managed to have in my old clothes and moved to the side. She moved to talk to the next customer, and chriped a hello to him.

Mindlessly I broke a piece from the sweet and cramped it into my mouth. "Hot chocalate," the bar person called. I smiled and grabbed the hot drink then walked out into the cool fall.

I silently walked back to the car which was the only one in the street strangely. Sliding in I was attacked by Ares and Artemis.

"Whatcha got there?" They spoke in unison.

"Uhhh," I say awkwardly, "A hot cocoa and a cookie." Both eyed the cookie, hungrily.

"Can I have some?" They asked. I slowly nodded and that's, ladies and gents, how my cookie died between a god and a goddess.

"Man that was good!" Ares complimented, licking his fingers. Artemis agreed, nodding her head.

"Hey buddy. Can we go back?"

Apollo silently flipped him off making the entire car laugh, through Artemis was mock scolding him. I on the other hand was laughing, shocked, Apollo is such a guy.

Ares pouted but smiled when Aphrodite patted his arm. Ares seriously lightened when Aphrodite was around. And I couldn't help but notice Hephaestus was kinda glaring at him.

Oh gods, crushes are devils.

About ten minutes later we arrived to the destination. And I was beyond shocked when we stood at the entrance of The Happie Den. The club.

A club of dancing, drinking and gods know what else. I opened stared at the door, one not wanting to go in but two wanting to see what was beyond the door. The door stood there and it was laughing at me! The nerve!

Athena and Artemis hooked their arms with mine, and bravely the three of us walked throught the doors. Me giving it an extra nudge as if to punch it's stupid laughing face. Gods, did that feel good.

The first reaction when entering the land of the wasted was of puking and hurling. Athena on the left looked as if she was going to cry and Artemis looked as if she was going push everyone away from the place.

The rest of the immortals came strolling in and only two stopped, frozen in mild disgust. Hephaestus was looking pale as he looked around at the secluded couples in corners, booths, and tables! My gods.

Hades was in a pale fury but quickly calmed himself to follow where Persephone was heading. No one stopped him, since Demeter was gone Persephone was surely to let a little loose tonight in both her mothers m.i.a. and the fact she wasn't there to scold her.

Ares and Aphrodite were on the dance floor, and Hermes was flirting with a bunch of ladies. Quietly the four of us found a table and was relieved to see that it was unoccupied by any mess or bodies.

The four of us sat there in silence before a blonde broke it. A teenager about my age or even a year older stumbled to our table, her clouded green eyes telling everyone she was drunk outta her mind.

"Hey," she tried to flirt at Hephaestus, who seemed unfazed and a bit of disgusted at the girl. "Wanna dance?" Hephaestus was about to say no when I intervened and grinned, "He would love too."

He scowled giving me a scary glare. I gave him a knowing look one that said I saw your expression in the car, now do your part to get her. Hephaestus ran his hand through his now chestnut hair and nodded reluctantly.

Once he was gone Artemis snorted. "Finally the guy has guts to go after what he wants." I stare at her.

"You knew?"

Both her and Athena nodded, Artemis with a grin and Athena with a sheepish smile.

"Huh," I say to myself. "What's up with them then? It's a love triangle, a messed up version at that."

Artemis quirked an eyebrow. "Didn't you read the myth?"

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Yea, i think i did. But i forgot it, its been a while."

Artemis nodded and Athena answered. "Well basically Zeus, Aphrodite's adopted dad forced Hephaestus and Aphrodite into a relationship so Aphrodite would'nt turn into one of those play girls. Hephaestus fell in love with her but Aphrodite fell for Ares, and he to her. So yeah, it's complicated."

Artemis nodded agreeing. Talking with them felt pretty comfortable since they were goddesses and all but some part of me told me that we were going to become great friends and ones that won't run away. 


Soon, it felt like a couple of hours into the club, and all three of us were getting pretty annoyned. Over the hours a whole new hoard of people came and mixed in with the old amount of people and it was overpacked. 

And then Aprodite came and that's where we were now. 

All three of us rushed to the sound of the scream and we hurried to where the bathroom hall was. Ares was fuming and he held a bold bloody fist while another guy or man smiled. He had Aphrodite  by the waist and was holding her pretty tight.

What the heck!

The man looked at the crowd that was surrounding and smiled like if all were welcome. As his eyes met mine, he grinned widely. I frowned, putting the Red Queen to shame.

Doctor Harold smiled back and waved encouragingly.


Heyyy peoples!

Hoped you enjoyed it! Firstly, I had no idea how a club works but i hope i didnt dissapoint. Also howd you like Doctor Harold at the end??

I reread and i think he's a serious butthead. No offense to anybody who grew to like him! XD

Enjoy and stay tuned, a bit of drama will be in the next update!! 



Thanks and <3 ya guys! Stay cool-io.


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